1、 登陆网站 参加免费试学 英语口语辅导班,英文面试前后的该与不该This list gives you some things you should do or not do, before, during and after an interview. Some are just plain common sense whilst others are dealt with in greater detail under other topic headings.面试技巧很重要,dos 和 donts 知多少?这篇文章中将讲述到面试前,面试过程中和面试结束后的“该”与“ 不该” 。细节决定成
2、败,希望掌握了以下注意点之后,你的面试能得心应手!Dos:面试该做到:Before the interviewGet a good nights restDress wellWear light make up if you are a womanMake sure your hair is neat and tidyBrush your teeth or suck a mintPrepare answers to possible questionsResearch the kind of job interview you will be havingInvestigate the com
3、panys missionKnow the precise location of the interview and how long it will take to get there登陆网站 参加免费试学 Arrive 10 minutes earlyGreet the receptionist and other staff in a friendly mannerBring extra copies of your CVBring a pen and notebookFill out applications neatly and clearlySwitch off your mob
4、ile phoneMake sure you can pronounce the interviewers name correctly, ask the receptionist if unsure面试前前晚一定要睡个好觉着装正式,整洁得体女士的话,化淡妆可显得精神头发干净整齐会给人留下好印象刷牙或者含片薄荷糖,谁都对清新口气有好感对于可能出现的问题,提前准备好应对答案关于此类工作面试,要做足研究清楚该公司的发展前景,主要任务等等大方向,面试时可能会被问到相关问题要明确面试地点,和到达面试地点的时间,交通上的时间耽搁很难说清楚,如果因为迟到或搞错地点而错失良机,就太可惜了登陆网站 参加免费试
5、学 提早 10 分钟到场友好对待接待员,和其他员工善意地打招呼,友善的笑容会加分哦准备好几份简历的拷贝随身带纸笔总是不会错的填写申请表的时候,笔迹要清楚明了,字如其人是真理记得关机面试时,一定要正确称呼面试官,不清楚的话,可以询问接待员。谁会希望自己名字被叫错呢?During the interviewGreet the interviewer by title (Dr Mr. Ms)Shake hands firmlyRemember your body language; sit straightBreathe deeplyLook at the interviewer during th
6、e interviewExpress yourself clearlyBe confident and energeticBe prepared to take criticismAvoid controversial topicsTell the truth登陆网站 参加免费试学 Ask for clarification if you dont understand a questionStress your achievementsShow you a warm person with a sense of humourSmileBe friendly and politeShow wh
7、at you can do for the companyTreat the interview seriouslyAsk intelligent questionsEvaluate the interviewer and the organisationShow your enthusiasm by asking about the next stage in the processGet business cards from your interviewer/interviewers面试中称呼面试官,使用先生/女士等尊称握手时要有力度,会给人留下沉稳可靠的印象肢体语言可以传达一个人的内心
8、世界,记得站如松,坐如钟深呼吸面试过程中,要自信的和面试官进行目光交流条理清晰的称述自己登陆网站 参加免费试学 自信和积极的态度是重中之重做好接受批评的准备尽量避免有争议的话题面试过程中要讲实话听不明白问题的时候,一定要问清楚,否则答非所问会减分强调自己的成就对话中适度展示自己的幽默感,这样会给人热情友好的印象记得微笑保持友善和礼貌告诉面试官你能为公司带来的具体利益认真对待每一次面试问些有独特见地的问题对面试官和单位有一个评估在面试过程中,问及下一步骤,这样能展示出你内心的热情记得向面试官所要名片After the interviewMake notes immediately, so as
9、to remember important detailsWrite thank you letters with 24 hours登陆网站 参加免费试学 Tell your references that they may be getting a phone from the employer (you may well have already done this)Follow up with a telephone call after five to ten daysBe patient面试后及时记录笔记,以防遗漏重要信息在 24 小时之内寄出感谢信留下你推荐人的联系方式,雇主可能会
10、打电话询问他们一些情况接下来的 5 到 10 天之内,打电话询问下情况记得一定要耐心Donts:面试时需注意:Before the interviewBe late for your interviewWear earrings if you are a manWear heavy cologne or perfumeHave bad breath or body odourMemorise your answers to questionsBring a friend or relative登陆网站 参加免费试学 面试前迟到是大忌如果你的男士,不要佩戴耳环或耳钉无论男士还是女士,都不可使用太
11、浓的香水口气或体味会给你扣分许多不要死记硬背你提前准备的答案有亲戚朋友随行是不明智的做法During the interviewChew gumBe a “know it all”Be overaggressiveBe indecisive, cynical or lazyTell jokes or use slangUse lots of pause words, such as “um” or “er”Talk too fastSmokeCondemn past employersLie登陆网站 参加免费试学 Place too much emphasis on moneyAsk abou
12、t holidays, retirement or other bonusesAnswer questions with just “Yes” or “No”Discuss family issues or personal problemsGive any negative information about yourselfAct as though you are desperate for workAnswer your mobile phone; you should have switched it off alreadyForget to ask questionsExhibit
13、 a negative attitudeTake notes (wait until after the interview)面试中不可以嚼口香糖,这是很不礼貌的不要让面试官觉得你是个骄傲自大的“百事通”不要显得太急功近利犹豫不决,玩世不恭或是惰性慵懒,都会让你显得不可靠不要讲笑话或使用俚语面试过程中不要有太多停顿,支支吾吾会让你显得很不自信语速太快不可取登陆网站 参加免费试学 绝不要吸烟不要批评公司以前的员工不要把谈话的重心放在报酬上谈及太多关于假期津贴,退休金或其他红利不是好方法面试官提问的时候,不要简单的使用“是”或“不”来作答不可讨论家庭琐事或个人私事不要把自己的负面信息体现在面试官面
14、前有工作热情是好事,但是表现得太迫切,反而会起到副作用不要接电话别忘了向面试官提问,这是展现你独特思维和见解的好时机不可体现出消极的态度不可体现出消极的态度面试过程中不要埋头记笔记,这是面试结束后才做的事After the interviewStop job huntingHave any errors of spelling in your thank you notePlace too much importance on one particular job interview面试后这轮面试结束了,不代表你该停下接着找工作的步伐了登陆网站 参加免费试学 感谢信中不可出现拼写错误合理安排准
15、备时间,不要太过注重一场面试Glossary:重点词汇:Plain common sense (noun) Ordinary good judgment, practical senseSuck a mint (phrase) Hold a sweet, flavoured with mint, in the mouth to freshen the breathMission(noun) Goal, aimPrecise(adj) Exact, definiteControversial(adj) Disputed, debatable, open to questionClarificat
16、ion(noun) Explanation that increases understandingCologne(noun) Scented perfumed liquidBody odour(noun) Bad smell, strong offensive body smellCynical(adj) Negative and pessimisticSlang(verb) Informal, idiomatic languageCondemn(verb) Express strong disapproval ofBonuses(noun) Extras, things paid in a
17、ddition to what is expected4. I (be) a teacher before I went to college.5. I (read) Shakespeare ever since I was a little girl.登陆网站 参加免费试学 6. When I went to see her yesterday, she (watch) TV.7. I (see) your father before I saw you.8. He (read) many detective stories.9. He (go) to church every Sunday
18、.10. It (be) a cold day yesterday.11. It (rain) for the last two days.12. I (eat) too much. I am full now.13. You (be) a nurse before the war broke out.14. I (have) never (see) you in my life.15. He (be) a teacher since 1980.16. It (be) good to eat vegetables every day.17. It (be) so nice to meet yo
19、u last night.18. She (be) such a nice girl before she died.19. Peter (go) to America many times.20. He (work) hard since last year. He (hope) to succeed in the college entrance examination this time.第五章 将来时5-1 将来时的基本规则如果我们在句子中,有需要提到将来的事情,就可以使用将来时,举例来说,登陆网站 参加免费试学 以下的句子都用将来时。I will go to America tomo
20、rrow.He will dance tonight.Peter will finish his work next month.如果不用will,我们可以用verb to be +going to+ verb,如果我们如此做,以上的三个句子就变成了以下的句子I am going to go to America tomorrow.He is going to dance tonight.Peter is going to finish his work next month.以下是一些将来时的例子:1. I will call you tonight.I am going to call y
21、ou tonight.2. He will graduate next June.He is going to graduate next June.3. Mr. Lee will teach us English soon.Mr. Lee is going to teach us English soon.4. He will help you.He is going to help you.5. The war will break out soon.登陆网站 参加免费试学 The war is going to break out soon.6. It will rain tonight
22、.It is going to rain tonight.有一个规则必须注意,就是 will 是一个助动词,现在式第三人称单数的主词,仍不用在 will 后面加 s。不仅如此,will 后面的动词必须用成原式,如果用 verb to be +going to+ verb 这里面的 verb 也必须用原式。因为这里面的 to 式 infinitive,infinitive 里面永远要用原型动词。以下例子都是错的1.He wills go to school.2.He will goes to school.3.They will went to work tomorrow.4.Tom is go
23、ing to saw me tonight.5.Peter is going to working next month.将来时常和别的句子用在一起,以下是典型的例子1. When you come tomorrow, I will already be in Taipei.2. After I graduate, I am going to be a good doctor in Africa.3. Before I leave tomorrow, I will finish my work.4. After the war is over, every one will be happy.
24、登陆网站 参加免费试学 5. I will go to a concert after my classes are over.6. I will eat lunch as soon as I have time.但千万不可写出以下错误的句子:When you will come tomorrow, I will already be in Taipei.After the war will be over, every one will be happy.I will eat lunch as soon as I will have time.【练习十八】将以下的中文句子翻成英文句子,用 w
25、ill 或 to be going to:1. 我明天要上教堂(go to church) 。2. 他下周一要和我见面。3. 他明天要整理这个房间(clean this room) 。4. 我明天吃晚饭后要去台北。5. 我明天晚上回家以后,就打电话给你。6. 我毕业以后会去念法律。7. 明天你走以后,我要看电视.。8. 明天我会去台南。9. 今天晚上我要写一封信给你。10. 今晚,我要等我的哥哥。登陆网站 参加免费试学 【练习十九】填充:1. I (be) in America next year, after I (graduate).2. I (explain) this to you t
26、onight after I (read) the report.3. I (see) you tonight.4. As soon as you (come) to see me, I (give) you my book.5. When you (arrive) in New York tomorrow, Tom (be) in the airport to meet you.6. I (go) to church after the rain stops.7. I (watch) the new TV program after you (leave).8. When you (get)
27、 here tomorrow, everyone (wait) for you.9. I (get) a job as soon as I get out of college.10. He_ (have) dinner very late tomorrow.11. I_ (quit) my present job, after I_ (find) a better one.5-2 将来时的变形将来时可以和进行式合起来用,以下是将来进行式的例子I will be watching TV tomorrow at eight.He will be eating a big dinner after
28、 he gets out of the hospital.登陆网站 参加免费试学 I will be studying mathematics at home when you come.Two days later, I will be driving a new car.将来时可以和完成式合在一起用,而成为将来完成式,这种句子都是在于强调将来要完成的事。举例来说, ”我明天六点以前,我会完成这工作了” ,就可以用将来完成式:I will have finished this work by six oclock tomorrow.以下是一些将来完成式的例子By the time he arrives at the station, the train will have left.We will have had three meetings before six oclock tonight.He will have written six novels next summer.【练习二十】填充:(用将来进行式或将来完成式)1. I (watch) the baseball game tomorrow night.2. He (finish) the report when you arrive at his home.