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类型PMP_05 Scope Management.doc

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  • 上传时间:2019-04-18
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    关 键  词:
    PMP_05 Scope Management.doc

    1、15. Scope ManagementScope Management- the process of defining what work is required- make sure all of that work and ONLY that work is done (O.W. Gold Plating)- generally an easy topicProduct Scope vs Project ScopeProduct Scope: measure against product requirementProject Scope: measure against projec

    2、t planScope Management Plan- how scope will be planned, executed and controlled- it is created in Integration Management as a Subsidiary Plan of PM PlanCollect Requirement- Requirement: what stakeholder need from project/product- work should not be included just because someone want it- the high lev

    3、el requirement should already been defined in Project Charter, collect requirement involve gathering more specific I/P from all stakeholderGroup Creativity Technique- Brainstorming- Norminal Group Technique- Delphi Technique- Idea/Mind MapRequirement Documentation- Balancing stakeholder requirement-

    4、 prioritize requirementDefine Scope- develop a detailed description of the projectProject Scope Statement- define project boundary- describe project deliverable and work required to create those deliverable- clearly define the project success criteriaManagement by Objective (MBO)- a management philo

    5、sophy that says that organization should be managed by objective- MBO work best when it is supported by top managementCreate Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)- subdivide project deliverable into smaller, manageable component (work package)- Noted that NOT activity level is a component of PM PlanVerify

    6、Scope- the process of frequent planned in meeting with customer to gain formal acceptance of deliverable- verify scope is related to QC, diff. is that QC concern with correctness of deliverable, verify scope concern with acceptance of deliverable- QC usually done first, but can be in parallelControl

    7、 Scope- measure scope performance and controlling change- ensure all change request, corrective action process through ICC- uncontrolled change = project scope creepGold - Plating- spending extra and unnecessary effort to make product perfect- it should be prevented3ITTOCollect RequirementDefine Sco

    8、pe (APEF)Create WBSVerify ScopeControl Scope1. Project Charter2. StakeholderRegister1. Interview2. Focus Group3. Facilitated Workshop4. Group Creativity Technique 5. Group Decision Making Technique6. Questionnaire & Survey7. Observation8. Prototype1. Req. Doc2. Req. Mgt Plan3. Req. Traceability Matr

    9、ix1. Project Charter2. Req. Doc1. Alternative Identification2. Product Analysis3. Expert Judgment4. Facilitated Workshop1. Project Scope Statement2. Project Doc. Update1. Project Scope Statement2. Req. Doc Decomposition1. WBS2. WBS Dictionary 3. Scope Baseline4. Project Doc. Update1. PM Plan2. Req.

    10、Doc3. Req. Traceability Matrix4. Validated DeliverableInspection1. Accepted Deliverable2. Change Request3. Project Doc. Update1. PM Plan2. Req. Doc3. Work Performance Info.4. Req. Traceability MatrixVariance Analysis1. Work Performance Measurement2. OPA Update3. Change Request4. PM Plan Update5. Project Doc. Update5.1 Collect Requirement5.2 Define Scope5.3 Create WBS5.4 Verify Scope5.5 Control Scope

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