1、第 1 页 共 19 页高层建筑消防供配电设计摘 要 本文通过分析我国目前高层民用建筑几种消防供配电设计方案,并结合规范与工程实例,对目前高层建筑供配电设计方面存在的问题进行探讨,并提出相应的解决方案。关键词 高层建筑 供配电 消防电源 应急电源随着我国国民经济的发展,建筑用地越来越多,土地资源越来越珍贵,这促使各类建筑向高层发展,因而高层建筑的消防安全问题越来越引起人们的注重。针对高层建筑发生火灾的特点,高层建筑的防火设计应立足于自防自救,而消防供配电是保证消防设施正常运行的关键,直接关系到高层建筑的消防安全。因此本文从消防电源配置、消防配电、消防电气配线对高层建筑供配电的可靠性进行分析,提
2、出相应的解决方案,保证高层建筑的消防安全。 1 高层建筑消防电源配置11 规范对消防电源的要求根据高层民用建筑设计防火规范(以下简称“高规”)规定,高层建筑的消防用电应按现行的国家标准供配电系统设计规范的要求设计,一类建筑按一级负荷要求供电,二类高层建筑应按二级负荷要求供电。根据民用建筑电气规范(JGJ/T16-92)规定一级负荷由两个电源供电,当一个电源发生故障时,另一个电源不致于同时停电;一级负荷中特别重要负荷,除上述两个电源外,还必须增设应急电源即第三个电源;二级负荷的电源应做到当电力变压器发生故障或线路常见故障时,不致中断供电(或中断后迅速恢复) ,在负荷比较小或地区供电的条件困难时,
3、二级负荷可以由一回 6KV 以上专用架空线或电缆供电。12 高层建筑消防电源的构成消防电源是保证高层建筑平时和火灾情况下消防设备正常工作用电的电源。通常认为主电源和应急电源构成消防电源。当主电源发生故障时,应急电源能继续供电给消防设备。常用的应急电源有:(1)独立于正常电源的发电机组(2)供电网络中独立于正常电源的专用的馈电线路。 (3)蓄电池;(4)干电池。13 常用的消防电源131 双电源高压单母线不分段供电双电源高压单母线不分段供电方式,两回路高压电源同时供电,正常时一备一用,这第 2 页 共 19 页种方式减少中间联络柜和一个电压互感器柜,对节省基建投资、减小高压配电室建筑面积均有利,
4、这种方式要求两路都保证 100%的负荷用电,当清扫母线或母线故障时,将会造成全部停电,其供电的可靠性较差,一般不宜用在高层建筑。132 双电源高压单母线分段供电双电源高压单母线分段供电方式,两回路高压电源同时供电,互为备用。这种方式的供电可靠性较高,尤其对消防用电设备的两个电源要求在最末一级切换的规定易于实现,因而是目前较为常用的接线方式。133 三电源高压单母线分段供电三电源高压单母线分段供电方式,三回路高压电源,正常时为两用一备,这种方式具有较高的可靠性,适用于一级负荷中较大容量的重要用户。134 一高压电源为主电源,380V 市网电源为应急电源供电规模较小的建筑,于由用电量不大,当地获得
5、两个电源又困难,附近又有 380V 电源时,可采用一高压电源为主电源,380V 电源为应急电源。如果经济允许的话也可以采用柴油发电机组为应急电源。14 加柴油发电机组供电的设想目前高层建筑中,国际国内通用的供电方式就是在双电源的基础上增配一柴油发电机组作为应急电源,即满足一级负荷中特别重要负荷的供电要求(如图 1 不包括虚线部分)。但是双电源加柴油发电机组的供电方式在我国北方大部分地区仍受到气候条件的限制。由于在北方地区冬季时间长,气温较低。作为应急电源的柴油发电机组在低温下很难即刻起动供电,有的甚至在二、三十分钟内无法起动。而大多数地区 10KV 双电源引自同一变电站 从严格意义上来讲其实质
6、就是一个电源,当变电站发生故障时,两个电源同时失效,造成供电系统完全瘫痪。在火灾情况下,这会使火灾扩大,造成严重的损失,是不允许的。因此笔者设想在双电源加柴油发电机组的基础上外加一个季节电源,并使其能自己独立供电。在冬季气温较低的情况下,柴油发电机组的可靠性降低,我们就接通这个季节电源,提高供电系统的可靠性。当气温升高后,我们向供电部门报停季节电源供电,可G发季节电源发1三 电 源 加 柴 油 发 电 机 组 供 电 方 式第 3 页 共 19 页以节约运行费用。而这个季节电源有三种选择:一是从变电站引一路 10KV 高压电源做为季节电源(如图 1) ,其优点是供电可靠性高,不足之处是基建投资
7、较高;二是从附近一高层建筑的变压器高压一端引一路 10KV 或低压一端引一路 380/220V 作为季节电源;三是从市网中引一路 380/200V 作为季节电源。15 建筑配置柴油发电机组的思考“高规”规定消防设备供电应按供配电系统设计规范GB50052-95 的要求设计,而该规范规定的一级负荷中特别重要负荷并没涉及消防负荷,其消防供电只要有两个电源就可以符合要求, “高规”同时又规定一类高层建筑的消防用电应按一级负荷要求供电,并在最后一级配电箱处设置自动切换装置,保证消防设施在发生火灾时供电可靠、能正常运行。在“高规”中没有明确的规定一、二类高层建筑需要配置柴油发电机组。由此近几年国内新出现
8、的超高层建筑消防负荷没有要求增配柴油发电机。然而在具体的供电设计中,绝大部分高层建筑是从电力网引接两路 10KV 电源进线供电,这不能满足规范里两个电源供电的要求。系统停电有的是由内部故障引起的,有的是由电网故障引起的,因地区大电力网在主网电压上部是并网的,所以用户无论从电网上取几回电源进线也无法得到严格意义上的两个独立电源,电力网的各种故障可能引起全部电源进线同时失去电源而造成停电。事实上,二路 10KV 高压电源引自不同的变电站是十分困难的,而柴油发电机组配置投资小、使用效果好又能符合规范要求,所以高层建筑供电设计中应当配置柴油发电机组。笔者认为在规范当中就可以明确要求高层建筑应该配柴油发
9、电机组。. 高层建筑消防配电2.1 常用的消防配电方案常用的消防配电方式有放射式、树干式、链式、混合式四种(1)放射式配电的任一线路发生故障时彼此互不影响,设备集中便于管理,供电可靠性较高。但是出线多、有色金属消耗量大、开关设备多,投资运行费用高,适用于单台设备容量大,供电可靠性要求高的。(如图 2 a)(2)树干式配电当干线故障时,影响范围较大,但配以备用干线并实现切换,供电可靠性提高,适用于分布较均匀的场所。(如图 2 b)(3)链式与树干式基本相同,但供电可靠性较树干式低,当中间一台设备故障时联在后边的设备将失去电源。(如图 2 c)第 4 页 共 19 页( ) 放 射 式 树 干 式
10、( ) 链 式 ( ) 混 合 式图 2 常 用 配 电 方 式(4)混合式包括放射式和树干式两种配电方式,是目前高层建筑中胜利较多的一种配配电方式。(如图 2 d )22 目前普遍存在的配电问题(1) 部分消防用电设备如消防控制室、消防泵的电源不是采用专用的消防电源供电,而使用一般负荷线路上的插座为电源,这样在发生火灾的情况下 ,在建筑主电源切断后,消防用电设备的电源也随之停电,消防设备全面瘫痪,其火灾损失不可估量。(2) 有些互为备用的消防设备如消防水泵等在末端集中进行两电源互投时,没有采用各设备均从消防配电室放射供电方式,而是从配电室引出一主线,在末端并联互备设备。这样做的结果是一旦主线
11、引起故障(而主线引发故障的机率很大)互备用设备均失去电源,无法起动,达不到预期的效果。(3) 在消防联动设备的配电共用,没有按规定在最末端的配电箱设两路自动切换装置,或自动切换装置的质量差,可靠性低。在火灾发生情况下,备用电源不能自动切换成应急电源,供电中断。有的使用手动切换,当消防人员到达火场后再找切换装置进行电源切换,这将延误战机,造成重大损失。 23 解决问题的方案(1) 正常工作电源和应急电源应自成系统,独立配电。当电力与照明分开供电时,则电力与照明应分别设有正常工作电源配电系统与应急配电系统。保证消防用电等一类负荷在火灾情况下,由应急电源连续供电,二类负荷保证两回路切换供电。(2)
12、在消防用电的配电设计安装时,对用电量大或较集中的消防用电设备,如消防控制室,消防水泵等 ,应从配电室开始采用放射式供电,并保证主用设备和备用设备的供第 5 页 共 19 页电线路相互独立。(3) 消防系统各设备的配电共用,应在最末端的配电箱设两路自动切换装置,并安装高质量的电源自动切换装置。如果安装的是手动切换装置,则宜在设备房配电箱内。这样在应急情况下消防人员能在短时间容易找到并实现切换。3. 丽江官房大酒店消防供配电设计分析31 基本情况丽江官房大酒店位于丽江城雪山中路,地下一层、地上二十一层,是五星级大酒店,属于一类高层民用建筑。其高压电源采取 10kv 双电源单母线分段供电方式、自动切
13、换。正常工作时,两路电源同时供电,互为备用,各负担 50%的负荷。一路电源故障时,另一路电源供全部负荷。无柴油发电机组。高压系统及低压系统干线配电方式基本上都采用放射式系统,楼层配电系统则为混合式,配电主干线采用坚井内配线。其消防用电设设备均采用末端双电源自投装置。32 供配电可靠性分析根据“高规”之规定该建筑属一类高层民用建筑,按民用建筑供配电设计规范应配两个电源进行供电。在实际的设计施工当中采用的是 10kv 双电源单母线分段供电方式,其消防控制室、消防电梯等消防设备的供电在最末一级配电箱处设置自动切换装置。似乎符合规范的要求,但是这两个电源同引自象山变电站,其实质是一个电网的两个回路,而
14、不是两个独立的电源。当变电站发生故障时整个供电系统就处于瘫痪。而丽江城区范围内仅此一个变电站,从另一个独立的变电站引一个电源是十分困难,再加上丽江象山变电站是由大东水电站供电,水电站的供电受到季节的影响,一到旱季发电量小,得分城区依次分配供电,隔一时间停一次电。这样就大大影响了建筑供电系统的可靠性。由于两路 10kv 同时供电,互为备用,变压器的容量按计入经常备用状态的消防泵、喷淋泵等消防设施的负荷进行选择,而该建筑的消防负荷约有 900kw,非消防负荷约为3000kw,其基建投资高,运行费用高。这对于一个企业来说只是一个符合规范而不经济的设计。在供电系统中安装了自动切除负荷装置,当发生火灾时
15、系统自动切除带有消防用电设备变压器母线上非消防用电设备的负荷,防止了火势扩大和消防人员发生触电事故。该建筑按功能划分为 8 个供电分区,每个分区又根据用电负荷的级别、各层的功能按动力、照明两个系统分别进行配电。每个供电分区的消防用电设备均由两个电源供电并在最末一级配电箱处进行自动切换,这样的设计符合规范的要求,在火灾发生的情况下,消第 6 页 共 19 页防人员能及时了解发生火灾部位的具体地点,准确的起动消防泵、喷淋泵等消防设施,能及时切除起火部位的电源。33 改进设计的方案增配一自动起动柴油发电机组作为应急电源。由两个部分给消防设备供电,第一部分是由电网供电,第二部分由柴油发电机供电,并在最
16、末一级配电箱处进行自动切换。当主电源故障时,由柴油发电机组给整个建筑供电。由于电网电有工作电源和备用电源,柴油发电机组只需在工作电源和备用电源均无电时才起动。这样就大大提高了供电系统的可靠性。两路 10kv 供电电源可设计成一路工作,一路备用。工作电源按专线考虑,备用电源按工作电源发生故障后能维持主楼电梯、客房照明的负荷计算。当发生火灾时切除非消防用电,自动接通消防泵、喷淋泵等消防设施。这样可以降低变压器的容量,而柴油发电机组的增配弥补了供电可靠性。这样基建投资省、经济效益高。在各消防设备的供电上,可按功能特点分别配电,消防泵、喷淋泵、消防电梯、消防控制室、防排烟风机等由于容量大,供电可靠性要
17、求高,可设计成双电源供电,放射式配电,并在末端进行自动切换;火灾应急照明、消防联动控制设备、火灾报警控制器等分布广并分布均匀,可设计成双电源供电,树干式配电。4. 高层建筑消防设备电气配线41 规范对消防用电设备配电线路的要求根据“高规”规定,消防配电线路应符合下列要求:(1) 当采用暗敷设时,应敷设在不燃烧体结构内,且保护层厚度不宜小于 30mm。(2) 当采用明敷设时,应采用金属管或金属线槽上涂防火涂料保护。(3) 当采用绝缘和护套为不延燃材料的电缆时,可不穿金属管保护,但应敷设在电缆井内。42 常用消防配线方式4.2.1 防火涂料保护在普通电缆外壁涂防火涂料保护,最常用的消防涂料如 T6
18、0-1 饰面型防火涂料等。4.2.2 PVC 保护、明敷穿金属管或 PVC 塑料管明敷在墙体上,外壁涂刷防火涂料保护。4.2.3 PVC 保护、暗敷穿金属管或 PVC 塑料管暗设在不燃烧体结构内。第 7 页 共 19 页4.2.4 采用耐火、阻燃绝缘导线的绝缘层或护套采用高氧指数(一般30)的阻燃材料或使用一种不燃无机材料作为耐火型绝缘层。43 高层建筑消防电气配线存在的问题及解决方法4.3.1 电气线路导线选择缺乏安全依据由于现行“高规”对消防配电线路耐高温限度与时间限度要求没有明确的规定,这致使施工单位有机可趁,为了能取得一些小利益,就选买一般的导线,其防火性能大大降低,甚至买假冒商品进行
19、配线安装。4.3.2 电气配线时忽视了防火涂料的有效期目前最常见的消防配线是涂防火涂料保护,但是一般的防火涂料的有效期较短,往往过几年就失去耐火性能。而相关规范却没有这方面的规定,因此不论是商家还是职能部门对此不引起足够的重视,无形中几年过去其火灾危险性就增大了。4.3.3 电气线路系统选用产品不符合要求。设计者一般能按设计规范选型。问题是少数假冒伪劣产品,无论是导线本身还是线路上的开关设备,都达不到国家标准要求,在实际运行中存在着系统性的火灾危险性。从以上存在的问题分析,其主要原因是规范的有关规定不够完善。所以相关规范应明确规定消防配线的耐高温限度与时间限度,提出对应的措施。对于建筑投资的商
20、家而言,整个消防配线的投资相对于总投资是微乎其微的,但是配线事故引起的损失却是不可估量的,所以应当配置高质量的导线电缆,并对线路进行经常维护保养。第 8 页 共 19 页Power distribution design for high-rise building fireAbstract This paper analyzes Chinas current power supply and distribution of tall buildings in several fire design, combined with specification and engineering ex
21、amples for the distribution of the current high-rise building design to explore the problems and propose appropriate solutions.Key words high-rise building fire Supply Emergency Power Supply Power SupplyAs Chinas national economic development, building more and more land, more and more precious land
22、 resources, prompting the development of various types of construction to the high-level, so high-rise building fire safety is increasingly a cause-oriented. For the characteristics of high-rise building fires, high-rise building fire safety design should be based on self-defense self-help, while th
23、e fire service for the distribution is to ensure the normal operation of the key fire-fighting facilities, directly related to high-rise building fire safety. Therefore, this article from the fire power configuration, fire distribution, fire electrical wiring for high-rise building power supply and
24、distribution reliability analysis, propose appropriate solutions to ensure high-rise building fire safety standards.1. High-rise building fire power scheme1.1 specification power supply requirements for fireAccording to “fire protection design of tall buildings“ (hereinafter referred to as “high reg
25、ulation“) provides high-rise building fire power should be the current national standard “for power distribution system design specifications,“ the requirements of the design, a class of construction by a load of required power supply, second-class high-rise buildings should be two power load requir
26、ements. According to “civil electrical specifications“ (JGJ/T16-92) provides a load consists of two power supply, when a power failure, 第 9 页 共 19 页the other at the same time the power outage Buzhi Yu; a load is especially important in load, in addition to the above-mentioned two power supplies, the
27、Must also be an additional emergency power supply of the third power; 2 load power should make sure that when the power transformer failure or circuit common failure, without interruption of power supply (or the rapid recovery after the interruption), the load is relatively small or regional power s
28、upply The difficult conditions, the two loads can be more than a return to 6KV dedicated overhead power lines or cables.1.2 The composition of high-rise building fire powerFire power is to ensure that high-rise building and fire normally fire-fighting equipment under normal electricity supply. Gener
29、ally considered the main power supply and pose a fire emergency power supply. When the main power failure, emergency power supply can continue to supply to the fire-fighting equipment. Commonly used in emergency power supply are: (1) independent of the normal power-generating units (2) power supply
30、network, independent of the normal power supply dedicated feeder circuit. (3) battery; (4) dry batteries.1.3 common Fire Power1.3.1 Dual Power high-voltage single-supply bus is not sub -Dual power high-voltage power supply section is not a single bus, two-loop high-voltage power supply at the same t
31、ime, prepare a normal one to use, in this way to reduce contact between cabinets and a voltage transformer cabinet, saving infrastructure investment, reducing the high voltage distribution Electric room building area is beneficial to both, this approach requires two-way are guaranteed 100% of the lo
32、ad of electricity, when the cleaning bus or bus failure will cause all the power outages, poor reliability of their electricity supply is generally not used in high-rise construction.1.3.2 Dual Power high-voltage single-supply busbar sectionDual power supply high-pressure single-busbar sub-way, two-
33、loop high-voltage power supply at the same time, each other back. High reliability of this approach, particularly for electrical equipment, fire two power requirements at 第 10 页 共 19 页the last and easy to implement the provisions of a switch, which is relatively common wiring.1.3.3 3 power supply hi
34、gh-pressure single-bus sub -Three sub-power high-voltage single power supply bus, three-loop high-voltage power supply, the normal dual-use when a preparation, this approach has a high reliability, suitable for a larger load capacity of the important users.1.3.4 a main high voltage power supply, 380
35、V power supply for the city, emergency power supply networkSmaller building, was not by the consumption, the local access to two power supplies and difficult, in the vicinity have 380V power supply when the main power supply can be used a high-voltage power supply, 380V power supply for emergency po
36、wer supply. If the economy can also be allowed if the use of diesel generator sets for emergency power supply.1.4 plus the idea of diesel-powered generator setsAt present high-rise buildings, international and domestic universal power supply is based on the dual-power supply was equipped with a dies
37、el generator as an emergency power supply, which is especially important to meet a load of power supply load requirements (Figure 1 does not include the dotted line part of the ). However, dual power plus the power supply of diesel generating sets in most parts of northern China are still subject to
38、 weather conditions. As a long time in the north in winter, the temperature low. As an emergency power supply diesel generator sets at low temperatures is difficult to immediately start power supply, and some even two or three minutes can not start.G发季节电源发1三 电 源 加 柴 油 发 电 机 组 供 电 方 式第 11 页 共 19 页The
39、 dual power supply in most parts of 10KV substation quoted from the same strict sense, its essence is a power failure when the substation, the two power supplies also failed, causing power supply system completely paralyzed. In fire cases, this will expand the fire, causing serious losses is not all
40、owed. Therefore, I envisage the dual power on diesel generator sets based on the season, plus a power supply, and enable it to their own independent power supply.In the case of low winter temperatures, reducing the reliability of diesel generators, we will connect the power this season, for increasi
41、ng theElectric system reliability. When the temperatures rise, we stopped the season to the power supply department reported that power supply, you can save running costs. And this season there are three power options: First, quoted all the way from the substation 10KV high voltage power supply as t
42、he season (Figure 1), the advantage of high reliability power supply, the shortfall is that the higher investment in infrastructure; second is from a nearby high-rise buildings along 10KV transformer high-voltage end of the quoted or cited all the way low end of the season as a 380/220V power supply
43、; third all the way from the city network cited as the season 380/200V power supply.1.5 Building Configuration Thinking of diesel generator sets“High regulation“ fire-fighting equipment supply should be provided “for the power distribution system design specifications“ GB50052-95 requirements of the
44、 design, and the specification of a load is especially important in load did not involve the fire load in their fire power as long as there two power supplies can meet the requirements of “high regulation“ also requires a class of high-rise building fire load electricity requirements should be a pow
45、er supply, and a distribution box office in the final automatic switching device to ensure that fire safety facilities in When the fire power and reliable, able to function properly. In the “high regulation“ is not clearly defined one, second-class high-rise buildings need to configure the diesel ge
46、nerators.Thus in recent years, newly emerging high-rise building fire load does not 第 12 页 共 19 页require allocating additional diesel generators. However, the specific power supply design, the vast majority of high-rise buildings from the electricity grid connection of two-way line of 10KV power int
47、o electricity, which can not meet the specifications where two power supply requirements. System blackout caused either by an internal fault, some caused by power failures, as a regional power grid in the main grid voltage of the upper part is a grid, so the user either from electric power line to t
48、ake a few back into the line also can not be in the strict sense of the two an independent power supply, power grid failures can cause a variety of all the power into the line at the same time a result of loss of power supplyBlackout. In fact, the Road 10KV high voltage power supply taken from a dif
49、ferent substation is very difficult, and diesel generating sets to configure a small investment, the use of good results and will comply with regulatory requirements, so the design of high-rise building shall be fitted with diesel-powered generator sets. I think that explicit requirements specification which can be high-rise buildings should be equipped with diesel generators.2. High-rise building fire distribution2.1 common Fire Distribution ProgramFire distribution methods are commonly used in radiation type, tree type, chain, four kinds of hybrid(