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    1、 EnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATfirst义务教育 Compulsory education1. 是否应该实施义务教育的问题不仅引起了教育权威专家的注意,还引起了公众的注意。Implement. Authorities.2. 一些人认为义务教育对于实现全民受教育机会的平等是有必要的。Imperative.3. 在西方发达国家,义务教育是很普遍的做法。A common practice. Advanced countries.4. 义务教育对提高中国人口的基本素质至关重要。Crucial. Basic quality.

    2、5. 实际上,基础教育对于很多农村低收入家庭的儿童来说还是负担不起的。Elementary education. Unaffordable. Low income.6. 因为学费问题,很多农村地区的儿童不得不辍学。Tuition fees. Be compelled to. Withdraw from schools.7. 很多人要求中国的义务教育应该是免费的,并且人人都享有接受义务教育的权利。Free. Available.8. 现状是中国人口过多。Reality. 9. 免费的义务教育不可避免地会给中国政府带来沉重的负担。Inevitably. A huge burden.10. 可取的是

    3、,义务教育有政府基金和公共基金共同负担。Advisable. Be sponsored by. 体罚 Physical Punishment1. 在中国的儿童教育中, 体罚仍然存在。2. 有些家长采用严厉的体罚,以防他们的孩子犯同样的错误。In case3. 是否应该实行体罚长期以来一直是一个有争议的问题。Controversy. 4. 人们对此的态度很不一样。5. 对一些人来讲,因为体罚和“棍棒底下出孝子”这一中国传统的说法是一致的,因此就是有效的。EnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATsecond6. 其中一个关键的原因

    4、就是,中国的父母通常对孩子抱有太多过高的期望。7. 经常有媒体报道,一些儿童因为父母严厉的体罚而授受重伤。Be seriously injured8. 体罚可能导致多种后果。Consequence9. 儿童因为体罚而在心理上受到伤害,这一点是不可避免的。Mentally 10. 从很多现有的问题来看,体罚的负面作用大于正面作用。Existing problems. Negatively. 校园暴力 School Violence1. 校园暴力成为当今社会的一个大问题。2. 媒体经常报道发生校园斗殴、破坏公物甚至枪杀。Vandalism3. 这些报道当中很多都引起了广泛的讨论和关注。Stir.

    5、4. 传统上,人们认为,校园是孩子们生活中最安全的地方。5. 但是现在,事实未必如此。6. 导致学生暴力行为的一个重要原因是他们很容易得到各种武器。Violent behaviours. Availability.7. 另一个起作用的因素是现在的学生心理上的挫折感更强。Mentally frustrated. Contributing8. 过多的暴力和色情也导致他们对社会和人际关系形成错误的观念。Excessive. Pornography. Notions. 9. 一个解决问题的措施就是对学生进行广泛的宣传教育。Publicity. 10. 为了减少校园的暴力,执行法律也是很有必要的。Law

    6、 enforcement. 学术道德1. 如今, 学术舞弊是很多人关注的热门话题。Academic dishonesty.2. 学术舞弊的一个重要方式就是剽窃。Plagiarism 3. 剽窃涉及把别人的想法、作品或者电脑程序当成自己的来使用。EnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATthird4. 毫无疑问,剽窃是不道德的。Unethical 5. 另外,它还可能造成作者经济上的损失。Economic benefit.6. 实际的利益给了他们剽窃的动力。Practical benefits. Impetus.7. 从法律的角度

    7、来看,剽窃涉及对版权的侵犯。Perspective. Violation of copyright8. 为了避免剽窃,我们可以使用引用、脚注、参考书目和文献来表明出处。Avoid. Quotations. Footnotes. References. Bibliographies.9. 剽窃在很大程度上是由于人们的版权意识薄弱而造成的。Sense of copyright10. 应该迅速采取行动来禁止剽窃和侵犯版权。大学学费 university tuitions1. 近年来,中国的大学学费体系经历了巨大的变革。Witness. Tuition system.2. 许多人都注意到,不断上涨的高

    8、等教育费用给中国普通家庭带来了巨大的压力。Observe. Rising costs. Impose. Pressure. 3. 高等教育是否应该完成由个人支付引起了公众广泛的关注。Self-funded. 4. 很多人认为这种教育改革和中国的市场经济是完全一致的。Educational reform. In accordance with.5. 例如,所有的教学资源和教学设施都花费大量的金钱。Teaching facilities.6. 学费已经成为刺激国民经济增长的最主要的因素之一。Stimulating factors. National economy. 7. 相当部分的学费用于扩建大

    9、学校园。Be devoted to. Expansion.8. 根据观察,很多人反对这种改革。Be opposed to. Observation.9. 贫困家庭已无力支付高等教育。Unaffordable. Impoverished families.10. 政府和公众应该共同努力来缓解这种压力。Joint efforts. 先天 VS 后天 nature vs. nurture EnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATfourth1. 先天和后天的联系时很多科学家研究的焦点问题。Correlation. 2. 科学家和普通

    10、人对先天因素是否在个人发展过程中的作用更重要这一问题都很感兴趣。More significant. Individuals development. 3. 一个很自然的结论就是先天和后天密不可分。Be inextricably linked with each other4. 科学的证据确实证明,先天的特征对个人的性情有很大的影响。Scientific evidences. Congenital characteristics. Temperament. 5. 有人认为后天在个人发展中起着关键的作用。基于这样的认识,如果父母认为孩子处于一个不利的环境中,他们就会感到十分担忧。Based on.

    11、 Fall into serious anxiety. 6. 在这种认识的刺激下,很多中国父母鼓励自己的孩子参加各种各样的课外补习班。Stimulation. Urge. Extracurricular courses. 7. 一些教育良好的家庭中的孩子也有可能有怪异的行为。Well-educated. Be inclined to. 8. 很明显,一个有利的教养环境在儿童的成长中起着更重要的作用。Positive. Upbringing.电子游戏的利弊1. 如今,很多父母都因为自己的孩子花大量的时间玩电脑游戏而忧心忡忡。Nowadays, many parents are worried t

    12、hat their kids spend abundant time playing computer games.2. 因为电脑游戏非常受欢迎,游戏的程序设计正成为利润最高的行业之一。The tremendous popularity. ProfitableAs the computer games are of tremendous popularities, the program of computer games has become one of the most profitable jobs.3. 一方面,玩电子游戏能给人带来很多乐趣。Electronic games. Fun

    13、 and pleasure.EnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATfifthOn the one hand, playing electronic games can bring people much fun and pressure.4. 很多青少年声称,玩电脑游戏有利于开发智力和培养创造力。Adolescents. Intelligence and creativity.Many adolescents claim that playing computer games profits intelligence and

    14、 creativity.5. 另一方面,家长们担心痴迷于游戏会使学生学习分心。Being engrossed in. be distracted from.On the other hand, parents are worried that being engrossed in games will let students be distracted from study.6. 有证据显示,玩电子游戏可能会导致年轻人的行为具有攻击性。Aggressive behaviours.It is proved from the evidences that playing electronic g

    15、ames are likely to lead to the youngs aggressive behaviors.7. 更重要的是,电脑游戏可能导致青少年犯罪。Lead to. Adolescent delinquency Whats more, computer games may lead to adolescent delinquency.8. 因为沉溺于电子游戏,青少年学生经常对外面的世界视而不见。The addiction to. Turn a blind eye to.Because of the addition to computer games, adolescent s

    16、tudents usually turn a blind eye to external world. 9. 不用说,玩电脑游戏纯粹是浪费时间。Needless to say.Its needless to say that playing computer games is just a waste of time.10. 个人必须要努力抵制视频游戏的诱惑。Individuals. Resist the temptations from.Individuals must resist the temptations from video games.电视对儿童的影响1. 正如我们所看到的,看

    17、电视已经成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。An indispensable partAs we could see, watching TV has become an indispensable part in our daily life.EnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATsixth2. 电视的出现给我们的生活带来了很大的影响。The appearance of TV has bought great influence to our daily life.3. 儿童是否应该花大量的时间看电视这一问题值得探讨。Th

    18、e problem whether children should spend a lot of time to watch TV is worth discussing.4. 最大的好处是电视可以通过各种资讯丰富的节目来满足我们的好奇心。Curiosity. Informative programmes.The greatest benefit is that televisions can meet our curiosity with informative programs.5. 有时,它仅仅是帮助我们消磨时间。Kill timeSometimes, it just helps us

    19、to kill time.6. 但是,电视绝非对儿童没有任何坏处。By no means free ofHowever, televisions are not by no means free of disadvantages.7. 首先,它可能会导致孩子们不愿从事户外活动。Reluctant to do First, it may lead kids to become reluctant to do outdoor activities.8. 其次,孩子们在看电视时仅仅是被动的接受者。在电视机前坐久了,他们在创造力方面的发展可能就会比较缓慢。Passive receivers. Crea

    20、tivitySecond, kids are just passive receivers when they are watching TV. When sitting long, their development in creativity might be slow.9. 最后一点,但绝不是最不重要的一点,如今的电视节目要么提供一些肤浅的信息,要么提供过多的暴力、色情等歪曲现实的信息。Superficial information. Distorted representations. Last but not the least, the TV programs nowadays e

    21、ither provide superficial information, or offer distorted representations full of violence or eroticism.10. 因此,强烈建议儿童在家长指导下收看电视节目。Parental guidanceEnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATseventhAs a result, we strongly suggest kids to watch TV programs under parental guidance.家庭主妇 hous

    22、e wife1. 女性属于家庭而且应该当全职家庭主妇,许多人都觉得这是天经地义的。It sounds naturalMany thinks it is natural that female belongs to family and ought to be professional house wife.2. 迄今为止,女性扮演过、最有意义的角色是贤妻良母。Significant. Virtuous. Careful.The most significant characters that female acted so far are virtuous and careful wives

    23、and mothers. 3. 大部分女性很喜欢在家里和孩子们呆在一起,但是并不是代表所有女性都这样。Not always the caseMost females like to stay at home with their kids, but it is not always the case that all females do so.4. 经常有媒体报道,许多家庭主妇遭受家庭暴力。Suffer from domestic violenceIt is often reported that a large number of house wives are suffering fro

    24、m domestic violence.5. 原因之一是女性成为男性统治和大男子主义的牺牲品。Victim. Male-dominatedness and male chauvinismOne of the reasons is that females have become the victim of male-domination and male chauvinism.6. 很多女性不再满足于枯燥的家务活,而选择出去工作。Contented with. Many females are not contented with the boring housework, instead,

    25、they choose to work outside.7. 一些女性很容易地就适应了这种角色的转变,但是其他人就发掘不出她们的职业才能和潜力。Adapt to. Professional talents and potentialities.Some females easily adapt to the character changes, while others just cannot find their professional talents and potentialities.EnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE

    26、GMATeighth8. 她们对工作全心投入的结果是,工作和家庭之间发生了冲突。Full devotion to. Conflict. The result they put full devotion to work is the confliction between work and family.9. 为了结束这种冲突,很多女性选择了回到家庭。To end up this confliction, many females choose to return home.10. 一个更明智的方法就是女性可以选择一种灵活的工作方式,比如远程办公。A flexible way. Telecom

    27、muting. A wiser way is that females can choose a flexible way to work, such as telecommuting.家庭关系1. 对大多数人来说,紧密的家庭关系和家庭成员间和睦相处是世界上最珍贵的东西之一。Close family bonds. Precious. For most people, close family bonds and the humor between families are the most precious things in the world. 2. 不仅对传统的大家庭是这样,对现代的核心

    28、家庭也是如此。Extended family. Nuclear family.This is not only suitable for extended family, but also nuclear family.3. 一个值得注意的现象就是许多大城市中出现了丁克家庭。The noticeable phenomena. DINK family.One of the noticeable phenomena is that many DINK families occur in big cities.4. 丁克家庭的家庭结构遭到了一些批评。CriticismThe DINK family

    29、construction has been under some criticism.5. 一种批评就是丁克家庭对人口没有任何贡献。One kind of the criticism is that DINK families do not contribute to population.6. 他们坚持认为,一个所有成员和睦相处的大家庭才是幸福所在。Be in good termsEnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATninthThey consist that a family that everybody can be

    30、 in good terms with each other is where the happiness ought to be.7. 随着社会观念的发展,很多年轻人对中国传统的、家长制的家庭价值观感到厌烦。Social ideology. Paternalistic family values.With the development of the social ideology, many young people feel disgusted about Chinese traditional paternalistic family values.8. 年轻人渴望的是家庭成员之间的平

    31、等。Be longing for. Equality. What the young are longing for is the equality between family members.9. 代沟是人们经常听到的关于家庭关系的另一个话题。Generation gap. Generation gap is another topic that people usually hear about about family relationship.10. 不管怎样,所有的家庭成员都应该为缩短代沟寻求有效的方法。However, all family members should find

    32、 effective ways to reduce generation gap.择业 Job Selections1. 不用说,每个人都希望在择业时能作出一个明智的决定。We dont need to sayNeedless to say, that everyone expects to make a wise choice when deciding their jobs.2. 现代工作方式的一个特征就是人们在选择工作时有更多的自由。More freedomOne of the features of modern working is the more freedom people h

    33、ave when choosing jobs.3. 在激烈的竞争环境中,人们在做决定时不得不综合考虑各项因素。Fierce. Consideration. In the fierce competing circumstances, people need to put every factor in to consideration when decidingmaking a decision.EnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATtenth4. 人们在面临选择职业时常常陷入一个进退两难的境地。Dilemma. Peopl

    34、e often stuck in a dilemma when facing occupation choices.5. 毫无疑问,一个重要的因素就是未来的薪金。It is without doubt that one of the most important factor is the wage in the future.6. 但是从长期来看,还有比高额的薪金更重要的东西。But for long, theres something more than high wage/income/ssalary.7. 对有些人来说,更重要的是升职的机会和将来在职业上取得成就的空间。Promotio

    35、n. Professional achievement.For some people, the chance of getting into a higher position and being more successful is more important.8. 人们必须对自己的优势和弱势有充分的了解。Imperative. Strengths and weaknesses.People need to have an imperative understatement of his strengths and weaknesses.9. 为了取得成就感,有些人不顾自身的缺点和不足,

    36、而将目标放在极有挑战性和极有前途的职位上。Obtain. Despite. To obtain an honor of success, some people set their goals onto the positions that are challenging and promisingfull of opportunity.10. 从职业咨询师那里获得一些专业的建议也是很有价值的。Worthwhile. Career advisors.Getting some suggestions from the career advisors is worthwhile.远程办公 Tele

    37、commuting1. 远程办公是当今社会最新潮的工作方式之一。Telecommuting is one of the most fashionable working ways nowadays.2. 其中一个原因就是因为互联网已经成为最受欢迎的通讯方式之一。EnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATeleventhOne of the reasons is that the Internet has become one of the most popular ways of communicating.3. 一些人认为远程

    38、办公对老板和员工都是很有益的。BeneficialSome thinks that telecommuting is both beneficial for bosses and stuffsstaffs.4. 对于老板来说,如果很多员工远程办公,他们就不用花很多钱来租宽敞的办公室了。On the part of. No longer need to On the part of boss, if many stuffs staffs telecommute, theyll no longer need to rent the huge spacious offices.5. 对于员工来说,他

    39、们不用费力地每天在家和办公室之间往返了。Commute betweenFor stuffsstaffs, they wont make efforts to commute between their homes and offices.6. 因此,这种灵活的工作方式被诠释成一种由迅速发展的科技带来的全新生活方式。Has been defined as. Rapid development. Thus, this flexible working way has been defined as a completely new approach resulted from the rapid

    40、development of technology.7. 但是,其他人并不认为这样做很明智、很有效。Wise and efficientHowever, others do not consider it to be more wise and efficient.8. 在他们看来,远程办公很有可能会导致怠工和工作上的懒散。Is most likely to. Absenteeism.In their eyes, telecommuting is more likely to lead to absenteeism and laziness on work.9. 他们相信办公室中的限制和来自同

    41、事的压力能刺激员工更加努力地工作。Constraints. Peer pressure. Motivate. They believe that the limit of the office and the pressure from their colleague can motivate them to work harder.EnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATtwelfth10. 随着通讯技术的迅速发展,如果远程办公能够被很好地实践和监督,它会非常有效。Be properly exercised and supe

    42、rvised. With the rapid development of communicating technology, if telecommuting can be properly exercised and supervised, it may be more efficient.男女平等1. 很多人注意到男性和女性在工作机会上平等的问题。Equality. Job opportunities. Many has noticed the problem of sex equality on job opportunities.2. 据说,女性在工作中受到不平等的待遇。Unfair

    43、ly. Occupations. It is said that females are unfairly treated in occupations.3. 例如,和男同事相比,女性的晋升机会比较少。Less chances of promotions.For example, compared with male colleagues, females get less chance of promotions. 4. 有很多关于女性在求职中遭到更多歧视的报道。Suffer more prejudices. Job hunting. Therere many reports that fe

    44、males suffer more prejudices in job hunting.5. 对于女性在工作中是否应该享受平等的机会这一问题不同的人们持不同的观点。Different people have(hold) different opinions towards the problem on whether females should share fair opportunities. (opinions vary from one to another towards)6. 从传统上来说, 女性属于家庭,仅仅扮演家庭主妇的角色。The single role of housewi

    45、ves.Traditionally, females belongs to family, they just play the single role of housewives.7. 情况正在发生变化。But the circumstance is changing.8. 可以看出,现代女性同样具有很强的进取心和竞争意识。Be equipped with. Enterprise.It is obvious that modern females are also equipped with strong enterprise and sense of EnQ International E

    46、ducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATthirteenthcompetitioning.9. 慢慢地,很多人已经能够接受女性同样适合从事领导工作这一事实。Be suitable for. Leadership jobs.By and by, many have accepted the fact that female are also suitable to do leadership jobs.10. 这些都证明男女同事之间平衡和协调的关系可以带来成功。A balanced and harmonious relationship. Lead to. Thes

    47、e all prove that a balanced and harmonious relationship between male and female colleagues can bring success.白色谎言 A White Lie1. 很多人经常会想,我们是否该说一些善意的谎言?Many may usually consider whether we shouldthat should we say some white lies or not.2. 一些人认为这是可以理解的并且是无害的,但是其他人并不这么认为。Understandable and harmlessSome

    48、 regard this understandable and harmless, while others do not think so.3. 他们觉得这只不过是一个撒谎的借口。An excuse of They think this is nothing but an excuse of lying.4. 事实上,人们有时候确实陷入一种进退两难的境地。A dilemmaIn fact, people sometimes surely strike struck into a dilemma.Be caught in5. 以医生为例。Take the doctors for example

    49、.6. 医生经常要在是向别人病人隐瞒事实还是直接告知真相之间作出艰难的决定。Make a hard decision. Hold back. RevealEnQ International EducationTOEFL ELTS SAT ACT GRE GMATfourteenthDoctors often make a hard decision about hiding facts or revealing the truth directly.7. 正如我们都承认的,实话实说、诚实做人是一项传统美德。The long-cherished virtuesAs we all admit, telling the truth and being honest are long-cherished virtues.8. 反方观点认为善意的谎言是人们故意说的。Deliberation.The negative side holds the deliberation that white lies are spoken on purpose.9. 短期内可能会起到缓解伤害的作用,但是不能持久。The short termIt may remit(reduce, lessen) hurt in the sh

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