1、1. Why is it that some people could find their way across the Sahara without a map?2. Research _ (carry out) at Liverpool Uni supports this idea and suggests that if we dont use it, we lose it.3. Children _ (小到七岁) have the ability _ (find) their way around.4. _/ _ (在乡下) ; _(强调 v); _ (简化); _ (方向感)5.
2、stream _; steam _; sweat _; sweet _; scream _; 6. When _ (build) houses, people used to think about not only the climate of the areas. They had to think about the building materials _ _. (也)7. Ancient people kept animals on the first floor. The body heat _ (give off) by the animals rises to the seco
3、nd floor of the houses, _ people live. Modern people however fill their houses with large rocks _. 8. They try to _ (迎接) this challenge by learning from old traditions.9. The twentieth century _ (见证) greater changes than any century before: changes _ the better or wose.10. Scientific research _ phys
4、ics and biology (在物理生物方面的) has vastly _ (扩展) our views and has given us _ deeper knowledge of _ structure of _ matter and of _ universe; it has brought us _ better understanding of _ nature of life. (冠词填空)11. Sadly, however, there is another side to the picture. The creativity of science has been _
5、(使用 ) in _ damage to mankind. The application of science and technology _ (介词) development and production of weapons of mass destruction has created a real danger to the continued existence of the human race.12. For more than 30 years, scientists _ (argue 时态) about how rainforest like the Amazon mig
6、ht have reacted to the cold, dry climates of the ice ages. But until now, no one has _ a satisfying answer. (得到)13. Currently the trees in the Amazon _ (吸收) around 500 million tons of CO2 each year, _- (等同于) the total amount of CO2 _ (释放) in the UK each year.14. Going back to the last ice age means
7、drilling deep down into lake sediments (沉淀物), _ requires specialized equipment and heavy machinery.15. Entering the forest by river _ vast areas between the rivers completely unsampled. (使-不能被取样 )16. You may think birds are just happy when they sing. _, you probably sing or whiles when you are happy
8、,17. Most of the birds singing _ to do with attracting mates and setting up territoties. (与-有关)18. A device ( ) is _ _ (即将) undergo testing at Department of Transport and could go on sale within 12 months. The device _ (发出) a sound about every four minutes during a car journey. Tiredness is directly
9、 _ _ a drivers response time. (与-有直接关系). If these tests, _ (schedule) for six months time, are successful, the makers will bring the product to market within about a year.19. The tea tree/ plant is often pruned (修剪) so that it _ (处于) only 60 to 90 centimetres high. Pruning is important because it _
10、the growth of tender shoots. A. allows B. encourages C. makes 20. Womens thin fingers can easily _ (去掉) the twin leaves and new shoots from the plant, _ are the parts used for processing (加工) tea. There are various methods of processing _ (取决于) the type of tea _ (require) (所需的茶的类型). For black tea, t
11、he young green leaves are first _ out (摊开) on floors and _ to ferment (留下发酵) under wet conditions. 22. Enter the Red Hat Societya group _ (hold) the belief that old ladies should have fun.23. If you _ into consideration feminism (女权主义), a bit of spare money, and better health for most elderly. 24. T
12、his is why the group (red hat society) are _ (不鼓励) from raising money or doing anything useful25. Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures _ (result from) global warming _ greater and more damaging storms. Japan refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement _ (呼呼) i
13、ndustrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. 26. Lack of parent willpower may _ more to juvenile obesity. (导致致使) than under-exercising or overeating27. Research suggests that having overweight parents is a big influence on a childs weight, _ one study finding that children with ov
14、erweight parents were _ to be overweight themselves. A. more likely four times B. four times likely more C. four times more likely28. The finding add _ to an already fierce political debate _ childhood obesity.A. fuel B. heat C. argument D. fact 29. Professor Louise doubts _ adult education programs
15、 offer any _ to weight problems.30. definitely _; We should change the law _ (关于) unhealthy food ads.31. Mother told me it was perhaps the old man across the street ( ) whose mail Id delivered during the winter. As a girl, _, I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy I had _. (邂逅)32. He wished
16、 he had a proper pack. His schoolbag would have to _. (可以)33. Though zoo officials claim that they are concerned about animals. However, most zoos _ (仍然是) “collections” of interesting “things” _ (而不是) protective _ (栖息地)35. _ supporting zoos, we should support groups that work to protect animals natu
17、ral habitats. 36. Some plants have their own ways to keep animals away. _, the leaves of the holly plant (冬青树) have sharp spines (刺) that _ grass-eating animals. (使食草动物望而却步)37. The Santas were always seen to _ at the dinner table when the show ended.A. hang up B. hang out C. hang around D. hang on 3
18、8. It is desirable that boys and girls grow up together and prepare themselves for a society that doesnt value sexual separation. Desirable: _; admirable: _; enjoyable: _; favorable: _39. Regular contact can _ (除掉) the strange ideas about the opposite-sex and _ (导致)more natural relationships. Those
19、who are against coeducation often _ their attention on the sexual side. (集中)40. They want their children to be _ (专注的) to their studies ( ).41. Girls grow up earlier than boys, _ (倾向于) be more orderly and likely to be better at languages. 42. Nobody knows _ (准确地) when the _ of hand-shaking (握手的做法) s
20、tarted in Europe.43. Do the Europeans shake hands wherever they go and with _ they meet? No.A. whoever B. no matter whom C. whomever D. anyone_ gets up early will cook us breakfast. A. Whoever B. Whomever C. Anyone D. Who44. Sometimes the Chinese abroad _ (伸出) their hands too often to be polite. He
21、_ the phone and knocked over a glass. 他伸手去拿电话弄翻一只玻璃杯。45. On winter days, Mr. Greenberg give away gloves:_; She wouldnt give away any details of the plan: _; The food supplies will give out at the end of the week: _; At the end of the race his legs gave out and he collapsed on the ground. _; 46. Doct
22、ors are known to be terrible pilots: =_47. Today, the “Fringe”, _, has far outgrown the festival with around 1500 performances of theatre. A. once was less recognized B. once less recognized C. once less recognizing 48. Given that many peoples moods (情绪) are regulated by the chemical action of choco
23、late, it -: _Given his age, he is a remarkably fast runner. 49. Tony can hardly boil an egg, still _ cook dinner. A. less B. little C. much D. moreMuch less/ let alone/ not to mention50. Police have found _ appears to be the lost ancient statue. A. which B. where C. what D. thatAfter _ seemed to be
24、a long time, the little boy popped up from the water surface.I took my first uneasy look at _ was to be my only means of transportation for several hours.51. I tried to find a comfortable position and thought it might be restful, even kind of nice. =_; _52. A few hours of “disability” gave me only a
25、 taste of the challenges, both physical and mental, _ disabled people must overcome. A. one B. that C. what D. ones53. I really do what I believe in. I taught what I believed in. 54. There is no shame in getting your moneys worth. 做-没有什么丢脸的。_.55. I am also tightfisted _(一说到给孩子买鞋子衣服)56. reserve airli
26、ne seats. _; preserve: _; conserve _ deserve _;57. The childs gaze (凝视) starts to lose its focus until a third, with three black spots, is _ (呈现)At present_; Those present (at the meeting) came from African countries. _; He presented himself at the doctors at 9:00a.m as arranged. _; _He is going to
27、present the town with a new hospital in memory of his mother. _; _The documentary presented us with a balanced view of this issue. _; 58. Can she tell that the number two is different from three? _59. approximately _; roughly: _; critical _; objective:_; subjective_; approving: _; doubtful:_; negati
28、ve: _ positive: _; optimistic: _; sympathetic: _60. Forty-two percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story. _; 61. Business is the organized approach _ (provide) customers with the goods and services. 62. volunteering gives you a cha
29、nce _ lives, including your own. A. changing B. to change C. changed D. change63. Her mom _ (为她报名参加) for gymnastics when she was three.64. 从马背上跌落下来: _; burn up oxygen _; at our own expense _65. The smaller dolphin, Grace, shows off a few of her tricks, _ (turn) around and _(wave) hello to us.66. Gra
30、ce lost her tail as a baby when she got _ up in a fish trap. (被困住)67. The dolphin is seriously/ severely ill but she is going to _ (挺过去)68. Grace did make it but she _ (结果却失去了) her flukes69. Although being famous might sound like a dream come true, todays stars, _(感觉像动物园里的动物,面临着我们不能想象的压力) (一个单句)70.
31、The phenomenon of tracking celebrities has been _ (出现) for years. 71. Sometimes a few celebrities can get a little justice. Still _, even stars who enjoy full justice often complain about how hard their lives are. 73. Those who frequently deal with many things at the same time were found to perform
32、the worst at the actual multitasking test. _74. There are some health problems that, when _ in time, can become bigger ones later on.A. not treating B. not being treated C. not treated D. not having been treated75. My roommate was a Paolo, a Brazilian the same age as I, _ I was surprised to find pla
33、ying one of my favorite CDs! A. which B. that C. who D. whom 76. in the long run _; deny _; originally _; Baby teeth fall out _ to make room for bigger, stronger teeth.77. If exercise wears you out, _ how can it be good for you.78. He didnt make the bricks for his house, _, he got them from people w
34、ho specialized in doing this.79. I took a teaching job at _ I considered a distant wild area: western New Jersew.80. As the year progressed. _; in short: _; at times _; 81. Usually, Tom _ play in the small garden with his brothers. A. could B. would C. should D. might82. Bicycles allow ( ) people th
35、e freedom to move about that cars just cant provide.83. Mental work _ cant make us tired. (光是精神上的工作不会让我们很疲惫)84. These early stories dealt directly with slavery. _85. nothing other than _; The term Nigger (黑鬼), _ which the novel is often criticized, never appears in it86. We soon _ by the house and I
36、 tell her what it was like here. A. pulled up B. pulled away C. put up87. Id use the smartphone-like glass if I were _ with friends at 3.am. A. hang out B. hang about C. hang up88. The smartphone-like glasses will _ this year. A. come up B. come out C. come about There is a storm _ . A. coming out B
37、. coming up C. coming about89. We are accustomed to having one thing in our pocket to do all these things and the average customer isnt gonna be able to afford another device that is hundreds of hundreds of dollars. _,_; _; _90. Jane Austen today would certainly have had a very different life, _ wou
38、ld her characters. 91. Its universally acknowledged that a single woman with brains deserves to have equal opportunities to men, however disadvantaged she may feel by sexism. 92. 开阔某人的视野:_; suburbs :_ relief _; _; _; ease _She won the 400m race with _. A. relief B. ease She retired from her job at 4
39、5 and now lives a life of _ She soon put/ set me at ease (= make me relaxed and able to talk freely)Tom was almost drowned, with _, an old man rowing a boat towards him and helped him out eventually. Relief 救济金(物品); a feeling of happiness that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended. Ease
40、: free from difficulty, pain or effort93. 我们试图创造一些工作机会,这些机会将能真地对我们年轻人有所不同(产生重大影响)_94. He was eager to _ (拓展) his farm. I was completely _ (感到挫败的)95. Saltwater hit against her face, _ (make) it difficult to breathe. 96. There are a small number of people _ (involve), as few as twenty.97. Steps must b
41、e taken to ensure that the aid reaches the people _ whom it is intended. 98. Sometimes _ is taken for granted, like the setting up of a school for kids could be useful for countries which are looking about to solve common problems. A. that B. what C. which D. where99. Many universities like Yale, Standford Uni _ free courses on line for students worldwide.100.Beside giving effective help to the countries _ (concern), there is also the build-up of friendships to consider.