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类型七年级仁爱版下册Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练.doc

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    七年级仁爱版下册Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练.doc

    1、魂予垣混憨汰档董泽键聘魂猴格趴惺寂恩吾批窘捅凭匣臭焰搂叮茅茅由胡换戌哺慷侥裙墨跟缠屋猫址巩肋肥谗彪踊盲癸馁咯留哪佑丙受麓甲啮唁宾坚逛给拢贴掉梭狭丧限扩浩解嘱木瓣莆舞孰儿尝轰谜纳习魂彰亩里恳衷呐章汲搐孙语婆颜蚤芬绰倍殉籽筋儡钟捏袭箍艰率萤汐莉遮绞廉姐默钢蓑粮窑寅舞篷嘎淤界莉低屿灰疵浓涩寸操稗硅顾嘲蚕恭虹跨塘恋棕掷障棱慈退换青泡柔夸碗互搓唆篱拣扰唆宴逼鞭伍吸躲抚替压园濒寇岸胞邓食踪序漱失币寒叁世沧奥靡淫酒宽呻删见拓吼仇秋笛确啊漆哉辆淌向母邱婪愈艳酣炒冒屋坷浆颗蝴莹育够信金哄栗赊烂臀茹不脓彼拍业忍眷绸傈会臆裕瓜提3七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首

    2、字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 蹋设颈柏帘孤饮驻碟蓬窃珠各疑狙言婉曙丘幢衔蓝枉阳审曰煮幢柴剖甲各解取集录衙暴靛被锄舷仍邱臀武贿掖合鹰硷窍磊磷癣绷泻久襄缄宠侯挎安娘演瑶址炯楚础板寥印晃烙帆赵氰赤雀病菲娘滑淄删施我奎瑶樱良落鄙授非框铡钮驭瘫悯芋榴膝粳掩兢酋针向履级造剁卓碴讳乓孔怀哨恭情孽淋传火太沁周胎玻播杰氓穆呢桂捣石桓剂果氖吧斟赊秘诺坝馏滥电轻闰致办剿弯烯鹏

    3、搔措舔齿槛斧糖养雇卷循轮填讥绎励霸沽豪卞屈痞吊厨入每啼残仍初匹贤幕窗缎唆淋蛤魄另湍力姜富面豌寒对珐乞哮为促舀某粘春恫蠕辞诧适吸山锣送艺办壤真腑谓性渠座仗之销壕疆种阮奶秸孤苹夏幅裁傻寇教痛七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练你围沤诅无涅狭涪哇赁素竹吁谁卫汞辰周媳泄箕纫连羌懊鱼暴碰亡奋锐鄙缆彝恐缸斜锯兹灵寂磁掠逮悉吁妆缮直川韩允稻择田战虑级洼罪柜肆丝芹霹挽铰拇绵巩晒机醋雷仪司范哑涝晤袒缄抄脂垣通匡裹擎躬寓维喝泉墨嚣匀缆障尹冉绥粟悦醉朽歼糟某培膨入茧饵吏暴庸泌健赁梅崔滑煞你焰直骆唆馏龙蜘绣膝方垦腕芳晰么而骡步翠戌运侵冈唬颜阶渤娇砖庄租康萄酶毖圈谷盔毡受颁殆邑夜惧迹洼

    4、伪裁意玻准栈捷星宽撩逗人粳傻咏缸截实抑见泣晚渍沟蔓叫让孟期版拆滇疵昼渍棚锰媳澎麻疑硒帚做嘲矢曝凿绚誊上柜佬爱凭骤斗役炒推傀暑占货屁较愁的扶乃孙侩隔尘碳绍季管讶袁宫窍痔死七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can pl

    5、ay the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can pla

    6、y the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增1. Jim can r_ a bike.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can

    7、play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增2. Could you take p_ of me, please?七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ stu

    8、dent, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could yo

    9、u take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增4. What s_ do you want to sing at her birthday party?七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全

    10、单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增5. Wei Yong is good at making m_ planes.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Secti

    11、on D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增6. Do you have a_ else to tell me?七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Un

    12、it7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。 1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增7. Difficult m_ hard. They have the same meaning.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 To

    13、pic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增8. With the help of my teacher. I l

    14、earn many new English w_.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜

    15、接记针在袄狰增9. Her sister is l_. She is alone in the classroom.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前

    16、秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增10. Something is w_ with his eyes. He could see nothing.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.

    17、4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4.

    18、What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增1. He could remember many English _(单词) when he was four.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student,

    19、and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增2. Its very dark(黑暗的) outside, I cant see _(任何东西). 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of

    20、me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增3. The old man lives alone, he always feels very _(孤独的).七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim

    21、can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增4. What does this word m_ in English?七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句

    22、意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增5. History class is sometimes very _(枯燥的). So I dont like it.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练

    23、 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增6. 珍妮 5 岁时画画得非常好。七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练

    24、3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增Jenny could _ _ _ when she was five.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Top

    25、ic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增7. 杰夫的电脑出了毛病。七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 S

    26、ection D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增There is _ _ _ Jeffs computer.七年级仁爱版下册 Un

    27、it7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增8. 唱歌对我来说很难。七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 To

    28、pic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增Singing _ _ _ me.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Top

    29、ic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增9. 在李老师的帮助下,我会唱歌了。七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Top

    30、ic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增_ _ _ _ Mr. Li, I can sing now.七年级仁爱

    31、版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增10. 哈里和他父母一起住在伦敦。七年级仁爱版

    32、下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增Harry _ in London _ his

    33、parents.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增三、单项选择:七年级

    34、仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增( )1. There is _ with

    35、 her eyes.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增A. anyth

    36、ing wrong B. wrong anything 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割

    37、根盟兜接记针在袄狰增C. something wrong D. wrong something 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账

    38、懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增( )2. _ my teachers help, I am very good at English now.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_

    39、 do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增A. Under B. With C. On D. As 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well

    40、.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增( )3. “Hard” here _ difficult in English.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can p

    41、lay the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增A. has B. have C. means D. is for 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ stude

    42、nt, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增( )4. Though(尽管) he lives alone in London, he never feels _.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could yo

    43、u take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增A. alone B. sad C. lonely D. boring 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_

    44、a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增( )5. What do you think _ this movie? Very interesting.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section

    45、 D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增A. over B. of C. about D. up 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Top

    46、ic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _ student, and he can play the piano very well.4. What s_ do 身谓乏临耪奎匠茧好遣徘旬业崖婴忱斌北蛊付衰丝兽前秦履枫恋周聋辅萄氓账懂膨睹孟萄玫舌谓氢悼令港指摆奖掩汰笆必割根盟兜接记针在袄狰增( )6. Excuse me, read the text loud. We _ hear you.七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练 3 七年级仁爱版下册 Unit7 Topic2 Section D 课课练一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jim can r_ a bike.2. Could you take p_ of me, please?3. He is a _

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