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    1、葫芦岛市龙港区环境保护现状及对策建议摘 要:关键词:如何以崭新的姿态迎接“十二五”的到来,深刻认识面临的机遇与挑战,推动环保事业再上新水平,促进经济可持续发展,是我们当前必须认真思考的问题。笔者在全面分析葫芦岛市龙港区环境现状的基础上,提出了对策、措施、建议。 加强环境保护,建设生态文明,是落实科学发展观、构建建设资源节约型、环境友好型和谐社会的必然要求,也是促进经济社会可持续发展、人类文明的必然发展趋势。龙港区是葫芦岛市政治经济文化的中心,人口密集,随着城市建设、经济发展步伐的不断加快,环境问题也越来越被社会各界关注,成为热点。1 龙港区环境保护的现状2009 年,龙港区委区政府提出“工业强

    2、区、港口兴区、三产富区、生态立区”四区建设的新理念新目标,这一决策是非常正确的,也是符合时代潮流和龙港实际的。经过近年来的努力,龙港区生态环境建设与保护已取得明显进展。1.1 节能减排力度不断加大,圆满完成“十一五”总量减排任务。近年来,龙港区制定了切实可行的总量控制计划。狠抓重点行业的监管治理工作,进一步削减污染物排污总量。十一五期间,龙港区二氧化硫减排量总计 658.901 吨,化学需氧量减排量总计 1251.3 吨,超额完成了“十一五”期间全区主要污染物的削减任务。近年龙港区政府为彻底解决了老城区污水直排海洋问题,建成了 7 座污水提升泵站,建成纳污量为 1.2 万吨/日,服务面积 10

    3、.7 平方公理的截污管线 18 公里,污水将通过该管线集中输送到老城区污水厂处理。2010 年,龙港区逐步推广使用生物质能新型环保锅炉替代燃煤型锅炉,采用生物质能颗料燃烧,污染小、耗能低,从而避免了第三产业冒黑烟的现象发生,削减二氧化硫排放量。1.2 环境执法进一步加强。严格贯彻执行有关法律法规,严肃查处各类环境违法行为,设立“12369”环境信访24 小时热线,认真解决环境信访案件。对治污设施不能正常运行,超标排污的企业坚决实施限产或停产。建立和完善了环境应急机制,切实做好水污染防治工作及化学危险品的监督管理。连续七年开展龙港区“整治违法排污企业保障群众健康利益”的环保专项行动,加大力度开展

    4、对违法案件后督察工作,彻底保障群众利益。1.3 严把新建项目环境准入关口。认真贯彻“三同时”的有关规定,对不符合国家产业政策的高污染项目不予受理,对所有新建项目严格执行“三同时”制度,试生产申请制度。要求改建、扩建项目必须做到“以新带老” ,通过企业内部深度治理,确保排放不超总量指标;对试生产不达标的企业,坚决予以停产治理,几年来未出现超标试生产现象。1.4 农村生态建设深入开展。开展“环保攻坚惠民”活动。一是省级环境优美村荒地村,下拨 20 万专项资金,建街巷垃圾点 60 处,并购置设备用于清理生活垃圾。二是实施村屯绿化,街道、村屯、学校共植树 10.3 万株。同时开展规模化畜禽养殖场及农村

    5、生活污水和生活垃圾处理执法检查工作,从源头上防治农业面源污染。2010 年 4 月,龙港区政府投资2.2 亿, 开展茨山河中段改造整治。茨山河发源于兴城市东砬山,全长 19.6 公里,流域面积58.8 平方公里。是流经城区的主要河流。未来通过两年的治理,将结束茨山河 10 余年的污染历史,把其建设成为风景优美的生态景观河。2 龙港区环境保护工作存在的主要问题综观近年来,龙港区的生态环境建设与保护工作,有重点、有亮点、有特色、有成效,但仍然存在一些值得重视的问题。一是随着经济的快速发展,一些企业环保意识不强,治污设施简陋,对环境造成了污染。二是市民环保意识参差不齐。有的娱乐、餐饮项目散布在居民生

    6、活区,产生噪声、油烟等污染,投诉强烈。三是农村环境污染问题仍然突出,城镇污染治理、养殖面源污染治理推进缓慢。龙港区正在打造经济新区,在进一步开发建设中,将给有限的环境容量带来越来越重的负荷,对此,必须有清醒的认识。3 加强环境保护工作,推进生态文明建设的几点建议实现环境保护可持续发展,建设生态文明城市,是一种理念和目标,也是一个长期而艰巨的任务和过程。3.1 全面树立和落实科学发展观,建立健全环境友好的决策和制度体系。坚持以人为本,制定有关法律法规和发展战略、规划,促进人与自然的和谐,实现经济发展和人口、资源、环境相协调。要将发展过程中的资源消耗、环境损失和环境效益纳入经济发展的评价体系;推行

    7、领导干部任期环境保护政绩考核,克服单纯追求 GDP 的倾向。3.2 以节能减排为突破口,大力发展循环经济,走新型工业化道路。发展循环经济,就是走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少得到充分发挥的新型工业化道路。建设以节约资源和保护环境为主要内容的资源节约型和环境友好型社会;按照“减量化、再使用、资源化”的原则,以提高资源利用效率、保护环境为核心,积极推行清洁生产。发展废物回收再利用产业和环保产业,提高资源生产率和循环利用率。对技术落后、浪费资源、污染环境的生产工艺、技术、设备、企业实行强制淘汰。3.3 严把审批关,抓好污染防治,努力改善人居环境质量。一是继续加强环境管理,严格建设项目

    8、的环境准入。严格执行环保审批程序,坚持环保第一审批权制度,禁止一切不符合环保法律法规及产业政策的项目落户龙港;二是加强环保“三同时”管理。所有的建设项目要按环保要求落实污染防治设施,切实做到与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投入使用;三是进一步强化污染治理。实施污染物排放总量控制制度,积极开展大气污染治理,降低污染排放。加强城市环境噪声整治,完善配套城市环保基础设施。3.4 加大农村环境保护工作力度,建设社会主义新农村。要改变环保工作重城市轻农村的做法,把以农业面源污染防治为重点的农村环境保护摆在重要位置,纳入社会主义新农村建设的重要内容。要加强农业面源污染防治、农村生活垃圾综合利用和土壤污染

    9、综合治理,切实改善农村居民生产、生活环境;提高村镇绿化率,整治乡村环境,改变村容村貌,全面推进城乡生态环境建设和保护工作。3.5 要积极培育和发展环保产业,大力研制开发新型环保工艺、设备,为防治污染提供技术保障。在推进城镇化进程中,要切实搞好集中供气、供暖等基础设施建设,最大限度地减少污染物排放源点。加强城镇绿化建设,进一步美化城市环境。环境问题涉及到每个公民的切身利益,需要全社会共同关心和支持。要加强舆论宣传和环保教育,教育引导广大群众了解环保知识,提高环保意识,积极参与各项环保事业和活动。Abstract:Keywords: how to greet the arrival of the

    10、“12th Five-Year with a new attitude and a profound understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing, to promote the cause of environmental protection to a new level, to promote the sustainable development of the economy, we must seriously consider the issue. I on the basis of a comprehensive

    11、 analysis of the state of the environment in Huludao City, Longgang District, proposed countermeasures, measures, it is recommended.CLC: B845.61 Document code: A Article ID:Strengthen environmental protection, the construction of ecological civilization, is to implement the scientific concept of dev

    12、elopment, to build an inevitable requirement for building a resource-http:/ http:/ http:/ and environment-friendly harmonious society, but also to promote sustainable economic and social development, the inevitable trend of development of human civilization. Longgang District, Huludao City, the cent

    13、er of the political and economic culture, densely populated, with the urban construction, the accelerating pace of economic development, environmental issues are also growing concerns of the community and become a hot spot.1 LongGangOu environmental status of2009, Longgang District Government put fo

    14、rward a “strong industrial zone, port Xingqu, tertiary-rich region, ecological Adachi four districts of the construction of new ideas, new goals, this decision is correct, but also in line with the trend of the times and The Longgang actual. After years of efforts, Longgang District, the ecological

    15、environment construction and protection has made remarkable progress.1.1 energy saving has intensified, and the successful completion of the “11th Five-Year total emission reduction task.In recent years, LongGangOu develop practical total control plan. Pay close attention to the regulatory governanc

    16、e of key industries, and further reductions in the total amount of emissions of pollutants. The 11th Five-Year period, LongGangOu sulfur dioxide emission reductions totaling 658.901 tons, chemical oxygen demand emissions reductions totaling 1,251.3 tons, exceeding the “Eleventh Five-Year“ period the

    17、 regions major pollutants reduction task. The the recent years LongGangOu government to completely solve the old town sewage straight row ocean issues, and built a seven sewage pump stations built dirt holding capacity of 12,000 tons / day, the service area of 10.7 square axiom interception in pipel

    18、ine 18 kilometers, sewage centralized through the pipeline transported to the old city sewage plant for disposal. 2010, LongGangOu gradually promote the use of biomass new environmentally friendly alternative to coal-burning boilers boiler burning biomass granule, little pollution, low energy consum

    19、ption, in order to avoid the phenomenon of black smoke in the third industrial cut sulfur dioxide emissions.1.2 further strengthen environmental enforcement.Strict implementation of relevant laws and regulations, strictly investigate and deal with all kinds of environmental violations, the establish

    20、ment of a 24-hour hotline “12369“ Environmental Petition seriously solve environmental case letters. Pollution control facilities can not operate normally the excessive sewage enterprises resolute implementation of the limit or stop production. The establishment and improvement of environmental emer

    21、gency response mechanism, a really good job of water pollution prevention and control and the supervision and management of hazardous chemicals. Seven consecutive years to carry out LongGangOu “illegal sewage remediation company to protect the public health interests of environmental protection spec

    22、ial action to strengthen its efforts to protect the interests of the masses to carry out the illegal cases inspectors thoroughly.New Project 1.3 strict environmental access checkpoints. Conscientiously implement the relevant provisions of the “three simultaneous“ inadmissible high-pollution projects

    23、 that do not meet the national industrial policy to strictly enforce the “three simultaneous“ system for all new projects, pilot production application system. Require reconstruction and expansion projects must be done “to the new with the old“ internal depth governance and ensure the discharge does

    24、 not exceed the total amount of indicators; resolutely stop production management of trial production enterprise substandard, the past few years does not appear excessive trial production phenomenon.1.4 ecological construction in rural areas in depth. Conducting environmental tackling Huimin activit

    25、y. 20 million of special funds allocated provincial environment beautiful village wasteland village built streets refuse point 60, and the purchase of equipment used to clean up the garbage. Second, the implementation of the Village Green, streets, villages, schools and planting 103,000. Carry out l

    26、arge-scale livestock farms and rural sewage and garbage disposal law enforcement inspection work at the same time, agricultural nonpoint source pollution prevention and control from the source. In April 2010, Longgang District Government investment of 220 million, the middle transformation remediati

    27、on carry Heights mountains and rivers. Heights mountains and rivers originated Hing the city East Lizi Hill, a total length of 19.6 km and a drainage area of 58.8 square kilometers. Major rivers flowing through the city. The next two years of governance, the end of the Heights of mountains and river

    28、s for more than 10 years history of pollution, into the scenic River ecological landscape.Main problems 2 LongGangOu environmental protection workLooking at recent years, the ecological environment construction and protection work in Longgang District, focused, there are bright spots, unique and eff

    29、ective, but still there are some noteworthy problems. First, with the rapid development of the economy, the number of corporate environmental awareness is not strong, humble pollution control facilities, causing environmental pollution. Uneven environmental awareness of the public. And some entertai

    30、nment, food and beverage items scattered in the living area, generate noise, fumes and other pollution strongly complaints. Third, the problem of environmental pollution in rural areas is still prominent, urban pollution control, the breeding point source pollution control propulsion slow. LongGangO

    31、u Economic Area is building an increasingly heavy load in the further development and construction, will be brought to the limited capacity of the environment, this must have a clear understanding.Strengthen environmental protection, promoting ecological civilization SuggestionsEnvironmental protect

    32、ion and sustainable development, the construction of ecological civilization city, is a philosophy and objectives, is a long and arduous task and process.3.1 establish and implement the scientific concept of development, to sound environmental friendly decision-making and institutional system. Adher

    33、e to the people-oriented, the development of relevant laws and regulations and the development of strategic planning to promote the harmony of man and nature, to achieve economic development and population, resources and environment in harmony. To development process of resource consumption, environ

    34、mental losses and environmental benefits included in the economic development of the evaluation system; implementation of the leading cadres term performance evaluation of environmental protection, and to overcome the tendency of the simple pursuit of GDP.3.2 to energy conservation as a breakthrough

    35、, vigorously develop the circular economy, taking a new road to industrialization. The development of recycling economy, is to take the high scientific and technological content, good economic returns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollution and a full display of new road to indust

    36、rialization. Construction to conserve resources and protect the environment as the main content of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society;, in order to improve the efficiency of resource use, environmental protection in accordance with the principle of “reduction, reuse, recycling,“ as t

    37、he core, and actively promote clean production . The development of the waste recycling industry and environmental protection industry, improve resource productivity and recycling rate. Backward technology, waste of resources, pollution of the environment of the production process, technology, equip

    38、ment, enterprise requiring the elimination.http:/ http:/ http:/ strict approval, and do a good job of prevention and control of pollution, efforts to improve the quality of living environment. First, continue to strengthen environmental management, and strict construction project environmental acces

    39、s. Strict enforcement of environmental approval process, adhere to environmental approval rights system, banning all project settled in Longgang does not comply with environmental laws and regulations and industrial policies; strengthen the management of environmental protection “three simultaneous“

    40、. All construction projects according to the requirements of environmental protection to the implementation of pollution control facilities, and make sure the main project designed, constructed and put into use at the same time; further strengthen pollution control. Implementation of pollutant emiss

    41、ion control system, active in air pollution control, and to reduce pollution emissions. Strengthen the city environmental noise remediation complete set of urban environmental infrastructure.3.4 increase rural environmental protection efforts in building a new socialist countryside. To change the en

    42、vironmental-urban practice, the focus on agricultural non-point source pollution control, rural environmental protection in an important position included in the construction of new socialist countryside. To strengthen agricultural nonpoint source pollution control, comprehensive utilization of garb

    43、age in rural areas, and the comprehensive management of the soil pollution, and improve rural residents to production and living environment; towns greening rate, remediation rural environment change village CunMao, comprehensively promote the ecological environment construction in urban and rural a

    44、reas and protection work.3.5 To actively nurture and develop the environmental protection industry, vigorously develop new environmentally friendly technology, equipment, and provide technical support for the prevention of pollution. Promote the urbanization process, it is necessary to do a good job

    45、 of centralized gas supply, heating and other infrastructure construction, minimize pollutant emissions source point. Strengthen the construction of urban greening, further beautify the urban environment. Environmental issues related to the vital interests of every citizen, of common concern and support of the whole society. To strengthen propaganda and education on environmental protection, education and guidance masses understand environmental knowledge, environmental awareness, and actively participate in various environmental undertakings and activities.References:

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