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    关 键  词:

    1、促销英文信 促销信的目的就是要卖出产品,促销信要写得吸引人,让人一看就对产品感兴趣。以下是促销信的基本写法:第一步:To arouse attention: 引起收信人的注意 促销信都是“不请自来 ”,所以开头一定要有吸引力和诱惑力。以下给出了几个促销信的开头方法:1) Would you like to reduce your rising domestic fuel costs?2) Why not enjoy the colorful spring by joining the flying Horse Tourist Group after a completely busy wint

    2、er?3) Just imagine how comfortable you are when you stretch out those tired limbs on our newly developed White Cloud water bed.第二步:To create interest and desire 让收信人对产品产生购买兴趣一旦抓住了读者的注意力,就该趁热打铁劝服他们买自己的产品。介绍产品必须要紧紧围绕你在信的开头所提出的引人之处。光说“ 最好” 、“最新”是没什么实际意义的。应该强调特性、质量、原材料,以及和同类产品相比最出彩的地方。看下面这个产品介绍是如何写的:Our

    3、 recent researches and tests have showed that rooms with our newly developed Energy Savers stay warmer and require 20 percent less fuel than those rooms of the same size without the usage of the savers。 The new savers are popular because they are able to store and reflect heat in a much more efficie

    4、nt way。 Read the enclosed brochure, you will find that the self-stick backing makes them easy to install yourself.第三步:To offer conviction 加强收信人的购买决心通过产品介绍引起读者的购买欲望后,就该进一步加强读者购买的决心。你可以详细说明并保证产品会给读者带来许诺的好处。看下面这段内容是如何吸引客户的:1) Use our Fast Microwave Oven for two weeks absolutely free.2) If for any reaso

    5、ns you find the model machine unsuitable to your needs, we will replace your order or refund you.第四步:To motivate actions. 促使客户购买产品到了这一步,所有的努力都指向一个目标:促使客户采取行动、购买产品。这时语气要礼貌坚决,并提供给客户如何购买产品的指示,以方便客户购买。下面是一些常用的策略:1) Why wait? Come and buy right now since a special discount of 15% will only be offered for

    6、 a month.2) Dont delay! Those who order by October 5 will receive 100 Oriental Design Christmas cards free.常用单词及例句advantage (n.) a more favourable position; superiority 有利条件,有利因素,优势e.g. May we know what special advantage you can offer us in developing the trade? benefit 益处,利益是advantageous (a.) profi

    7、table; helpful (to sb.) 有利的,有益的e.g. This trade agreement is advantageous to both countries.take advantage of to make use of and profit from a favourable circumstance 利用e.g. We look forward to receiving your orders at the new prices and urge you to take advantage of the special discount.interest(v.)

    8、arouse the attention or curiosity of 使产生兴趣e.g. Your prices are too high to interest buyers. (n.) a feeling of concern, or curiosity. 兴趣,爱好e.g. We are in receipt of your letter of 30th May, which we have read with interest. advantage; profit 利益e.g. We think that it would be to your interest to have a

    9、n agent in the north as well as in the south. 利息interested (a.) feeling or showing attention or curiosity 显得有兴趣的,感兴趣的e.g. If you are interested in any of our enamelwares(搪瓷器), please let us know your details requirements.常用短语1. Introduction of Goods (产品介绍 ) be made of 由制成 be famous (well-known) for

    10、由于而闻名于世 sell well (sell fast) 畅销 be popular with customers 很受客户的欢迎2. Comparison of Goods (产品的对比) be more than compare favorably with 比要好 a comparison will convince sb. for something 比较会使某人相信3. Offering Favorable Terms (给予优惠条件) give sb. the first chance 优先考虑,给予优先 give (allow) sb. a discount 给与某人折扣4.

    11、Recommendation (建议劝告) recommend sb. to do something 建议某人做某事 to ones advantage to do something 做事情是有利的 advise sb. to work fast 劝某人迅速决定 be without an order 没有订单 be not available 无货样 信样信 1: 推荐有库存的货物A Letter to Recommend Goods Available from StockDear Sirs,Thank you for your order of June 1. We enclose

    12、a catalogue and price list. Meanwhile, we have also sent a catalogue of our range of tinned vegetables under separate cover, which we trust will reach you very soon. We are sorry, however, that our tinned fruit products are in great demand at the moment, since it is in the middle of summer, which is

    13、 our busiest season for fruit. Because of this, tinned peaches and grapefruit are in short supply, and we cannot satisfy all our customers demands. In fact, our grapefruit products are almost out of supply. We can recommend apricots, which fortunately we have in stock at the moment. You may be inter

    14、ested to know that our new discounts for bulk purchase came into effect on June 1st. We would be please to receive your order very soon. Yours faithfully, XXX敬启者:谢谢你们 6 月 1 日的订单。随函附上一份价目单。同时,我们已另邮寄出一份我们罐装蔬菜系列产品目录,相信很快会抵达你处。然而,我们感到遗憾的是,目前对我们的罐装水果产品需求甚殷,因为时值仲夏,这是我们水果销售的最忙季节。正因为如此,罐装桃子和葡萄供不应求,我们无法满足所有顾

    15、客的需求。事实上,我们的葡萄产品几乎缺货。不过,我们可以推荐杏子,目前尚有存货。你们也许有兴趣得知,从 6 月 1 日起,我们对大宗购买实行新的折扣优惠。我们希望很快收到你们的订单。 您诚挚的XXX样信 2: 老定价优惠老客户Old Price to Favour Old ClientDear Mr. Henry, Thank you very much and your order No.392. Unfortunately, in common with other suppliers, our prices have risen since you placed an order wit

    16、h us two years ago. This is due to the rising cost of raw materials. However, you will be pleased to hear that we have decided to supply your current order at the old price as you used to be our regular client. I will keep you fully informed about the progress of your order. Yours sincerely, (Ms. Ad

    17、dison Tanghal) Sales Director 亲爱的亨利先生:非常感谢你和你的第 392 号订单。 不幸的是,和其他供应商一样,自从你 2 年前向我们订购后,我们的价格已经上涨。这是由于原材料上涨所致。 不过,你会高兴得知,我们已经决定按照老定价向你供应这批订货,因为你曾是我们的老客户。 我会随时通知你有关订单的执行进展情况。您诚挚的Ms. Addison Tanghal销售主管样信 3: 与老客户恢复关系A Letter to Renew Relation with an Old ClientDear Sirs, Looking though our records we no

    18、te with regret that we have not had the pleasure of an order from you since last October. As you were one of our regular clients, we are very much concerned if you have been dissatisfied either with our goods or with the way in which we have handled your orders. Would you please fill out the enclose

    19、d reply card if you have encountered some problems with us? We will give your comments immediate attention.We think you may you may be interested to know that we have recently been appointed agents for the sale in this country of the computers of three of the leading American manufacturers. Our stoc

    20、ks now include a wide range of first - class personal computers at very attractive prices. You will see from the catalogue enclosed that our prices are very much lower than those of other importers. In addition, we are offering very generous terms of payment. We look forward to the pleasure of your

    21、renewed order. Yours faithfully, XXX敬启者:我们查阅了记录,遗憾地发现自去年 10 月以来,我们一直未能有幸接到你们的订单。 由于你们曾是我们的长期客户,我们非常关心你们是对我们的产品不满意,还是对我们处理你们订货的方式不满意。如果你们遇到了一些同我们有关的问题,请你们填下一随函所附的回访卡,好吗?我们会及时留意你们的意见。 也许你们有兴趣知道,我们最近已被三家美国大厂商委任为代销商,负责在本国的电脑销售。我们的货源中有各种一流的个人电脑,价格非常诱人。从所附的产品目录中你们会看到我们的价格大大低于其他进口商。此外,我们的支付条件非常优惠。 我们期待再次收到

    22、你们的订单。 您诚挚的XXX样信 4: 推 销 商 品 A Letter to Promote the Sale of ProductsNEVER WASH PANS AGAINDear Customer: We said it and we mean it: NEVER WASH PANS AGAIN! You can now do all your cooking in beautiful Ceramic Warecook and serve food in the same lovely dishes! Boil, fry, roast, bakedo it all in Ceramic

    23、 Ware. Freeze food in the same dishes, if you wish. These beautiful utensils, made of the same amazing ceramic used in missile cones, can go from freezer to stove to table. You then slip them into the dishwasher or the sink with the other dishes. Never slave at scouring pans again. Come and see Cera

    24、mic Cookware Demonstrated in Big Stores Housewares Department Wednesday, Thursday, Friday April 10th, 11th, and 12th Handle these Ceramic cook-and-serve pieces. Test and try them yourself. Youll be impressed by their practical and beautiful design, and more important of all the surprisingly reasonab

    25、le prices. Yours very trulyXXX敬启者:再也不用洗锅盘了 我们当真这么说;再也不用洗锅盘了! 现在您可以用漂亮的搪瓷器皿从事各种烹调用同一件漂亮的器皿烹调和盛放食物。煮、煎、烤、烘,搪瓷器皿样样都行。如果您愿意,还可以在该器皿内冰冻食物。这些漂亮的器皿用制造导弹外壳的特殊材料制成,能够从冰箱内取出,放上火炉,再端上餐桌。您随后将它们放入洗碗机或者洗涤槽同其他碟子放在一起就行了。再也无须费神擦拭。请来大商店的家用器皿部 观看搪瓷器皿的展销 周三、周四、周五 4 月 10 日、11 日、12 日 接受一下这些能烹调和盛放食物的器皿,亲手试试。您会对它们实用而又漂亮的设计

    26、留下深刻印象,而最重要的是它那令人惊诧的合理价格。 您诚挚的XXX促销信件常用例句1. Here is a chance to show how smart you are by wearing our new style dress.穿上我们的新潮服装,展示你的才干。2. Have you ever tried getting a bilingual service from a computerized speaker?你试过电脑控制的扬声器提供的双语服务吗?3. Why not escape city noises and enter the peace of outskirts wit

    27、h our weekend trip?为什么不参加我们的周末旅行,走出城市的喧闹,步入郊外的宁静呢?4. Our newly introduced student kit is made from fine quality vinyl plastic, which is strong, washable, transparent and handy for pencils, pens, rulers, loose papers, cards, pocket money and many other items a student carries.我们新投放市场的学生工具包是选用上等塑料薄膜制成

    28、的,它耐用、易洗、透明;方便学生放铅笔、钢笔、尺子、活页纸、卡片、零花钱和其他许多物品。5. Our new brand bathrobes are made of pure cotton. Owing to the carefully selected materials used and the great attention paid to weaving and printing, they possess a very attractive appearance as well as novel designs.我们的新品浴袍是纯棉制品。选料考究,纺织和印花工艺严格,款式美观新颖。6

    29、. Give this new kind of glazed ware the ultimate test-try scratching, cutting, burning or even putting it into acid; you will see how strong this glazed product is against any such force and how long it will resist fire and acid.验证一下这种新型搪瓷,在上面划痕,切割,火烧,把它放在酸液里。你会发现此种搪瓷产品是多么坚硬、多么耐火、耐酸。7. If your stain

    30、less steel cutter becomes damaged, just return it and we will replace it free-even when the warranty is over.不锈钢刀出现问题即可退货。即使超过保质期,我们也免费替换。8. Complete the form enclosed right away. This offer expires 5p.m., June 15, 2007. Dont miss the wonderful opportunity to enjoy the finest canned food youll ever taste.马上填单订货吧!此价格有效期至 2007 年 6 月 15 日下午 5 时。不要错过品尝最美味的罐头食品的大好机会哦!

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