2、在目前看来,还没有发现一种比考试更好的而又公正的选拔和检测能力的方法。在考试作为主要选拔方式的制度下,我认为考生应该保持一种清晰的认识:考试是外界评价的重要标准,因此分数总是越高越好。而同时也不被考试成绩所迷惑,能够清楚地认识到成绩之下自己真实的能力有多少。在我看来,这或许是面对考试制度最好的态度。感谢我的英语老师关维娜以及所有给我提出意见和建议的朋友们。由于编写时间仓促,疏漏之处在所难免,欢迎广大读者批评指正,联系方式如下:QQ 微信百度文库搜索标题可下载一、作文部分首先,让我们先看一个作文Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes
3、 to write a composition on the topic Statistics in Peoples Daily Expenses in Xian. You should write at least 160 words and base your composition on the outline below:1. Describe the changes indicated in the table.2. The reasons foe the change.3. Make predictions about the future tendency.1995(%) 199
4、6(%) 1997(%) 1998(%) 1999(%)Food 66 61 48 41 36Clothing 9 10 12 15 18Recreation 4 5 8 9 11Others 21 24 32 35 35Total 100 100 100 100 100Statistics in Peoples Daily Expenses in XianWhat is shown in this chart demonstrates the percentages of different daily expenses of the individuals in Xian over the
5、 period from 1955 to 1999.The chart, at the first glimpse, appears to be plain and simple, but the significance implied is far from superficial.Conclusions can be easily got that food expenses were the major composition in 1995 while it decreased about 30% in four years. In addition, those expenses
6、on clothing and recreation increased steady by 9% and 7% which are doubled within a short time.The appearance of these phenomena, the decline of food expenses as well as the increase of clothing and recreation expenses, is capable to be explained by the rapid development of economy, which enriched t
7、he material life of Chinese people entirely. The expansion of light industry coupled with agriculture extremely reduced the price of food and articles. Hence, after the fulfillment of basic demand, more attention was paid to the pretty appearance and spiritual happiness, which resulted in the remark
8、able increase of expenses on clothing and recreation.The progresses, the great improvement of living quality and the enormous economy growth, compared with those of today, are gorgeous but not brilliant enough. To some extent, this chart witnessed the achievement in the past as well as foresees a br
9、ight future of China.翻译:在这个表中展示了在过去的 1995 年到 1999 年这一期间的西安居民的不同日常生活费用的所占百分比。如果不仔细看,这个表格会显得平淡而简单,但是其中所暗含的意义却绝非肤浅。我们能够很容易得出结论:在 1995 年,食物是主要支出,然而在四年之内它下降了 30%;此外,人们在衣物和娱乐方面的开销分别增长了 9%和 7%,在很短的时间内翻了一番。食物费用的下降与衣物和娱乐的上升,这些现象取决于经济的高速发展所带来的中国人民物质生活的极大丰富。轻工业伴随着农业的发展极大地降低了食物和用品的价格。因此,在基本需求得到满足之后,人们更多地将注意力转向衣
10、着的光鲜和精神的愉悦,这导致了衣物和娱乐花费的显著增长。生活质量的显著提高和经济的极大发展,这些成就与今天相比虽然很灿烂但还是差那么一些。从某种程度上来说,这份表格见证了中国在过去取得的成就,也预示着中国光明的未来。这是我在平时练习时写的作文,我想以它为例讲述写好作文的方法。写好作文最重要的就是语言,具体就是多用修饰和特殊句式。其中修饰常见的成分有:定语、状语、插入语和同位语;特殊句式主要是倒装句、被动语态和强调句。1、定语主要用来修饰名词和代词,在作文中如果能很好地运用后置定语和定语从句,这将会是吸引老师眼球的加分项。例如:the significance implied; those ex
11、penses on clothing and recreation; which are doubled within a short time; which enriched the material life of Chinese people entirely; which resulted in the remarkable increase of expenses on clothing and recreation此外,如果用名词修饰名词,可利用 of 将修饰的名词后置,而且还可以用多个 of 连续修饰,例如:the percentages of different daily e
12、xpenses of the individuals in Xian; The appearance of these phenomena2、状语比较简单,主要用来修饰动词或者全句。例如:over the period from 1955 to 1999; within a short time在这里我想强调一下状语在句中的位置:状语可以放在句首、句尾、句中,非常灵活,但是为了表达清楚且优美,我建议放在动词后或句尾。3、同位语往往存在于一个名词或句子后起解释说明作用。同位语是指代完全一样,且可以相互代替的名词。例如:the decline of food expenses as well as
13、 the increase of clothing and recreation expenses(对 The appearance of these phenomena 的解释说明); the great improvement of living quality and the enormous economy growth(对 The progresses 的解释说明)同位语的格式包括一下几种:1、A,B,2、AB3、A or B4、A of B(A 和 B 都是名词或名词性短语)例如:the recession of the British economythe decline of
14、raw material supply as well as made-up articles (英国经济的衰退:原材料和制成品的下降)不难看出,插入语能够很大程度上增加字数,这能够很大程度上加深阅卷教师对你的作文的印象,从而提高分数。4、插入语的作用与同位语有些类似,能够增强行文表达的起伏,而不是一口气说到底,显得乏味,例如:at the first glimpse; compared with those of today;具体操作就是将用于修饰的介词短语或动词短语用两个逗号独立出来。还有一些其它的短语可以用作插入语:to some extent(从某种程度上);generally spe
15、aking(总的来说)as far as Im concerned(我认为)需要注意的是插入语的位置:一般在被修饰词之后。5、强调句的结构:it is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)+其他成分。例如:Her effort results in the final success of the team.(她的努力成就了团队的成功)It is her effort that results in the final success of the team.(正是她的努力成就了团队的成功)强调句的用法简单,我建议将强调句与其他成分结合,例如:It was her effort, with
16、out which the project might well fail in the end, that leaded the team thriving in hard times.(正是她的努力带领全队在困难时期蓬勃发展,要是没有她的努力这个项目很快可能最后就失败了)(may well:很可能; thrive:繁荣,兴旺,茁壮成长)6、倒装句就是在句中动词的相对位置发生变化。倒装句有两种:完全倒装和部分倒装。例如:On the playground stands a boy, wearing a black jacket.(一个穿着黑色夹克的男孩站在操场上)还原:A boy weari
17、ng a black jacket stands on the playground.解析:这是完全倒装的常见形式,动词 stands 没有改变直接提到主语前面,能够形成这一改变的前提是 on the playground 作为地点状语提到全句最前端,这一完全倒装结构非常适用于作为图片作文的首句。例如:As is shown above, around the table sit four youngsters, each one focusing on the mobile phone of their own, ignoring the existence of others, with
18、one illustration below the picture: new gathering in the era of mobile phones.As is shown above, at the crossroad stand a number of graduates, confronted with a variety of selections, feeling confused as well as puzzled.以上是有关完全倒装的介绍,下面讲述部分倒装部分倒装是系动词、情态动词、或助动词被置于主语前,例如:Never shall we ignore the value
19、 of environmental protection.还原:We shall never ignore the value of environmental protection.Only in this way can we fix this out.还原:We can fix this out only in this way.Simple as the picture seems, the potential significance is as deep as ocean.还原:Though the picture seems simple, the potential signi
20、ficance is as deep as ocean.(尽管这个图片看起来很简单,其潜在意义却像海一样深。) (as 引导的让步状语特殊句式)Under no circumstance other than the government taking measures, can we see the blue sky.除非政府采取措施,不然我们不可能看到蓝色的天空。其常见标志是否定词(比如:never、seldom、under no circumstance、hardly、nor 等) 、only、当 as 作让步状语引导词。完全倒装和部分倒装的区别就是动词怎样提前,如果是系动词、情态动词、
21、或助动词被置于主语前则为部分倒装,而动词直接提到主语前则为完全倒装。7、被动语态能在文章中起到增加复杂性的作用,例如:We should take measures to prevent the environment from going worse.被动变化后:Measures should be taken to prevent the environment from going worse.一篇文章如果完全是主动语态会很乏味,因此在主动与被动之间来回切换可增加文章可读性。根据以上总结,可以得出这样的具体做法:名词代词要用定语、插入语、同位语修饰或解释,动词或者句子整体用副词修饰,倒装
22、、强调、被动用来丰富语言结构。以上部分是通过改变句式和修饰限定词的方式丰富语言结构,但是如果不能杜绝作文中的贫瘠干枯的词汇、短语和句型,作文的质量依然得不到很大的改观。这一部分请见附录一。下面将要介绍的是作文的整体布局。常规作文的结构就是简单的三段式:第一段概述题目,第二段进行意义阐释,第三段表述自己观点或展望未来以及探讨如何解决问题。下面这个表能够清楚的说明不同类型作文的各段内容。作文类型 第一段 第二段 第三段社会现象 引出社会现象 分析现象原因 自己观点或分析影响以及解决方法社会热点 引出热点背景 正反两方观点 自己观点或分析影响以及解决方法图片漫画 简述直接所见 分析图片含义 分析原因
23、以及解决方法图表数据 详述所有数据 分析现象原因 分析深层原因解决方法或展望未来哲理理解 解释哲理含义 举例证明解释 重述含义总结升华看了这个图表有些人反倒感到困惑了,其实是因为这些作文没有本质上的区别。仅仅看这个表一定是空洞的,要理解这些我建议各位买一套历年真题,多看看范文的思路。 (但是我不建议各位模仿范文的语言,因为范文的语言并不算上乘) 需要注意的是写图片或图表作文时很多人思路过快,将现象、分析、含义在一段全都表达出来了。千万不要着急将本来应该第二段写的写到第一段或是第三段写到第二段,要不然会造成语言重复或者字数不够。此外,很多人会遇到这样一个问题:在练习时想表达的很快就说完了,这反映
24、了你的思路过快,语言跟不上节奏。其实这个问题想要解决很容易,就是将自己的所有思路写下来,比如上面图片中一群人在桌前看着各自的手机,大多数人一看到就知道反映的是什么问题,却不知道写什么,这时候就应该回归正向思路:场景是聚会应该是热闹的气氛实际却显得格外冷淡原因是智能手机更多的吸引人的目光分析当代聚会的意义和必要性反映了人性当中自我为中心的一面。如果你能把这些思路全都落实成语句,那就不愁无从下笔了。 (四六级的难度决定了思维上不需要过深的思考,所以基本写到一个浅显的层次就够了)而在考前练习作文时,我建议分三步:写、改、背。修改的时候,先改语法错误,再将语言提升,并且你认为是精华并且能够应用到别的作
25、文的部分背下来,短时期内你的作文就会有很大的提高。让我以一个模拟题为例,具体讲述一下怎么具体做好这三步。题目是一个图片:在家庭聚餐中,晚辈们在各自玩着各自的手机,一位拄着拐杖的长者在旁边站着说:lets dig it! The dishes are getting cold! (感觉和上面的聚会例子很像对吧,上面的例子是 2015 年考研真题,这个估计是山寨的)Never Let Mobile Phones Replace Family AffectionAs is vividly portrayed in the drawing, it can be seen that in the fam
26、ilys meal, youngster people are playing mobile phones all the time. Instead of eating together, the old man said “Lets dig it! The dishes are getting cold!” This picture indicates. As the technology is growing fast, mobile phone is becoming the most important things in our daily life; however, most
27、people use mobile phone all the time. It makes the mobile phone become a thing that waste our time and get away from our family.The reasons to this phenomenon is that people cant use mobile phone in a right way. Firstly, mobile phone is a common thing in our life. We should use it in a right way. Se
28、condly, mobile phone makes people ignore the things happening around them. People are usually watching the screen when they have free time. It makes people become unconcerned and different to other people. Finally, as all coins have two sides, mobile phone is a thing that can convenient our life. If
29、 we use it in a right way, mobile phone can make out life more convinence and easy.Above all, it is high time that we should end this phenomenon. Not only should we use mobile phone in a right way but also close our familys relationship except mobile phone. Only we can do this, mobile phone can beco
30、me an useful and convinence thing for us.根据上面步骤,先改语法错误:1、第一行 family 本身有形容词词义,不需要变为 familys 2、第一行 youngster 是名词,意为:年轻人、少年,youngster people 表述不正确,应该改为 youngster 或 young people 或 the young3、第三行 This picture indicates 乱入,在此不明所以,可改为:Instead of eating together, the old man said “Lets dig it! The dishes ar
31、e getting cold!” indicated in this picture.4、第四行 things 应改为 thing 或 mobile phone 变为复数5、第四行结尾 mobile phone 变为复数,因为 most people 不能一起用一个手机6、第五行 a thing that 后面接的定语从句动词因该变为单三形式7、第七行 reasons 应改为单数 reason8、第八行 Firstly 后面接的句子与段首句重复9、第十行 screen 应为复数,因为不能所有人看一个屏幕10、第十行 unconcerned 后面所接介词是 about,而 different 后
32、面应该是 from,此处不应该并列11、第十二行 convenience 便利 拼写错误,并且应该用的是形容词形式:convenient 方便的(最后一段最后一行也有拼写错误)12、第十三行 这个固定用法是 it is high time that sb did sth. 因此应改为:it is high time that we ended this phenomenon.(此处为虚拟语气特殊用法)13、第十四行 except mobile phone 乱入,本意表达是手机远离家庭,可改为:leave our families away from mobile phones14、第十四行 O
33、nly 后面缺少 when,否则不能正确表达。15、综合全文的语言来看 Mobile phone 出现次数过多,最好不要重复出现,用别的词代替或者利用定语从句的连接作用省掉重复单词。修改语言:第一段描述图片可用地点状语提前完全倒装的方法。As is vividly portrayed in the picture, in one family party, around the table sit a number of youngsters, with their attention being paid to the mobile phones of their own, ignoring
34、 the dishes placed on the table as well as the existence of standing seniority(长辈), saying that: lets dig it! The dishes are getting cold!翻译:在图片中生动地描绘了这样一幅画面:在一个家庭聚会中,一些年轻人坐在餐桌旁,专注于他们各自的手机,却忽视了桌上早已放好的菜品和长辈的存在,他说:一起吃吧,菜都凉了。这样就用一个长句表达了图片中的所有信息,全句充分运用动词的 ing 形式将图片传达的意思充分表达并连接起来。并且上文中从第三句就开始分析原因,这也就导致了第
35、二段无话可说。那么第二句的作用就是强调这个问题的严重性。This family phenomenon, at the first glimpse, appears to be plain as well as normal, but the social problem reflected is much more intricate(复杂的). 翻译:看上去这只是个平淡且简单的家庭现象,但是它所折射出的社会现象却复杂得多。这样就反映了问题的严重性,并且引起下文,说明这一现象产生的原因。第二段分析原因:年轻人沉迷于手机,忽视长辈的感受。Conclusions can be easily got
36、 that the young are addicted to fancy functions provided by mobile applications, without realizing that family affection is the most significant. Family affection, what counts, is the invaluable asset of a person, which associate with ones growing up all through his life. Never shall we ignore the e
37、motion of the elder since it is us that matter most in their life.翻译:我们很容易得出结论,年轻人沉迷于手机应用提供的花哨的功能,却没有意识到亲情才是最重要的。亲情是一个人的无价财富,它伴随着一个人一生的成长。我们不应该忽视老年人的情感因为我们正是他们生命中最重要的人。第二段由两个长句和一个短句组成。第一句运用了被动语态并再次使用动词 ing 形式;第二句 what counts 作为插入语增强句子的复杂性,同时用 which 引导的定语从句修饰主语Family affection;第三句在由否定词引导的倒装句中强调了在长辈心目
38、中年轻人的重要性。第三段谈解决问题的方法Mobile phone is expected to be one means of communication utilized to close the relationship between each other, while it results in the estrangement among people today. To solve this issue, efforts are supposed to be made by both sides; youngsters attach enough importance to the
39、 senior as well as the senior keeping pace with the era so that common language can be formed. Nothing can be a problem in one family as long as the affection exists forever.翻译:手机本来是拉近人和人之间距离的通讯工具,而如今它却变成了人与人之间隔阂产生的原因。想要解决这个问题,双方都应该作出努力;年轻人应该足够关注长辈,同时长辈也应该与时俱进,这样才能形成共同语言。只要亲情永驻,在家庭中就没有什么不能解决的。这个作文我在
40、第二段开始最开始写的并不是这个方向,下面是原先版本第二段:独生子女以自我为中心,老年人不能够适应科技发展所带来的变化。With the development of technology and economy, the living standard of Chinese people improved entirely, which generates(导致、发生) the senior generation behind the reality.翻译:随着技术和经济的进步,中国人的生活水平有了极大的改善,这导致了老一代人落后于现实。In addition, one-child polic
41、y creates quantities of little emperors, who are self-centered, without taking others words into account, which enables to be largely explained by the doting (dote 溺爱) of parents.翻译:此外,独生子女政策造就了大量的以自我为中心,不重视别人的话的“小皇帝” ;这一现象很大程度上是由于家长们的溺爱。第三段:亮出自己的观点或寻求解决之道This problem, the generation gap(代沟), to som
42、e extent, is extremely tough since requiring the senior to keep pace with the era or forcing the youngsters to accept the values fitting in with the past decades is unrealistic. Pessimistic(悲观) as the condition is, the issue is never supposed to be set aside without being solved.在这里我偷懒了一下,因为我不知道这个问题
43、应该怎么解决,所以我没有提解决办法,而是说解决这个问题时会面临的困境,最后一句依然在强调这个问题的重要性。翻译:代沟这个难题非常棘手,因为要求老年人跟上时代的步伐或是强迫年轻人去接受适用在几十年前的价值观似乎都不现实。尽管这一情形显得悲观,但是这一问题不应该被弃置一边不被解决。在这句中,the generation gap 作为的同位语;to some extent 是插入语;意为:在某种程度上;since 之后是 ”or”连接的并列主语, ”is”是此句的动词;最后一句是 as 引导的让步状语从句。以上是第二个方向,但是这并不是我推荐的写作方向,因为这并不符合主流价值观,主流价值观强调晚辈应
44、该改变自身态度,讲求孝道。如果你写作文是为了得分的话,那我建议你还是保守一些。二、听力部分听力在我看来它对考生的能力要求最高,是平时积累才能获得的能力,而听力之所以难,是因为对场景不熟悉。听力的特点之一是容易归类。比如:1、某某出车祸了(或是住院了)他一定是受伤,绝对不会死。2、男士邀请女士吃饭(或是邀请做某事)女士一定有其他原因没去。而想要听懂听力的具体内容,就必须了解不同的场景词汇,这部分请见附录 2。在这里我有几个小窍门可以和大家分享一下:1、 四级听力前 8 题是男女短对话,第一个人问,第二个人回答,而问题归根结底就是问第一个人问了什么或第二个人回答了什么,在选项中若是四个句子,那答案
45、一定在第一个人身上,因为只有句子才能回答第一个人问了什么,同理,若是四个短语,那答案一定是在第二个人身上。但是这个方法在六级听力不适用,看一下六级听力原文就知道为什么了。2、 听力中关键句出现的顺序与题的顺序一致,所以永远不用担心后面的题会提前听到。3、 听力中常见的陷阱就是混淆,解决这个问题的第一点是要分清楚答案会在哪个人的话中。比如在一个问路的情境中,首先要注意的不是谁说了什么,而是谁要问路,谁来指路,只有分清楚两个人的作用才不至于迷惑。其次,一般情况下后出现的多半是对的,但是不一般的情况现在越来越多,所以根据出现次序判断已经不再准确。4、 有些学校考试比较严格,只有听力开始才能翻开答题册
46、,但是这样很难有优势。幸运的是答题册的纸可以透过,如果你用力压住封面就可以看到第一页听力的题。5、 听力最后一题要注意名词单复数和动词各种形态等问题。三、阅读部分首先让我们先做一道段落匹配阅读题(2014 年 6 月六级第一套)Lessons from a Feminist ParadiseA) On the surface, Sweden appears to be a feminist paradise. Look at any global survey of gender equality and Sweden will be near the top. Family-friendly
47、 policies are its normwith 16 months of paid parental leave, special protections for part-time workers, and state-subsidized preschools where, according to a government website, “gender-awareness education is increasingly common.” Due to an unofficial quota system, women hold 45 percent of positions
48、 in the Swedish parliament. They have enjoyed the protection of government agencies with titles like the Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality and the Secretariat of Gender Research. So why are American women so far ahead of their Swedish counterparts in breaking through the glass ceiling?B) I
49、n a 2012 report, the World Economic Forum found that when it comes to closing the gender gap in “economic participation and opportunity,” the United States is ahead of not only Sweden but also Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Iceland, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Swedens rank in the report can largely be explained by its political quota system. Though the United States has fewer women in the workforce (68 percent compared to Swedens 77 percent), American women who choose to be employed are far more likely to work full-time and to hold high-le