1、 About Olympic 关于奥运 玉林中学 雷英教学设计构想:在第二阶段教学改革实践探索中,尝试打破历史学科的单一性,进行学科知识的渗透和综合;改变教科书的唯一性和权威观,开放式的教学;教会学生用辨证的历史唯物主义观去思考、分析问题。知识目标:1 讲述奥运历史进程,彰显历史的真实性;从百年中国申奥的艰辛到奥运梦想的实现,弘扬爱国主义、民族自豪感2 品评奥运人物,探讨奥运精神在我们今天学习生活中的巨大影响。能力目标:1.中英文阅读理解和表达、演说能力2.通过对比、比较,了解历史的传承、演绎和发展进步,读史使人明智,更好的把握现在、畅想未来。3.通过奥运精神的阐发,思考如何正确对待挫折、失败
2、,以及处理体育运动和学习的关系。情感目标:通过百年奥运梦的实现来弘扬爱国主义,民族自豪感。教学方法:对比法、诱导法、谈话法、多媒体 PPT 演示简案:一 导入(Lead in:从 29 届奥运会的图片和音乐导入)二 追溯奥运历史(Trace back the Olympic history)三 品评奥运人物(Evaluate the famous people of the Olympic )四 探讨奥运精神(Discuss the Olympic spirit)一追溯奥运历史(Trace back the history of the Olympics )(一) 从古代奥运到现代奥运(Fro
3、m the ancient Olymics to the modern Olympics)No one knows exactly how far back the Olympic Games go,while the history of the 来源:Z。xx。k.Comancient Olympic Games can be traced back over3000 years to ancient Greece. 来源:学科网In ancient Greece sports played veryimportant part in the life of of the people.W
4、hile celebrating physical1 excellence, they were mainly held for religious purposes, that is, athletic contests were regarded by the ancient Greeks as a way to show their respects to their gods,especially Zeus. As Greece becamea bigger and more important country, the citiesstarted holding a large fe
5、stival as a sign ofunity. They eventually chose a place called Olympia to hold the large festival,partly because of its many religious temples.The first recorded ancient Olympics wereheld in Olympia in 776 BC, There were many events,such as running, boxing , wrestling, javelin,discusthrows and ridin
6、g which you can watch in the ModernOlympics.During the games,all the battles and firesshould be ceased.So you can see :sports means unity and peace.After a long history of about 1200 years ,theOlympic Games ceased to exist.Fourteen centuries after the last ancientOlympics,a Frenchman named Coubertin
7、 appeared .He wasa very active sports-man and was convinced that sport来源:学科网was the springbord for moral energy.through his geatefforts ,the first Modern Olympics were held in Greecein 1896 .He was honored as the Father Of the Modern Olympic Games.没有人确切地知道奥运会始于哪一年 , 但古代奥运会的历史可以追溯到 3 千多年前的古希腊。在古希腊 ,
8、体育在人们的生活中发挥着极其重要的作用。在赞美人的健美体魄的同时 , 它更是一种宗教活动。也就是说 , 古希腊人把运动竞技当作是对信奉的神 , 特别是对宙斯的尊敬。随着希腊的日益 壮大 , 城邦间开始举办大型的庆祝仪式 , 并将其当作国家统一的象征。 古希腊人最终 选择了名叫奥林匹亚的地方 , 主要因为在那里有着众多神庙。第一次有文字记载的古奥运会举办于公元前 776 年,当时的很多项目 , 如赛跑、拳击、标枪、铁饼、摔跤和马术等一直保留到了现在。运动会期间,所有的战争都会终止。大约存在了 1200 年,古代奥运会消失了。自最后一届古代奥运会结束,历经 14 个世纪,一位叫顾拜旦的法国人出现了
9、。他是位非常活跃的体育爱好者,他相信体育是培养道德品质的出发点。在他的不懈努力下,首届现代奥运会在其诞生之国召开。顾拜旦因此被尊称为“现代奥运之父”(二)中国百年奥运梦的实现来源:学科网 ZXXK(Olympic dreams came true)Can you imagine how many hardships we have ever experienced. Before 1949,China participated the Olympic Games in 1932,1936 and 1948,but failed to win any medals. Liu Chang Chun
10、 was the first Chinese athlete who attended the 10th Olympics.In 1936,after the 11th Olympics,on the way back to China ,there was a comic on the Singapores newspaper: A group had long braids and old jacket,carrying a stretcher with a big duck-egg,entitled “Sick Man of East Asia”But everthing changed
11、 in 1984.In the 23rd Olympic Games held in Los Angeles .Xu Hai Feng dubbed “magic shooting hand” won the first gold medal ,breaking the “zero gold record”in Chinas Olympic history ,and li ning “the prince of Gymnastics”,won three gold medals for China.From the 23rh to the 28th Olympic Games,China be
12、came bigger and stronger.In 2001,Beijing was voted to host the 2008 Olympic Games.At that time,every chinese was so excited and happy.Show :“Im Proud Of Being A Chinese”回顾中国的百年奥运梦:1949 年以前,中国曾于1932,1936 和 1948 年参加过奥运会,但未获得过任何奖牌。刘长春是中国的奥运第一人。1936 年,参加完第 11 届奥运会后,中国队员在回国路过新加坡时,当地的报刊曾载有这么一副漫画:一群梳着长辫,衣着
13、长衫的中国人扛着一个装着大鸭蛋的担架,被戏称为“东亚病夫”。1984 年第 23 届奥运会上,有“神枪手”之称的许海峰打破了中国奥运“零”的记录,体操王子李宁又为中国赢得了三枚金牌。从此,中国的体育事业蒸蒸日上,从 2328 届奥运会,我们都取得了骄人的成绩。 2001 年北京还赢得了举办 2008 奥运的机会。让学生展示作文我骄傲我是中国人反思:你能否认识到“弱国无外交” ,没有强大的国力支撑,打肿脸都难充胖子?二品评奥运人物(Evaluate the Olympics athletes)Question:1. Whos your favorit athlete?2. Why do you
14、like him(her)三关于奥运精神(The Olympic spirit)来源:学科网 ZXXKCoubertin said “The important thing in life is not the victory but copeting ;the main thing is not to have won but to have fought well.”“Whats the Olympic spirit in your eyes?”Its not only friendship ,peace,unity,but also fair play.顾拜旦曾说过:“生命中重要的不是获得胜利而是参与,重要的不是已赢得的比赛而是曾努力拼搏。 ”提问:你眼中的奥林匹克精神是什么?(请学生自由发言,讨论, )附件 1:律师事务所反盗版维 权声明附件 2:独家资源交 换签约 学校名录(放大查看)学校名录 参见 :http:/www. z xxk.c om/wxt/list . aspx?ClassID= 3060来源:学_科_网来源:学&科&网 Z&X&X&