1、汉语翻译第 15 讲增补与省略 异化翻译策略一、考试解题指导:Choose better or the best version in each group1.学生违反校规规都要受到老师的批评。A. A student who violates any school rules will be criticized by the teacher.B. A student for his violation of any school rules will be criticized by the teacher.C. Violations of any school rules by a st
2、udent will be criticized by the teacher.2.我们的英语学习取得了一个又一个进步。A. We have made advances one after another for our English studiesB. Our English studies have made advances one after another3. 那手里拿着一本书的中年女老师正等着学生讨论问题。A.The aged woman with a book in her hand is waiting for the students to discuss a proble
3、m.B. The middle-aged is waiting for the students to discuss a problem., holding a book in her hand.C. The middle-aged woman teacher holding a book in her hand is waiting for the students with whom she will discuss a problem.4.请全体学生,于明天在会议室 开会。A. All students are required to the meeting in the meetin
4、g-room tomorrow.B. Please All students to attend the meeting in the meeting-room tomorrow.C. All students are requested to have the meeting in the meeting-room tomorrow 5. 上述论述充分说明,学生在学习中起着越来越重要的作用。A. Statements above mentioned fully show that students have played more and more important role in the
5、ir studies.B. Statements listed above clearly indicate the increasing important role played by the students in their studies. 6. 我希望一年四季都是春天。I wish it is spring all the year round.I wish it were spring all the year round.二、翻译术语说明conversion: vprep./n.)(omission)(into a simple sentence with inanimate
6、subj(n. adverb) (into a passive sentence)( translated as subject(amplification)( the choice of predicate )(literal translation)( combination)(into a passive sentence)我们往往从一个人所交往的朋友以及所阅读的书去看他的为人,因为人与人之间有友谊,同样的,人与书也就有书谊。三、combination1. A man may usually be known by the book he read as well as by the c
7、ompany he keeps, for there is a companionship of books as well as of men.2. We may usually judge a man by the books that he read as well as by the friends that he has since there is a friendship between books and men as well as a friendship between men and men3. We may usually judge a mans virtue by
8、 the books that he read as well as by the friends that he has, for a friendship exists between books and men as well as between men and men.一、 增补法(Amplification)根据译文的语法结构,表达习惯和语义连贯的需要增加一些原文中虽无其词却有其意的一些词句从而更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容。比较以下译文:1.挖掘含义感冒可以通过人的手进行传染。(学生译文)Flue will be spread by hand.(参考译文)Flue can be
9、spread by hand contacts.我在花园里种满了芬芳的玫瑰花,远远望去,像是一片燃烧的晚霞。(学生译文):I have grown many fragrant roses in my garden, looked from a distance, it seemed that there was a sunset glow burning flamingly.(参考译文):All over my garden Ive planted nothing but roses, fragrant and -if looked from afar-ablaze with color li
10、ke sunset clouds.2.修补语法结构我知道她平素最喜欢些花花草草,临别时我说,采一束玫瑰点缀你的闺房吧。(学生译文) I knew that she likes flowers and plants. When we said goodbye to each other, I told her to pick a bunch of roses to decorate her boudoir.(参考译文)I know her to be a lover of flowers and plants, and for the reason I told her at her depar
11、ture that she should pick a bunch of roses to decorate her boudoir.3.Addingthe social bachground(增补社会背景)江南的紫砂壶玲珑剔透,泥人张的彩塑令人拍案叫绝; (学生译文)Both the exquisitely carved pottery teapots made in South China and The shocking beautiful sculptures made by NiRen Zhang;(参考译文)Both the exquisiteness of the boccaro
12、 teapots made in south China, and the shockingly beautiful sculptures by sculptor Zhang of Tianjin4. Adding the words indicationg the tense(增加表达时态的词) 我在花园里种满了芬芳的玫瑰花 (学生译文)I planted fragrant roses all over my garden.(参考译文) Ive planted fragrant roses all over my garden.5. Semantic Amplification1对毕业生可采
13、取“双向选择 ”的制度。The two-way choice system can be adopted for college graduates, which means that graduates could choose employers and employers could choose graduates. 2深入开展“严打”斗争和专项治理。We cracked down on all criminal activities and launched special campaigns to fight the crime and social evils that the
14、people detest most. 二. 省略法 (omission)1.减去意思重复的词语1) 他喜欢英语,可我不喜欢英语。He likes English, but I dont (like it).2) 他一开口总是三句话不离他女朋友。He can hardly open his mouth without talking about his girlfriend.2.省略冗余用词1) 按照格林先生的说法,这个问题很微妙。 According to Mr. Green, this is a very delicate problem.2) 我对他讲的话,虽然逆耳,但是忠言。I tal
15、ked to him with brutal frankness.3) 你愿意别人如何待你,你就如何待人。Do as you would be done by.3省略表语气的词或虚词1) 她就是这种脾气。That is her temper!2) III增补与省略翻译练习1送君千里,终须一别。2一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。3春节假期,火车票十分紧俏,人们提前十天预定火车票。4前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。5让一部分人先富起来。1. Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles, yet must the parting come at la
16、st. 2. A fence needs the support of three stakes, an able fellow needs the help of three other people. 3. During the Spring Festival holiday, train tickets are always in short supply, so people have to rush their ticket booking ten days in advance. 4. While the prospects are bright, the road has twi
17、sts and turns. 5. Let a minority (of people)get better off earlier than others.1. 时间一分钟一分钟过去,前面那团红雾更红更亮了。As time goes by minute, the rosy halos ahead grow redder and brighter.2.听到这个消息,他一肚皮的酒几乎全化成了醋酸。At this news the wine in his stomach turned to sour vinegar in his jealousy.3.但是,我却看到了一次最雄伟、最瑰丽的日出景象。
18、I have, however, seen a superbly majestic and beautiful sunrise.4.姑娘有点不好意思了,脸上泛着红潮。The girl blushed shyly.5.匪军所至,杀害人民,奸淫妇女,烧毁村庄,掠夺财务,无所不用其极。Wherever the bandit troops went, they massacred and raped, burned and looted, and stopped at nothing.6.教师给孩子们上的课,节奏要快,内容要有趣,因为这些孩子们是在看电视和玩电脑游戏的环境中长大的。Teachers h
19、ave to make lessons fast-moving and entertaining, for children are raised on television and computer games.7.我们要逐步顺利解决沿海同内地贫富差距问题。We will gradually bridge the gap between coastal and inland areas.8. 美国是发起对外反倾销案最多的国家,其次是加拿大,印度和欧盟。而中国则是反倾销案最主要的打击目标之一。The United States ranks first in taking anti-dumpin
20、g cases against other countries, and is followed by Canada, India and the European Union. China is one of the main target countries of anti-dumping actions.9.活到老,学到老。One is never too old to learn.10.在美国做生意,尤其是一开始,中方不可避免地会有些损失。Inevitably China will suffer some losses and reversals when doing business
21、 in the U.S., especially in the initial stages.请同学们首先自己做121 页的翻译练习,然后参考 229-230 页的答案。异化 p117-120老师与同学们一起阅读教材。老师提出观点:中国翻译理论界对异化翻译的误读论文:“归化、异化”翻译策略新解兼与王东风教授商榷英语题目:A New Study of the Translation strategies of Lu-xuns Domesticationforeigness and Venuti Lawrences Domestication and Foreignization文摘: “异化”说
22、的创始人为韦努蒂。韦努蒂的 “异化”与“归化”二元对立, “异化”要颠覆“归化” ,是对“归化”的反抗和革命,带有强烈的政治意识形态色彩。 “异化”翻译的核心是异化,是“现代派翻译” 。 “异化”翻译的目的是抵抗和偏离, “异化”造成差异,阻碍人们的沟通和交流。鲁迅非“异化”说创始人,乃“归化”说和“归化、洋气”说首创者。王东风教授认为,鲁迅是“异化”说的创始人;并认为鲁迅提出的 “归化”与“洋气”二元对立,鲁迅的“归化”与“洋气”与韦努蒂的“归化”和“异化”说基本上是一回事;王教授还认为,鲁迅提出的“洋气”(即“异化” )说比韦努蒂的“异化”早 60 年,然而,因为语言霸权,西方人将“异化”
23、说的桂冠戴在了韦努蒂的头上。研究发现,鲁迅的“归化、洋气”说超越“归化、异化”二元对立,是独立于“归化” 、 “异化”之外的第三种翻译策略。古今中外,有三种翻译观:“归化”翻译传统翻译;“归化、洋气”翻译改良翻译;“异化”翻译现代派翻译。钱钟书和奈达的翻译观是“归化”翻译,要求译文自然流畅、透明;钱钟书的“化境”说把传统翻译(归化翻译)提高到了顶峰。 “归化”翻译是以翻译为目的“纯翻译” ,不带任何政治和意识形态色彩。鲁迅是世界上第一个提出“归化”翻译的学者,然而鲁迅不主张“归化”翻译。鲁迅是第一个推出并主张“归化、洋气”说的学者,是“改良翻译”的第一人。鲁迅的“归化”与“洋气”非二元对立,而
24、二元合一,二元一体。 “归化”包含“洋气” , “归化、洋气”说是“归化”翻译(传统翻译)的改良, “保存洋气” 、 “要有异围情调”是一种政治意识形态改良手段介绍外国思想以供借鉴的同时,通过译文来改良译入语语言。鲁迅的“归化、洋气”与韦努蒂的“归化” 、 “异化”说截然不同。鲁迅不需要拥有也不能拥有“异化”翻译的专利权。关键词:鲁迅;韦努蒂;“洋气” ;“异化”Abstract:The Translation strategies of Lu-xuns domesticationforeign flavor and Venuti Lawrences foreignization are di
25、fferent. The theory of Lu-xuns domesticationforeign flavour conforms with the target of translation of promoting the communication of the peoples of different nations while Venuti Lawrences foreignization aims at creating obstacles for the communication of the peoples of different nations by deliber
26、ately breaking target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original because the policy of foreignization demands that the translator leaves the author of the in peace as much as possible and moves the reader towards him.Key words: Lu-xun,;Venuti ;foreigness; foreignization 韦努
27、蒂的“Domestication(归化)”与“Foreignization(异化)”翻译策略被引入中国翻译理论界以后,近几年中,鲁迅翻译思想研究研究成为热门课题。人们把研究的焦点集中在韦努蒂和鲁迅的翻译思想比较研究上。人们把 Domestication 翻译成“归化”,因为中国翻译理论术语中,早有一个汉语术语“归化”,它恰恰与英语Domestication 的字面意义和韦努蒂对Domestication 的定义基本一致。中国的“归化”术语是鲁迅先生首先提出的,鲁迅在提出“归化”的同时,又提出了“洋气”这一术语,于是,人们便把“ 洋气”和“异化”等同起来。王东风教授发表在中国翻译2008年 2
28、期的韦努蒂与鲁迅异化翻译观比较论文,对韦努蒂与鲁迅的翻译思想做了比较深入和细致的研究。归纳起来,东风教授论文的主要观点有两点:1. 韦努蒂与鲁迅都主张“异化”翻译,韦努蒂与鲁迅的“异化”翻译观在几个关键特征上相似,乃至相同。2.“异化”说最早是鲁迅提出的,西方人把“异化”说的桂冠载在了韦努蒂的头上。 东风教授的观点已经被中国翻译理论界普遍接受,成为中国翻译理论的主要部分,几乎已经被编入所有教科书,作为翻译教科书中的经典理论 内容。例如,普通高等教育“十一五”国家 级规划教材-英 语专业翻 译系列教材“ 翻译引论”用很大的篇幅论述的归化和异化就是王东风教授对归化和异化的解读。教材 p 95 说:
29、“我国翻译研究学者王东风在对比研究考证韦努蒂和鲁迅的异化翻译观后指出,其实早在韦努蒂之前,中国学者就很严肃地讨论过异化和归化的问题,鲁迅的异化观与西方学者韦努蒂的异化观我国的学者就很严肃地讨论过归化和异化的问题,鲁迅先生最早提出归化与洋气的对立。鲁迅的洋气与韦努蒂的异化说的基本上是一回事。虽然使用的术语不同,鲁迅的异化观与西方学者韦努蒂的异化观有许多相似之处,例如,都有很强的政治取向,把翻译作为一种政治和文化行为,把选材作为异化翻译的重要的环节。当然,其中的明显差异是,二人所处文化强弱的不同导致异化观的出发点不同,鲁迅希望通过异化翻译丰富和改造汉语,改造国民性,并达到强国的目的,而韦 努蒂则主
30、张通过异化翻译抵抗英美的政治、文化和语言霸权。 ”(冯庆华,2011)东风教授的观点值很得商榷。笔者认为:1. 鲁迅先生不是“异化” 说的创始人,不需要“异化”翻译的专利权 ; 2. 鲁迅的洋气与韦努蒂的 异化说 不是一回事。二 鲁迅是“归化”翻译(传统翻译)的首创者“鲁迅”最早提出“归化”翻译说,是世界上第一个明白提出“ 归化”说的学者,他第一个首先使用“归化”二字描述翻译策略,时间是 1935 年。鲁迅说:“动笔之前,就先得解决一个问题:竭力使它归化,还是尽量保存洋气呢?只求易懂,不如创作,或者改作,将事改为中国事人也化为中国人。 ”(鲁迅,1984)“归化”翻译的现象是易懂、自然流畅、向
31、译文读者靠拢。从“ 归化”翻译的现象上判断, “归化”翻译早就存在。早在中国的东晋时代,中国杰出的佛教学者道安法师在评论佛经翻译时提出的“五失本”和“三不易” 就是对传统翻译(归化翻译)的描述。钱钟书认为,“吾国翻译术开宗明义,首推此篇”。(钱钟书,2007)用现在的话解释,“五失本”的意思是,为了达到译文的透明和流畅, 佛经翻译在五种情况下失去原文的异质性:其一,佛经由梵文翻译为汉语,译文必须服从汉语的表达习惯,译者必须颠倒原文(梵文)的语序;其二,经文原文(梵文)崇尚质朴,而汉语行文讲究文采,译文必须迎合汉语读者,必须有所修饰;后三种情况则分别描述的是面对经文原本前话重提、冗长繁复的地方,
32、译者所作的节选和删减。(钱钟书,2007)二.鲁迅是“归化、洋气”说(二元一体翻译策略)的首创者鲁迅不主张“归化”翻译策略, 主张“归化、洋气”翻译策略。鲁迅 1935 年在且介亭文二集.“题末定”草一文里谈及他本人翻译的死魂灵时说的话说明鲁迅心目中只有“归化、洋气”翻译策略。他说:“动笔之前,就先得解决一个问题:竭力使它归化,还是尽量保存洋气呢?日本文的译者上田进君,是主张用前一法的。他以为讽刺传品的翻译,第一当求其易懂,愈易懂,效力愈广大。所以他的译文,有时就化一句为数句很近于解释。我的意见却是两样的。只求易懂,不如创作,或者改作,将事改为中国事人也化为中国人。如果还是翻译,那么,首先的目
33、的,就在博览外国的作品,不但移情,也要益智,至少是知道何时何地,有这等事,和外国旅行,是很相像的;它必须有异国情调,就是所谓洋气。其实世界上也不会有完全归化的译文,倘有,就是貌合神离,从严判起来,它算不得翻译。 ”(鲁迅,1984)鲁迅上面的文字的核心意义是:他的翻译思想是在“归化”这个策略中,“尽量保存洋气” ,所谓“洋气”就是保留异国情调,不削鼻剜眼地改变原文去掉原文的洋气;这就是“归化、洋气”翻译策略。鲁迅不主张“纯归化”翻译。鲁迅的翻译策略只有一个,即“归化、洋气 ”说。 “尽量保存洋气” 没有违反翻译的本质,没有违反翻译的大方向。翻译的大策略是“归化” ,是走向译文读者,向译文读者接近;“尽量保存洋气 ”不是像韦努蒂的“异化”那样, 尽最大可能地向原文作者靠拢,尽最大可能地接近原文作者。 (韦努蒂,2004 )鲁迅没有把“归化”和“洋气”对立起来,鲁迅的“动笔之前,就先得解决一个问题:竭力使它归化,还是尽量保存洋气呢?”的正确解读是:动笔之前,就先得解决一个问题:一是竭力使它百分之百的纯归化,投胎转世,不保存一点洋气;二是对归化改革,尽量保存洋