1、复合式听写评分原则及标准(2008年 1月RANGE-FINDER会议决定)一、 复合式听写要求考生在听懂短文的基础上,用听到的原文填写空缺的单词,以及用听到的原文或用自己的语言正确地补全所缺信息。二、 给分标准:1. 36题至43题每题为0.5分。拼写完全正确的单词给0.5分,凡有错一律不给分,大小写错误忽略不计;2. 44题至46题每题为2分,答出第一和第二部分内容且语言正确得满分;完全没有答对问题得0分。3. 阅44题至46题时,应首先判断填入的词语是否能表达原文的意思,如意思完全相反或意思曲解,即使结构和拼写正确也不给分。三、 扣分标准:1. 44题至46题中凡有语言错误扣0.5分,每
2、题语言错误扣分不超过0.5分,凡不得分部分如有语言错误不再扣分;2. 44题至46题中,凡有与题目无关的信息扣0.5分;凡信息不全或局部信息有误,扣0.5分;3. 44题至46题中如出现明显属于笔误造成的但不改变原意的拼写错误和大小写、标点符号错误,不扣分。2007. 12. CET-4 Compound DictationMore and more of the worlds population are living in towns or cities. The speed at which cities are growing in the less developed countri
3、es is (36) alarming. Between 1920 and 1960 big cities in developed countries (37) increased two and a half times in size, but in other parts of the world the growth was eight times their size.The (38) sheer size of growth is bad enough, but there are now also very (39) disturbing signs of trouble in
4、 the (40) comparison of percentages of people living in towns and percentages of people working in industry. During the nineteenth century cities grew as a result of the growth of industry. In Europe the (41) proportion of people living in cities was always smaller than that of the (42) workforce wo
5、rking in factories. Now, however, the (43) reverse is almost always true in the newly industrialised world: (44) the percentage of people living in cities is much higher (1 point) than the percentage working in industry (1 point).Without a base of people working in industry, these cities cannot pay
6、for their growth; (45) there is not enough money to build adequate houses (1 point) for the people that live there, let alone the new arrivals (1 point). There has been little opportunity to build water supplies or other facilities. (46) So the figures for the growth of towns and cities (1 point) re
7、present proportional growth of unemployment and under-employment (1 point), a growth in the number of hopeless and despairing parents and starving children.体例说明:斜体 与标准答案不同,但可以接受,不扣分 缺少部分无关紧要的信息,但不影响理解,不扣分下划线 有错误,须扣分 信息不全,须扣分44题the percentage of people living in cities is much higher (1 point) than t
8、he percentage working in industry (1 point)2分1. the percentage of people living in cities is much higher than that of the people working in industry2. the percentage of the population living in cities is much higher than the percentage working in industry3. the percentage of people living in cities
9、is much higher than the percentage working in factories4. the percentage of people in cities is much higher than the percentage working in industry5. the percentage of people living in cities is much higher than the percentage in industry6. the percentage of people living in cities is higher than th
10、e percentage working in industry1.5分1. the population of people living in city is much higher than the population of people working in industry (语言错误)2. the percentage living in cities is much higher than that working in industry (信息不全 )3. the presentage of people living in cities is much higher tha
11、n the presentage of those working in industry (语言错误)4. the percentage of people living in cities is much higher than percentage people work in industry (语言错误)5. the percentage of people living in cities is much higher than the percentage working in industrys (语言错误)6. The number of people who live in
12、 cities is much larger than the number of people who working in industry (语言错误)7. the percentage of people living in cities is much than the percentage working in industry (语言错误)8. the percentage of people living in cities is much higher the percentage working in industry (语言错误) 9. the percents of p
13、eople living in cities is much higher than that in industry (语言错误)10. the percentage of people living cities is more that working in industry (语言错误)1分1. the percentage live in cities is much higher than that in industry (信息不全、语言错误)2. the percentage of people living in cities is much higher than the
14、percentage living in industry (信息错误)3. the percentage of people working in city is much higher than the percentage working in industry (信息错误,其中的语言错误不另扣分)4. the percentage of people living in city is much higher than the percentage working in industry in history (语言错误、多余信息)5. the percentage of people
15、 living in cities is much higher than the people living in countries (信息错误)6. the percentage of people living in cities is much higher than the percentages of industry (信息错误,其中的语言错误不另扣分 )7. the percentage of people living in cities is much higher than countries without industry (信息错误)8. the percenta
16、ge of people living in cities was much higher than the percentage of people working in industry (语言错导致信息错误)9. The members of people living in city is much higher than working in industry (语言错误、信息不全)10. the percentage of people living in cities is much higher (信息不全)0.5分1. the percentages of people li
17、ving in towns is much higher than the percentages of people work in citys (语言错误、信息错误)2. the percentage of living in city is much higher than working in industry (信息不全、语言错误、信息不全)3. the percentage of people living in cities, (前半句信息不全、后半句无)0分1. The population is much higher than the people working in t
18、he industrialized world (信息不全、语言错误、信息错误)2. the percentage of live in cities is much higher percentage of the people to live in the industry (整句信息错误)3. the percentage of people living in the cities also living in the industry (整句信息错误)4. the proportion of the people living on city is much higher that
19、(整句信息错误 )5. the present of people living in city is much higher the people in industry (整句信息错误)6. the percen people living in cities is much higher earns than in the percent industry (整句信息错误)45题there is not enough money to build adequate houses (1 point) for the people that live there, let alone the
20、 new arrivals (1 point)2分1. there is not enough money to build enough houses for the people who live in cities, let alone the new arrivals2. there is not enough money to build adequate houses for the settled citizens, let alone the new arrivals 3. there is not enough money to build adequate houses f
21、or the people living there, let alone the new arrivals 4. there is not enough money to build adequate houses for the people living there and the new arrivals5. there is not enough money to build adequate houses for the people there, let alone the new arrivals1.5分1. there isnt enough money to build a
22、dequate houses for the people that are used to live there, let alone the new arrivals (语言错误) 2. There is not enough money to build the apartment for the people living there and the new arrivals (局部信息有误)3. There is not enough money to build adequate houses for the people who lives there and let alone
23、 the new arrivals (语言错误)4. there is not enough money to build adequate houses for the people who live there, let alone those who comes in/the people arrives/the outcomings (局部信息有误,其中语言错误不另扣分)5. there is not enough money to build adequate houses for them, neither/nor for the new arrivals (局部信息有误)6. t
24、here is not enough money to build adequate houses for the people living there and left alone for the new people arrives there (语言错误)7. There is not enough money to build new buildings for people living there, especially for those who newly arrived there (局部信息有误)8. there isnt enough money to build ad
25、equate houses for people living there rather than the new arrivers (局部信息有误,其中语言错误不另扣分)9. there is not enough money to build enough houses for the people living there, along with people working there (局部信息有误)1分1. there is not enough money to build extra houses people living there, let alone the new a
26、rrivals (局部信息有误、语言错误)2. There is not enough money to build adequate houses for people, let alone arrival (信息错误,其中语言错误不另扣分)3. There is not enough money to build the house for the people of new born and new arrivals (两处局部信息有误 )4. there is not enough money to build adequent buildings for the people to
27、live there, let alone new arrivals (语言错误、局部信息有误)5. there is not enough money to build additional houses for people living in city and the new arrivals (局部信息有误、语言错误)6. there is not enough money to build adequate buildings let the of rivers (后半句信息错误)7. They have not enough money to build houses for th
28、e increasing population in cities, let alone the arrivals (两处信息不全)8. there is not enough money to set up facilities for the people live there, let alone the new arrivals (局部信息有误、语言错误) 9. there is not enough money to build houses for the people live/lived there, let alone the new arrivals (信息不全、语言错误)
29、0.5分1. There is not enough money to build extras houses for both the arrivals and the others (前半句局部信息有误,其中语言错误不另扣分,后半句信息错误)2. there is not enough money for the cities to build houses , let alone for their rivals (局部信息有误、信息不全、局部信息有误)3. there is no money to build new houses for the people who live in
30、town (两处局部信息有误、后半句信息不全)0分1. There is not enough money for people working in industry, let alone the new arrival (信息错误)2. They have not enough money to build necessary house for people so they leave there and live in another place (局部信息有误、语言错误,后半句信息错误)3. there is not much enough money for us to build
31、 building of health for the people to live there, not alone their new levels (局部信息有误、语言错误、多余信息、后半句信息错误)4. there is not enough money to build water supplies for the people (信息错误 )5. there is not enough most for the people to live in the town than they live in industrialized6. there were no enough mon
32、ey to built suit house to live there and let along a new level.46题So the figures for the growth of towns and cities (1 point) represent proportional growth of unemployment and under-employment (1 point)2分1. So the figures for the growth of towns and cities represent the proportion of growth of unemp
33、loyment and under employment2. So the figures for the growth of towns and cities indicate/show a proportional growth of unemployment and under-employment 3. So the figures of the growing of towns and cities represent proportional increase of unemployment and underemployment4. So the figure about the
34、 growth of towns and cities represents proportional growth of unemployment and under-employment 5. So the figures for the cities development represent proportional growth of unemployment and underemployment6. So the figures of increasing residents mean more unemployment and under-employment7. So the
35、 figures for the growth of towns and cities represent increasing unemployment and under-employment8. So the figures for the growth of towns and cities suggest a growth of unemployment and under-employment1.5分1. So the figures of the growth of towns and cities represent the proportion growth of unemp
36、loyment and under-employment (语言错误)2. So the figure of the growing size of towns and cities represents the proportional unemployment and under-employment (信息不全)3. So the figure of the growth of towns and cities represents the proportional problems of unemployment and under-employment (局部信息有误 )4. So
37、the figures for the growth of towns and cities represent the situation of unemployment and under-employment (局部信息有误)1分1. So the figures for the growth of people living in towns and cities represent proportional growth in employment and unemployment (两处局部信息有误)2. So the figures for the growth of towns
38、 and cities represent proportional role between under employment and unemployment (信息错误 )3. So the figures of the growth people represent a growth of unemployment and under-employment (信息错误)4. Figures for the towns and cities represent the growth of unemployment and under-employment (信息错误,其中语言错误不另扣分
39、)5. So the increasing of towns and cities bring to a much larger unemployment and under-employment (局部信息有误、语言错误)6. So the figures for the growth in the cities and towns represent the proportion of people who are unemployment and underemployment (语言错误、信息不确切)7. So the figures of the growth of towns an
40、d cities have added to the proportion of unemployment (信息错误)0.5分1. So the figure for the growth of city and town will present the proportional plan and undering plan (语言错误、信息错误)2. So the growth of towns and cities (信息不全、后半句信息无)3. So the figure for growth towns and cities represents proportion of emp
41、loyment and under-employment (语言错误、信息不全、局部信息有误)0分1. So the figures for the people living towns and cities represent for the unemployment and under-employment (信息错误)2. So the growth population in cities represent the proportion growth in employment and underemployment (信息错误)3. So the figures of towns and cities represent unemployment and underemployment (信息错误)