1、269浙江理工大学 2012 版机械电子工程专业本科留学生培养方案一、专业名称:机械电子工程 专业代码:080307W二、培养目标 本专业培养具有扎实的机械工程和电子工程基础知识,掌握机电一体化集成技术,能从事现代机电系统研究开发、集成、维护、管理,具有创新精神和能力的复合型工程技术人才,了解当代中国经济、政治、文化和社会发展,能够参与并促进中国与其所在国之间相关领域友好交流与合作。三、培养规格及基本要求毕业生应具备的知识、能力与素质结构:1. 知识结构(1)具有较扎实的数学、物理等自然科学基础,较好的人文社会科学基础和外语基础;(2)系统地掌握本专业科学与工程领域的宽厚理论基础知识,主要包括
2、工程制图、力学、机械设计基础、电子技术、控制技术基础等知识;(3)具有机电系统集成技术的知识与技能,包括机电控制工程、机电系统设计、机器人技术、嵌入式技术等方面的知识与技能,了解本专业学科前沿和发展趋势;(4)掌握基本汉语知识,了解中国概况。2. 能力结构(1)具备机电一体化系统设计能力;(2)能够通过不断的自学来提高专业技术水平; (3)具有分析问题和解决问题的基本能力及开拓创新的精神; (4)具 有 良 好 的 算 机 应 用 能 力 和 英 语 读 写 能 力 , 能 够 熟 练 地 查 阅 文 献 、 资 料 和 科 技 情 报 ;(5)具有使用生活用语和阅读本专业汉语资料的初步能力。
3、3. 素质结构(1)品格素质:具有较高的政治素质、思想素质与道德素质。(2)文化素质:具有基本的历史、哲学、文学、艺术等知识和修养。(3)身心素质:具有健康的体魄和心理。(4)工程素质:掌握扎实的工程理论知识,具有较好的团队合作精神。四、主干学科:机械工程、电子工程五、核心课程 汉语、中国概况、 英语、高等数学、电路原理基础、理论力学、机械原理、机电控制工程、机电传动与控制、单片微机原理及应用、机电系统设计六、特色课程研究型课程:机电系统实践与实验双语教学课程:科学与工程计算语言、三维数字化建模、可编程序控制器技术七、学习年限:3-6 年 最低毕业学分:149.5 授予学位:工学学士课内总学时
4、:2040 独立实践教学:30 周+96 学时270八、培养方案的学分分配比例类 别 必修学分 选修学分 合计 比例通 识 课 程 283 18 49 32.8%学科基础课程 42.513 8 63.5 42.5%专 业 课 程 9+10 18 37 24.7%合 计 105.5 44 149.5 100%实践教学 48 学分比 例 70.6% 29.4%比 例 32.1%注:各课程类别中均包含实践教学。九、专业特色以培养能从事现代机电系统研发的复合型工程技术人才为目标,以纺织装备为行业背景,根据浙江省纺织装备对机电一体化人才的需求,在专业课程和实践课程设置中强调纺织装备和自动化装备中的机电集
5、成技术的学习,能够参与并促进中国与其所在国之间相关领域友好合作交流的高素质人才。通过综合类理论知识的学习,及大量课内外实践环节培养提高综合知识应用能力。十、说明通识课程选修说明1) 工程技术类:推荐选择工程设计导论。2) 人文艺术类:可根据个人兴趣在“通识课程一览”中任选。3) 经济管理类:可根据个人兴趣在“通识课程一览”中任选。271Zhejiang Sci-Tech University 2012 Program Outline of Mechatronic Engineering (for International Students) Name of Major: Mechatroni
6、c Engineering Code for Major:080307W ObjectivesThe curriculum is designed to educate students in mechanical engineering and electronic engineering theory and practice. Graduates with mechatronics knowledge and skill can innovatively engage in work of integrated system design, system maintenance, and
7、 production management and so on in the field of mechatronics engineering. Graduates are also expected to understand contemporary Chinese economic, political, cultural and social development, to participate in and promote the exchange and cooperation between China and their countries. Basic Requirem
8、ents on Knowledge and AbilitiesGraduates are expected to have the following knowledge and abilities:1. Knowledge (1) Solid foundation in natural sciences,humanities (3) Skills of integrated mechatronics system Design, with the knowledge of mechatronic control engineering, mechanics system design, ro
9、bot technology and embedded system. Understanding of Mechatronics development and trend;(4) Grasping basic Chinese knowledge, understanding Chinese overview.2. Abilities (1) Apply mechatronics engineering knowledge and skills to design and develop the mechatronics system; (2) Be engaged in and conti
10、nue to engage in lifelong self-directed learning to maintain and enhance their professional skills;(3) Have problem analyzing and solving ability, and innovative thinking;(4) Have skill of computer application and ability of English language for reading and writing; Be able to access and review lite
11、rature and technological information.(5) Initial skills of daily communication in Chinese and reading the professional Chinese literature.3. Qualities(1) Moral quality: high caliber of political, spiritual and moral quality.(2) Cultural qualities: fundamental knowledge in history, philosophy, litera
12、ture and art(3) Physical and mental health: good physical and mental health(4) Professional quality: Solid foundation of engineering theoretical knowledge, perform 272professionally in both individual and multi-disciplinary team-based project environment; Main Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, El
13、ectronics Engineering Core Courses Chinese Language, Brief Introduction to China, English, Advanced Mathematics, Electric Circuit, Computer Programming, Theoretical Mechanics, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Mechanical Design, Mechatronic Control Engineering, Principles and Applications of Micro-
14、controller, Mechatronics System Design.Special Courses Research courses: Mechatronics System DesignBilingual courses: Principles of Machinery, Science & Engineering Computing Language, 3D Digital Modeling Length of Courses: 3-6 years Degree Awarded: Bachelor of EngineeringMinimum Credits Required fo
15、r Graduation: 149.5In-Class Hours: 2040 Separate Practice Teaching: 30Weeks+96HoursProportion of Course CreditsCourse Classification Compulsory Credits Optional Credits Total Credits PercentageGeneral Courses 283 18 49 32.8%Basic Discipline-related Courses 42.513 8 63.5 42.5%Major-related Courses 9+
16、10 18 37 24.7%Total Credits 105.5 44 149.5 100%Practice Teaching 48CreditsPercentage 70.6% 29.4%Percentage 32.1% Characteristics of the MajorThe program aims to produce high-end practical integrated technical talents, which features backgrounds of textile machinery. According the requirement of the
17、regional development of textile machinery, the program emphasizes application of mechatronics technology on the textile industry. Students will be highly qualified talents to participate in and promote cooperation and exchange in related areas between China and their countries. Students are expected
18、 to make progress for engineering problem solving abilities through large quantities of practices both inside and outside the class. Notes optional courses of general studies1) Engineering and Technologies module:Introduction to Engineering Design is recommended.2) Humanities and Arts module:Free choice from “General education course list”.3) Economics and Management module:Free choice from “General education course list”. “Production management basics” and “project management” are recommended。