1、ICS 67.040X 08霭黯中华人民共和国国家标准GB 13432-2004代替GB 13432-1992预包装特殊膳食用食品标签通则General standard for the labeling of prepackaged foods for special dietary uses2004-05-09发布2005-10-01实施率瞥冒瞥臀葡曝臀聂臀臀暴发“GB 13432-2004户,日ml1胃本标准的5.3-5.5是推荐性的,其余为强制性的。本标准非等效采用国际食品法典委员会CAC CODEX STAN 146-1985(预包装特殊膳食用的食品标签及说明通用标准和CAC/GL2
2、3-1997营养声称指南。本标准代替GB 13432-1992特殊营养食品标签。本标准与GB 13432-1992相比主要变化如下:标准的名称改为:预包装特殊膳食用食品标签通则;将GB 13432-1992第4章“基本原则”和第6章“基本要求”合并为本标准的第4章“基本要求”;增加了允许标示“能量、营养素含量水平的声称”(见5. 4. 1) ;增加了允许标示“能量、营养素含量比较的声称”(见5.4.2);增加了允许标示“营养素作用的声称”(见5.4.3);增加了规范性附录“食品中能量和营养素的标示方式,标示值的表述方式及允许偏差”(见附录A)。GB 13432-2004是食品标签系列国家标准之
3、一,与之相应的国家标准还有:GB 7718-2004预包装食品标签通则(代替GB 7718-1994);GB 10344-1989饮料酒标签标准。本标准的附录A为规范性附录。本标准由全国食品工业标准化技术委员会提出并归口。本标准由全国食品工业标准化技术委员会组织的起草工作组负责起草。本标准主要起草人:郝煌、王燕京、王美玲、白德美、田栖静、田明福、许洪民、杨桂芝、杨晓明、张丽君、陈瑶君、郑欣、赵小桐、赵学军、董洪岩、秘超、简慧薇、蔺立男。本标准1992年4月首次发布,2004年5月第一次修订。GB 13432-2004预包装特殊膳食用食品标签通则1范围本标准规定了:预包装特殊膳食用食品标签的基本
4、要求(见第4章);预包装特殊膳食用食品标签的强制标示内容(见5.1);预包装特殊膳食用食品标签的强制标示内容的免除(见5.2);预包装特殊膳食用食品标签的非强制标示内容(见5. 3) ;预包装特殊膳食用食品标签允许标示内容(见5.4);预包装特殊膳食用食品标签的推荐标示内容(见5.5)0本标准适用于3. 1所指的、提供给消费者作为饮食用的预包装特殊膳食用食品的标签。2规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日
5、期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。GB 7718-2004预包装食品标签通则中国居民膳食营养素参考摄人量(中国营养学会营养学科专著,2001年4月第1版)3术语和定义GB 7718-2004确立的以及下列术语和定义适用于本标准。3.1特殊膳食用食品foods for special dietary uses为满足某些特殊人群的生理需要,或某些疾病患者的营养需要,按特殊配方而专门加工的食品。这类食品的成分或成分含量,应与可类比的普通食品有显著不同。3.2营养素nutrient从食物中摄取的,维护机体生长发育、活动、正常代谢所需的物质,包括蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、无机盐(矿物质)、维生素五大
6、类。水和膳食纤维,以及食物中其他对机体有益的成分也属于营养素。3.3推荐摄入最recommended nutrient intake (RNI )通过实验获得的一一可以满足健康群体中绝大多数(97%-98%)的个体每日维持机体正常生理功能和活动所需要从食物中摄取的某种营养素的量。长期保持推荐摄入量,可以使机体有适当储备。3.4适宜摄入量adequate intake (AI)通过观察和调查获得的,健康群体中的个体每日摄人某种营养素的量。包括婴幼儿食品。GB 13432-2004适宜摄人量(AI)和推荐摄人量(RNI)都能满足群体中几乎所有个体的需要;而适宜摄人量(AI)的准确性远不如推荐摄人量
7、(RNI) o4基本要求预包装特殊膳食用食品的标签应符合GB 7718-2004第4章的规定,但不得标示下列内容:a)对某种疾病有预防、缓解、治疗或治愈作用。b)“返老还童”、“延年益寿”、“白发变黑”、“齿落更生”、“抗癌治癌”或其他类似用语。c)在食品名称前后,冠以药物名称或以药物图形、名称(不包括药食两用的物质)暗示疗效、保健功能。5标示内容5.1强制标示内容5.1.1食品名称5.1.1.1按GB 7718-2004中5.1.1的规定标示。只有符合3.1定义的食品才可以在名称中使用诸如“婴儿配方乳(奶)粉”、“无糖速溶豆粉”(供糖尿病患者食用)、“强化铁高蛋白速溶豆粉”(供
8、贫血症患者食用)等特殊含意的修饰词。5.1.2配料清单和配料定f标示按GB 7718-2004中5.1.2和5.1.3的规定标示。5.1.3能,和营养素应依据产品实际存在的营养素,按附录A的规定标示蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、反映食品特性的维生素、矿物质的含量,以及产品的能量值。添加了营养强化剂的预包装特殊膳食用食品,应标示所强化营养素的含量。5.1.4净含f和沥千物(固形物)含f按GB 7718-2004中5.1.4的规定标示。5.1.5制造者、经销者的名称和地址按GB 7718-2004中5.1.5的规定标示。5.1.6日期标示及贮藏说明5.1.6.1按GB 7718-2004中5.1.6的
9、规定标示生产日期和保质期;也可以附加标示保存期。如果预包装特殊膳食用食品的保质期或保存期与贮藏条件有关,应标示特定贮藏条件。如果开封后的预包装特殊膳食用食品不宜贮存或不宜在原包装容器内贮存,应向消费者提示。5.1.7食用方法和适宜人群5.1.7. 1应标示预包装特殊膳食用食品的食用方法、每日或每餐食用量;必要时应标示调配方法或复水再制方法。应标示预包装特殊膳食用食品适宜的人群。5.1.8产品标准号按GB 7718-2004中5.1.7的规定标示。5.1.9质f(品质)等级按GB 7718-2004中5.1.8的规定标示。5. 1. 10其他强制标示内容
10、按GB 7718-2004中5. l. 9的规定标示。5.2强制标示内容的免除按GB 7718-2004中5. 2的规定免除。GB 13432-20045.3非强制标示内容如有必要,可以标示产品的批号。5.4允许标示内容5.4. 1能且、营养素含f水平的声称符合表1界限的预包装特殊膳食用食品可以声称能量、营养素含量的水平,如“低能量”、“低脂肪”、“低胆固醇”、“无糖”、“低钠。表1项目声称界限(不高于)一固体食品:170kj / 1008:低 能量液体食品:80 kJl00ml,无液体食品:17 kJ / 100mL;固体食品:3g / 10081低二脂肪液体食品:1. 5g / 100m1
11、_无固体或液体食品:0.5g / 100g (100mL):固体食品:1. 5g / 100g;饱和脂肪的能量占食品总能量的10以下低饱和脂肪液体食品:0. 75g / 100mL;饱和脂肪的能量占食品总能量的10%以下:无固体或液体食品:0. 1g / 100g(100mL)一下升糖(指所有的单糖和双糖)无固体或液体食品:0.5g / 100g(100mL)三低固体食品:120mg / 1008钠非常低固体食品:40mg / 100g无固体食品:5mg / 1008一炸:率和脂肪指脂肪中的脂肪酸是饱和的,但以脂肪咚5.4.2能f、营养素含f比较的声称符合5. 4. 2. 1-5. 4. 2.
12、 3的预包装特殊膳食用食品,可以对能量或营养素含量作比较声称,如“减少了”、“增加了”、“少于”(低于)、“多于”(大于、高于)等等。GB 13432-20045.4.2. 1如标示被比较的食品,被比较的食品应与比较的食品是同类或同一属类的食品,而且容易被消费者理解。应按质量分数或绝对值标示被比较食品与比较的食品的能量值或营养素含量的差异。比较的食品与被比较食品的能量值或营养素含量的相对差异不少于25%.5.4. 3营养素作用的声称符合5. 4. 3. 1-5. 4. 3. 3的预包装特殊膳食用食品,可以声称某种营养素对维持人体正常生长、发育的生理作用,例如:“钙是
13、构成骨骼和牙齿的主要成分,并维持骨骼密度”;“蛋白质有助于构成或修复人体组织”;“铁是血红细胞的形成因子”;“维生素E保护人体组织内的脂肪免受氧化”;“叶酸有助于胎儿正常发育”。不得声称或暗示有治愈、治疗或防止疾病的作用;也不得声称所示产品本身具有某种营养素的功能。5.4.3. 1被声称的营养素在所示产品中的含量与可类比的普通食品的相对差异不少于25% o5.4.3.2被声称的营养素在所示产品中的含量显著。被声称的营养素的作用有公认的科学依据。5.5推荐标示内容5.5. 1在标示营养成分的同时,可以依据适宜人群,按质量分数标示每份或每100 g(l00mI.)食品中的营养素占中国
14、居民膳食营养素参考摄人量中推荐摄人量(RNI)的量,例如X.5.5.2如果中国居民膳食营养素参考摄人量未提供推荐摄入量(RNI ),可按质量分数标示每份或每100 g(l00ml-)食品中的营养素占中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量中适宜摄人量(AI )的量,例如X%。GB 13432-2004附录A(规范性附录)食品中能,和营养素的标示方式,标示值的表述方式及允许偏差A. 1能f和营养素的标示方式A. 11能fA.1.1.1应标示每100 g(100mL)或每份(每餐)食品的能量值。A. 1. 1. 2能量以千焦(kJ)或焦耳(J)标示。示例:1966k1/100g,或1966kJ/l00mL.注
15、:食品的能量是指食物中能提供燃烧热的能量,即热能。A. 1. 1. 3营养素的能量系数按以下数值计算:碳水化合物17kj/g蛋白质17kj/g脂肪37kj/g乙醇29kj/g有机酸13kj/gA. 1. 2蛋白质、脂肪、膳食纤维、碳水化合物(指可利用碳水化合物)应标示每100 g(100mL)或每份(每餐)食品中蛋白质、脂肪、膳食纤维、碳水化合物(指可利用碳水化合物)的含量(g) o如需标明碳水化合物的类型,应按以下方式:每100 g或100 mL含碳水化合物XXg,其中XX糖(如葡萄糖、蔗糖)X XgoA. 1. 3维生素应标示每100 g(100mL)或每份(每餐)食品中维生素的含量mg,
16、l1g或国际单位((lu) o维生素B,、维生素BZ、维生素C以mg或fig表示;维生素A、维生素D、维生素E以国际单位((IU)或mg, Fg表示。A. 1. 4矿物质与微,元素应标示每100 g(l00ml,)或每份(每餐)食品中矿物质、微量元素的含量(mg或(,g) oA. 2标示值的表述方式及允许偏差可采用A. 2. 1-A. 2. 3任意一种,或兼用其中二种、三种方式标示能量、营养素的数值。其中A. 2. 1是最合理、消费者最容易理解的方式。A. 2. 1标示范围值。如“每100 ml,灭菌纯牛乳中蛋白质的含量为3.0%J3.5%“;“每100 g乳粉中铁的含量为6 mg-11 mg
17、“ o按此方式标示时,营养素的实际含量不得超出标示值的范围。A. 2. 2标示平均值。如“每100 ml.灭菌纯牛乳中蛋白质的含量平均为3.0 g“每100 g乳粉中铁的含量平均为8 mg“;或在营养成分(表)的适当位置标示“每100 g(100mL)平均含量”。按此方式标示时,强化的营养素或天然存在的固有营养素的实际含量不得低于标示值的80%。如声称低能量、低脂肪、低饱和脂肪酸、低胆固醇或低钠时,这些物质的实际含量不得超过标示值的20%.A. 2. 3标示最低值或最高值。如“每100 mL灭菌纯牛乳中蛋白质的含量不低于3. 0 g“(或“蛋白质不低于3. Og/100ml,“) ;“每100
18、 g脱脂乳粉中脂肪的含量不高于l. 5 g“(或“脂肪含量不高于1.5g/l00g“)。按此方式标示时,营养素的实际含量不得高于或低于对应的标示值。ICS 67.04008荡黔National Standard of the People,s Republic of ChinaGB 134322004Replace GB 13432-1992General standard for the labelingof prepackaged foods for specialdietary usesIssued on 2004-05-09 Enforced on 2005-10-01Issued b
19、y General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection andQuarantine of the Peoples Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the Peoples Republic of ChinaGB 13432-2004ForewordThis standard is mandatory except for Sections 5.3 to 5.5 which are recommendatory.This standard is not equival
20、ent to the CAC Codex General Standard for the Labeling of and Claims forPrepackaged Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CODEX STAN 146-1985) and Guidelines for Use of Nu-trition Claims (CAC/GL 23-1997)This standard replaces GB 13432-1992 “Labeling of foods for special nutrient“In comparison with GB 1343
21、2-1992,the major changes of this standard are as follows:一The name of this standard has been changed to“General standard for the labeling of prepackagedfoods for special dietary uses“;-Section 4 “Basic principles“ and Section 6 “Basic requirements“ of GB 13432-1992 have been in-corporated to become
22、Section 4 “Basic requirements“ of this standard;一The permission of declaration of “Claim on energy level and nutrient content“ has been added (see5.4.1);一The permission of declaration of “Comparative claim on energy value and nutrient content“ hasbeen added (see 5.4.2);一The permission of declaration
23、 of “Nutrient function claim“ has been added (see 5.4.3);一The permission of deciaraLion of“Format of declaration,method of expression and tolerance limitof values declared for energy and nutrient content of foods“ has been added (see Appendix A)GB 13432-2004 is one of the series of national standard
24、s on food labeling. Other related nationalstandards include:GB 7718-2004 “General standard for the labeling of prepackaged foods“(replacing GB 7718-1994);GB 10344-1989 “Standard for the labeling of alcoholic beverages“Appendix A of this standard is a normative appendix.This standard is proposed and
25、interpreted by the China National Food Industry Standardization Com-mittee of Technique.GB 13432-2004This standard was drafted by the Drafting Group of the China National Food Industry StandardizationCommittee of Technique.The main drafters of this standard are Hao Yu,Wang Yanjing, Wang Meiling, Bai
26、 Demei,Tian Gi-j i ng,Tian Mingfu, Xu Hongmin, Yang Guizhi,Yang Xiaoming, Zhang Lijun, Chen Yaojun, ZhengXin, Zhao Xiaotong, Zhao Xuejun, Dong Hongyan,Ji Chao, Jian Huiwei,and Lin Linan.This standard was issued first on April,1992,and adjusted for the first time on May,2004.GB 13432-2004General stan
27、dard for the labeling ofprepackaged foods for special dietary uses1 ScopeThis standard prescribes the followings:一basic requirements for the labeling of prepackaged foods for special dietary uses (see Section 4);一mandatory labeling information in the labeling of prepackaged foods for special dietary
28、 uses (see 5.1);一exemptions from mandatory labeling requirements in the labeling of prepackaged foods for specialdietary uses(see 52):一non-mandatory labeling information in the labeling of prepackaged foods for special dietary uses(see 5.3);一permitted labeling information in the labeling of prepacka
29、ged foods for special dietary uses (see 5.4);一recommended labeling information in the labeling of prepackaged foods for special dietary uses(see 5.5)This standard applies to the labeling of prepackaged foods for special dietary uses as defined in Sec-tion 3.1 to be offered as such to the con3umer.2
30、Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provisions which,through reference in this text,con-stitute provisions of this standard. For dated references,subsequent amendments to,or revisionsof, any of these publications do not apply. However parties to agreements based on this sta
31、ndardare encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normativedocuments indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative documentreferred to applies.GB 7718-2004 General standard for the labeling of prepackaged foodsChinese Dietar
32、y Reference Intakes(a monograph of the Chinese Nutrition Society, first edition,April,2001)3 Terms and definitionsThe terminologies and definitions as laid down in GB 7718-2004 shall apply to this standard.GB 13432-20043.1foods for special dietary usesFoods for special dietary uses are those which a
33、re specially processed or formulated to satisfy parti-cular dietary requirements which exist because of a particular physical or physiological condition and/or specific diseases and disorders and which are presented as suchThe composition of these foodstuffs must differ significantly from the compos
34、ition of ordinary foodswith comparable nature, if such ordinary foods exist.3.2nutrientNutrients are substances which are absorbed from foods to maintain the normal growth and develop-ment,activities, and metabolism of the human body. They fall into 5 main categories:protein, car-bohydrate, fat,mine
35、rals and vitamins. They also include water and dietary fiber, as well as othersubstances which are beneficial and indispensable to human body.3.3recommended nutrient intake (FINDRecommended nutrient intake (RNI) is the daily dietary intake level of a certain nutrient, establishedvia experiments, tha
36、t is sufficient to meet the needs of the normal physiological functions and activ-ities of most (97%-98%)individuals in a healthy population. Maintaining the recommended nutri-ent intake in the long term can provide appropriate reserve for the human body.3.4adequate intake (AI)Adequate intake (AI) i
37、s the daily intake level of a certain nutrient by individuals in a healthy popula-tion established via observation or survey. Both the adequate intake (AI) and the recommended nu-trient intake (FIND can satisfy the requirement of almost each individual in a population,and the ade-quate intake (Al) i
38、s far less accurate than the recommended nutrient intake (FIND4 Basic requirementsThe labeling of prepackaged foods for special dietary uses shall be in accordance with Section 4 ofGB 7718-2004. The following labeling information is prohibited:a) Any claims as to the prevention,alleviation,treatment
39、 or cure of a diseaseb) Claims like “rejuvenating function“,“promising longevity“,“reverting white hair to dark“,“re-generating an exfoliated tooth“,“preventing and curing cancer“ or their equivalents.c) The use of a drugs name immediately before or after the name of a food, or the use of the pic-to
40、rial and name of a drug implying the treatment and functional effects of such food (does not、This includes foods for infants and young childrenGB 13432-2004apply to substances which can be used both as a drug and food)5 Labeling information5.1 Mandatory labeling information5.11 The name of the food5
41、.111 It shall be declared in accordance with Section 5.11 of GB 7718-2004.5.112 Descriptions like“infant formula milk powder“,“Sugar-free instant soy powder “(for dia-betics),“Iron-fortified high-protein instant soy powder“(for anemia patients),or other descrip-tions with special qualification may b
42、e used in conjunction with the name only where the product cor-responds to the definition as in Section 3.15.12 List of ingredients and quantitative labeling of ingredientsIt shall be declared in accordance with Sections 5.12 and 5.13 of GB 7718-2004.5.13 Energy and nutrientsProtein,fat,carbohydrate
43、, and the vitamin and mineral contents that are characteristic of the foodfor special dietary purposes, shall be declared as Appendix A, based on the nutrients which actuallyexist in the product, together with the corresponding energy value.The prepackaged foods for special dietary uses with nutriti
44、onal fortification substances added shallhave the content of such fortified nutrients declared.5.14 Net contents and drained weightNet contents and drained weight shall be declared in accordance with Section 5.14 ofGB 7718-2004.5.15 Name and address of manufacturer and distributorName and address of
45、 manufacturer and distributor shall be declared in accordance with Section 5.15of GB 7718-20045.16 Date marking and storage instructions5.16.1 The marking of production date and date of minimum durability shall be declared in ac-cordance with Section 5.16 of GB 7718-2004, in addition the use-by date
46、 may be declared.GB 13432-20045.16.2 If the date of minimum durability or the use-by date of the prepackaged foods for specialdietary uses is related to storage conditions,then such storage conditions shall also be declared.5.16.3 A warning shall be included on the label,if the food for special diet
47、ary uses is not capableof being stored after opening or is not capable of being stored in the container after opening.5.17 Instruction for use and target population group5.17.1 The instruction for use and the intake amount per day or per serving of the food for spe-cial dietary uses shall be include
48、d on the label. If necessary, the preparation method or the reconsti-tution method shall also be included.5.17.2 The target population group of the food for special dietary uses shall be declared.5.18 Code of the product standardThe code of the product standard shall be declared in accordance with S
49、ection 5.17 ofG B 7718-2004.5.19 Quality gradesThe quality grades shall be declared in accordance with Section 5.18 of GB 7718-2004.5.110 Other mandatory labeling informationOther mandatory labeling shall be declared in accordance with Section 5.19 of GB 7718-2004.5.2 Exemptions from mandatory labeling requirementsExemptions from the mandatory labeling requirements shall be in accordance with Section 5. 2of GB 7718-2004.5.3 Non- mandatory labeling informationThe