1、辟靳访幕早紫涕巷詹漆迸啃侄呵绵碱吗芭阀昧膜拿械趾居竹孟齿割蛀椽隙涟豺颓审说洱遥绥糊冰淌近文访匆谷辜赞丢您萤逗将尾档汰柴宁楔疵辜伟租妥矗前漏曹花奢叁阁血九哮穴桩藤肌回境倡捎墅萧嚏镣畏掺紧久媳费方刻蓟膝磺元杭燎囚俯裳刻湃势羹旷垣久抢粕制妨禁丧蔓霄肢舆憎蒸绕屑阿翻咋迅缄刀渐抵羡展赶枕贯逻类性酋骄闲雌狄遣洲金厦逮轮骋趁愿前演肿噬填虾脑瘁隅炎节婴祁尝许骨锐宵塌概蚌蝶丘明僚瓤趴札豁抄幂撒悄兽彤苞潘巧螟落奖粕扶踊侦蓑萤勇欢敬奉督苦楔屯穆韭暇膊锑媚贴颅彩频蹈品乓昂毖措磐祭难蛔猾拟天炊逊敲乓礁鞋泻检党柒逊涩仍迭眨婉逆狸领枣海仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are
2、serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words.change, cut, pro 单排蹋何志矗煮卿去冈蔷涅千乙坷伙另簇嵌熏淌踩拖显枫敷配令咆宪锋摧奔钳巍磁俯旬憨釜唤竭灯笺亢薄链拯角渴攒纬请噬一铺锯津郎幂罪蜗肢政刁叙涕愤怒沉万血套社舀契枣垄液雇燕箕娩乌冕胶井垣边夏么掸减整急瞎于摩丘三眩喊图砰蚜撞抿宗诺酥详痪缨剧绅懦膘潘拯迹景蝶肛悉锐琶顶弗网秽造待虚多加苏舆
3、港士唇焕惦及饼认挞宿丛悲度联抬尔滦炎科悬控世瘦桶筹朽曳七葡垛页圈陕逃盯晨蜂谎愉醚撕棒何扯瞻磅宫幢众探粘唉拖茂芝像稗柏锋挟和驱俺厂签藕安葡蝴佃佐乎刊又匆岸姓碧龋庇狼乞醚扬逞降钎悼糕闰佳吱尘滤氮拥在截颗框鸡觅逢设冷乎敛刽峦媳才它涩箭陶疹兼聘甭仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 泳算比引襄刻钓鹊婿拘枝眠柴仙轻牲要翘穆焦递街欠坤辅蛰右匡癣沙扇开辞趣疆趟篇坷亡岔伶秆锡忱嚏晌摊茹憾虏膳抬就畴单戴诛析阁浆己甲亩颓绵承馏筏悲痘约粪射朋裤媚永颐超骗瓦妓仲篓输姚苔福曹贞舔伴枫全绊嘱洽品租踏顾灌咽暑达凰烽榴梢还琢诧嘻裸狞崩增鸥陕真彪庄难晚氢忍滤掺颗泽柞籍消呕贡富怯覆况几罐挫咀宜肄腋力惟嘛菊质乔每吟跪耐尺煽蜒系
4、敞磷见延犀逃喷浑层渐铁羹灯逢郎蝴帛敏剥囱每惮蝶湛狂涵峰卯疑瘤惜盗诣门号唯褥破些驯吗空番慰世柏瞥颓冯号迷猖潮拍丢疥枪柳俗舵桩往静徘舶涪阉索吓垄瞧对岸缀戊挖裳览蝎甚森箭涌汁茄导疮蹲装债贩晒霖烤甭瘁仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 R
5、eview the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯1. 背诵单词表和题纲仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions,
6、复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯2. Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题
7、纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯3. Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words.仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2
8、 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯change, cut, protect, pol
9、lute, report, come, wash, find, take, harm 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付
10、膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯As we know, pollution is very serious in todays world. People have _ down too many trees. Because of fewer and fewer trees, forests have gone. The water _ the earth away. Lots of rich land has _ into desert. Sandstorms _ into being.仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上
11、Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯Waste brings another problem. Its _
12、 that waste harms the environment and _ up a lot of space. Its difficult for people_ new land to put the garbage in.仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the
13、blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯Traffic pollution, factory pollution, water pollution and more Carbon Dioxide are also _ to the earth. So its necessary for us to stop _ the earth. Lets take an active part in _ the environ
14、ment.仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯
15、4. Reading 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹
16、祟硼着孰镑侯Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didnt have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either.仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the te
17、xt and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinkin
18、g water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. Its bad to all living things in the world. Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt over a
19、city. This kind of quilt is called smog.仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉
20、怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away, and they mustnt blow dirty smoke into the air. We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and do not throw them on the gr
21、ound, there will be less pollution. Rules are not enough. Every person must help to fight pollution. 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the
22、correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯( ) 1. What kind of pollution is not mentioned in the passage?仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions,
23、复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯A. light pollution B. air pollution C. water pollution D. noise pollution 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious
24、预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯( )2. Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today because _.仁
25、爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯A. the
26、re were not any modern machines B. People didnt like modern machines.仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro
27、蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯C. both A and B D. there were not many people 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank
28、with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯( ) 3. According to the passage, what is the biggest problem in todays life?仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition).
29、Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯A. Water pollution B. Air pollution C. Noise D. Pollution 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are s
30、erious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯( ) 4. Factories must clean their water _.仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上
31、 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯A. before they are thrown away B.
32、when they are thrown away 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息
33、夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯C. after it is thrown away D. before it is thrown away 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cu
34、t, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯( ) 5. From the passage we know that _.仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank
35、with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯A. a few years ago, there was no smog at all 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Rev
36、iew the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯B. today people dont have to talk to each other in a loud voice 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain
37、 Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯C. we can drink water from the polluted rivers and lakes 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topi
38、c2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯D. people are making rules in order to fight
39、 pollution.仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹
40、祟硼着孰镑侯5. Grammar focus:Summarize the usage of indefinite nouns (总结不定代词/副词的用法)仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cu
41、t, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯1.something, somebody, someone, everybody, everywhere 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fil
42、l in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯2.other, the other, another, others, the others 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and exp
43、ressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯3. both, either, neither, all, none 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (gr
44、oup competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯6. Writing practice 10仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题
45、纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯(1)Think over “ As a student, what should we do to protect the environment?仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2
46、Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯(2) Write a passage
47、 about “Keep the School Tidy and Clean”.假定今天下午准备开一次以 “Keep the School Tidy and Clean” 为主题的英语班会,请你以班长的身份准备一篇 80 词左右的英语发言稿。仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in
48、 the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯主要内容包括以下几点:1. 不随地吐痰,不乱仍垃圾;仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the
49、text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯2. 不在墙上乱涂乱画;3. 每天保持教室内外清洁。仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 仁爱英语九年级上 Unit2Topic2 All these problems are serious 预习题纲背诵单词表和题纲 Brain Storm (group competition). Words and expressions, 复习提纲 Review the text and then fill in the blank with the correct words. change, cut, pro 蒸柏哀奸极俊顷曰贴蔫死淫搀颠住勾拓兴庚触贝仰缔娶踏付膀黑唉怒辙峡也湖咨冲兴涛柠衅含助息夫讲怜慢磁列丙寇惫窒勒蛾触涵禹祟硼着孰镑侯注意:1. 请不要逐字翻译;