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    1、英语写作中语篇“连贯性”的巧妙运用近年来,高考英语作文的评分标准有了重大调整,更强调文章语言的“连贯性”和“复杂性” 。且看高考英语作文最高一档的给分范围和要求:“覆盖所有的内容要点;应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言运用能力;能有效地使用语句问的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑”。显然,考生要得高分,除了文章要点全、语法正、表达准、结构整、逻辑顺、卷面洁外,考生还得掌握句型与词语的运用及行文(过渡承启) 技巧,以增强语言的表达力和文章的逻辑性,提高文章档次。篇章结构的“连贯性 ”在语言表达中起着非常重要的作用。 “连贯性”

    2、主要是就句子之间的衔接和文章段落的过渡而言的。它要求段落中句与句之间、全文段落与段落之间的组织与安排以一种明晰的、合乎逻辑的顺序进行,做到条理清楚、层次分明。这样的篇章结构才能让评卷老师迅速而准确地捕捉文章信息。反之,叙述顺序混乱、前言不搭后语的文章会因“缺乏可读性” 而被判为较低的得分档次。因此,下面我们将重点探讨一下英语写作中语篇“连贯性” 的巧妙运用。一、整体谋篇。确定主题句文章语篇的连贯是以内容的合理布局为前提的。因此,要想写出一篇高分作文,审题是关键的一步,一般坚持以下几个步骤:1. 审读情景材料即对试题所提供的“情景” (包括目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等)及其“形式” (一般为图

    3、画、图表、提纲等)予以全面的了解,同时不可忽视最后提供的 “注意”。2. 提取主题思想在审题的同时,要注意从所给材料中提炼出一个主题,即作文的中心。它是全文成败的关键所在,因为“评分说明” 明确指出: “对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分”。一般来讲,文章的中心不超出高中生学习和日常生活中的所见所闻。3. 进行信息取舍确定主题之后,就要依据所需文体(多为应用文、记叙文或说明文) ,围绕中心对所获取的信息进行筛选,以突出重点。4. 列举表述要点这是评分标准规定的最主要标准,即是否“覆盖了所有内容要点”。动笔写作之前,最好在草稿纸上列出要点,以免因时间紧等原因而遗漏。5. 确定主题句段落通常由一个表示段

    4、落中心思想的主题句和一些用来说明、描写、论证该主题的发展句构成。段落的主题句非常重要,对段落的各句起到提纲挈领的作用。一般情况下,主题旬的位置都在段落的开头,清楚明了地告诉读者该段落将要陈述的内容。为了便于展开下文,主题句一般要具备以下两个特点:内容要明确具体,具有特定性和单一性,切忌笼统。比较:a. Learning English is important. a Learning English is important for middle school students. b. Tom is a good studentb. Tom is a hard-working student.

    5、 上述例句中的第二句要比第一句具体、明确得多。语言要简洁,开门见山。如“How I Spent My Vacation(我怎样度假)”的开头是:I spent my last vacation happily. 下面是题为“Honesty(谈诚实)” 一文中的开头:Honesty is one of the best virtues. An honest man is always trusted and respected. On the contrary, one who tells lies is regarded as a “liar”, and is looked down upon

    6、 by honest people. 二、拓展主题句,注意语篇连贯性主题句仅仅是提出基本观点,而要使评卷老师理解你的观点,就必须展开主题,就要考虑如何组织安排语句,也就是说,文章词与词、句与句之间必须衔接密切,具有连贯性。因此,文章语句和段落就要进行适当排序,并要根据所表达的具体内容选择适当的连接方式,常用的方法有以下几种:1. 巧用过渡词语,理顺句子逻辑关系为了使文章在整体上结构严密,浑然一体,增强文章的说服力和感染力,保证段落或文章的连贯,考生应该在句子与句子之间,甚至段落与段落之间,恰当地使用一些过渡性词语,使文意表达清晰、流畅。过渡连接词按语义划分为以下最常见的几种类型:(见下表)逻辑

    7、关系 常见过渡词语表示添加信息 and, also, too, besides, moreover, as well as, eitheror, neithernor, furthermore, in addition, what is more, not onlybut also, worse still表示转折关系 but, yet, however, although, on the other hand, otherwise, while, rather, still, nevertheless,in spite of, on the contrary, whereas, in con

    8、trast 表示递进关系 besides, again, moreover, worse still, above all, certainly, furthermore, whats more, in addition, important of all, to make matter worse表示因果关系 so, for, therefore, as a result, because, owing to, due to, thanks to, therefore, since, thus, hence, on account of, consequently, as a consequ

    9、ence, it follows that表示条件关系 as(so)long as, if, unless, on condition that表示解释、说明关系actually, in fact, such as, for exampleinstance, and so on, according to, after all, even, indeed, it is time, of course, specifically, truly, namely, that is, that is to say, in other words, to tell you the truth, an i

    10、llustration of, to be specific, to illustrate表示强调 Indeed, in fact, surely, certainly, truly, especially, no doubt, without any doubt, obviously, above all, It isthat表示时间顺序关系now, after, after that, at first, in the beginning, to begin with, later, next, finally, soon, suddenly, before, when, while, a

    11、s, during, firstsecond, then, in the end, afterwards, after a while, immediately, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, from now on, from then on, meanwhile, notuntil, eventually 表示空间顺序关系on the rightleft, in the middlecenter of backfront of, here, there, next to, on one side ofon the other si

    12、de of, on the foottopend表示结论 as you know, as far as I know, on the whole, in ones opinion, in short, in brief, in a word, in general 【典例解析】(NMET2006 陕西) In my opinion, it would be much better to stay at home for I can do what I like, such as reading books, watching TV, and helping my parents with th

    13、e housework. (通过举例和例证使抽象的概念具体化,使作者的表达更具说服力,同时使得文章逻辑严密。)(NMET2006 天津) First, the film was delayed as there were so many advertisements at the beginning. Second, the sound of the film was so loud that I could hardly bear it. (通过使用时间顺序连接词,使文章内容显得层次清晰,主次分明。)The room was disgusting. By the far window was

    14、 a trash can piled high with crumpled papers. In the middle of the room was a round size bed with rotting fruits. The path between the bed and the doorway, where 1 was standing, was full of dirty clothes and old newspapers. (通过选择参照物,然后巧妙运用表示空间顺序的连接词,给读者一个清楚的空间观念。用准确的方位词说明空间的具体位置,就仿佛给了阅卷老师一幅空间布置图或导游图

    15、。)2. 使用平行结构,增强语感节奏和顺畅度平行结构的使用是一种修辞手法,其中既有词汇的重复,又有纯粹的语法结构的重复。重复使用相同的结构,不仅能使句子或段落节奏匀称,还可以起到强调或承上启下的作用,从而引起评卷老师的注意。词的重复是常用的连接手法,它可强调你所要表达的意思,也必然让人把眼前的句子与前面的句子联系起来,如同用一根线将整个段落贯穿成一个整体,从而增强句子的语感节奏,使句与句之间的衔接更加紧密、顺畅。例如:(1) I love life; I love nature; and I love peace. (2) I am a boy of 17 and I am studying

    16、at high school now. I am good at English and I can talk with foreign tourists in English freely. 上述例子使用的是词汇的重复,下面的段落则通过使用相同的语法结构保证了文章的连贯与流畅。(1) If I have the honor to be chosen as a volunteer, besides the above, I will work hard and creatively, but never be lazy. I will follow the law and discipline

    17、, but never break them. I will take the opportunity to make fiends with the athletes and visitors, and help them make the 2008 Olympic Games a great success. (2) My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others. Dont argue with parents; they will think you dont love them.

    18、 Dont argue with children; they will think themselves victimized. Dont argue with spouses; they will think you are a tiresome mate. Dont argue with strangers; they will think you are not friendly. My mothers rules, in fact, can be summed up in two words. Dont argue. 在使用平行结构的过程中,如果意思上并列的成分用不同等的语法形式来表

    19、达,就会破坏平行结构,因此要注意以下几点:1)不要使用 And whoand which 结构,如 James Joyces Ulysses, a long and complicated novel and which is on our reading list, has been banned by the school board. 平行结构必须连接两个并列的成分,否则就不能形成平行结构。因此,这句应改为:James Joyces Ulysses, which is a long and complicated novel and which is on our reading lis

    20、t, has been banned by the school board. 2) 一些成对连词如 eitheror; neitheror; not onlybut also; bothand; as well as 等要连接一致的语法成分。例如:(原句)The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as music. (修改句)The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as

    21、 played music3)要注意 than 和 as 引导的比较句。比较的东西或思想在逻辑上和语法上要一致。例如:The students inour school are more intelligent than your school. 句子在逻辑上把 the students 和 your school 进行了比较,应该添上 than the students in your school 或是 than those in your school. 3. 灵活运用代词,避免成分冗余除了过渡性词语外,省略、替代和所指等技巧同样可以连句成段,避免罗嗦和重复,以保持段落的连贯性。名词或代

    22、词是很重要的关系指引词,它们不仅能指明句子内部某些词之问的关系,而且能沟通和建立句子和句子之间意义上的联系,从而使段落中前后句子的意义逻辑地、有条理地联系起来,起到承上启下的作用。例如:(1) However, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who pre-reading articles about learning methods. (句中使用代词 that 代替 the number, those 代替 students, 既避免了重复和单调,

    23、又显得简洁明了,过渡自然。)(2)While surfing the Internet, I happened to see your notice from which I knew you were eager to have a Chinese friend. (句中关系代词 which 引导的非限制性定语使得主从句意义连贯。 )试比较:While surfing the Internet, I happened to see your notice. From the notice I knew you were eager to have a Chinese friend. 4. 巧

    24、用同义反义词,文章连贯中见文采同义词与反义词用得好,可以避免出现单词重复,避免文章内容单调。文章在连贯的同时还能适当增加文采,给人耳目一新的感觉。例如:(NMET 2006 北京) I like music, especially classical music. I am also interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life. In fact, I like meeting people and enjoy talking with them. Believ

    25、ing we all need help from each other, I appreciate friends help and I am willing to help anyone in need. 5. 巧用分词短语或独立结构。简化句子结构,增强表达效果巧妙利用分词短语或独立主格结构能使句子化繁为简,把复合句变为简单句;恰当使用独立成分可以使句子的表达形式丰富多样,从而起到增强语言表达效果的作用。它们各有特点:分词要坚持逻辑主语一致原则,而独立主格结构要坚持主语不一致原则;独立成分为约定成俗的固定形式,不受逻辑主语限制。如:Judging from, Frankly speakin

    26、g (To be frank) 等。试看下列句子:(1)Compared with other teachers, Mr. Moore pays more attention to his way of teaching. (分词短语)(2)Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. =If weather permits we are going to visit you tomorrow. (独立主格结构 )试比较以下两个例句:(原句)The driver escaped; he left the old man lyin

    27、g on the road. (修正句)The driver escaped, leaving the old man lying on the road. (分词短语 )6. 使用同位语。避免重复,明晰句意同位语的应用不仅能避免重复,还可以使文章表述自然、流畅,起到很好的连接作用。例如:(1)Also we can both write and talk to each 0theT on the Skype, a program that can carry sounds as well as words. (2) I am Wangshan, a girl of sixteen, pres

    28、ently attending Beijing Yangguang Middle school. 7. 使用过渡句,自然衔接句子和段落过渡句在句子与句子、段落与段落之间起到承上启下的作用,使句子或段落之间的衔接自然、连贯,逻辑合理,结构严谨,故极为重要。例如:(1) The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holidaySome are in favor of staying at homeHowever, others prefer to go out

    29、for traveling since it can increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons. But they will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world. (2) Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the originalSome others have just the opposite opinion. They think that

    30、they can get more detailed information from the original. 以上都是结合实例介绍的可用作拓展主题句的多种连接手段。写作过程是一个由提炼主题句(写作要点)到拓展主题句成文的过程,恰当运用具有导向作用的过渡词句可使文章保持连贯、统一、顺畅。三、文末结论,首尾呼应文章结尾的作用是概括全文内容,进一步强调或肯定文章的中心思想,使文章意义表达得更加深刻,也使文章首尾呼应,结构完整,连贯自然。用于结论段的常用语有:From this point of view 从这个观点来看In a word 总而言之In conclusion 综上所述On acc

    31、ount of this we can find that由此我们可以知道The result is dependent on结果是依而定To sum up 总括言之In brief 简言之Obviously显然Thus, it can be concluded that因此,我们可以得知Therefore, we can find that因此,我们可以发现比如下面的例子:(1) In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it. (2) Obviously, we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others. 综上所述,语言的连贯性主要体现在句与句、段与段之间。句与句之间要前后呼应,形成句句相连,环环相扣,读起来一气呵成;同样,段与段之间也要过渡自然,不可各自独立使文章失去整体性。语言连贯性是评价一篇文章优劣的标准之一。缺乏连贯性,叙述顺序混乱,前言不搭后语的文章会因“缺乏可读性“而被判为较低的得分档次。只有有效地使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,语篇连贯性强的文章才能得到高分档次。

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