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1、广告文本翻译,Introduction,Definition of advertisingAdvertising is the non-personal communication usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.-American Marketing Association,Function of advertisementsIt would be more a

2、ccurate to argue in favor of an advertisement that is attractive, seductive, and expressed in terms that respect the average level of taste and culture.(O.J. Firestone, The Economic Implications of Advertising)更准确地说,广告应有吸引力和诱惑力,使其表达符合大众品味和大众文化心理。,AIDMAattention (消费者对商品的注意)-interest(对商品发生兴趣)desire(产生

3、愿望)memory(形成良好印象)action(激发购买行为),Classification of advertisement,In terms of customer Customer advertising Business advertising In terms of area International advertising National advertising Regional advertising Local advertising,In terms of media Print advertisingnewspaper advertisingmagazine adver

4、tising Electronic advertisingTV advertisingradio advertisingonline advertising Outdoor advertising Direct mail advertising,Advertising components(要素),Non-personal Identified sponsors Charge Information media,Elements of an advertisement,Visual elementsheadlinebodyslogan or tag linessupplementary ite

5、msillustrationtrademarkbrand name,decorate borderwhite space,Audio elementsadvertising commentaryadvertising musicadvertising sounds,Advertising principles,TruthAdvertising shall tell the truth, and shall reveal significant facts, the omission of which would mislead the public. 广告必须揭示实情,并揭示重要事实,对此隐瞒

6、则将误导大众。,SubstantiationAdvertising claims shall be substantiated by evidence in possession of the advertiser and advertising agency, prior to making such claims. 在未作出广告声明之前,广告主和广告公司应该对广告声明有充分的把握和证据。,ComparisonsAdvertising shall refrain from making false, misleading, or unsubstantiated statements or c

7、laims about a competitor or his/her products or services. 广告应避免对竞争对手及其产品或服务作虚假的、误导性的或未经证明的声明。,No-bait advertisingAdvertising shall not offer products or services for sale unless such offer constitutes a bona fide effort to sell the advertising products or services and is not a device to switch consu

8、mers to other goods or services, usually higher priced. 广告不得进行产品或服务的减价宣传,除非该广告确实是想推销广告所宣传的产品或服务而不是将消费者引向其他商品或服务的诱饵。,Guarantees and warrantiesAdvertising of guarantees and warranties shall be explicit, with sufficient information to appraise consumers of their principal terms and limitations or, when

9、 space or time restrictions preclude such disclosures, the advertisement should clearly reveal where the full text of the guarantee or warranties can be examined before purchase. 宣传担保和保证的广告必须明确、翔实。向消费者讲明主要条件和限制,如果时间或版面不够,无法进行此类陈述,广告主必须清楚表明消费者在购买前在何处可以看到担保或保证的全部内容。,Price claimsAdvertising shall avoid

10、 price claims which are false or misleading, or saving claims which do not offer provable savings. 广告应该避免作不实或误导性的价格声明,或为无法保证的储蓄作储蓄声明。,TestimonialsAdvertising containing testimonials shall be limited to those of competent witnesses who are reflecting a real and honest opinion or experience. 广告证言只能由那些

11、真正能反映出真实观点和经验的人来做,只有他们才有这种能力。,Taste and decencyAdvertising shall be free of statements, illustrations or implications which are offensive to good taste or public decency. 广告应避免与优良趣味或风俗相对立的令人不快的陈述、图片或暗示。,中英文广告词的语言特点,1、词汇特征 单音节动词 英文的广告为了引人注目又言简意赅,多采用单音节的动词诸如:buy, come, ask, go, get, give, save, need,

12、like, love, know, look, use, keep, choose, feel, start, taste,这类单音节词简洁有力、通俗易懂 。,Buy one, get more(汽车销售广告) We can give you a better overlook of the beautiful West Lake from every window of our hotel. (宾馆广告) 形容词 英语广告中的名词多为商品或商标名称,因此常借用富有褒义的形容词或具有积极肯定意义的褒义色彩浓厚的评价性形容词(evaluative adjectives)来修饰和标榜商品的优点。,

13、The most unforgettable women in the world wear Revlon.(化妆品露华浓的广告词) 中文的广告,同样喜欢用形容词。二字形容词的有“有一个漂亮的地方,万科四季花城” (万科),“喝汇源果汁,走健康之路”(汇源果汁),“科技让你更轻松”(商务通)。中文广告的形容词也经常用“好”、“更好”和“最好”。例如,“方太,让家的感觉更好”(方太橱具),“要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝”(大宝护肤品),“康师傅方便面,好吃看得见”(康师傅)等等。四字成语的如“万无一失,无师自通”(文曲星电子字典),“口腔卫士,舍我其谁”(华素药片)。,复合词 英语的复合词因为构词比较

14、灵活,组合限制少又用途广,因此广告创作者往往利用各种新词,以达到画龙点睛,如:brand-new, round-the-clock service和 state-of-the-art。 中文的广告语经常用叠词。例如,“缕缕浓香,缕缕温馨“(麦氏咖啡),“上上下下的享受”(三菱电梯),“酸酸甜甜就是我”(蒙牛酸酸乳),“高高兴兴上班去,平平安安回家来”(公益广告),“甜甜大白兔,宝宝心爱物”(白兔糖)等等。,外来词 外来词在英语的发展中,由来已久,一些来自法国、意大利的外来词,如fantastique(fantastic),eau de parfum(perfume) ,ristorante(r

15、estaurant)等,更为化妆品和餐馆所常用 。 如:Yopliat Yogurt Est Fantastique.这是一则酸奶的广告标题,其中Est Fantastique相当于英语的is fantastic,突出该酸奶与众不同的美妙口味,让人产生品尝的欲望。,文字游戏 英语的广告词具有丰富的玩弄“文字游戏”的特色,可以利用拼写变异的(abnormal spelling)、生造的(coinage)单词和词组。 We know eggsactly what you want. (卖鸡蛋的广告, eggs + exactly) TWOGETHER The Ultimate All Inclus

16、ive One Price Sunkissed Holiday 两人世界 同等的价格,至尊的享受,拥抱阳光的度假,中文的广告词也经常仿拟成语、谚语或古诗词,显示出广告构思和表现上的别具一格。例如,“咳不容缓”(桂龙咳药物)仿拟了“刻不容缓”,“百闻不如一键盘”(文字处理系统)仿拟了“百闻不如一见”, “众里寻他千百度,想要几度就几度” (伊莱克斯冰箱)仿拟了辛弃疾的青玉案元夕中的名句“众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”。,2、句法特点 中英文广告在句法上比较相近,具体有以下特点。 简单句 简单句结构简明,语言风格口语化,对产品的特性、作用进行充分描述,重点突出,生动达意。,我们一直

17、在努力。(爱多) 我们正在努力 (艾维斯) 学琴的孩子不会变坏 (三叶钢琴) We integrate, you communicate (Mitsubishi) We lead. Others copy(Aficio Copier),感叹句 中英文广告中有许多短语或省略句以惊叹号结尾,节奏感强,很有力量,起到了强调信息、表达感情、突出重点、激励消费行动的作用。值得注意的是,有些短语只有加上感叹号成为感叹句才具有明确的意义。如: 爱的就是你! (娃哈哈) My Goodness! My Guinness!(Guinness),祈使句 中英文广告中的祈使句比比皆是, 起到提出请求、建议或劝告,为

18、唤醒消费的信心,达到促销的作用。如: Dont look back (Sisley Eyewear) Obey your thirst (Sprite) 不要太潇洒 (杉杉西服) 消除口臭 (李德林漱口药水),疑问句, 在广告中频频出现的疑问句往往是先提出问题,再进行解答,这种问答形式使句子结构得到简化,发人深省,可以让消费者产生兴趣,予以重视和作出反应。 China? The FedEx team delivers. (FedEx) What moves you? (Cathay Pacific) 世界在你眼中? (新浪网) 人类失去联想,世界将会怎样? (联想) 明天的明天,你还会送我“水

19、晶之恋”吗? (水晶之恋果冻),直接引语 在自我吹嘘的广告世界中,又开拓了另一种境界,无论由名人作代言人或由作家现身说法,都予人真实、确信的感觉,达到广告建立消费者信心的作用。 Nicole Kidman: My Choice. (OMEGA) 省优,部优,葛优?( 双汇火腿肠),3、修辞特征 广告文案为了达到引人注目的效果,经常使用文学中的修辞技巧,使得原本简单的语言产生了独特的效果。中英文广告常见的修辞手法是:比喻、(明喻、暗喻、转喻或借代、提喻)、拟人、对比、双关、排比和押韵等。 比喻 The airline thats smooth as silk.(泰国航空公司) 创意似金,敬业如牛

20、 (金牛),拟人 It may be your car but its still your baby.(汽车) 它不会背叛你 (布鲁斯鞋业) 对比 The worlds local bank (HSBC) 臭名远扬,香飘万里 (臭豆腐),双关 Spoil yourself and not your figure. (Weight-Watcher)这是冰淇淋的广告标题,这种冰淇淋是专为节食者生产的,spoil是双关所在。spoil oneself意为“尽兴”,而spoil ones figure则意为“破坏了体形”。 中意冰箱,人人中意 (中意冰箱),排比 Call it Wrigley,Ca

21、ll it Spearmint,Call it GumWrigley.(口香糖) 选择读者,也就选择了一类优秀文化,一种新的视野,一位人生的好友。(读者杂志),广告文本翻译的策略,1)直译(literal translation)/语义翻译(semantic translation)/异化翻译(foreignisation translation)。 例如:Challenge the Limits. 挑战极限 (Samsung),2)“意译”(free translation)或“灵活对等”、“动态对等”、“功能对等”(flexible,dynamic, or functional equiv

22、alence)翻译或“传意翻译”(communicative translation)或“归化翻译”(domestication translation)。 例如:For the next generation.新一代的选择(百事可乐)。,3) 再创型翻译/创译(creative translation)。 例如:Connecting People. 科技以人为本 (诺基亚)。 4) 增补型翻译(supplementary translation/over translation)。 例如:Elegance is an attitude. 优雅态度,真我性格(浪琴表) 5) 浓缩型翻译 (co

23、ndensed translation)。 例如:Wherever you are. Whatever you do. The Allianz Group is always on your side. 安联集团,永远在你身边(安联集团)。,广告译例,Guests wishes are paramount here, with attention to detail, professionalism and continuous innovation defining our approach. Whether you are here for business, leisure or for

24、 a party, Vaeshartelt is the right choice. 本宾馆想客人之所想,急客人之所急,客户利益高于一切。为体现这一宗旨,本店将为客人提供无微不至的关怀、专业水准的服务、不断更新的设备。不论是到此经商、休闲还是聚会,Vaeshartelt 都是您正确的选择。,The Oriental is perfectly poised to introduce you to the legend. 东方大酒店竭诚恭候,将您领入东方传奇。 Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。,If you could take the grace of a fl

25、ight of flamingoes, the sweetness of Beethovens For Elise, the delicacy of a dawn sky, and capture all this in a wine, you would come very close to the character of Nederbury Rose. 您若能将火烈鸟凌空飞翔的那份潇洒、贝多芬献给爱丽丝乐曲的那份甜蜜、黎明晨空的那份美妙从一种酒中尽数品出,那你就快领略雷德堡红葡萄酒的特色了。,Take a classic linen suit. Throw ityes, throw it

26、into your suitcase. Pile on T-shirts, waistcoats and a sneaker or two. Make for the beach, and leave the iron behind. Unpack, and you have it: a loose, leisurely look to last all summer long. Natural fabrics, natural colors, natural style. 拿起一套传统的亚麻西装,扔掉它!-对, 扔掉它把它扔进衣柜。带上些T恤衫、背心和一两双旅游鞋,到海边去!把熨斗也甩了!打开行包就是宽松、休闲地一身,让你度过一个长长的夏季。纯天然的布料,大自然的色彩,自然随意的风格。,


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