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    1、经常做运动会提高人的自信:经常参加体育活动能够提高人们的自信心,这不但对年轻人而且对老人很重要1. Regular sports training can boost ones confidence.2. Regular sports training can boost ones confidence, which is vital not only for the young but also the elderly.Participating in sports frequently can boost ones confidence, which is important not on

    2、ly for the young but also the elderly.二,依赖计算器会影响人的心算能力(mental arithmetic)过度依赖计算器可能会对人们的心算能力有负面影响,对孩子的智力发展有威胁3. Dependence on calculators heavily has adverse impacts on mental arithmetic4. The excessive dependence on calculators has adverse impacts on mental arithmetic of children and poses a threat

    3、to their intellectual development 三,很多女孩都不愿意在男人居多的行业里(male-dominated world)找工作。很多女孩不愿意在男人为大多数的行业找工作,因为她们会面临在高职位升迁中的阻碍A great number of girls are not likely to seek employment in a male-dominated world.Numerous girls are unwilling to seek employment in a male-dominated world because they have to face

    4、 the barriers to top-level promotion.四。 ,环境问题已经成为公众关心的焦点。环境问题比如温室气体的发放已经成为公共关注的焦点,因此一些规则应该被实施来处理这些问题。Environmental problems have become the focus of public concern.The environmental problem, such as greenhouse gas emission, has become the focus of public concern. Therefore, some regulations should b

    5、e enforced to tackle these problems.五,家长和老师应该努力去减少小孩看电视的时间家长和老师应该努力去减少孩子看电视的时间,这样会保护孩子的视力,鼓励他们做户外运动Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit childrens screen time.Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit childrens screen time, thereby preserving childrens eyesight and encouragin

    6、g them to do more outdoor exercises.Thereby +doingTherefore +句子六艺术不属于学校的主科虽然艺术不属于学校的主要课程,但是它们在课程大纲里值得拥有一席之地,因为这些科目能够给生活添色彩The arts are not among core subjects area at schoolThe arts are not among core subject areas at school but deserve a seat in curriculum, for these subjects add spice to life.七,农村

    7、的失业问题在某种程度上可以通过城乡转移 (rural-to-urban shift)解决。:农村失业问题的主要原因是缺少基础建设和政府资助,这个问题在某种程度可以通过城乡转移解决。The unemployment in rural areas could be tackled partly by rural to urban shift.The main reason of unemployment in rural areas attributes to shortage of infrastructure and government funding, which could be add

    8、ressed by rural-to-urban shift.变体The lack of infrastructure and government funding is the main reason of unemployment in rural areas, which could be addressed by rural-to-urban shift.翻译 8 经济的下滑(economic slowdown)导致失业率的上升:经济下滑已经导致失业率上升,因为雇主打算裁员而且拒绝雇用新员工。The economic slowdown led to climbing unemploym

    9、ent rate.The economic slowdown led to climbing unemployment rate because employers intend to cut overheads and refuse to recruit new employees.Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate, as people balk at starting up Comment d1: Adequate替换 enoughComment d2: Fitness替换 healthnew busines

    10、ses and a number of giant companies downsize their workforce.翻译 9因为不够明朗的经济前景(economic outlook) ,很多公司不可能招聘新的职员。因为经济前景的不确定,很多公司不可能招聘新人,因此大量的毕业生找不到工作。Because of uncertainty of economic outlook, many companies are unlikely to recruit new employees.Because of uncertainty of economic outlook, many compani

    11、es are unlikely to recruit new employees, therefore great many undergraduates hardly /fail to seek employment.翻译 10 高层建筑有时候被认为是城市的 eyesoreHigh-rise buildings are sometimes regarded as eyesores of the city.翻译 11:经济的发展需要年轻的劳动者中文翻译:一个国家的经济发展依靠一定量的年轻劳动力,但是问题是老龄化的社会对劳动力有负面影响。The economic development reli

    12、es on the supply of young labors.The economic development relies on the supply of young labors but the problem is aging society has adverse impacts on labor force.翻译12:工作很多的人没有时间去休息,去充电(recharge batteries) 中文翻译:工作很多的人没有足够的时间去休息和充电,这样对他们的健康有害。The ones who are busy working have little time to rest or

    13、recharge batteries.The ones who are busy working have little time to reset or recharge batteries, which is harmful to health.People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest and recharge batteries, which can be harmful to their fitness.翻译 13 : 送贵重的礼物(lavish gifts)是中国的习惯中文翻译:送贵重礼物是一种中国传

    14、统,当收到或者送便宜礼物的时候许多人觉得没面子。It is customary to exchange lavish gifts in China.It is customary to exchange lavish gifts in China when people receive or give inexpensive gifts, people feel lost face.Exchanging lavish gifts is a tradition in China and many people feel they lose face when giving or receivin

    15、g inexpensive gifts.14. 在中国,很多学生晚上都要自习中文翻译:在中国,许多学生都要在晚上自学,所以课外活动不得不给学习让路Many students have to do self-study at night in China.A large number of students have to do self-study at night in China, so extra-curricular subjects have to give way to study.翻译 15 : 空运产生很多的温室气体空运可能比其他运输方式产生更多的温室气体。Air freigh

    16、t is likely to create great deal of greenhouse gas.Air freight is likely to create more greenhouse gas than other methods of transport.翻译 16 : 未来几十年我们很难保护植物多样性中文翻译:除非当地政府减少城市扩张对植物的影响,否则在未来几十年里我们会发现保护物种多样性很困难。In the coming decades, we find it difficult to protect bio-diversity.In the coming decades,

    17、we find it difficult to preserve bio-diversity unless local authorities limit adverse impacts on vegetation caused by city expansion.翻译 17: heritage sites 因为城市发展而受到威胁中文翻译:城市的发展已经威胁到历史遗迹,但是政府还没有办法是否去保护还是毁坏这些建筑。The city development poses a threat to heritage sitesThe development of city poses a threat

    18、 to heritage sites, but the government has no idea to protect or demolish these constructions.翻译 18 孩子很有可能有行为的问题中文翻译:在家遭受虐待或者忽视的孩子可能会有行为问题。Children are likely to have behavioral problems.Children who are exposed to abuse or neglect are likely to have behavioral problems翻译 19 人口的扩大是大量垃圾产生的原因中文翻译:人口的扩

    19、大是大量垃圾产生的原因,这些垃圾需要几十年才能降解。Comment d3: Maintain the contactComment d4: maintainComment d5: Because they are occupied by with work and other commitments.Comment d6: stiff stf adj. 呆板的;坚硬的;严厉的;拘谨的;拘谨的adv. 僵硬地;彻底地Comment d7: Is an effective method Comment d8: commit kmt vt. 犯罪,做错事;把.交托给;指派 作战;使承担义务Comme

    20、nt d9: breaking even无亏损的经营The population expansion is regarded as the main reason of the huge accumulation of waste. The population expansion is regarded as the main reason of the huge accumulation of waste which takes decades to degrade.翻译 20我们不能够忽视面对面的交流中文翻译:网络能够丰富我们的生活,但是我们不应该忽视面对面的交流因为它对社会关系有直接影

    21、响。We can not ignore the face-to-face communication.Internet can enrich our life, but we should not ignore the face-to-face communication because it has a direct impact on social relationships.翻译 21 随着年龄增长,很难和朋友和家人保持联系中文翻译:随着年龄的增加,人们发现保持与亲人和朋友的联系变得困难,因为他们被工作和其他任务占据。With age, it is difficult to keep f

    22、requent contact with family and friends.People find it difficult to keep frequent contact with family and friends with age because of the heavy work-load and other commitments.翻译 22 严格的惩罚是减少犯罪率的有效手段中文翻译:严厉的处罚是减少犯罪的有效方法,因为犯罪者害怕被抓而不太可能犯罪。Serious punishment is a effective way to reduce crime.Serious pu

    23、nishment is a effective way to reduce crime because offenders are scared of being caught, so they are unlikely to do crime.It is suggested that stiff punishment is an effective method to reduce crime, as offenders are fearful of getting caught and less likely to commit crime.翻译 24 有些公共服务很难收支平衡中文翻译:一

    24、些公共服务很难收支平衡,需要政府资金。Some public services have problems in breaking even.Some public services have problems in breaking even and need government funds.Comment d10: state stet n. 国家;州;情形dire da adj. 可怕的;悲惨的;极端的在一个可怕的情形Comment d11: 使深刻的变化Comment d12: 表述更生动Comment d13: Soaring=climbingComment d14: well-o

    25、ff welf, -:f adj. 富裕的;顺利的,走运的;繁荣昌盛的Comment d15: tertiary t()rtertiary education高等教育,大学教育Comment d16: people who agree withComment d17: context 环境;上下文;来龙去脉Comment d18: 少年违法犯罪Comment d19: nurture nt n. 养育;教养;营养物vt. 养育;鼓励;培植Comment d20: varieties n. 品种;种类(variety 的复数);变种翻译 25我们的环境还是很糟糕中文翻译:除非我们的现代生活方式有

    26、深远改变,否则我们的环境还是会很糟。Our environment is still in a dire state.Our environment is still in a dire state unless modern life style could be changed deeply.Unless we make profound changes in modern lifestyles, our environment will remain in a dire state.翻译 26 因为失业率高升,大学生感到有压力去努力学习Undergraduates study harde

    27、r under stress because of climbing unemployment rate.Undergraduates feel under increasing pressure to study hard, because of the soaring unemployment rate.翻译 27 免费上大学使得家景不好的学生有同等的上学机会中文翻译:同意免费大学教育的人们认为该措施会使那些家境不好的学生有同等上大学的机会。Free university education makes it possible for students from less well-off

    28、 backgrounds to have equal access to tertiary education.The people supporting free university education policy think that this practice makes it possible for the students from less well-off backgrounds to have equal access to tertiary education.翻译 28 我们需要考虑社会和经济的环境中文翻译:当分析青少年犯罪的根本原因的时候,我们应该考虑社会和经济环境

    29、。We need to consider the social and economic environment.When we try to analysis the basic reason of young crime, we have to consider the social and economic context.When analyzing the root causes of juvenile delinquency, we have to consider the social and economic context.翻译 29 基因工程让人们能培养新品种农作物中文翻译

    30、:基因工程使人们能培育出抗旱的农作物品种,因此可以提高土地利用率。Genetic engineering allows people to nurture crop varieties.Comment d21: 抵抗Comment d22: 干旱;缺乏Comment d23: 土地生产率Comment d24: intensive ntensv adj. 加强的;集中的;透彻的精耕法;农经 集约农业;密集农作Comment d25: 农业可持续发展Comment d26: flora flr n. 植物区系;植物群vegetation vedte()n n. 植被;植物,草木;呆板单调的生活C

    31、omment d27: It is acknowledged that 大家公认There is a widely held notion that有一个普遍的概念Comment d28: compromise n. 妥协,和解;折衷vt. 妥协;危害vi. 妥协;让步Genetic engineering allows people to nurture crop varieties that are resistant to drought,thereby improving land productivity.翻译 30 密度种植对生物多样性造成了威胁中文翻译:密集种植对天然植物有严重的

    32、负面影响,这可能对农业的可持续发展有威胁。Intensive farming can pose a threat to bio-diversity.Intensive farming has adverse impacts on natural vegetations, which is likely to pose a threat to sustainable development of agricultureIntensive farming has a seriously negative impact on natural flora, and this may pose a th

    33、reat to sustainable development of agriculture翻译 31 没有受过高等教育的年轻人只能找到低技术的工作中文翻译:一个取得广泛共识的概念是没有大学文凭的年轻人通常只能找低技术含量的工作,这也危害到他们的生活质量。The young just seek the jobs with low skill requirement.Young people without tertiary education qualifications normally end up working in low-skilled jobs.It is acknowledge

    34、d that young people without university education qualifications normally end up working in low-skilled jobs and this poses a threat to their life quality.There is a widely held notion *that young people without tertiary education qualifications normally end up working in low-skilled jobs and this ca

    35、n compromise the quality of life.Comment d29: recognize vt. 认出,识别;承认vi. 确认,承认;具结realize vt. 实现;认识到;了解Comment d30: importance n. 价值;重要;重大;傲慢Comment d31: significance n. 意义;重要性;意思Comment d32: 表达地道Comment d33: mould n. 模具;霉vt. 浇铸;用泥土覆盖翻译 32 体育课可以促进身体健康,增强信心中文翻译:我们应该认识到体育课的重要性,因为它可以促进学生的身心健康,增强他们的自信心。P.

    36、E. classes not only improve the physical health but also boost confidence.We should realize the importance of P.E. classes thereby improving students physical health and boosting their confidence.翻译 33历史文物因为它的历史重要性而被保存Historical relics should be preserved for their historical importance.Historical r

    37、elics should be preserved for their historical significance.翻译 34 学校活动的设置要能让孩子体会到成就感和提升他们的幸福Sports and other school activities can be designed to give children a sense of accomplishment and to promote their well-being.翻译 35 一些员工 被鼓励着去打破陈规中文翻译:现在公司喜欢能够打破常规的员工Some employees are encouraged to break the

    38、 mould.Nowadays, companies prefer those employees who can break the mould.翻译 36 平等的教育能帮助解决学生学习成绩不好中文翻译:当地政府应该保证平等教育,这样能够帮助落后学生去解决学习的落后。Equal education contribute to tackle Equal access to education can help tackle educational underachievement.Local authorities should ensure the equal access to educa

    39、tion, which can help to tackle educational underachievement, a problem found among disadvantaged children翻译 37种族歧视仍然很严重中文翻译:虽然政府促进平等,但是种族歧视仍然是一个严重问题。Racial stereotyping and discrimination remains a serious problem.Racial stereotyping and discrimination remains a serious problem, although governments

    40、 promote equality.翻译 38 接触不同的文化可以促进本民族的创新中文翻译:接触不同的文化能够促进创新,这是企业或者国家的财富。Contacting with a wide variety of cultures can promote the creativity of native culture.It is wealth of enterprises or countries that contacting with a wide variety of cultures can promote the creativity of native culture.Commen

    41、t d34: exposure to曝光;受到;Comment d35: asset set n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物Comment d36: 通勤时间Comment d37: V. 延长Comment d38: 交通拥堵Comment d39: endeavor to尽力Comment d40: be applied in被应用在 Comment d41: transferable skills可迁移技能Exposure to different cultures can encourage creativity, which is an asset fo

    42、r enterprises or countries.翻译 39 一些人不支持转基因食品中文翻译:一些人反对转基因食品,因为他们认为这种食品的弊大于利。Some people disapprove of genetically modified foodSome people disapprove of genetically modified food, as they believe that this type of food does more harm than good翻译 40 上下班的时间变得更长了中文翻译:因为堵车上下班时间变得更长。Commuting time has be

    43、en prolonged because of traffic congestion.翻译 41 旅游景点竭力/满足游客的需要和品味Tourist spots endeavor to /cater for tourists tastes and needs.翻译 42 电脑技能可以运用到学习工作中中文翻译:学生们可以获得电脑技术,这些技术可以应用在他们的学习和工作中。Computer skills could be used in study and work.Computer skills can be applied in their studies as well as their wo

    44、rking lives.Students can obtain computer skills which can be used in their study and work in the future.Students can acquire computer skills which can be applied in their studies as well as their working lives.翻译 43 社区服务为罪犯提供了获得职业技能的机会中文翻译:社区服务为犯人提供获得实用技能的机会,给他们好的起点当他们被释放后。Community service provides

    45、 offenders with opportunities to acquire transferable skills.Community service provides offenders with opportunities to acquire transferable skills and gives them a flying start when they are released.翻译 44 政府应该重视社会福利,尤其是医疗服务。中文翻译:当谈论到公共资金的分配时,一些人认为政府重视社会福利,尤其是医疗服务,这会帮助阻止弱势群体无助地死去。Government should

    46、pay more attention to social well-fair, especially medical service.The government should give priority to social welfare, especially the healthcare.When we talk about the arrangement of public funds, some people believe that the government should give priority to social welfare, especially the healt

    47、hcare which would Comment d42: 分配Comment d43: Advancement用于替换 developmentComment d44: 维持一个健康的精神状态Comment d45: perception psep()n n. 知觉 感知 感觉Comment d46: transcend trnsend; trn- vt. 胜过,超越Comment d47: stifle staf()lvt. 扼杀;使窒息;藏匿vi. 窒息;被扼杀Comment d48: creation n. 创造,创作creativity n. 创造力;创造性When it comes

    48、 to distribution of public funds, some people suggest that the government should give priority to social welfare, especially the healthcare, which helps to stop the disadvantaged population dying needlessly.翻译 45 在竞争激烈的社会,有工作的人关心职业发展。中文翻译:在竞争激烈的社会中,有工作的人关心职业发展,很难实现工作和生活的平衡。The ones with jobs care ab

    49、out the career development in a competitive society.In a highly competitive society, working adults usually focus on career advancement.The ones with jobs care about the career development in a competitive society and find it difficult to balance the work and life in reality.In a highly competitive society, working adults usually focus on career advancement, and have difficulty in.翻译 46 经常运动使得人们保持健康的心态中文翻译:经常

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