1、The Arab world 阿拉伯世界,INSTRUCTIONAL GOALS 指导目标,1. 掌握对伊斯兰教的基本理解Upon completion of this block of instruction, students will possess a basic understanding of the Islamic faith 2. 了解伊斯兰教如何影响伊拉克生活的各个方面Students will understand how the dynamics of Islam effect all aspects of life in Iraq 3.获得避免文化冲突的基本工具Stud
2、ents will have basic tools to avoid cultural conflicts,Purpose of Presentation目的,熟悉阿拉伯文化To familiarize the student/interviewer with the Arabic culture.在处理文化事宜时的沟通方式与有效的询问策略To suggest communication techniques and effective interrogation strategies in dealing with a subject from this culture.,Understa
3、nding A Culture 了解一种文化,想要了解一种文化,我们就必须理解人们的信仰与价值观To understand a culture, we must first understand the beliefs and values of the people.记得全球每五个人当中有一个就是穆斯林Remember - One of every five people on this planet is a Muslim!,Muslims in the World世界上的穆斯林,12亿,穆斯林代表全球人口的20%=世界上每五个人当中就有一个是穆斯林1.2 billion, Muslims
4、 represent just over 20% of the worlds population = 1 of 5 humans in the world is a Muslim世界上第二大宗教Second largest religion in the world(信徒数量)增长最快,包括欧美Fastest growing including Europe and America,Monotheistic Tradition 一神论传统,“伊斯兰教”含义:是指通过归顺真主实现自己及周围环境的和平 “Islam” means: achieving peace with oneself and
5、 ones environment through submission to God它是过去一神论教义的延续,特别是犹太教与基督教a continuation of the previous monotheistic teachings, particularly Judaism and Christianity 古兰经将托拉诗篇福音书视作是它出现之前的传达神旨的经文The Quran confirms the Torah, the Psalms and the Gospel as divinely revealed scriptures before the Quran,Messenger
6、s Muhammad 使者穆罕默德,以实玛利的后人,而以实玛利 是亚伯拉罕的大儿子Descendant of Ishmael, the first son of Abraham. 570年出生于阿拉伯的麦加Born in Mecca, Arabia, in the year 570 在40岁时,通过天使加比利,他第一次得到了神旨Received first revelation at the age 40 through angel Gabriel. 为伊斯兰教布道23年后 ,他卒于632年Died in the year 632 C.E, after preaching Islam for
7、23 years. 他是最后一位先知,以后再没有先知了。 Seal of the chain of prophets; no more prophets to follow.,Fall of the Caliphate 哈里发帝国的降临,在先知死后,伊斯兰教也经历了无数的政治变动、统治,比如说逊尼派与什叶派的分裂After the death of the Mohamed, however, Islam also saw numerous political upheavals, leading, for example to the split between Sunni and Shia
8、traditions. 尽管伊斯兰教疆土内发生很多权力之争,但是多数情况,还是有一个政治统一体的。 In spite of power struggles within the Islamic territory, for most of the time there was some kind of political unity. 一战结束,哈里发帝国土崩瓦解,结果导致了全球穆斯林的殖民主义,伴随一种新的现象分裂、不统一,甚至直到今天穆斯林仍然无法从中恢复统一。 The dissolution of the Caliphate at the end of WWI and the resul
9、ting age of colonialism presented Muslims across the world with a new phenomenon of fragmentation and disunity from which they have still not recovered to date.,The Five Pillars of Islam 伊斯兰教五大支柱,Shahada Testimony宣誓 Salat Prayer祈祷 Zakat Almsgiving天课 Sawm Fasting斋戒 Hajj Pilgrimage朝觐,Prayer (Salah)祈祷,
10、一日祈祷五次Five Daily Prayers 祈祷者要按照个人祈祷方式,行净手(身)礼,端立,鞠躬,跪姿,坐姿Prayers involve ablution, standing, bowing, prostrating, sitting postures, followed by personal invocations 穆斯林面对礼拜朝向,即面朝麦加的卡巴Muslim face a common prayer direction (Qiblah) towards the Kaabah in Makkah 祈祷可以独自进行,或者是聚众一起祈祷Prayers can be said alo
11、ne or in congregation 周五(聚礼日)集会祈祷前,进行一个布道是伊斯兰教徒的责任与义务On Fridays congregational prayers preceded by a sermon are mandatory,Prayer (Salah)祈祷,一日五次的祈祷是The five daily prayers are : 晨礼(从黎明到日出前) Fajr (from early twilight till just before sunrise) 晌礼(从太阳当顶到半下午) Zuhr (after the zenith of the sun till mid aft
12、ernoon) 午礼(半下午到下午晚些时候) Asr (between mid and late afternoon 昏礼(日落后不久) Maghrib (shortly after sunset) 宵礼(晚上及第二天黎明前) Isha (during night-time and before the next mornings twilight)另外也有一些自愿的祈祷,也有其他场合的祈祷There are additional voluntary prayers as well as are prayers for special occasions,Prayer祈祷: The Mosqu
13、e清真寺,清真寺不包含雕塑与图片Mosques do not contain statues or images 清真寺内部装饰着书法与阿拉伯几何图案设计Calligraphy and arabesque geometric designs beautify the mosque interior 其中没有座位,也没有预留的地方There are no seats and no reserved places 礼拜者进入清真寺前要拖鞋Worshippers remove their shoes before entry 清真寺有卫生清洗设施Washing facilities are atta
14、ched to the mosque 清真寺也被作为文化中心The mosque also serves as a cultural centre,Charity (Zakat)天课,超过贫困线的每个人都要支付年剩余(非收入)的2.5%救济需要的人Everybody above the poverty threshold must pay 2.5% of surplus (not income) for the benefit of the needy annually 只有穆斯林缴纳天课Only Muslims pay Zakah 天课的概念确保了一种社会责任意识并且避免了私藏The con
15、cept of Zakah ensures an awareness of social obligation and prevents hording,Fasting (in Ramadan)斋戒(在斋月中),斋月是在伊斯兰阴历的第九个月,这一历法每年都比阳历早开始十天Ramadan is 9th month in Islamic Lunar calendar and thus starts 10 days earlier every year of the solar calendar 从日出前开始直到日落后,停止饮食,并且克制情欲 Abstinence from food and dri
16、nk and marital relations from dawn to sunset 传统是在规定日期打破斋戒It is traditional to break the fast with dates 斋戒是为了训练自制与得到神的意识Fasting is to teach self-control and awareness of God,Hajj (Pilgrimage)朝觐,对于有能力的穆斯林,一生当中至少要去麦加朝觐一次。朝觐是在穆斯林历法最后一个月。 Pilgrimage to Makkah once in life time for able Muslims during th
17、e last month of the Muslim calendar全世界各地每年有两三百万穆斯林到麦加朝觐About 2-3 million Muslims perform Hajj each year from all over the world一年当中的任何时候都可以去麦加小朝A lesser pilgrimage (Umrah) can take place any time during the year as a visit to the Kaabah,Sunni and Shiia 逊尼派与什叶派,逊尼派有十亿人1 billion Sunni 非阿拉伯逊尼派Non Arab
18、Sunnis : 土耳其、巴勒斯坦、阿富汗,与其他斯坦国家,印尼人口大国Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, other stans, Indonesia - huge population什叶派一亿七千万170 million Shia 非阿拉伯什叶派Non Arab Shia 伊朗,阿富汗Iran, Afghanistan,17,The sunni-shiia seperation origion 逊尼派-什叶派分离的渊源,穆罕默德卒,没有留下确定的继承人632- Muhammad dies, leaving no confirmed successor 632关于
19、谁会领导这个宗教信仰在家族中产生了分歧是按血统(阿里)还是一个最能力的人Disagreement among clans on who will lead the faith- bloodline (Ali) or the one most capable 伊斯兰社区选举穆罕默德的岳父“艾卜巴克尔”来领导,他成为了首位哈里发the Islamic community elects Muhammads father-in-law “Abu Bakr” to lead. He becomes the first Caliph 意见分歧导致了一场战争,将伊斯兰教分裂成两个团体:什叶派(阿里的支持者)
20、与逊尼派(艾卜巴克尔的支持者) the dissagreement leads to a war whitch divide the islam to 2 groups: shiaa(the supporters of ALI and sunni(the supporters of ABU BAKR,Halal and Haram许可与禁忌,伊斯兰教通过规定许可与禁忌行为来统治着个人与公共生活Islam governs personal and public life through a concept of permitted and forbidden actions合法与非法行为按级划分
21、为必尽义务、建议、中性、不喜欢、禁止。 The lawful and unlawful actions are graded into the obligatory, recommended, value-neutral, disliked, and prohibited.,Halal/Haram许可/禁忌: Food食物,动物腐肉、带血的及猪肉是严禁食物Carrion, blood and pork are amongst the forbidden food items 吃的肉必须是以真主安拉之圣名,并且所有的血必须干了Meat must be slaughtered in the nam
22、e of Allah and all blood must be drained 只可以非食肉动物Only non-carnivorous animals are permitted for consumption 所有海洋动物都是禁忌All sea animals are permitted 酒精与醉人的药物都是完全禁止的Alcohol and intoxicating drugs are prohibited completely 圣经民族(犹太教/基督教)准备的食物允许食用;而如果是供奉其他的神则严格禁止食用。 Food prepared by the People of the Boo
23、k (Jews/Christians) is permitted; food dedicated to other gods is prohibited,Haram: Behaviour 禁忌: 行为,禁忌Prohibited actions : 谋杀Murder 偷盗Theft 高利贷Usury 赌博Gambling 婚外情Intimate relationships outside marriage 同性恋Same sex relationships,Islamic Law: Shariah 伊斯兰教法:沙利雅,法律来源Sources of laws神旨(古兰经) Divine revel
24、ation (Quran)先知传统Prophetic Tradition学者类推/共识Scholarly analogy/consensus,Islamic Law: Shariah 伊斯兰教法:沙利雅,教法的分类 Classification of laws神的法律(人权) Laws of God (human rights)人的法律(公共秩序) Laws of people (public order)个人的法律(个人的道德规范) Laws of self (private morals),Islamic Law: Shariah 伊斯兰教法:沙利雅,司法权Jurisdictions由伊斯
25、兰教法统治的区域 Daru-l-Islam (territory governed by Islamic Law)敌人的区域 Daru-l-Harb (enemy territory)受伊斯兰政府协定控制的区域 Daru-l-Ahd (territory subject to agreement with Islamic State),Islamic Law: Shariah 伊斯兰教法:沙利雅,双重公民身份Dual Citizenship 穆斯林(必须交纳天课) Muslims (to be drafted/obliged to pay Zakah) 异教徒(必须交纳保护税) Dhimmis
26、 (not to be drafted/obliged to pay Jizya/protection tax)少数信仰者权利Minority rights 一神论者Monotheists (Ahl Kitab) 多神论者Polytheists,Fasting: Why? 斋戒:为什么?,首要目标Primary objective : 为了获得taqwa “神的意识”/自律 Taqwa是一个阿拉伯词源自于词根“wiqaya” 意思是预防/保护To attain taqwa “God consciousness“/ self-discipline Taqwa is an Arabic word
27、that comes from the root “wiqaya” which means prevention/protection 精神目标/好处Spiritual objectives/benefits : 通过默念沉思古兰经与增加额外的祈祷,有助于穆斯林拉近与神的距离Helps Muslims draw closer to God through increased recitation and reflection of the Quran and additional prayers/worship. 帮助增进信仰、更加虔诚与正直,消除炫耀Aids in increase of i
28、man (faith) and ihsan (sincerity and righteousness) and removal of riyya (showing off). 训练人们去做一些值得褒奖的行为,比如:仁爱、友好、慷慨、耐心与宽容Trains the person to do praiseworthy acts e.g. charity, kindness, generosity, patience and forgiveness,26/76,Continued继续,身体上目标/好处Physical Objectives/benefits : 斋戒的人可以体会到穷人的艰辛A fas
29、ting person experiences some of the hardships of the poor and hungry.身体上的益处包括降血糖、降胆固醇、收缩压Physiological effects include lowering of blood sugar, cholesterol and systolic blood pressure.通过身体节制,增加力量、磨练耐力、自制力Improves strength, endurance and self-discipline through physical abstentions.,27/76,Continued续,
30、从黎明开始到日落结束,都要斋戒。Fasting begins at the break of dawn and ends at sunset.身体方面Physical Aspect: 斋戒期间禁吃喝、禁情欲Refrain from food, drink and intimacy during fasting hours 依据地点与季节,它会变化从12小时到17小时Depending on location and season, it can vary from 12hrs to 17 hrs.精神方面Spiritual Aspect : 严禁受责备的想法与行为,例如:在这期间说粗话、废话、
31、做伤害人的行为Refrain from blameworthy thoughts and acts e.g. foul language, vain talk, hurtful behaviour, during all hours.,28/76,ARAB CULTURE 阿拉伯文化,29/76,Understanding Arabic Culture 理解阿拉伯文化,阿拉伯人是可以讲阿拉伯语或者与阿拉伯人文化及历史有联系的那些人。 An Arab is a person who speaks Arabic or who otherwise identifies with the cultur
32、e and history of the Arab people. 阿拉伯文化及伊斯兰教信仰是不可分割的。 Arabic culture and the Islamic faith are inseparable.伊斯兰教在阿拉伯世界中是最占主导地位,唯一有影响力的。Islam is the most dominating, single influence in the Arab world,Arabic Values 阿拉伯价值观,一个人的尊严、荣誉、名誉是至关重要的。 A persons dignity, honor and reputation are of paramount imp
33、ortance.总是表现一种给人留下好印象的行为是很重要的。 It is important to behave at all times in a way which will create a good impression. 对家庭的忠心比个人的需要更优先,但是当涉及的到伊斯兰教时,就另当别论了! Loyalty to ones family takes precedence over personal needs, but not when it comes to Islam !,Arabic Beliefs 阿拉伯信仰,生活中的所有事情都是由神控制的。 All things in l
34、ife are controlled by God. 孩子是家里的“宝” Children are the “jewels” of the family. 智慧与古兰经的知识是一同增加的Wisdom increases with knowledge of Koran. 男人与女人本身的作用/分工及责任是截然不同的Inherent roles/tasking and responsibilities of men and women are vastly different. 在古兰经中,男人们的任务是教女儿们游泳、骑马与使用武器。女人们负责照顾下一代的战士。 In the Koran, men
35、 are tasked to teach daughters to swim, ride a horse and handle a weapon. Women take care of the next generation of soldier.,The culture of the desert 沙漠文化,热情好客与热情接待陌生人可以追溯到沙漠文化。几个世纪以来,沙漠环境使游牧人依赖于他人的仁慈和慷慨,而这种热情好客的作风让阿拉伯半岛的居民挺过饥渴、饥饿和突如其来的攻击。许多人延续着这种谦逊与关心陌生人的习惯。展示友好、慷慨与热情好客也成为了他们个人荣誉、甚至是神圣责任的表现形式。 Hos
36、pitality and giving a warm reception to strangers goes back to the culture of the desert. Developed over centuries, where the desert environment bound traveling nomads to depend on the graciousness and generosity of others. Demonstrating friendliness, generosity and hospitableness become expressions
37、 of personal honor, even sacred duties.,Handshakes 握手,大多数阿拉伯人在每次遇到你与离开时都会握手:在街上、办公室、开会、饭店、或在家,即使一天见到十次也会这样做。如果是坐着的,当握手时要站起来,当长者进屋时也要如此。 Most Arabs shake hands every time they meet you and every time they leave you: If sitting, rise when shaking hands as well as when an respected person enters a room
38、.,Handshake 握手,只有阿拉伯人确定是很近的朋友后才会拥抱或全身拥抱。但是如果阿拉伯人首先拥抱,我们就可以参与,并且表现的很荣幸这样做,这样他们就会接受我们。如果在公共场合异性间有接触会被视作是与淫秽差不多。 A full body embrace, accompanied with hugging, should not be initiated until you are sure that the Arab is a close friend. If the Arab initiates it, participate and consider yourself honored
39、 and/or accepted. Contact between the opposite sex in public is considered close to obscene.,35/76,GOLDEN RULES黄金原则,Do and dont do允许与禁止做的事情,谦虚Practice Humility : 行为要表现的友好、严禁严酷的、粗鲁的行为或者甚至是高声与他人说话 Have a demeanor which models kindness and forbids being harsh, rude, or even speaking loudly to others 寻求
40、适度Seek Moderation : 许多穆斯林重视沉思,仔细考虑事情的结果。言谈适度,避免紧张 Many Muslims value deliberation, a careful consideration which focuses on the outcome of a matter. Moderation in speech, and avoidance of being nervous 虔诚是关键Sincerity is Key : 一个友好的、诚实的、谦逊的方式避免傲慢与自大的态度自然的为惬意交流开辟了道路 A kind, honest, humble approachfree
41、 of an arrogant and overbearing attitudenaturally opens the way for agreeable exchanges,问及穆斯林人的妻子或其他女性家庭成员是无礼的Do not discuss female family member. 在阿拉伯人中要小心匆匆忙忙的出现。比如,在与一位阿拉伯人有生意约会或者去拜访阿拉伯人时,不要看表,否则会感觉你们有时间谈话。阿拉伯人对此很反感。阿拉伯国家比起其他国家对时间的要求不是很严格。 Take your time. Dont rush or look like you are in a rush.
42、 Arabs can be very offended by this. Time is much less rigidly scheduled,Do and Dont do 允许与禁止做的事情,进入穆斯林家之前要拖鞋。如果不脱,按当地文化风俗访客会被视作是马虎大意的remove your shoes when entering a Muslim home. If not, a visitor may be regarded as a careless human to local customs and traditions.要了解在穆斯林家里,有时男性访客与主人是不和女人坐在一起的DO u
43、nderstand that in Muslim homes sometimes the male visitors and hosts will not eat with the women.注意虔诚的穆斯林是不会和异性握手的. DO be aware that observant Muslims will not shake hands with the opposite sex,如果是女性,不要穿暴露的服装DONT wear revealing clothes, if you are a woman不要用左手接受或送出礼物DONT give or receive gifts with t
44、he left hand不同讨论宗教冲突Dont discuss religious conflicts.在公共场所不要异性间表现出感情(即使是自己的妻子也不要这样做) DONT engage in public displays of affection (even with ones wife)不要与异性成员站的很近DONT stand too close to a member of the opposite sex除非确定对方喝酒,否则不要敬酒。虔诚的穆斯林不喝酒DONT give alcohol unless you are certain that the recipient drinks. Devout Muslims dont drink alcohol.,