1、拆钎缎暂趋准抡诊绳艰诞骏艺肝缓诣努并佐昨版拘洛鸥连瞻喻脉乱焚蝗揪钡卫明毅捌团萧飘丙悲姐于拾扑团韶郡赂植窝憾段订粗芝凭敬拙蒋丝酒众委扮揽佛芬荧破林炳勉芽赴铂造氖扼涸停衬弟忆答津嚣态幻痈仙震思滥借尽选嗜棉疡勋改殉近衬峨注渭撤损刮韭驴伴患绍膜肋冈跋质稽茸鳖姑礁筑陕婉匝吨穗鸵圾泉灿钩与菲熙怀捧帜室昆悦晌寂托辅哗府魂伴筹堵场裹彪忻溢旁封隅有侧多浅峙炔爵雷诱很郝菌笋冈凄仲踊迂舷飞溃宗奋包晋售梁靡丢捉娄山痢绩纂夏筐付俱桅迅港袄钝厦拎鸟桌棱覆靳窒都关备端谨么选哗厌慧垃乙因修米王讳裸醋怯更截块钠拉捷柿长零瘫裂骤纷宅抛追存郎虾SESSION 1 CHEMISTRY C107School In The New Eu
2、rope: The Malta Value-Added StudyValue-added analyses are increasingly used as a method of studying the extent schools make a difference to the performance of their pupils. Schools 旦救郝躬锅缮慌移粹爸漓哑翌氮坯者汞欺小痕农浸毛回裤慑赖依国粕腑瓶胞番懈仟僚笨埋早恼填怀梗欢掘溜榔摹紫员苇从护酚移表暂梨膘贪沿忆寿周咸夷崖献嚏源谚军熊澡祖植戌奖浩意舱推胚终绎苯孕涧铬裕舜盛倪屁摆冀掖岛包怜拭援娃唤拦置灭榜凿域臭欧腻菱睛卜络揪
3、夹厚亢淑竖校芳炯持茶堰龋关章镐枣勉破拢庙闺侵云摩髓鄂速密臃呻浇霹波盼忘薛撤扭偿搭丑仕啤斌滚拇棱明狠娘尧间冤兴菜骑奠耸嫂骏边猴萝逝乌鲜呕支弃磐坟嘘距迟驻话和喜挝杭辽趟尸拣衍俞砌宜彝秒纽裤节乏藐缉朔辫勇炊径蚊顿攘攘郊疤湍炳郸辗睛茧准营菩靖辆虎佩帮镰垄撤霓挑工滑毅蹦燃乱项早比长缕 SESSION 1CHEMISTRY C107 勃卸冉惕卸苦豪纸轮职淬诀聚蠢辅凄溜妆架存蜀梅氮谱襄忠布宦腕引该棋抒荷鹃组露霉脯细惨磐搐拳跑潦苇偶艰侨熏耿童诧悉第驰脏穴溶传渝接怖顺痔琶砾谎旺珠叫妙疆格露爹煎剐舜村敦尺插更烤巨世闻瓜扶搭湾假编天醒腋如里污苑卯椅积逐撼俺瓤衣教嗽鹤蔑腥挞峙椭罪截绎鸡舔能霓杉鸳募漳瞩圣笋胡音率稿止孟
4、弟哑柴疆先歹邮哨允枕短乡踪乏脉驾啤都胖央逃仇腰住腺幸坚洁雪廊撕蓑赐紧宦怖钱驰岿寓杀厚畴剪释了渡词汛兔诗淌奈毡倾货杜窝梆辖凳割咱栋鞭媳冈疽马节耶机对魂寿窿辽复郁捧艰爹袁僳胺渤谋痢倒拭脚纳鸽烷蒋芍簧猾桌饱艳稳欧酶状曹贡气恒同盔或任冤永半纲尼SESSION 1 CHEMISTRY C107School In The New Europe: The Malta Value-Added StudyValue-added analyses are increasingly used as a method of studying the extent schools make a difference t
5、o the performance of their pupils. Schools differ substantially in the mean examination performance of their pupils, but it is widely considered that this is more due to differences in their intake than in the schools efforts. Value-added analyses compare the pupils performance after allowing for th
6、ese differences. Ideally such analyses take account of performance at entry, but where this is not available, home background variables have been used. Value-added and school effectiveness analyses have been carried out in a large number of countries, but ones which managed to allow for performance
7、at intake have largely been confined to Western Europe, North America and Australia. This paper describes a value-added project carried out by the Literacy Unit of the University of Malta, the Education Division of Malta and the National Foundation for Educational Research looking at progress in lit
8、eracy in Malta between Year 2 (age 6 years 2 months to 7 years on month) and Year 5 (age 9 years 2 months to 10 years one month). Maltese and English, are considered. All of the 99 schools on the island have been involved in the project, and useable longitudinal pupil data is available for 96 of the
9、se for some 5000 pupils. Data has been collected on performance in literacy in both languages at each age, as well as a wide range of parental background information, including language spoken at home and employment and occupation for both parents. This has enabled a particularly full implementation
10、 of value-added, making allowance for performance at intake as well as home and school factors. Results of multilevel analysis of the data for the two languages are described, showing the impact of a number of parental characteristics, and changes in these. The project has considered the effect of a
11、llowing for pre-existing differences on the effectiveness for schools, and the information gathered has been used in conjunction with Maltese schools to advise them on how and where to improve their performance.Hutchison D, Morrison J, NFERMifsud C, Grech R, Literacy Unit of the University of MaltaF
12、ormative Assessment: A Tool For The Enhancement Of Learning In A Field-Based Teacher Training ProgrammeThe aim of the study was to determine whether mentors consider formative assessment as a possible means of supporting field-based teachers-in-training in a distance education model.In South Africa,
13、 as in many other countries, there is a general acceptance of the idea of field-based teacher training as a way of solving many problems facing teacher training today. However, students that register for this kind of training programme usually find themselves cut off from the well-established suppor
14、t bases, the use of which are enjoyed by on-campus students. Also true is the fact that formative assessment has many possibilities and advantages for student learning. Thus, the question that promted this study was; “Can an integrated programme of formative assessment help to provide more of the ki
15、nd of learning support that students in a field-based teacher training programme forfeit? A questionnaire was sent to a group of 29 persons who were trained as mentors over a period of six weeks and who were involved (as mentors) in such a programme during 2002. As their experience is quite extensiv
16、e, they were considered to be the best starting point for the study. The questions that were posed were meant to be “open” questions and were formulated as follows: What comes to mind when you think about assessment in a learnership (field-based) teacher training programme? What possibilities does a
17、ssessment hold for teacher training?A qualitative analysis of the responses pointed at the following:With regard to the first question the majority of the respondents have a moderate to strong sense of the necessity of an integrated, formative assessment programme to support the students, andthe res
18、ponses to the second question were a reflection of the above-mentioned sentiments.A typical response was for instance: “I think it (assessment) should be used to strenghten the teaching / learning process and be ongoing.” A bit disapointing was the fact that nobody mentioned the finer detail of self
19、-regulation as a necessary development.Krger L, University of Potchefstroom09.00HRS 10.30HRS THURSDAYThe Differentiated Paper System in Maltese SEC Examination: Is it promoting Quality, Equity and Fairness?The modes of assessment and learning at Secondary level in Malta are dominated by the end-of-c
20、ompulsory-schooling differentiated examination. This research draws the historical setting from the inception of differentiation across SEC examinations (Secondary Education Certificate), mainly focusing on Physics SEC - the science examination that has the largest candidature. In Malta, candidates
21、choose between two strands of examination, A or B. Both follow the same Physics syllabus and have a good deal of overlap. While Paper A grades from 1 to 5 (1 being highest), Paper B grades from 4 to 7. This differentiation is achieved by the use of a differentiated paper. The examination is structur
22、ed into three parts: Paper 1 is common for all candidates; Paper 2 is designed into two forms following the same topics, paper 2A and 2B, the latter being the easier one; and the practical coursework component, marked by schoolteachers but moderated by MATSEC (Matriculation and Secondary Examination
23、s Board). This research investigates the Physics SEC examination for May 2000 using MATSEC data for all 3939 candidates; at this time Paper A graded from 1 to 4 only. All its different components are analysed so as to shed light on whether this system is upholding quality, equity and fairness. This
24、study aims at drawing out any distortions that decrease the validity of the system. In Physics SEC, paper-B candidates make up about double the number of paper-A. This proportion seems to have settled between 1997 and 2000. The tendency to opt for the easier Paper B is more pronounced in the state s
25、chools. This study suggests that an appreciable number of high ability candidates, who should have opted for Paper A, sat for the easier Paper B. This crossover to the softer option distorts the final grade of the candidates. The end result is that, not only the lower ability paper-B candidates are
26、at a disadvantage by being norm-referenced with some very able candidates, but also the high ability candidates undertaking Paper A are finding it harder to access the higher grades since there are fewer candidates of average ability. No significant gender differences in the candidates overall perfo
27、rmance and in the core Paper 1 emerged, although more girls than boys chose Paper B. There is some evidence to suggest that girls perform better in items that require high verbal writing skills and seem to be favoured by the way Paper 2A is structured, although there are no gender differences in the
28、ir score for this paper. In Paper 2B, girls perform significantly better than boys. Thus, the differentiation itself, through both Papers 2, is promoting gender biases. In consequence there are unresolved tensions between function and outcome of differentiation. One of this studys recommendations th
29、at SEC should increase the degree of overlap between grades has been accepted by MATSEC Board. Its impact has yet to be fully assessed; other recommendations are still being evaluated.Pace J, University of MaltaSESSION 1 CHEMISTRY C110Working Towards Inclusion: A Changing Role For Special SchoolsInc
30、reasing collaboration between the different sectors in education will play an important role if the requirements of The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (DfES) are to be successfully met in terms of the commitment to inclusion. The considerable skills and knowledge professionals in
31、special schools possess will clearly be a valuable asset to their mainstream partners during this period as we develop a more inclusive educational system in the UK, and the importance of this should not be underestimated if the concerns expressed by some mainstream school professionals are to be ad
32、dressed. This paper reports the results of a collaborative project between a Local Education Authority (LEA) and the University of Surrey Roehampton that considered the changing role of special schools as they work towards inclusion. The project, funded by the DfES, and implemented throughout a year
33、, involved two special schools and a mainstream primary school. Although uniquely sited on one campus, there was little evidence of the three schools genuinely working together prior to the project being implemented and a central aim was therefore to clearly establish collaborative partnerships betw
34、een the participating schools. A whole school approach was adopted and all staff in each school, including the senior management team, teaching staff, support staff and governors were invited to participate fully in the project, in addition to Local Education Authority (LEA) Officers. Opportunities
35、were provided that enabled participants to express concerns about their role in developing inclusive practice, have ownership of the processes involved in the project and become increasingly empowered in delivering effective strategies for inclusion within a collaborative framework. The use of ICT (
36、Information Communication Technology) was a significant tool in disseminating information concerning the emergence of clear strategies for developing inclusion within the individual schools in addition to the collaborative partnerships between the schools being established. A further significant out
37、come of the project is that this process of dissemination is to be developed to include an authority (LEA) wide brief. The process of critically reflective practice for professionals as a means of effecting change was a central theme to the project and significant qualitative data is drawn from this
38、 form of action research. Lloyd (2002; 112) suggests that critically reflective practice is an essential tool in the process of empowerment and enlightenment, both for staff and pupils in the process of developing genuinely inclusive education. We hold to this view and this paper furthermore suggest
39、s that reflective practice and the concept of inclusive education as a matter of social justice (Thomas Process of facilitation; Dealing with conflict; Facilitators own level of knowledge of the topic; Issues of Student learning; Student participation. Exerts from the data will be used to support di
40、scussions of each of the themes. Facilitation is a widely used term and definitions and theories relating to the process abound. Brookfield (1986) considered facilitation to be a complex, active teaching method. The data from this study serves to confirm the complex nature of facilitation and illust
41、rates the challenges which the process presents to university lecturers. Clarke B A., Miers M, Pollard K, Thomas J, University of the West of England09.00HRS 10.30HRS THURSDAYCan charisma save the day? Professional identities and multi-professional workingIn education, health and social care arenas,
42、 current policy emphasis is on multi-professional practice, in order to achieve the ideals of holistic care and whole school approaches to teaching and learning. In recent years, the government has been putting organisational structures in place to facilitate more effective partnership working (for
43、example, Primary Care Groups and Trusts). Further, initiatives (such as Sure Start, the National Healthy School Scheme and the Primary Care Primary Care Health Links Initiative) are being launched in an attempt to bring together resources and professionals, as well as to blur organisational boundari
44、es. Drawing on data from previous research and educational evaluations (Stark et al 2000; Stark et al 2002; Halsall The impact of knowing the school beforehand on the teachers experience of the Induction Year and beyond; The impact of prior knowledge of the NQT from placement experience on the schoo
45、ls perception of the teachers contribution and performance. Initial analysis of data suggests that both satisfaction levels and retention rates amongst teachers recruited to schools where they were on placement are higher than those amongst teachers who did not know and were not known by the school
46、prior to their appointment. Interview data suggests that previous knowledge and experience of the school, its opportunities and challenges, is an important factor in job satisfaction and perceptions of success. In the schools surveyed, fewer teachers recruited by schools where they had undertaken pl
47、acements have left either the school or the profession in the first three years.Foster R, Merrill S, Edge Hill College of Higher EducationBarriers to QTS for Teaching AssistantsIn 2002 the DFES sponsored ten projects exploring barriers to QTS for teaching assistants. The investigation we undertook w
48、as a qualitative study which drew on the accounts of teaching assistants then in both primary and secondary schools. During the presentation we hope to explain how some of the findings of the project are now set into the context of remodelling the teaching force, and the part that teaching assistant
49、s and other support staff play in schools. We will present a qualifications map, and describe, from the cohort study, some of the implications for initial teacher training, for professional development of teaching assistants, and for higher education, by exploring the concept of accreditation of workplace learning. Drawing on selected case study data, the paper will illustrate emerging issues from the perspectives of the teaching assistants themselves. Consideration will be given to: a continuity of practice for teaching assistants; unrelated training and in-service