1、句子的基本结构:主谓The sun rises.主谓宾The sun loves the moon.主谓宾宾The sun tells the moon a story.主系表The sun is strong.主谓宾补The moon considers the sun vulgar.(补语的形式) (见补语的形式文档)Comment 微微微微1: 定语,状语Comment 微微微微2: 附属成分Comment 微微微微3: 定语Comment 微微微微4: 状语表达意义更加精确基本结构+附属成分 2. 时态/语态/情态(1)基本结构+附属成分定语: 状语:The faded flowers
2、 covered the ground.凋零的花铺满大地。I saw him in the part.(2)时态 /语态/情态常用时态:不同谓语形式体现时态上的差别一般现在:(1)主语+动词He often goes shopping.否定: 主语+do/does +not+动词He does not go shopping.(2)主语+beShe is gorgeous.否定:主语+be+notShe is not gorgeous.一般将来I will go to Shanghai for business tomorrow.否定:主语+will+not+动词I will not go t
3、o Shanghai for business tomorrow.一般过去:He failed in the exam. I was ill yesterday.否定形式:主+did not+动词He did not fall in the exam.主+was/were not +动词I was not ill yesterday.现在进行:The spring is coming.The spring is not coming现在完成:I have fixed the computer for the girl. I have not been abroad.语态:被动语态:谓语体现时态
4、上的差别(被动语态,不突出动作的发出者,更加客观,更加简洁)(谓语的形式: be+done)寺庙始建于 1863 年。The temple was built in 1863.Parental Discretion is advised事故中 200 人丧生。200 people were killed in the accident.Miss Lee loves her students and is loved by her students.名词性句子:目的:完整具体的表达句子意义(不通过改变谓语)句子=名词中文:凤姐很美是不可能的。A: Sister phoenix is beauti
5、ful.B: sth is impossible.Sister phoenix is beautiful.(句子)that sister phoenix is beautiful(名词)That sister phoenix is beautiful is impossible.完整的句子前+that (语法上:名词化/ 意义上 :无意义)价格上涨让我难受。The price will rise.That the price will rise makes me restless.(* It makes me sad that the price will rise.)That Daniel
6、wu married Lisa.That Daniel wu married Lisa broke my heart.It broke my heart that Daniel wu married lisa.(that, when, how, why, where, if, whether)Where prices rose is uncertain.I do not know sth.I do not know whether you love me.This place is where I met her yesterday.杭州是我邂逅林志玲的地方。Hangzhou is where
7、I briefly encountered Lin Zhilin.This is why I will spend all my life in loving you.She is living a happy life.Sth. Makes sb. Content.That she is living a happy life makes him content.It makes him content that she is living a happy life.He asked if his operation was successful.How Bill won the price
8、 is unknown.I do not know why he did not go to school.I think that you should read this book.He said that he could finish his work before supper.He suggested that we should clean the window.He told me that he would leave tomorrow.No one knows how he heard the news.I have not decided whether I will g
9、o abroad.The police asked me how the accident happened.He didnt tell me when we would meet the girl.Please tell me where you read the news.None of us knows where we can buy this.Scientists point out that the earth is getting warmer and warmer.Tell me when the ship sails for New York.That you did not
10、 finished the work made me unhappy.I knew where he lives and that he is living a happy life.杭州是人们将之称为人间天堂的地方。(what ,who)的句子名词化what,who 先替换,后提前He likes girls.I do not know who likes girls.who he likes(名词性)what is in the box(名词性) I want to know who likes girls.Bill asked who likes girls.I want to know
11、 what is in the box.please put the medicine on the shelf. Its _where_our children cant reach it. It could be judged from her eyes _that_ she was terribly sorry for _what_she had done.Would you please explain to me about the difference between the two words?Im sorry, but thats _what_Im puzzled about
12、. _What _surprises us is that she doesnt even know the difference between the two opinions You should believe your courage is _what_makes a difference.The companies are working together to create _what_will be the best means of transport in the 21st century. 我把青春献给你。I devote my youth to you.王菲是我将我的青
13、春献出来的人。Wang fei is who I will devote my youth to.Professor Backman took up scientific research for decades, and this is _what_he devoted all his life to.我们在网络上看到的很多东西都是扯淡的。Much of what we read on the internet is groundless. We read information on the internet.杭州是人们将之称为人间天堂的地方。Hangzhou is what people
14、 call paradise on earth.The west lake is where I briefly encountered Lin Zhilin.Hangzhou is what people call paradise on earth.我们没有的东西总比我们有的东西要好。What we do not have is always better than what we have.你得记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。You should remember what should be remembered and forget what should be forgotten.紫禁
15、城是人们将之描绘为传奇的地方。The Forbidden City is what people describe as a legend.Hangzhou is what people call paradise on earth.The manager in the end decided to give the chance to _who_ had a good command of English. Id like to offer this job to _is responsible for it.Can you explain _why_most deserts are loc
16、ated near the west coast of the continents?Could I speak to _who_is in charge of International Sales please?(be in charge of 掌管)名词性句子中的例外。When/where/how/+N+BEI do not know where he is.(2)How+adj+N+BEI do not know how far forever is.I do not know how beautiful she is.名词性句子表达的宽度:人人都是自私的,都不愿意去关心不属于他们的东
17、西。Everyone is selfish and does not show concern to what does not belong to him or her.定语:形式:形容词,副词,to do, 介宾,定语从句,doing,donethe girl on the balcony in a six-floor building between two streets is my sisterthe influence of AIDS the influence on children N+ n 个(介宾)the influence of AIDS on children unde
18、r 7 in the west part of Africa the expectation of how both children and teachers should behaveThe graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country in 1979 and 2004.The chart below shows the main reasons of study among students of different age groups.T
19、o do the desire to go abroadthe hope to travel in Africathe ability to speak English and French 定从:Comment 微微微微5: 指代(主句的名词的被另一个从句“定” 住,被 “具体化”)昨天给我苹果的男人是 tommy的爸爸。The man who gave me an apple yesterday is tommys father.男人(这个男人昨天给我苹果)是 tommy的爸爸。The man ( who gave me an apple yesterday) is Tommys fath
20、er.超人是会飞的人。A super man is a person who can fly.我喜欢喝闻起来香的茶。I like tea which smells good.站在街角的那两个女孩是我的女朋友。The two girls who are standing at the corner are my girlfriends.王大川是个对爱情专一的男人。WangBig water is a man who is consistent in love. (主语)他给我的苹果好吃。The apple tastes good.He gave me an apple.The apple whi
21、ch He gave me tastes good.我朋友带我去看了我并不觉得有趣的展览。My friends took me to the exhibition (which) I did not consider interesting.指代人:who/whom/that指代物:which/that从句的完整性:关于省略:从句中 that,which,whom 作宾语可省略The apple (that ) I bought is good.The story (that) he told is good.The girl (whom) I met told me a story that
22、 was really horrible.The story (that) I told yesterday was interesting.另一种定语从句I went back home at seven. At seven the class was over.I went back home at seven _at which_ the class was over.I still recall the day _ which_ I spent with yangmi.I spent one day with XXX.介词+which 表时间=whenMany farmers were
23、 working on the farm _on which_ there were many birds.Many farmers were working on the farm _which_ looks beautiful in summer.世界上有一些地方人们认为女孩子不能嫁给外村人。(翻译:语法精确,意思的完整)There are some areas in the world where some think that a girl cannot marry a boy from another village.带介词的定从我喜欢跟我一起去学校的女孩。I am obsessed
24、 with the girl with whomI go to school.他用来写字的笔坏了。The pen with which he writes was broken.他造了用来研究天空的望远镜。He built a telescope with which he studies the sky.The wolf _by_ which the sheep was killed was shot.The woman, _from_ whom I learned the news, is a nurse.She has three children, one of _whom_is at
25、 school.She has three children who went to the army.(她有三个当兵的孩子)(有可能不止三个孩子。 )She has three children, who went to the army.(她有三个孩子,这三个孩子当兵)My glasses, _without_ which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.在漆黑的夜晚,没有一个他能够寻求帮助的人。In the pitch dark night, there was not a person to whom he co
26、uld turn for help.The age_after_which children can go to school is seven.我用来上班的自行车被偷了。My bike with/by which I go to work was stolen.他买了一本作者是一位老师的书。He bought a book, the author of which is a teacher.(带介词定语从句中 指代人介词后只能用 whom)有关 whose 的定语从句His parents would not let him marry Lily, the family of whom wa
27、s poorHis parents would not let him marry Lily, whose family was poorI sold the car, the tire of which was flat.I sold the car whose tire was flat.定语从句的例外:Way 方式 的方式我不喜欢你对待你母亲的方式。I do not like the way (in which) you treat your mother.Way 的定语从句 in which 经常省略I do not like the way (in which) you treate
28、d /your mother.I do not like the way you treated your mother.(注意定语从句名词性从句的区别)I would like to speak to who is in charge of the meeting.I would like to speak to the person who is in charge of the meeting.You can take what you like.You can take the stuff which you like.Comment 微微微微6: 定从a boy beaten by
29、his father同位语My uncle John went to shanghai.三鹿有毒的报道是真的。The report that lululu is poisonous is true.(that 起连接作用)The report that I heard yesterday is true.爱因斯坦提出一个理论- 物质和能量是相同的。Albert Einsteinput forward a theory that mater and quality are the same.The belief that the company will make a great success
30、 is shared by everyone.我们得到中国男足战胜巴西男足的消息.We heard/got/had/received a news that Chinese football team had beaten Brazilian football team.News came to us that Chinese football team had beaten Brazilian football team.News arrived that Chinese football team had beaten Brazilian football team.(物化的主语 )环境被
31、全世界人所共有的事实使得每个人对它漠不关心。Sth makes sb do sth.The fact has made people to do sth.The fact has made people to show indifference to the worldThe fact that the world is shared by everyone has made people show indifference to it.非谓语:动词变化(doing, to do 做名词充当主语,宾语)Sth. is my responsibility.To spend the rest of
32、 my life in loving you is my responsibility.出国是我的目标。To go abroad is my target.看见杨幂让我开心。Seeing Yang Mi makes me happy.A sight of Yang Mi makes me happy.一看见杨幂让我开心。A mere sight of Yang Mi makes me happy.一想到中国国足就让我不安。A thought of Chinese football team makes me restless.A thought of Chinese football team
33、 makes my gorge rise.It takes sb some time to do sth.it takes me half an hour to go to school.Itbe名词to do Its our duty to take good care of the old. It takes sb+some time+to do To finish my task takes me three hours.It is形容词to do (seems,)It is difficult for me to speak English before a crowd.Itbe形容词for sb to do give up hopeYou must give up smoking, for it does too much harm to your health.I suggest spending our summer vacation in a seaside town.(详见常用的以 to do, doing 为宾语的动词)