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8、 7b(MACKL1001)l : 2010- 11- 06ThepotentialgeographicaldistributionofPhenacoccus solenopsisTinsleybasedontheCLIMEXinChina.M a Jun1, HuXuenan1, Peng Zhengqiang2, L iuH aijun1, Liang Fan1, LuYongyue3 ( 1. Guangdong Inspection andQuarantine Technology Center, Guangzhou 510623, China; 2. K ey Laboratory
9、ofM onitor and Control on tropicalInvasive Species, MOA, China; 3. South China AgriculturalUniversity)Abstract In this study, the potential geographical distribution of an invasive pes,t Phenacoccus solenopsis in Chinawas evaluated by using CL IMEX model system. A nalyzed parameters of the developme
10、nt threshold temperatureand m inimum degree- days used in CLIMEX were obtained from laboratory experimental observation. The resultsshowed thatP. solenopsis had aw ide range of potential distribution in China. Except formost area ofT ibe,t Q ing-hai andH eilongjiang provinces, this invasive pest cou
11、ld potentially establish all cotton producing area in China. Itindicated that this invasive pest imposed a potential threat to almost all cotton producing areas in China.Keywords: Phenacoccus solenopsis; CLIMEX; potential geographic distribution; cottonnull nullK1null 本研究以实际测定的发育起点温度和有效积温为基础,采用 CL IMEX系统对扶桑绵粉蚧在中国的适生性地理区域作了预测b结果表明,扶桑绵粉蚧在我国的潜在分布区域广泛,除西藏a青海a黑龙江3个省区的大部地区以外,可覆盖包括长江中下游a黄河中下游a西北内陆 3大主要棉区以及华南和辽河流域的零星棉区所有地区,是一种对我国各棉花产区均具有潜在危险性的害虫bnull5null2011年第 1期 植物检疫 PLANT QUARANT INE V o.l 25 No. 1