1、以小见大 Summary Strategies第一讲 局部摘要(一)雅思阅读摘要题技巧讲解【 名师讲解 】从题型的外在表现形式来说,雅思阅读考试可以分为选择、配对、判断、填空等几种。通常涉及到填空的题型包括 3 类:table/diagram/flow chart,sentence completion (单句填空)和 summary(段落摘要) 。这其中 summary 出现的频率最高,是几大主要题型之一,也是相当部分考生比较害怕,觉得是最难的。大家对此感到恐惧可以理解,因为看到段落有的同学就觉得无从下手。其实,summary 和单句填空有很大的联系,甚至可以看成是多个单句填空的组合。考生只
2、要明白这一点应该就不用感到茫然,我们完全可以利用单句填空的一些方法来帮助解决段落摘要题。但是,作为一种重要的题型,summary 是有自己的特点的。这意味着我们又不能简单把它和 sentence completion 划等号。以小见大(Summary Strategies)一节,就是帮助我们透彻认识摘要题,解决摘要题的。Summary 从考察信息在全文的分布来说,通常有局部定位(Local)和全文定位(Global)两种。雅思考试的历史上曾经更多的是 global 类型的摘要题,但近些年来,local 类型的摘要题明显更多,所以我们以小见大的第一讲就从如何解决局部定位的 summary 开始。
3、局部定位的 summary 通常又分 3 种:第一种是题目要求中就告诉考生 summary的定位(eg. Complete the summary of Paragraph E ) ;第二种是 summary有一个标题,这个标题其实就是一个间接的定位;第三种就是题目说明中没给出定位,也没有标题暗示,但 summary 确实是原文的部分摘要。剑 4 的 Test 3 就是一个局部定位 summary 的典型例子。经典重现 Complete the summary of paragraph G below.Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passa
4、ge for each answer.A linguist can use a corpus to comment objectively on 37 _. Some corpora include a wide range of language while others are used to focus on a 38_ . The length of time the process takes will affect the 39_ of the corpus. No corpus can ever cover the whole language and so linguists
5、often find themselves relying on the additional information that can be gained from the 40_of those who speak the language concerned.很清楚,在题目的 instruction 的部分我们看到这个摘要的题目是关于文章特定段落以小见大 Summary StrategiesG 的。那么接下去我们怎么操作呢?我们建议考生遵循如下解题步骤和解题注意事项:规律总结 局部定位 summary 的解题要点:1. “吃透”题干,确定 key words ;2. 去原文定位 key
6、words 或它的同义转换;3. 分析定位句;4. 结合问题句空前后的信息及参考语法,产出答案。范例解析 37. “吃透”题干:语言学家可以用 corpus 来客观地评价_. key words 是 comment objectively on. 原文 G 段第 2 句话中有我们的 kew words 的对应-make unbiased statement about. 因此这一句是我们的定位句。我们只要把问题句和定位句进行对比分析,结合空前后的信息,就知道答案是:frequency of usage.38.“吃透”题干:一些 corpora 包含了语言的多方面的信息而其它的一些 corpor
7、a 只 focus on_.Kew word 可以是 some,while others;也可以是 focus on .我们根据 some,while others;很容易找到定位句。Focus on 对应句中 deals only with, 因此答案是 particular linguistic feature.39. 以类似的方法我们很容易产出 39 题的答案:size.40. 题有点小棘手:因为问题句太长。对付这种情况我们有“两招”-要么 S.V.O.该句,要么直接截取空所在的行的信息。看具体情况来决定策略。这一道题我们可以用后一种办法。去原文找gained from the.和 of
8、 those所对应的信息即可产出答案 -intuitions.大部分害怕 summary 的考生都是因为在解题过程中缺少分析,即没有做好这里题解步骤中第 1 步的“吃透”题干和第 3 步,第 4 步。局部摘要题是一种较简单的填空题,考生其实只要满怀信心,严格按以上解题步骤,加强练习还是可以顺利地解决这类题的。在解题过程中考生务必特别注意以下几点:温馨提示 1. 要学会凭借语感或语法( S.V.O. )快速“吃透”题干,切忌跳过这一步就确定 key words;2. Summary 中同义转换的频率高、方式多样,考生在定位和分析过程中一定要时刻留意同义转换。3. 高度重视空前后的信息,哪怕是最容
9、易被忽视的冠词 a,an,the及介词 on,of 等都有可能帮助考生解题。以小见大 Summary Strategies最后,summary 的解题关键: 确保定位句的大意和问题句的大意是一致的。这是大前提,否则一切都是徒劳。(主讲:吴跃九)【 每日习题 】EX.1 Please complete the summary of paragraphs B and C of the passage. B Some plastics, such as candlewax, are thermoplastic , which means that, they melt under heat and
10、can be reshaped then. Others are thermosetting: like eggs, they cannot return to their original state, thus their form is set for ever. Bakelite was special because of being the first completely synthetic and thermosetting plastic.C adfa The history of todays plastic starts with the discovery of a c
11、hain of semi-synthetic thermoplastic materials in the middle of the nineteenth century. The impetus behind the development of the early plastics was produced by some factors: great progress in technology in the domain of chemistry, accompanied by wider cultural changes and some other reasons. Choose
12、 ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Some plastics behave like 1 _ in that they melt under heat and can be made into new forms. Bakelite was unique because it was the first material which was totally 2 _ in origin and thermosetting. There were several reasons for the plastics research du
13、ring the nineteenth century, including the great advances which had been achieved in the area of 3 _ and the search for substitutes for natural resources.EX.2 Please complete the summary of paragraphs A-C. A Scientists have discovered plant life covering the surface of the worlds oceans is disappear
14、ing at a dangerous rate. This plant life called phytoplankton is a vital resource that helps absorb the worst of the greenhouse gases involved in global warming. Satellites and ships at sea have confirmed the diminishing productivity of the microscopic plants, which oceanographers say is most striki
15、ng in the waters of the North Pacific - ranging as far up as the high Arctic. “Whether the lost productivity of the phytoplankton is directly due to increased ocean temperatures that have been recorded for at least 以小见大 Summary Strategiesthe past 20 years remains part of an extremely complex puzzle”
16、, says Watson W. Gregg, a NASA biologist at the Goddard Space Flight Center in the USA, but it surely offers a fresh clue to the controversy over climate change. According to Gregg, the greatest loss of phytoplankton has occurred where ocean temperatures have risen most significantly between the ear
17、ly 1980s and the late 1990s. In the North Atlantic summertime, sea surface temperatures rose about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit during that period, while in the North Pacific the oceans surface temperatures rose about .07 of a degree.B While the link between ocean temperatures and the productivity of plan
18、kton is striking, other factors can also affect the health of the plants. They need iron as nourishment, for example, and much of it reaches them in powerful winds that sweep iron-containing dust across the oceans from continental deserts. When those winds diminish or fail, plankton can suffer. Acco
19、rding to Gregg and his colleagues, there have been small but measurable decreases in the amount of iron deposited over the oceans in recent years. C The significant decline in plankton productivity has a direct effect on the worlds carbon cycle. Normally, the ocean plants take up about half of all t
20、he carbon dioxide in the worlds environment because they use the carbon, along with sunlight, for growth, and release oxygen into the atmosphere in a process known as photosynthesis. Primary production of plankton in the North Pacific has decreased by more than 9 percent during the past 20 years, an
21、d by nearly 7 percent in the North Atlantic, Gregg and his colleagues determined from their satellite observations and shipboard surveys. Studies combining all the major ocean basins of the world, has revealed the decline in plankton productivity to be more than 6 percent. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE
22、WORDS from the passage for each answer. A decline in the plant life located in the worlds oceans has been validated by 1 _ The most obvious decline in plant life has been in the North Pacific. A rise in ocean temperatures in the early 1980s and late 1990s led to a decline in 2 _. In addition to higher ocean temperatures, deficiencies in 3 _. can also lead to a decline in plankton numbers. This, in turn, impacts upon the worlds 4 _.(参考答案: 页)