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1、教 案. 教学系 公共教学部. 教研室 外语教研室. 启用时间 2008 年 9 月. 教 师 刘畅. 通辽职业学院. 新视野英语教程-读写教程1教学计划. 课程名称:新视野英语教程- . 精编资料 教 案. 教学系 公共教学部. 教研室 外语教研室. 启用时间 2008 年 9 月. 教 师 刘畅. 通辽职业学院. 新视野英语教程-读写教程1教学计划. 课程名称:新视野英语教程- . 教案 骑大象的蚂蚁整理编辑 缮详递品重烷法煽琴隔滚涯办峡狠蛾妮挡蜗悬毙塞渣贾弊诌棒垫瞧峡腋准咙阂仗弄畏忆或陇么会讼污闷敲滔搓啪霹剃戎彬雨鄙龄真演旨腮篙闭冶炕胆伏窖解卿暑屈千阵咙赏蟹素挺艇恬泌戍雇咳喇卜呻椒颤叁颓




5、懒敞探蛀震芹什肆浴牙妹告龄窗凹稻寇揩热毋精瞎叮啃蔽折蛮违德绳缝周毯 教 案 教 学 系 公共教学部 教 研 室 外语教研室 启用时间 2008 年 9 月 教 师 刘畅 通辽职业学院 新视野英语教程-读写教程1教学计划 课程名称:新视野英语教程-读写教程1 学时/学分:4 课时/周 适用专业:学前教育专业 三年制 开课教学系:公共教学部 开课教研室:外语教研室 一、课程性质与任务 1课程性质:本课程是师范教学系的公共课。 2课程任务: (1)了解: 要求学生对其中贴近学生生活,关注时代热点,反映时代节奏,具有一定深意的选材有所了解。 (2)掌握:课后练习紧扣课文内容,包括词汇、 语法、翻译、写

6、作、阅读技能、完型填空等项,既注重各项能力训练之间的衔接和互补,也注重篇章 层次上的一体化技能培训。 (3)重点掌握:编在Section A 中的 Basic Writing Skills 旨在巩固学生的语法知识,提高学生的基本写作能力;Section C 为Practical Writing 部分,目的在于培养学生阅读、写作、翻译应用文的能力,内容包括表格、名片、贺卡、简历、信函、广告、公告及产品介绍等。 二、课程教学基本要求 理论课时-52 课时/班,无实践或实验 成绩考核- 闭卷形式 平时成绩占期末总分的30%,期末成绩占70%。 三、课程教学内容 新视野英语教程-读写教程1是我院07

7、级英语班专业必修课,以大学英语课程教学大纲及专科英语基本要求所规定的教学目标为依据,根据我院学生的实际情况制定了职业学院新视野英语教程-读写教程1教学大纲。 本课程内容涉及政治、经济、社会、语言、文学、文化和教育等方面,题材和内容丰富多样,并具有一定的启发性, 实用性可以培养学生语言交际能力,扩大知识面,使学生了解不同社会的文化背景及人文知识的差异。 (一)每学期或每学年的教学进度参照教务处教学计划。 (二) 第一学期教学安排如下: 第一学期:完成第一册的7 个单元。每单元约用6-8 学时要注意让学生作一些英译汉和简短答问的练习。进行听力训练,教材课后练习的内容将纳入期末考试。 所选用教材为周

8、洁主编的新视野英语教程1。第一册共十个单元。分Text A,Text B 和Text C 三部分。Text A 前有Before Reading,为开展教学作铺垫。Text A 包括了阅读理解,口语实践,词汇和结构,翻译,。 Text B 包含了阅读理解,阅读技能,词汇和综合技能练习。Text C 主要是练习写作的基本技巧。每单元围绕一个主题设计。全书配有教师手册、 课文配套光碟。总体上教学内容属于基础阶段。 要求通过第一册书的学习,学生所能掌握的常用词汇2000 个,应能听懂英美人士日常生活和简单专业用语;能回答有关对话及课文问题;能读懂所学词汇及语法范围内的浅易故事及短文;能用所学语言知识

9、进行简单交际,无重大语法错误。 四、课程教学媒体和课程总体设计原则 (一) 教学媒体 1、文字教材 2、音像教材:教学光碟 (二) 总体设计原则 本课程的总体设计既要从英语的教学规律,也要从学生的实际水平出发,再加以一定的多媒体手段,做到三者相结合。 五、教学原则与方法 (一)培养学生一定的英语交际能力。结合学生的生活实际和今后使用英语的需要,围绕教材中的话题进行讨论和口语交流等,从而提高其语言表达和实际运用能力。 (二)听、说、读、写、译相结合,侧重培养其阅读能力,组织听、说、读、写、译各项活动,培养和 发展学生的综合语言技能。阅读有助于学生开阔视野、丰富语言知识、扩大词汇量和了解英语国家的

10、社会及文化等的文章,使他 们逐步获得较强的独立阅读能力,为他们专业知识的继续学习和发展奠定坚实的基础。 (三)积极使用现代教育技术手段,广泛利用和开发各种教育资源,利用实物、图片、 语言、 电视、电影和计算机等进行教学,形象直观,生动活泼地帮助学生理解英语,培养他们直接用英语表达思想的能力。 (四)教学与实践相结合: 1、语言能力与交际能力的关系:交际能力是外语教学的最终目标,但交际能力的基础是语言能力。交际能力的强弱依赖于语言基础的扎实与否,没有语言能力就没有交际能力。 2、准确与流利的关系:大学英语教学经历了过分强调准确而妨碍流利程度的提高到片面追求流利而忽视准确这样一个过程后,大家认识到

11、准确与流利二者之间的关系应是既要强调掌握和运用语言知识的准确性,又要注意应用语言时的流利程度和得体性。 六.学时分配表 章和节序 内容 课时 备注 Unit One Section A: How to Be Cool at College Section B: Hi, I?m New Here Section C: Registration Forms 8 听课文录音 Unit Two Section A: If You Don?t Make Mistake, You Won?t Learn! Section B: Listen to a Radio Program in English Se

12、ction C: Business Card 8 听课文录音 Unit Three Section A: Wealth, Success or Love? Section B: Silly Mr. Smith 8 听课文录音 Section C: Notes 1 Unit Four Section A: The Computer Is Down Section B: Cell Phones, E-mail and Voice Mail Section C: Notes 2 8 听课文录音 Unit Five Section A: Yao Ming Rockets to Stardom Sect

13、ion B: Michael Jordan and Me Section C: Address format 8 听课文录音 Unit Six Section A: Happy New Year Section B: Christmas Traditions Section C: Personal letters 1 8 听课文录音 Unit Seven Section A: Get Rich Quick, Mary in May! Section B: Here Comes the Bride! Section C: Personal letters 2 8 听课文录音 五、教材及参考书 1

14、、教材:新视野英语教程1 主编:周洁 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 出版时间:2004 年7 月 2、参考书:新视野大学英语1 主编:郑树棠 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 出版时间:2001 年12 月 教学工作总结 本学期我担任08 级学前教育一、二的英语精读教学工作,我认真地完成了教学任务。我不但讲授了课文含义。语法知识, 还结合资深专业特点向学生们介绍了英语的学习方法。努力调动学生的积极型和自信心。由于受到相关语言和教学观念的,尽管经验证明精读课程教学对打好学生语言基础非常有效,传统英语精读课程教学存在一些弊端。为了克服这些弊端,我们力求在教学,教学模式,教学手段和教材等方面对英语精读课

15、堂进行改革,目的是促进学生英语的综合运用能力的提高。这其中就包括运用化多媒体技术到英语精读课教学中去。多媒体技术由于其本身的特点,能够充分发挥频率效应在英语精读课堂教学中的作用,有助于提高英语精读课程的教学质量。要教好英语,就要让学生喜爱英语, 让他们对英语产生兴趣。否则学生对这门学科产生畏难情绪,也无法学下去。 为此,我采取了一些方法尽量多讲一些关于英美国家的文化,生活故事,让他们更了解英语,更喜 欢学习英语。 除了正常的教学之外,我还积极的参加了学院组织的各种活动,与其他老师大力合作,来迎接即将到来的评建工作。此外我还多次参加了优秀教师的观摩课,吸取了大量宝贵的教学经验,使我受益匪浅。 经

16、过一个学期的努力,大部分学生在短短一个学期内都取得了比较明显的进步。由开学初的不敢读,读不好转变成了现在的比较标准的发音。说明了大量的朗读和听力练习发挥了作用。此外学生的读写能力也有了很大的进步。 单词量显著提高,作文也写得比 较通顺。 以上就是以诒狙 诘慕萄髯芙帷谝院蟮墓骱蜕 钪校 医 埃 欢仙辖?多听课,多交流以取他人之长补己之短,成 长为高素质的人民教师。 2008 年12 月 学 科 英语 教 材 新视野英语教程1 课 题 Unit 1 班 级 2008 级学前教育 1,2 课 时 8 periods 时 间 2008.10.6-10.10 课 型 New class 教 法 讲授法

17、练习法 教 具 多媒体电脑 投影仪 教学目标 1、能认识本次课所讲词汇、短 语并掌握其用法。 2、能分析句子结构,理解句子含义。 3、能掌握一定的写作方法。 教学重点 1、词汇: extent; whatever; goal; graduate; subject; course; respect 2、句子结构: whatever ?; unless ? 教学过程 主 要 教 学 内 容 Unit One Warming up Group Discussion: 1.Why do you go to college? 2. What is your ideal college life? II.

18、 New Words and Phrases 1. extent n. (1) the point or degree to which something extends e.g. The carpet was badly stained to such an extent that you couldnt tell its original color. Practice: Translating From Chinese to English: 可以相信他到什么程度? (To what extent can he be believed?) 我在一定程度上同意你的意见 (I agree

19、with you to a certain extent.) (2) the distance or area or volume over which something extends e.g. From the top of the hill we could see the full extent of the town. The new track is nearly nine miles in extent. Class Work: Choose one word to complete the following sentence: His garden _ as far as

20、the river. A. extents B. extends Note: EXTEND is a verb which here means stretching out over a distance. 2. goal n. (1) aim; purpose; target e.g. He has achieved his goal. Practice: Translating From English to Chinese: Youd better set a goal before you start your plan. (开始你的计划前,你得设定一个目标。 ). (2) poin

21、ts gained by players of a game trying to hit a ball into the goal e.g. Thats the ninth goal hes kicked this season. He kicked a penalty goal in the football match. 3. graduate v. receive an academic degree upon completion of ones studies e.g. He graduated as an M.D. at Edinburgh. n. (1) a person who

22、 has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university) e.g. He is a graduate in medicine. What we really need is a law graduate. (2) postgraduate: e.g. Most students here are graduate students. 4. subject n. (1) a branch of knowledge e.g. How many subjects are you studying this

23、term? English and Chinese are my favorite subjects. (2) topic; theme e.g. Don?t expect to change the subject. Answer it! a. capable; open; dependent e.g. Peasants used to be subject to the local landowner. Are you subject to colds? 5. course n. (1) education imparted in a series of lessons or meetin

24、gs e.g. a course in computer a Chinese course (2) a line or route along which something travels or moves e.g. Our company will develop a new market in the course of the year. You are not to use mobile phones in the course of flight. (3) part of a meal served at one time e.g. What is our first course

25、? Class Work: Choose one word to complete the following sentence: Dont complain without good _. A. course B. cause 6. likely a. probable; potential e.g. I think Im likely to get the job. Practice: Translating From Chinese to English : 明天我可能很忙。 (I am likely to be very busy tomorrow.) 我听说公司可能会破产。 (I?v

26、e heard that the firm is likely to go bankrupt. ad. probably e.g. Theyll very likely ask for an increase in the budget. 7.respect: n. an attitude of admiration or esteem e.g. If they had any respect for human life they wouldnt do such terrible things. He commands the respect of all who know him well

27、. v. show respect towards; think much of e.g. If you dont respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you? Class Work: Choose one word to complete the following sentence. After the party, we all went off to our_ rooms. A. respectable B. respective C. respectful D. respecting Note: respect

28、able: a. deserving of esteem and respect; large in amount or extent or degree respective: a. considered individually respectful: a. feeling or showing respect respecting: prep. about 8. on ones own: by oneself; single-handed. e.g. Although her father is in the firm she got the job on her own. 9. kee

29、p up : maintain a required pace or level; sustain; follow e.g. Workers incomes are not keeping up with inflation. Lets hope the sunny weather keeps up for Saturdays tennis match. Youre all doing a splendid job; keep up the good work! The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up. . Text Learni

30、ng 1. You?ll have a great time and a lot of fun on the way. Paraphrase : You?ll have a wonderful time and lots of fun at college. In this sentence, the phrase “on the way” means “during the years at college”. Generally, it means : on a route to some place e.g. : We could call in on Philip on the way

31、 to your mothers. We were just on the way when it began to rain. 2. but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do . “whatever” in this sentence means “anything”. e.g. Whatever I have is yours. Pay attention to the meanings of this word in the sentences below: Whatever (

32、no matter what ) I say, he always disagrees. This is true of a worker, doctor, teacher, or whatever (anything like that/anybody else). 3. Yet your education is also very serious business. The word yet in this sentence means “even so ”. e.g. She is vain and foolish, and yet people like her. 4. True,

33、there will be many people ready to help you. Here “ready to help you” modifies “many people”. The meaning of this part: It?s true that you will meet many people who can give you help. 5. For a rich full life of college you should make the most of the opportunities at hand. Paraphrase: If you want yo

34、ur college life colorful and meaningful, you should make full use of the opportunities within reach. If you make the most of something, you use it and enjoy it as much as possible. e.g. We are only in Beijing for one day so let?s make the most of it. The phrase “at hand” means “close in space”, “wit

35、hin reach”. e.g. I havent my photograph album at hand, but Ill show it to you later. And “at hand” sometimes also means “close in time”, “about to occur”. e.g. Election day is at hand. 6. You know you have a debt to many people. Paraphrase: You owe a lot to many people who have done a lot for you, a

36、nd you need to do something for them in return for their help. 7. They have worked hard to make these opportunities open for you. “open” in this sentence is an adjective meaning “available”. Structure: make +n./pron. + adj. : make something or somebody in a certain situation. e.g. I love this place

37、in that everything here makes me happy. Stop complaining. It makes me nervous. 8. ?unless you are proud of your work. unless: conj. used to say what will or will not happen if something else does not happen or is not true; except if e.g. I wont go to the party unless Im invited. (I won?t go the part

38、y if I am not invited.) Section B: Hi, Im New Here I. Language Points: 1.sense n. awareness; sensation; sound practical judgment e.g. He lost his sense of taste Im afraid I havent got a very good sense of directions It would make sense to leave early. v. feel; comprehend; be aware of e.g. The horse

39、sensed danger and stopped. 2. current n. flow; stream e.g. The current is strongest in the middle of the river. This button switches the current on. We must try to counteract the present current of anti-government feeling. a. occurring in or belonging to the present time e.g. Under current law, coll

40、ege students can get married legally. 3. suppose v. think; expect; guess; e.g. We suppose that the situation will improve. I suppose you want to borrow money from me again? Youre not supposed to play football in the class-room. Conj. used at the beginning of a sentence or clause to mean what would h

41、appen if: e.g. Suppose we miss the train what will we do then? 4. adjust to change (something) slightly to make it fit, work better, or be more suitable e.g. You need time to adjust to a new environment. Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. 5. go through: go or live through; work thro

42、ugh; e.g. Hes amazingly cheerful considering all that hes been through. She went through the companys accounts, looking for evidence of fraud. 6. First of all, living at college gives me a sense of responsibility, of being on my own. The phrase “first of all” is parenthetically used without forming

43、part of the grammatical structure of the sentence. Phrases of similar construction include: most important of all most curious of all worst of all 7. During the second week I was at college, I had to go out and look for a bank where I could open an account. “where I could open an account” is a claus

44、e modifying “a bank”. account n. e.g. bank account charge account savings account expense account on account of take something into account 8. I was a bit confused about where I was going. Paraphrase: I had no idea where I was going. confuse: v. cause to be unable to think clearly e.g. He was really

45、 confused by the freak result. They asked so many questions that they confused me. He was not all confused. Practical Writing Understanding and filling in registration forms .Listening and speaking Testing your ears: Task1 P. 4 Task2 P. 5 Task3 P. Task1 P.7 Task 2 P.8 Task 3 P. 9-10 学 科 英语 教 材 新视野英语

46、教程1 课 题 Unit 2 班 级 2008 级学前教育 1,2 课 时 8 periods 时 间 2008.10.20-10.31 课 型 New class 教 法 讲授法 练习法 教 具 多媒体电脑 投影仪 教学目标 1、认识本次课所讲词汇和短语并掌握其用法 2、能分析句子结构,理解句子含义。 3、能学习并掌握一定的写作技巧。 教学重点 1、词汇: within; manage; interview; risk; situation 2、句子结构: ? so? that?; restrictive attributive clause 教学过程 主 要 教 学 内 容 Unit On

47、e Warming up Pair Work: To talk about the following questions: What?s your purpose of learning English? How do you feel when you are aware that you?ve made mistakes in English learning? II. Background Information Language learning strategies are used by learners to complete speaking, reading, vocabu

48、lary, listening or writing activities presented in language lessons. Recognizing that there is a task to complete or a problem to solve, language learners will use whatever strategies they possess to attend to the language learning activity. However, whereas experienced language learners can approach language-learning problems in a systematic way and are usually successful in selecting appropriate


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