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类型托福TPO30口语答案详解之Task1 &Task2.doc

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    关 键  词:
    托福TPO30口语答案详解之Task1 &Task2.doc

    1、今天,环球托福为大家特意搜集整理了托福 TPO30 口语答案分析之 Task1 even professor late 2) Took long cuz snow storms, keep stopping for a week or two Eric proposes that university should schedule construction projects to take place during the summer break as they create inconveniences and could be completed quickly in summer w

    2、hen the weather is usually good. The woman in the conversation totally supports it. Cuz last December when the parking lot was repaired, parking were really inconvenient ,like most students including her and teachers who drive to campus needed to park cars on streets and walk to classes which made t

    3、hem late for class. Also the reason why the lots repairing took too long was there were bunches of snow storms which caused the projects kept stopping from time to time. 托福 TPO 口语答案分析问题: Supposed to start driving to see movie in town with Amy 15mins ago, amy hasnt show up,worried may miss beginning

    4、解决方案 1: Go by herself, leave a voice mail 解决方案 2: Wait another 10 mins since Amys often late 负面评价: Miss the beginning The woman has waited amy for 15minutes to see a movie in town , but she hasnt shown up even didnt response any of the calls or voice messages. The first solution is that she could go

    5、 by herself and leave a voice to her. The second solution is to wait another 10 min since Amy s often late. I personally prefer the first solution. Because firstly, there is only chance that she sees the movie before its discussed on class and she has other work to do and its amys fault not arriving

    6、 on time . Even if amy would miss it, she still has another chance the second day and she will understand the speaker. 托福 TPO 口语答案分析抽象概念: Emotional intelligence helps people to behave appropriately in social situations, which allows them to maintain good relationships with others 例子: His daughter Wa

    7、tch a movie with a friend, then argue what to watch, she upsetrealize not appropriate not upset about friend but the summer job with kids cuz no work with them and wanna do wellapologyze, explain -friend encouragerelax, fun Emotional intelligence helps people to behave appropriately in social situat

    8、ions, which allows them to maintain good relationships with others. The professor told an example of his daughter who was watching a movie with her friend. They argued about what to watch got upset. The she realized that her reaction was not appropriate and also she was not really upset about her fr

    9、iend but her summer job with kids cuz she hadnt worked with them before and wanted to do well. Then she apologized to her and explained her reason. Her friend encouraged her which made her relaxed and then had fun together. When we humans walk from place to place, we move on the Earths surface, acro

    10、ss the Earths surface. Many animals of course, do the same thing, horses and dogs and cows and so on, all move on the surface, across the surface of the Earth. But there are also quite a few animals that have the ability to move from place to place underground, beneath the Earths surface. This movin

    11、g around underground is known as subsurface locomotion. Subsurface locomotion has a number of benefits. One benefit of subsurface locomotion is that it enables animals to minimize their exposure to extreme temperatures. This is very helpful for animals that live in areas with harsh climates, where i

    12、t could be very dangerous to spend large amounts of time on the surface. For example, in the Sahara desert in Africa, theres a type of lizard thats able to move beneath the surface, through the sand very quickly. Because this lizard can move so easily and so quickly underground, it doesnt have to tr

    13、avel on the surface, where it would be exposed to dangerously high temperatures. Another benefit of subsurface locomotion is that it can help animals capture prey. Thats because animals on the surface cant see predators that are approaching underground. Our lizard in the Sahara desert is again a goo

    14、d example. The way it works is, when an insect is walking nearby on the surface, it produces very subtle vibrations in the sand. When the lizard senses these vibrations, it moves very quickly underground where it cant be seen towards the source of the vibrations. It then suddenly pops up right under

    15、 the insect and catches it completely by surprise. 托福 TPO 口语答案分析总括: Subsurface locomotion animals move beneath earth, benefits 观点 1: Enable animals minimize exposure to extreme temperature, avoid harsh climate. 例子 1: Saharan desert lizard, quickly, not on surface with high temperature 观点 2: Capture

    16、prey,cuz animals on surface cant see them 例子 2: Saharan Lizard ,insect walk and produce vibration ,lizard sense ,move quickly, catch by surpriseSubsurface locomotion is the ability that animals can move beneath earth and it has two benefits .One benefit is that it enables animals to minimize exposur

    17、e to extreme temperature, avoiding harsh climate. Like the Saharan desert lizard because it could move quickly and doesnt walk on surface it avoided the high temperature. The other benefit is it helps animals capture prey cuz animals on surface cant see them. Still like Saharan Lizard sense vibration produced by insects walking in sand, the lizard could move quickly to them and catch them by surprise. 以上即是本次环球托福为大家搜集整理的托福 TPO30 口语答案分析之 Task1&Task2 全部内容,希望能帮助大家更好地备考托福口语。最后,环球托福祝大家考试顺利!

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