1、驻英大使中英未来能源存储技术政策研讨会讲话时间:2011-02-12 11:51 来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1549 次驻英国大使刘晓明在中英“未来能源存储技术与政策”研讨会上的讲话2011 年 1 月 27 日,英国皇家工程学院Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Workshop on the Future of Energy Storage Technology and Policy27 January 2011, Royal Academy of Engineering尊敬的英国皇家工程学院首席执行官 Philip Gre
2、enish 教授,尊敬的利兹大学副校长 Richard Williams 教授,尊敬的商业、创新和技能部及交通部首席科学顾问 Brian Collins 教授,尊敬的中国科学院副院长李静海先生,各位专家学者,女士们、先生们:Professor Brian Collins,Professor Philip Greenish,Professor Richard Williams,Vice President Li Jinghai,Ladies and Gentlemen,我很高兴出席由中国科学院与英国皇家工程院共同举办的“未来能源存储技术与政策”研讨会。我谨对两院举办此次研讨会表示热烈祝贺,并对李
3、静海副院长率团出席表示热烈欢迎。It is my great pleasure to join you today. Let me congratulate the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy of Engineering for holding this joint workshop on the Future of Energy Storage Technology and Policy. I also wish to extend my warm welcome to Vice President Li Jingha
4、i and his delegation.当前,世界经济正在逐步恢复增长。人们在反思国际金融危机根源的同时,更着眼于未来的发展。因此, “未来能源存储技术与政策”研讨会可谓恰逢其时。就在上周,英国石油公司(BP )发表了2030 年能源展望 ,报告认为未来 20 年,世界能源消费将增加 40%,增量的 93%将来自非经合组织成员,也就是包括中国、印度、俄罗斯和巴西在内的新兴经济体。新兴经济体占世界能源消费的比重将从目前的 1/2 增加到 2/3。与此同时,能源强度将大大降低,这主要得益于新兴经济体正在迅速采取提高能效的措施。报告亦认为,世界能源将日益多元化,非化石能源将首次成为最大增长源,可再
5、生能源对世界能源增长的贡献率将从目前的 5%增加到 2030 年的 18%。This workshop comes at an interesting time. The global economy is slowly recovering. Countries are looking for new areas of growth, while analyzing the causes of the financial crisis. According to the Energy Outlook 2030 report by the BP last week, global energy
6、 consumption will grow by 40% by 2030. 93% of that growth will come from non-OECD economies, such as the BRIC and other emerging economies. Their share of global energy consumption is likely to reach two-thirds by 2030 from about half today. At the same time, energy intensity is set to fall globally
7、, thanks in large part to energy efficiency gains in emerging economies. The report also projects greater diversity of energy sources. Non-fossil fuels will lead the growth in consumption for the first time, and the contribution to energy growth of renewables is seen to increase from 5% to 18%.我认为,这
8、份报告虽是一家之言,但大致描绘了世界未来能源发展的趋势,这可以说也是此次研讨会的一个大背景。那么,中国未来能源发展趋势是什么样呢?This report, though from one company, provides a good background of the major trends in global energy development. What about Chinas energy future?中国是一个发展中国家,正处于实现工业化和推进现代化的历史时期。客观地讲,随着经济规模进一步扩大,工业化、城镇化进程加快,居民消费结构升级,中国能源需求会持续增加。但是,绿色、低
9、碳的时代潮流浩浩荡荡,我们不会也不可能走工业化国家发展的老路,中国能源发展必须有新思路和新突破。不久前,中国制定了“十二五”规划,能源发展基本思路就是要加快转变能源发展方式,合理控制能源消费总量,大力调整能源结构,推动能源生产和利用方式的变革。煤炭、石油等化石能源短期内仍将是中国能源供应的主体,但非化石能源占一次能源消费比重五年后将从现在的约 8%上升到 11.4%,到 2020 年达到 15%左右。为此,中国未来将大力开发水电、核电、风电、太阳能、生物质能和地热能。我们将努力实现到 2020 年单位 GDP 碳强度降低 40-45%的目标,这是中国向国际社会做出的庄重承诺。China is
10、a developing country in the process of industrialisation and modernisation. Its demand for energy will rise further as industrialisation and urbanisation move ahead, and as people consume more along with greater prosperity. But we can no longer afford to follow traditional ways of Western industrial
11、ization. Our future lies in green and low-carbon development. The recently drafted “12th Five-Year Plan” laid out the basic principles for energy development in China. These include: shifting the energy development model, keeping energy consumption under control, improving the energy mix and reformi
12、ng patterns of energy production and use. Fossil fuels will remain the main sources of Chinas energy supply in the short run, but the share of non-fossil fuels in energy consumption will increase from 8% to 11.4% in the next 5 years, and to 15% by 2020. To make this possible, China will vigorously d
13、evelop hydro, nuclear, wind, solar, biomass and geothermal power. We have every intention of fulfilling our pledge to cut carbon intensity by 40-45% by 2020.英国在科学认知、政策制定、新能源技术研发等领域走在了世界前列,具有许多成功范例,积累了丰富而宝贵的经验。比如,英国在世界上最早提出了“低碳经济”概念,最早将温室气候减排目标写进法律;2006 年英国发表的斯特恩报告:气候变化经济学是迄今为止在国际范围内开展的最为综合的跨学科气候变化经济
14、学研究报告;从 1997 到 2005 年,英国温室气体排放下降 7,经济却增长了 25。因此,中英在能源,特别是新能源领域加大交流、借鉴和合作非常必要和有益。The UK is a global leader in the energy sector. Britian was the first to coin the term “low-carbon economy” and legislate on emission reduction targets. The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change was the most co
15、mprehensive and multi-disciplinary economic survey to date on climate change. From 1997 to 2005, the UK managed an economic growth of 25% with a 7% emission reduction. It would be very useful and mutual benefitial for China and the UK to develop closer cooperation and exchange of ideas on new energy
16、 industries.目前,中英在能源领域合作机制良好,合作成果显著。2006 年,中英建立了能源工作组这一双边正式合作机制。双方合作领域覆盖整个能源行业,着力加强能源政策、可再生能源、节能技术和提高能效等方面的交流与合作。去年 11 月英国首相卡梅伦访华时,两国签署了包括喷煤技术在内的多项能源合作协议。今年年初,中国国务院副总理李克强访英时,重点考察参观了苏格兰的波浪发电公司 (Pelamis Wave Project)和英国建筑研究院科技创新园(BRE Innovation Park) 。两国在新能源技术和低碳领域的合作成为访问的一大亮点。The China-UK energy work
17、ing group has worked well since 2006. Our cooperation now spans the entire energy industries and focuses on policy dialogue, the development of renewable energy, and energy efficiency technology. During Prime Minister David Camerons visit to China last November, the two countries signed a number of
18、energy cooperation agreements, including on coal injection technology. New energy technology and low-carbon sector were again a highlight when the Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang visited Britain early this year. The Vice Premier was deeply impressed by his visits to the Pelamis Wave Project in Scotl
19、and and the BRE Innovation Park.今天我也非常高兴看到中英两国的科学家就“未来能源存储技术和政策”专题进行深入探讨。中国科学院是中国科学技术方面最高学术机构,英国皇家工程院是英国工程学的最高殿堂,我相信这次由两家联手举办研讨会一定会对中英能源合作起到积极的示范和推动作用。预祝会议取得圆满成功!I am glad to see that todays Workshop brings together scientists from both countries in an in-depth discussion on “The Future of Energy St
20、orage Technology and Policy”. The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy of Engineering are both leaders in their fields. I am sure your collaboration will help advance energy cooperation between China and the UK. I wish the workshop a great success.最后,在中国农历兔年即将到来之际,祝大家在新的一年里研究更上一层楼、事业鸿兔(图)大展!As we are only a few days away from the Chinese New Year, let me wish all of you a happy and prosperous year of the Rabbit!谢谢大家。原文链接:http:/www.kouyi.org/field/environment/1502.html