1、The lecture concentrated on proving the issue that marsupials actually less advanced than animals without pouches.But the listening claims that there are o lot of mistakes confusing us in the lecture,which challenge the statement given by lecture is specious.Firstly, its true that marsupials have sh
2、orter gestation than other animals,which proves that marsupials do not need long time to pregnant. So, its easy for them to have more offspring than other animals and their babies will be strong as their mothers.Actually, the offspring of marsupials are small than the offspring of non-marsupials.But
3、 the marsupials can take care of two babies at different ages simultaneously. Babies always taken in the pouches all the time,which which decrease the risk from the environment. Lastly,the found that marsupials as the dominate class of animals is in Australia,which is due to a lack of competition,is
4、 false.There are evidences proving that the marsupials and non-marsupial were co-exist in long time ago.Because the change of climate or pollutant environment ,many non-marsupials were eliminated.The marsupials used other ways to survive by now,which proves that they are very adapt to the environment and they can compete with the non-marsupials.