1、德国 Textechno 单丝纱线单纤维强力机MICOFORCE 米力光应用用于玻璃纤维 碳纤维 纳米纤维 头发纤维 蜘蛛丝 蚕丝 竹原纤维 氨纶丝、芳纶丝 羊毛纱 涤纶工业丝 涤纶长丝超高分子量聚乙烯纤维 苎麻纤维 高强度聚丙烯纤维 聚乳酸纤维 复合聚酯纤维 单丝基本技术规格说明 测 试 原 理: DIN53816、ASTM76、D2101、ISO5079 。 强 力 测 试 范 围: 标准测头 0 - 220 cN,分辨率 0.0001 cN 伸 度 最 低 测 试 长 度 : 由 5mm - 100 mm,最大测试总长 100 mm 伸度之分辨率 0.0001 mm (0.1 m) 取
2、丝 夹 头 式 样: 采用气动式双微压阀控制系统,提高测试压力稳定性。 测 试 夹 头 移 动 速 度 : 可設定 0.1100 mm/min,複歸速度 300mm/min 资 料 传 输 方 式: 采用国际标准 RS232 界面。 尺 寸 / 重 量 : FAVIMAT (H)610(W)590(D)500 mm 102Kg AIROBOT 2 (H)1130(W)660(D)700 mm 94Kg 电 压 频 率: 单相 220V(伏特),频率 50/60Hz(赫兹),特 点1. 仪器可供测试强力、强度、伸度、纤度(丹尼或徳士) 、机械卷曲特性 (卷曲率, 卷曲残留应 力,及卷曲稳定率)
3、卷曲几何(单一卷曲长度, 卷曲振幅),弹性回复率、卷曲模数、卷曲伸长。2. 所有测试项目取自同一段样品.3. 具有世界专利权,利用空气吸力作样品于加张力与光学自动测试卷曲数功能。4. 全自动喂丝机构可达 500 根单纤维 (选项配备)5. 可联机计算机自动统计、分析,并由列表机将数值及曲线打印。6. 具有快速自动强力归零系统,只需轻按一次,即可将强力系统自动归零。7. 内部电力设计,采用欧式独立功能系统电路板,减少维修及保养之时间。8. 可依不同纤维种类侧测试之需要,设定断点伸度之百分比(%),配合制程分析之用。9. 可设定参考强度及伸度点,并自动打印测试,及设定曲线中之杨氏系数(Modulu
4、s%)配合 制程分析之用,亦可设定管制强伸度上下限功能。10. 可设定全断最大延伸后之断点伸度。(例:Drop of force 90%)。11. 测试后数值自动储存硬盘中,以便管理与运用,亦可配合长时间统计分析软件做分析。12. 针对超灵敏度(0.0001cN) 强力测试系统,设计电动式开 /闭装置提高测值之稳定性及精度。13. 配备有脚踏开关,便利作业员之操作。14. 可配合国产兼容性计算机,以取代原厂进口之 IBM 计算机,进而降低未来售后服务消耗成本。15. 测头一体成型,不需因不同丹尼数而更换测头,且精度高,操作简易。16. 可同时输入 100 种不同测试条件,供测试样品选用。17.
5、 可选择测试强伸度与卷取力(crimp force/crimp elongation)同时测试与分开测试。18. 可外加特殊弹性回复率软件,做弹性纤维之弹性回复率(作业标准 DIN 53835)。19. 具 ISO 9001 作业标准,仪器可自我校正,并打印报告,显示是否符合作业标准规定。Automatic linear density, crimp and tensile tester for single fibresTest section FAVIMAT+The design of the FAVIMAT+ takes into account any needs to combine
6、 single-fibre linear-density measurements and tensiletests with different crimp test methods into a single testing instrument. All of these tests are carried out on the same fibre section. Transferring the fibre from one testing device to another is, therefore, no longer necessary. This results in a
7、significant reduction in both operator input and expenditure as well as a reduction in possible fibre damage when comparedto multiple measurements carried out on alternative independent devices.The FAVIMAT+ incorporates two additional measuring systems located in the tensile testing section. The hig
8、h-resolutionload cell enables accurate adjustment of specified pretensions, as well as the measurement of extremely low tensile forceswhen determining fibre crimp properties or testing nano-structures. To ensure highest measuring accuracy, computer-aidedcalibration of all measuring systems can be ca
9、rried out automatically.The FAVIMAT+ testing methodsLinear-density testThe FAVIMAT+ automatically determines the linear density of single fibres using the vibration method, e.g. according toASTM D 1577. With this testing method the resonance frequency of the sample is measured at constant gauge leng
10、th and known pre-tension; the data ob- tained is then used for calculating the linear density according to the following formula:Tt = FV / (4 f2 L2)Tt = linear density FV = pre-tensioning force f = resonance frequency L = test section lengthA possible influence of bending stiffness and fibre cross-s
11、ection can be analysed by means of an au- tomated pre-test andcan in general be eliminated for series testing.Determination of crimp geometryA further measuring system with opto-electronic sensor integrated in the FAVIMAT+ enables the creation of a digital imageof the crimped fibre, which is held be
12、tween the two clamps, and the subsequent evaluation of the crimp geometry regardingcrimp number and crimp amplitude.As applicable to mechanical crimp properties, size, shape and regularity of the crimpgeometry sup- ply important information regarding the crimping process during fibre production. In
13、addition, these values give information on further processing of the fibres and the properties that can be expected from the intermediate- andfinished products.Static tensile test and examination of mechanical crimp propertiesTensile testing of single fibres represents one of the most important qual
14、ity control testing methods in chemical-fibreproduction. In addition to the (linear density-related) breaking force and breaking elongation, other parameters such as modulus, intermediate values of the force/elongation curve, e.g. force values at specified elongations, work to rupture or characteris
15、tic values for elastic- and plastic deformations, can be obtained a known material density the effective fibre cross-section and breaking stress values, e.g. in MPa as generally used for reinforcement fibres (carbon, etc.) can directly be determined.Crimp testCrimp stability testAn additional import
16、ant value determined through tensile tests are the mechanical crimp properties of a fibre, which arecharacterized by the following parameters: crimp elongation, crimp removal force, and crimp stability. Further international accepted crimp measurement methods (e.g. JIS standard, VIBROTEX method) are
17、 available as options.Tensile tests conducted within the range where crimp is removed from the fibre require a high-resolution force-measuring system that also enables sufficient measurement accuracy for tensile forces within a range even below 1 mN. The FAVIMAT+, as a consequence, is equipped with
18、a compensating force-measuring system developed by Textechno.In addition, to having an extremely high resolution of 0.0001 cN for a measuring range of 220 cN and fully automaticcalibration, the system is characterized by high stability against external vibrations.For crimp tests, in particular where
19、 there is a need to avoid any external influences on the measurement, e.g. breath of theoperator, the FAVIMAT+ is equipped with a recessed testing section that is isolated by a motor-driven sliding glass window.The actual test section comprises the measuring- and draw-off clamps, which open and clos
20、e automatically. The clamp jawsare tightened by spiral springs, and the clamping force can be steplessly and reproducibly adjusted over a wide range. Thegauge length between the clamps can be varied between 0 and 100 mm.Test sequenceDepending on the task in hand, either one of the four tests or a co
21、mbination of two, three, or four tests can be carried out on a single clamped fibre.Cyclic load-, relaxation-, and creep testingAn optional software offers various possibilities for hysteresis- (cyclic load or elongation), relaxation-, and creep testing. These methods can be combined with the linear
22、-density test.Friction testingExchanging the draw-off clamp against the special friction appliance allows tests of friction properties fibre to metal (or othermaterials). Evaluation includes a graph of friction-force along the fibre and determination of the coefficient of friction.Clamping systems f
23、or different fibre typesThe FAVIMAT+ standard clamps are suited for all textile- and most technical fibres including glass, carbon, basalt and Aramid. For very short samples special clamps with jaw faces of only 2 mm height and an innovative short fibre insertion mode enable tensile tests of short c
24、ut fibres up to minimum lengths of 3 mm. An optional pressure amplifier is recommended for high-tenacity material like Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as used in concrete reenforcement.A further special clamp for manual sample insertion is equipped with force reduction bollards in order to avoid slippage be
25、tween the jaw faces or breaks at the clamps on testing very critical material such as ultrahigh molecular weight Polyethylene (e.g. Dyneema, Spectra). For such applications a high-resolution load cell with a force range of 1.200 cNis available.The ROBOT2 and AIROBOT2 automatic fibre feed unitsFAVIMA
26、T ROBOT 2If the crimp stability test is included in a testing cycle, testing of a single fibre may take several minutes, depending on selected loading and relaxation times. As a consequence, the operator has to wait until the next test can be initiated. Thisclearly demonstrates the advantages of an
27、auto- matic supply of test specimens.For this purpose the automatic unit ROBOT2 can be added to the FAVIMAT+. ROBOT2 comprises a sample storage unit and a transfer clamp, the latter for transferring the single fibre from the storage unit to the test section, and a suction systemfor removing the wast
28、e fibres after each test. The sample storage unit contains up to 20 magazines, each of which can accommodate 25 individual fibres. Therefore, the total capacity of the unit amounts to 500 fibres. Depending on the testrequirements, the fibres are suspended in the magazines using tongs-shaped pre-tens
29、ioning weights, e.g. equating to the standard pre-loading for tensile tests, or paperweights for crimp tests. Magazines are equipped with an automatic identifi- cation system. They can be removed and reloaded during a running test series.The AIROBOT2 is a variant of the ROBOT2 auto- matic fibre feed
30、 unit. Here the fibres are loaded pneumatically into themagazine in a semi-auto- matic loading unit. When being transferred from the sample storage unit into the FAVIMAT+ test section, the fibres are slightly pre-tensioned by a suction device. The AIROBOT2 does not require pre-tensioning weights, re
31、sulting in a further sub- stantial increase in test preparation efficiencies.Efficient testing with FAVIMAT+ (AI)ROBOT2Transfer clamp and magazineThe time required for testing a single fibre on the FAVIMAT+ including feeding and removal of the fibre amounts to approx. 35 sec (force-elongation test w
32、ith 20 sec breaking time and linear-density test). The full programme including crimp stabilityexamination has a duration of up to 4 min. Operator time required, therefore, amounts to approx. 4.5 . 30 hours for 500 fibres when using the FAVIMAT+ without automatic sample feed. During conventional tes
33、ting with separate testinginstru- ments and visual crimp counting the overall testing time may be even substantially longer.When FAVIMAT+ and ROBOT2 are combined, the work of the operator is reduced to introducing the fibres into the storage magazine and, where applicable, attaching the pre-tensioni
34、ng weights. After appropriate operator training it can be assumed that the loading of 500 fibres into the storage magazines will require approx. 80 min. In case of the AIROBOT2 this time is even further reduced to about 45 min. In an extreme case this corresponds to a reduction in working time of mo
35、re than 95 %.When comparing the above figures, the enormous rationalization effect of the FAVIMAT+ (AI)ROBOT2 is evident, which results from the combination of different test methods into a single instrument, together with automated sample feed and -disposal and the large capacity of the sample stor
36、age unit.Testing methodsMeasurement of linear density with the vibration methodStatic tensile test, cyclic load testing, creep- and relaxation trialsMeasurement of mechanical crimp propertiesCrimp number and -geometry measurementFriction testingSystem componentsTest section:One pair of single-fibre
37、clamps, also suited for other narrow test specimenContinuously adjustable gauge length 0 “ 100 mmDraw-off clamp speed 0.1 “ 100 mm/min, return speed 300 mm/min, max. travel of draw-off clamp 100 mmAdditional vertically movable measuring head that automatically swings into the test section, comprisin
38、g two measuring systems for the measurement of linear density and the determination of crimp geometry.Measuring systems:Force measuring device, resolution 0.0001 cN, measuring range 220 cN, other ranges available on requestElongation measuring device, resolution 0.1 mLinear-density measuring system
39、with acoustic initiation of the fibre vibration and opto-electronic recording of the resonance frequencyOpto-electronic measuring system for digital recording of the fibre geometry.(AI)ROBOT2:Fibre sample storage unit for a maximum of 20 magazines, each with a capacity of 25 single fibresTransfer cl
40、amp (AI)ROBOT2 to FAVIMAT+Loading unit for fibre introduction into the magazine with pre-tensioning weights (ROBOT2) or pneumatics (AIROBOT2)TESTCONTROL:PC system for controlling the test processes and for the evaluation of the measured data, connected via USB interfaceInput of all parameters for te
41、sting and measured-data evaluation on the PC, saving of selected parameter sets of test conditions under code wordsPC for easy integration within any network type.Further technical dataMains supply:220 V, 50 (60) Hz, current requirementapprox. 1.5 A.Compressed-air supply:6 bar, 10 l/min., with (AI)ROBOT2 50 l/min.Lacquer finish:RAL 9006/5002.Dimensions:Height 600 mm, width 600 mm, depth 540 mm, approx. 85 kg (FAVIMAT+)Height 1125 mm, width 880 mm, depth 600 mm, approx. 90 kg (ROBOT2).Technical contents can be subject to changes by Textechno.