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1、數學排版及寫作教師 (Instructor): 孫新民 (Hsin-Min Sun) sunhmipx.nutn.edu.tw辦公室 (Office): C209 研究室CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) 資源1. The TeX Catalogue Online (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdochtmlcatalogue) http:/dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/catalogue.html http:/coda.nctu.edu.tw/ftp/tex/help/Cat

2、alogue/ 2. http:/dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw/tex-archive/ http:/coda.nctu.edu.tw/ftp/tex/ http:/www.ctan.org/ 3. http:/tug.ctan.org/CTANfind.html 4. ftp:/ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/ (英)5. ftp:/ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/ (德)6. ftp:/ftp.tug2.cs.umb.edu/tex-archive/ (美)cwTeX 排版系統之安裝與使用1. 吳聰敏、吳聰慧: cwTeX 排版系統,

3、修訂二版(2.1 版), 2002. (翰蘆圖書, (02)2382-2333, 定價 NT$600) 2. 主要參考網址 http:/ccms.ntu.edu.tw/ntut019/cwtex/cwtex.html3. 軟體下載 (請參考 cwtex3-install.pdf 的過程安裝 . 先前的裝法在 cxbook-s.pdf or cxbook.pdf 內第 4 章 (pp.49-64) 中研院 (cwTeX3) ftp:/ftp1.sinica.edu.tw/pub1/tex/cwTeX 中央大學 (cwTeX2.1) ftp:/ftp.math.ncu.edu.tw/cwTeX/

4、ftp:/dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw/cwTeX 中山大學 ftp:/ftp.nsysu.edu.tw/pub/TeX中正大學 ftp:/ftp.ccu.edu.tw/tex/ 參考資料1. 中文資料(1) ChiTeX 安裝後 chitexbin 下有多份說明文件(2) cwTeX 之 cxbook.pdf(3) PUTeX 之 guide40.pdf(4) 李果正的 大家來學 LaTeX: latex123.pdf, 我的 CJK: mycjk.pdf http:/info.sayya.org/edt1023/index.html(5) CYCUICE 討論區 http:

5、/bbs.ice.cycu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/bbstop?board=tex http:/bbs.ice.cycu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/bbsdoc?board=tex(6) cwTeX 討論區 http:/ 台大電機 Maxwell BBS Tex 版精華區 http:/bbs.ee.ntu.edu.tw/boards/Tex/(8) http:/www.csie.nctu.edu.tw/news/group/p.tex/p12. AMS-LaTeX, http:/www.

6、ams.org/tex/amslatex.html http:/www.ams.org/tex/ amsldoc.pdf, instr-l.pdf, amsthdoc.pdfShort Math Guide for LaTeX ftp:/ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amsmath/short-math-guide.pdf Sources for TeX http:/www.ams.org/tex/public-domain-tex.html http:/www.stat.umn.edu/charlie/amslatex.html http:/www.phy.duke.edu

7、/anandj/Notes/latex.html 3. M. Goossens, F. Mittelbach, and A. Samarin, Higher Mathematics, 1997. (數學式, 收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdocguidescompanion-rev, The Latex Companion 第 8 章之更新版本) ( ch8.pdf)4. M. Goossens, F. Mittelbach, and A. Samarin, The LaTeX Companion, Reading, Addison Wesley, 1994. (介紹許多巨集套件 ) (成大數

8、學系圖 , 686.22544536G644)5. G. Graetzer, Math into LaTeX, 3rd ed., Birkhaeuser, 2000. (介紹 AMS-LaTeX 巨集套件) http:/dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw/tex-archive/info/ (mil.pdf, mil3)6. S. Green, Hypertext Help with LaTeX ftp:/ftp.giss.nasa.gov/pub/sgreen/latex/latex.tar.gz7. H.J. Greenberg, A Simplified Introductio

9、n to LaTeX, http:/carbon.cudenver.edu/hgreenbe/aboutme/simplified-intro.html (simplified-intro.zip)8. H. Kopka and P.W. Daly, A Guide to LaTeX, 3rd ed., Reading, Addison Wesley, 1999. (詳細介紹 LaTeX 指令, 可代替 Lamport 之使用手冊) (成大總圖 686.225445369 K839-3)9. L. Lamport, LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, 2

10、nd ed., Reading, Addison Wesley, 1994. (LaTeX 巨集套件原創者所寫之使用手冊) (成大總圖 686.22544 L198-2)10. LaTeX2e help 1.6. (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdoclatexhelp)11. LaTeX Distribution Guide. (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdoclatexbase)12. T. Oetiker, H. Partl, I. Hyna, and E. Schlegl, The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e, 2001. (收錄於軟體

11、安裝後的 texmfdocguideslshort-english)13. U. Oswald, LaTeX Graphics (latexgraphics.pdf) http:/www.ursoswald.ch/LaTeXGraphics/overview/overview.html 14. S. Pakin, The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List. (符號, 收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdoclatexcomprehensive) (symbols-a4.pdf)15. K. Reckdahl, Using Imported Graphics in La

12、tex2e, 1997. (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdocguidesepslatex, 引用 Postscript 圖形於 LaTeX 文稿內) (epslatex.pdf, epslatex.ps, 中文翻譯 graphics.pdf)16. J.H. Silverman, Reference Cards http:/www.math.brown.edu/jhs/17. P. Taylor, Book Design for TeX Users, Cust, 1994-1995. (說明排版書籍的基本原則) (taylor-01.pdf, taylor-02.ps)18. TUG, H

13、istory of TeX. http:/www.tug.org/whatis.html19. UK List of TeX Frequently Asked Questions on the Web (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdocfaqenglish) (newfaq.pdf) http:/www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?introduction=yes20. M. Wiedmann, Tools for Creating Screen or Online Presentations http:/www.miwie.org/presentation

14、s/ (投影片的製作) (presentations.pdf)21. P. Wilson, The Memoir Class for Configurable Typesetting User Guide, 2001. (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdoclatexmemoir, 排版書籍巨集套件之說明檔) (memman.pdf)其他參考資料1. P.W.A, K.A.H., and K.B., TeX for the Impatient, 1990. http:/tug.org/ftp/tex/impatient/ http:/www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/

15、impatient/ (book.pdf)2. L. Barroca, A style option for rotated objects in LaTeX, 1997. (rotating.pdf)3. D. Bausum, TeX Reference Manual, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. (TeX 進階使用者的參考書, 如要修改巨集或自行設計格式可查閱此書)TeX Primitive Control Sequences, 1999. http:/www.tug.org/utilities/plain/cseq.html 4. G. Bongi

16、ovanni, JavaTexDraw. (繪圖軟體) http:/www.dsi.uniroma1.it/bongio/TexDraw/TexDraw.html 5. A. Borde, Mathematical TeX by Example, Academic Press, 1993. (成大總圖及數學系圖, 686.22544 B644b) (TeX 數學編輯範例)6. A. Borde, TeX by Example: a beginners guide, Academic Press, 1992. (TeX 使用範例)7. R. Bringhurst, The Elements of

17、 Typographic Style, 2nd ed., 1996. (排版方式)8. M. Doob, A Gentle Introduction to TeX: A Manual for Self-study. (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdocguidesgentle) (gentle.pdf)9. V. Eijkhout, TeX by Topic, Addison Wesley, 1993. 電子檔 http:/www.cs.utk.edu/eijkhout/ (texbytopic.pdf)10. P. Flynn, Beginners Introduction http:/t

18、ug.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/beginlatex/html/index.html (beginlatex.zip)11. GNU TeXInfo, 2004. (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdoctexinfo)12. M. Goossens and S. Rahtz, LaTeX Web Companion, Reading, Addison Wesley, 1999. (介紹如何將 LaTeX 文件轉換為網路文件)13. M. Goossens, S. Rahtz, and F. Mittelbach, Latex Graphics Companion, R

19、eading, Addison Wesley, 1997. (介紹 圖形巨集套件)14. E.M. Gurari, TeX4ht: LaTeX and TeX for Hypertext. (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdochtmltex4ht)15. E. Hodgen, LaTeX, a Braindump, 2002. (notes.pdf)16. P. Kabal, PostScript Drawings from TeX, 2nd ed., 1995. (繪圖, 收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdocgraphicstexdraw)17. P. Karp, References f

20、or TeX and Friends, 2003. (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdoctex-refs)18. D.E. Knuth, The TeXBook, Reading, Addison Wesley, 1990. (TeX 進階使用者的聖經, 如要修改巨集或自行設計格式可查閱此書)19. C. Kwok, EEPIC-extensions to epic and LaTeX Picture Environment, Version 1.1, 1988. (繪圖套件) (eepic.pdf)20. I. Maclaine-cross, The curves Package, 200

21、0. (繪圖套件) (curves.pdf)21. G. Maltby, An Introduction to TeX and Friends, 80 pages, November 1992. (maltby.ps) http:/ http:/www.cs.toronto.edu/anna/latex.htm 22. P. Oostrum, Page Layout in LaTeX, 1997. (fancyhdr.pdf)23. S. Podar, Enhancements to the Picture Environment of LaTeX, 1986. (繪圖套件) (epic.pd

22、f)24. S. Rahtz and H. Oberdiek, Hypertext marks in LATEX: a manual for hyperref, 2004. (收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdoclatexhyperref)25. R. Ribo, TexPict. (繪圖軟體) http:/gatxan.cimne.u pc.es/ramsan26. K.H. Rose, XY-pic Users Guide, ver. 3.7, 1999. K.H. Rose and R. Moore, XY-pic Reference Manual, ver. 3.7, 1999. (繪

23、圖, 收錄於軟體安裝後的 texmfdocgenericxypic) (xyguide.pdf, xyrefer.pdf)27. D. Salomon, The Advanced TeXbook, Springer-Verlag, 1995. (more examples than The TeXBook)28. W. Snow, TeX for the Beginner, Addison Wesley, 1990. (TeX 使用範例)29. M.D. Spivak, The Joy of TeX, 2nd ed., American Mathematical Society, 1990.

24、(AMS-TeX 巨集套件原創者所寫之使用手冊 ) (成大數學系圖 , 686.225445369 Sp49-2)30. T. Williams and L. Hecking, G N U P L O T, Version 4.0, 2004. (科學繪圖軟體) http:/www.gnuplot.info/ GNUPLOT 使用手冊 http:/phi.sinica.edu.tw/aspac/reports/94/94002/ Gnuplot 導讀 http:/phi.sinica.edu.tw/aspac/reports/95/95006/ http:/www.fnal.gov/docs/

25、products/gnuplot/tutorial/ http:/cips02.physik.uni-bonn.de/baehren/tex/gnuplot.html GNU plotutils http:/www.gnu.org/software/plotutils/網路連結1. CYCUICE 討論區 http:/bbs.ice.cycu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/bbstop?board=tex http:/bbs.ice.cycu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/bbsdoc?board=tex2. http:/www.csie.nctu.edu.tw/news/group/p.te

26、x/p1 3. news:/p.tex/ news:/comp.text.tex/ 4. cwTeX 討論區 http:/ 5. 台大電機 Maxwell BBS Tex 版精華區 http:/bbs.ee.ntu.edu.tw/boards/Tex/ 6.7. Documentation http:/cips02.physik.uni-bonn.de/baehren/tex/documentation.html8. Open Directory Project http:/dmoz.org/Comput

27、ers/Software/Typesetting/TeX/9. TeX From Wikipedia http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeX10. CJK ftp:/ftp.ffii.org/pub/cjk/ 11. BibTeX http:/hv.nelixx.de/bibtex/bibtex.phtml12. Ipe (繪圖軟體) http:/pgeom.org/ 13. Making TeX Work http:/ 14. netpbm (圖檔轉換工具組) http:/ 15. FontForge http:/ 16. DVIPDFMx http:/project

28、.ktug.or.kr/dvipdfmx/ 17. PSTricks 入門教材 http:/sarovar.org/projects/pstricks/ http:/www.tug.org.in/tutorials.html 18. Java 的 jfig http:/tech-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/applets/javafig/ (繪圖軟體)19. The (La)TeX Navigator http:/tex.loria.fr/english/index.html General documentation about (La)TeX http:/t

29、ex.loria.fr/english/general.html20. ttf2pt1 http:/ 21. MetaGraf (MetaPost 的圖形界面軟體 ) http:/w3.mecanica.upm.es/metapost/metagraf.php 22. Documentation at U. of Cambridge Computer Lab, TeX-related documentation http:/www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TeXdoc/TeXdocs.html23. GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) http:/ww

30、w.gimp.org/ (繪圖軟體)24. ImageMagick http:/www.imagemagick.org/ (繪圖軟體)25. ps2eps http:/www.ipv6.tm.uka.de/bless/ps2eps 26. LaTeX2HTML http:/www.latex2html.org/ 27. t1utils http:/www.lcdf.org/eddietwo/type/#t1utils28. An Introduction to Using TeX http:/www.math.harvard.edu/computing/latex/manual/texman.

31、html 29. H.P. Boas http:/www.math.tamu.edu/harold.boas/courses/math696/LaTeX.html30. Penn States collection of links to TeX resources http:/www.math.upenn.edu/TeX.html 31. University of Washington Mathematics Department TeX Resources http:/www.math.washington.edu/Computing/Tex/32. University of West

32、ern Australia http:/www.maths.uwa.edu.au/computing/software/tex/doc/body.html http:/hopf.math.purdue.edu/doc/html/33. MiKTeX http:/www.miktex.org/34. Plain TeX http:/ pstoedit http:/ 36. T. Roberts http:/www.sci.usq.edu.au/staff/robertsa/LaTeX/latexintro.html 37. TeX Users Group http:/www.tug.org 38

33、. TeX Resources on the Web http:/www.tug.org/interest.html39. Converters between LaTeX and PC Textprocessors http:/www.tug.org/utilities/texconv/index.html 40. LaTeX for Secretaries (How to survive without Microsoft Word) http:/ 41. Text Processing using LaTeX http:/www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/text

34、processing/LaTeX_intro.html 數學寫作1. D.E. Knuth, T. Larrabee, and P.M. Roberts, Mathematical Writing, The Mathematical Association of America, 1989. (中研院統計所 T11 K786; 交大 QA37.2 K 58; 清華數學分館 QA42 .K58 ) 電子檔 http:/tex.loria.fr/typographie/mathwriting.pdf2. N.E. Steenrod, P.R. Halmos, M.M. Schiffer, and

35、J.A. Dieudonne, How to Write Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 1973. (成大數學系圖, 808.06651021 H83)網路連結1. Hints on Style http:/www.math.ohio-state.edu/goss/style.html2. http:/www.mit.edu:8001/people/dimitrib/ Ten_Rules.pdf3. Hints, tips, and help for writing mathematics well http:/ems.calumet.

36、purdue.edu/mcss/kevinlee/mathwriting/4. Advice on Research and Writing http:/www-2.cs.cmu.edu/mleone/how-to.html5. Leslie Lamport http:/ W. Strunk Jr., The Elements of Style, 3rd ed., Macmillan Publishing Co., 1979.http:/orwell.ru/Download/Style/ etes_htm.zip http:/sut1.sut.ac.th/strunk/ 2. M.-C. va

37、n Leunen, A Handbook for Scholars, revised ed., Oxford University Press, 1992. http:/www.cs.uu.nl/docs/tandt/html/Scholars/ scholars.ps字典及參考書1. The American Heritage Dictionary http:/ Rogets Thesaurus http:/www.gutenberg.org/etext/22 roget15a.zip http:/humanities.uchicago.edu/forms_unrest/ROGET.html

38、 http:/ http:/poets.notredame.ac.jp/Roget/ http:/ http:/ http:/www.ai.mit.edu/people/wessler/thes.html3. Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary http:/humanities.uchicago.edu/forms_unrest/webster.form.html4. The Oxford English Dictionary 5. Cambridge dictionaries http:/dictionary.cambridge.org/6. Yah

39、oo! 奇摩字典 http:/ 7. 英漢/漢英 線上電子字典 http:/www.ee.tku.edu.tw/rexchen/cdict/cdict.html 8. 精 粹 辭 庫 http:/.tw/resources/lexicon.php9. 林語堂當代漢英詞典(網絡版) http:/humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/Lindict/ 英文小說1. Project Gutenberg http:/www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/ http:/ Online Literature Library http:/www.literature.o

40、rg/authors/其他資源1. 王漢宗自由字型 http:/cle.linux.org.tw/fonts/wangfonts/ ftp:/cle.linux.org.tw/pub/fonts/2. 數學知識網 http:/episte.math.ntu.edu.tw/3. 數學資訊網 http:/infomath.nctu.edu.tw/ 4. 字型: http:/input.cpatch.org/font/5. 中文電腦技術及輸入法 http:/input.cpatch.org/6. 簡體 TeX 網站 http:/www.ctex.org/7. 數學網 http:/www.edp.us

41、t.hk/math/ 8. 數學資料庫: (中文) http:/www.math db.org/ (English)http:/eng.mathdb.org/9. 中文電腦缺字解決方案 http:/www.sinica.edu.tw/cdp/ 10. Convergence http:/convergence.mathdl.org/jsp/index.jsp11. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http:/en.wikipedia.org/12. MathForge http:/ 13. Math Resources http:/ 14. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy http:/plato.stanford.edu/15. arXiv.org e-Print archive http:/www.arxiv.org/16. The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive http:/www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/ http:/www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/17. Math Archive http:/xxx.lanl.gov/archive/math


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