1、 1一对教授评头论足的语言、语料 A 先礼后兵 颂扬教授讲课 1 hear a pin drop (考过) 能听到针落地之声音言外之意为课程引人入神2 You wouldnt need a cup of coffee 表示教授讲课提神 引人入胜 有魅力小词多用 care for a drink? 喝一杯吗? Care for a bite? 一起吃饭吗? A refill? 再续一杯吗? 3 One in a million 百万里挑一的 言外之意为 outstanding extraordinary 极其优秀的 4 His name ring a bell (考过)言外之意为很熟悉 5 Ki
2、lled everyone 征服所有人(真假总统用过)6 brought the house down 博得满堂彩 7 no body skip /cut / drop his class skip the class 逃课 8 we wouldnt miss it for anything (考过)不会为其他任何事而错过这个 言外之意指一定不错过9 set your clock (考过)你可以对表 you can set your clock by the time the professor begin the class B 批判教授讲课 渲泻一下不满情绪 1. above my hea
3、d= understanding = beyond my head 超出理解能力2. It is all Greeks to me (考过) 言外之意 听不懂 全是希腊语 天方夜谭3. the more he talks, the less I could understand 越听越是一头雾水 4. Drop out 退课 (考过) 5. sleepy fell asleep 不喜欢 (考过) 6 absent minded 心不在蔫 或没意思 讲的不好 (考过)7 Beat around the bush (考过) 讲话不着边际 8 I can only catch one word or
4、 two (考过) 听不懂 C 教授表现评论 1 talk to a brick wall (考过) 对墙讲话 = 对牛弹琴 言外之意为学生没反应 2 get rid of get over the bad mood (考过) 会很快克服坏心情 3 tight-lipped 守口如瓶二. 吃饭、付账、请客等日常英语和考试融会贯通A 吃饭场景 1 I can not have another bite (考过) 一口也吃不下了 拒绝再吃的用语 言外之意为吃撑了评论吃饱 Full 饱了 和英美人士吃饭时,他们喜欢说” I am full ” 吃饱了 stuffed 饱了 could burst 撑
5、死 stretch things 再吃就被撑起来 饥饿 2 Starving to death = famished 饿死了 could eat a cow 饿的能吃下一头牛 虚拟、夸张的讲法付账 3 Go Dutch = spilt the bill = share the bill = pay each own way 各付各的lets go Dutch (考过) 言外之意 指各付自己的账 lets split the bill 撕开账单 指各付自己的账lets share the bill 分享、分担账单 lets pay our each own way 让我们各付各的If you d
6、ont mind we go Dutch, I will accept your invitation My turn to treat it is my turn to treat you 三同意的老手法 变项同意的新花样 考试,生活、影视都在用的鲜活语言同意 1 I can not come up with a better idea (考过) 我想不出更好的主意 2 you bet 你说的对 (总统这样说)3 you said it = you hit it 你讲的对 你说到点上啦 4 you can say that again (考过) 再说一次也不为过 5 I can not ag
7、ree more 完全同意 同意的不能再同意了 (老托福题)6 you are reading my mind = you are reading my thoughts 你是我肚子里的蛔虫 可以看透思想7 that figures that will do 那可以 8 that is my cup of tea 是我的一杯茶 正合我口味9 vote the fund 投票建议资金 补充 支持 back up support in favor of about time to do 早该变项同意 1 great minds think alike 英雄所见略同 言外之意为我们意见一致2 I t
8、hink the lights here are too bright 这里太亮了吧 (考过) They are bright enough for a stadium 2不相信、不同意 1 can you believe that 你能相信吗 难以置信 反问法 2 I would think it twice 我要再考虑一下 3 I wont buy your story 不买账 不听信 4 I would have a second opinion 我不那么想 (考过)5 He made it up 他编造的 (电影中用的) make up 编造 take it as a grain of
9、 salt 只作参考6 one ear in and out of another (考过) 一只耳进,另一只耳出 言外指听不进别人的意见7 I wouldnt give that rumor much credibility (考过) 不从不轻信传言变项不同意 1 in one hundred years 一百年后 言外之意 2 I am afraid you have wasted your money 你浪费了钱2 That is his own opinion (考过) 那是他的意见 表示我不一定同意3 Easier said than done (考过) 说的容易 反对对方所说时的用
10、法 4 It is very well to say that 四考试、课程我们校园生活的主题考试 1 hit an A 考个 A 分 2 hit book 努力读书 3 day in and day out = days and nights = sbd is on the ball 4 burn the midnight oil burn the late night oil 开夜车 5 Good grades grow on trees? 不努力不高分 6 Credit is earned not given 要学分就努力 7 Pouring over the notes = fall
11、back to the note 复习 take a back seat we dont want to take a back seat 我们不要落后于人 It is early bird that catch the worm (刚考过) 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 言外指提早努力课程喜好 1 digest the day = kill the day 帮助消消磨时间 2 for a change = a diversion 作为一个调剂 调换2 dont count on a social life (考过)不要指望社交生活 3 I am getting absolutely no where o
12、f this course (考过) 我对此课程一头雾水 一窍不通4 The exam has little connection with our textbook 考试题与我们所学内容联系不大退学 dismissed = kick out = be thrown out 赶出去 drop out 退课 drop in = drop by = stop by 顺便来访 预订图书 order = book = reserve (考过) 预定 put on reserve 做出预订(图书馆场景考过)五为我们的英语学习添点色彩颜色 Green 1 I am green here 新来的 2 you
13、 must be green to believe what Tom said 相信他是愚蠢的Blue (考过) Monday blue 心情不好 星期一的忧郁 Red (考过) in red 赤字 负债 六心情 世界人民生活情绪的晴、雨表心情愉悦 overjoyed = high = beside the joy 非常高兴 couldnt help it 高兴的难以自控 be carried away 难以自控 cloud 9 (托福题) 特别高兴 7th heaven 第七天堂 指非常的高兴 I am in the 7th heaven心情不好 in bad mood = Monday b
14、lue 心情不好 down 情绪低落 under the weather 身体不舒服 七 购物、生活花费及预算学习一下最能透支民族的语言讲价 give me a deal discount off bargain 给打个折扣吧 deal discount off bargain 都指折扣good buy 买的合适 that is a good buy = that is a good bargain 价格非常合理特价 on sale 特卖 new arrival 新货上架 for sale the book sell like hot cakes 卖的好 trade in 旧货换新折价 sec
15、ond hand = used 二手货 回报 Pay off = reward 预算 beyond my budget = over-budget 超预算 in red = in debt 负债 Tom is in debt = Tom is in redbreak even 不赔不赚 手头紧 In short = be pressed for money 手头紧 Tom is pressed for money = Tom is in short of money = the money is tight broke = out of business 负债 out of business
16、八 由点到线、由线到面 一个小词 OUT 的考法和用法用过瘾1 run out of 用光了 2 out of order 坏了 = go wrong = do not work = break down(都指坏了) 3 out of power = 3power off 没电了 4 out of mind = out of head 不正常 5 out of the world 世间极品 特别好的东西 6 out of business 失业破产 7 out of job = out of employment 失业 8 out of touch = reach 失去联络 9 out of
17、the question 不可能 10 fish out of water 像鱼离开了水 言外之意为不舒服 11 out of breath 上气不接下气 12 out of datefashionstyle 过时 out of control 失控 out of stock =sold out 没货 Up to date 13 figure out 找出 发现 = work out (考过) 14 out of line = over do = going too far 太过分啦 Out of print 绝版的 言外指很畅销 Out of patience 没有耐心的 Out of st
18、eam 累了 Out of coin 没有零钱啦 九 身体部位名词考试手法及日常用法 现在明白为什么学过的词不会用眼睛 EYE 考法 keep my eyes open 留意 打听 耳朵 EAR 考法 keep my ear open 留意打听 up to ear neck 非常忙 头 HEAD 考法 where are you heading 去哪里 old head on young shoulder 少年老成 shoulder the responsibility 承担责任大脑 BRAIN have a brain of 做某事的脑子 指天份 be born sbd 天生的是做某事的料
19、be sbd from birth 天生的手 HAND 考法 give sbd a hand 帮忙 shorthanded 人手不够 鼻子 NOSE 考法 keep your nose out of here 别管闲事 嘴 MOUTH big mouth 大嘴 指多嘴的人 down in the mouth 指意志消极 watch your mouth 注意看好你的嘴唇 LIP tight-lipped 嘴唇紧 指守口如瓶的 舌头 TONGUE mother tongue 母语 tongue tied 张口结舌牙齿 TOOTH have a sweet tooth 甜牙齿 指爱吃甜 背 BAC
20、K back up 支持 watch your back 当心背后 指小心点喉咙 THROAT there is a frog in my throat 嗓子里有一只青蛙 指哑啦 脖子 NECK up to my neck 事情 指繁忙腿 LEG my legs are sleeping 腿睡着了 指麻了 you are pulling my legs 你在逗我玩 寻开心脚 FOOT have a cold feet = be nervous 紧张 脚趾 TOE stay on toe to do 保持警觉做某事手指 FINGERS cross my fingers 手指交插 祈祷但愿如此 姆
21、指 THUMB thumb reading 姆指读指选读 只读有兴趣的 十言外之意用法大盘点 拒绝人不必“直言不讳”1 I doubt I know more than you 知道的不如你多 (暗示帮不上)2 you might have an idea that you could borrow it from me 你也许想借我的钱吧 指不会借给对方3 I can see already that trouble is on its way (消极) 指那会有麻烦4 It is anyones guess 表示不确定 5 I am only a phone call away 可以给我打
22、电话 6 you should seat yourself in a place that has distractions 要找个静的地方学习7 I wouldnt have miss it for anything (考过) 决不错过 常考补充 Should I give a miss 8 still have to get used to his sense of humor 适应他的玩笑需要时间 言外之意为不欣赏他的玩笑 9 he is as good as god (考过) 他像上帝一样好 指他一定会帮你10 Cost an arm or a leg 言外指代价很高 11 I mus
23、t be out of head to refuse 拒绝是发疯的指不会拒绝12 tell the stack of the files. 你和我这堆文件商量吧 指我忙的走不开十一 快捷的生活、学习节奏使我们忙碌、疲惫、休息、健身且有耐力非常忙 pretty hectic 非常忙 a million things to do 有一百万件事要做 day in and day out (考过)in the middle of (考试和电影有)在 之中 忙于up to my ears (托福)= up to my necks = piling up 堆成疲惫 worn out 东西坏了 或人累坏了
24、beat 被打败了 指累了 all in 全都付出进去了 指体力 也就是疲劳pooped 很累啦 exhausted 还是累啊 dog tired 狗累就是人累 美国总是人狗不分呐work sbd to death 工作到累死啊 Be overwhelmed 显的很疲惫容易 a piece of cake = easy as pie 小菜一碟 it is a breeze= no sweat = it is a nap 不费力very well to say that = easier said than done 说的容易做的难健身 In better shape = keep in sha
25、pe 保持良好的身体状态 keep fit = in good condition 保持健康忍受 can not put up with 受不了 can not stand 受不了 turn sbd off 使某人失去性趣4sick and tired of 不喜欢 be fed up with 受够了 have had enough 受够了 十二. 常词用法精选及相关预测集锦DONE 的考法 easier said than done 说的容易 get something done = get something through 完成 well done 做的好推迟 Pull off = p
26、ut off until = delay = postpone until cancel = call off 取消 Last minute cancellation 想要做某事 be determined to do = set ones mind on doing = decide to do 决心做 think about doing = planning to do 职位工作 replace sbd = fill in her position 代替某人 dismiss = lay off = be removed from.position 撤职 健忘 slipped my mind
27、 忘了 come to my mind 完形考过以为条件 only if = provided = unless = as long as = so long as 以为条件 只有才Call lets call it an issue 达成一致 call it quits 放弃 call it a day 到此为至 call the deal off 取消这笔买卖beat beat the crowds 远离人群 beat around the bush 补偿 Make up for Compensate 补偿负责于 Be relevant to + have something to do
28、with 有关系的 相关的 Be responsible for 负责于 Be obligated to 负责于 Carry the ball 承担责任 Carry some weights 讲话有份量的TEST 1 1 题 assignment 作业 相关:project paperresearchessay based on 在.基础之上 相关: on the basis of 2 题 start off by doing 以 开始 相关 start with begin with get the ball rolling post 职位( 属特色词) 相关常考替换 opening pos
29、ition vacancy the right person 合适的人 3 题 be struck 被撞 turn over 翻车 broken arm 摔断胳膊 4 题 take a picture = photograph = shoot 拍摄 5 题 precribe for sbd 开处方 常考补充 subscribe to 定购 well balanced meal diet = right food 营养均衡 补充: well informed 消息灵通 well trained 良好训练 well done 做的好或牛排全熟 well maintained 6 题 break d
30、own 坏了 这是常考重点词汇 补充常考 go wrong out of order out of order 坏了 out of job 失业 out of business 破产 out of mind = out of head 发疯 out of datefashionstyle 过时 out of touch 失去联络 out of reach 拿不着 out of control 失控 out of power = power out 没电 out of stock =sold out 没货 out of world 绝世极品 7 题 I wouldnt have miss it
31、for anything 决不错过 Should I give a miss I must be out of head to refuse miss 8 题 Used = second hand 二手 be supposed to 后面内容与事实相反 10 题 make it = come =attend = participate in TEST 2 2 题 vote the fund 投票建议资金 补充 支持 back up support in favor of about time to do 早该 3 题 park 泊车 还常考 pull up step out of car 下车
32、 gone = disappear tough = tough pill to swallow 难以接受 4 题 the reverse is also true 相反也是 常考 there are also negative opinion6 题 expecting sbd= waiting sbd 8 题 make reservation = book= order = reserve 预订 put on reserve9 题 take your time = no hurry 不用急 run into = happen to meet 遇见 beat the crowds 远离人群 TE
33、ST 3 2 题 it sounds as though 听起来好像 it seem as if 看起来好像 3 题 shelf 一般考图书馆 极少考书店5 题 out of town 不在城里 commit the crime 6 题 stand 忍受 can not stand 受不 还有常考 can not put up with get sick and tired of have had enough be fed up with wash hands with 8 题 get over = get rid of = overcome 克服 9 题 turn down 失败 不成功
34、TEST 4 1 题 felt sleepy 不喜欢 相关: not my cup of tea I dont know why I was talked into going 2 题 figure out 找出 发现 = work out check out worn out = out of order 坏了 5 题 seem to be in season 在季 新鲜 7 题 getting no where 一头雾水 = above my head = beyond my head = it is all Greeks to me 8 题 Immediate boss 顶头上司 you
35、 are the boss 你说了算 听你的 TEST 5 1 题 somewhat behind schedule 有点迟 相关推迟 postpone delay put off until put on the hold 2 题 if it were , I would 如果我.我就 if I were 如我是 3 题 this isnt the first time you have asked me about it 你不是第一次问了 5 题 he is going to kill me 发脾气 =hit the ceiling yell at me slip your mind 忘了
36、 6 题 around the corner=on the side 做副业 7 题 still have to get used to his sense of humor 不欣赏玩笑 TEST 6 1 题 you can get them = take = buy out of stock 没货 2 题 feed your family = support you family 支持 养家 3 题 take his place = fill his position 代替他 apply for 申请 apply to 应用 5 题 have trouble doing 做某事有困难 6 题
37、 that is the last thing I want to do 最不想做的事 7 题 live in harmony with 与和睦相处TEST 7 1 题 ask for a loan 借钱 ask for a raise 要求升薪常考建议 follow a month by month plan it will pay off52 题 work on 忙于 着手于做 相关补充: be involved in doing be engaged in be put on reserve 预订 3 题 how much I owe you 应交多少 4 题 he deserved i
38、t 应得的 5 题 be aware of 意识到 drop in=stop by 来访 TEST 8 2 题 change .to 把 .改装 4 题 I am counting the days 数日子 盼望 很快了 5 题 bulletin board 通知栏 8 题 I have set my mind on it 已下定决心 9 题 set another day for further talks 还未商定下来TEST 9 3 题 out of coins 没硬币了 broke 没钱了 be impressed for money= tight = short of 6 题 lay
39、 off 下岗 out of job 失业 8 题 it was a back number 过时 过期 用处不大的 TEST 10 1 题 sold out = all gone = out of stock 卖没了 没货了 3 题 a passing score 及格 distinctive 优秀 flying color 全优 5 题 the wrong person to do 不合适的人 对其否定 7 题 come through 解决TEST 11 1 题 you did quite well = did a good job = nice work = nice going =
40、well done 表现的好 5 题 I couldnt feel better about it 非常好 the questions were 简单 6 题 be impressed by 印象深刻 every now and then 时不时 7 题 I am just as clumsy as ever 肯定弄坏对方的东西了 I never like that 没喜欢过TEST 12 2 题 at a sensible volume 一般的音量 3 题 out going calls 往外打 in coming ones 接进来 easy-going 好说话的 4 题 got As =
41、hit to an A 得最高分 flying color 全优 6 题 take the matter up = bring it up 向上反映此事 7 题 that is a wise move 聪明的举动- 8 题 turning it into a restaurant 改装成 = change to 9 题 distinguished 优秀的 与众不同的 10 题 that is odd 奇怪TEST 13 1 题 oversleep 睡过 overdo 过分 over-budget 超预算 wake-up call 叫醒电话 5 题 you should try to meet
42、each other half way 相互退让一步 6 题 I am frustrated = embarrassed 挫败7 题 different school of thought 不同学派 8 题 we could not have played worse 非常糟糕 = it could not be worse 9 题 is that a reason to quit? 那是放弃的理由吗? TEST 14 1 题 I have taken care of everything = all settled = all set = everything are on the righ
43、t track 一切就绪3 题 at the back of the book 最后部分 read straight through = cover to cover 通读5 题 he would be out for lunch until two 不在 7 题 in charge of = be responsible for 负责于 8 题 I have been too busy to = my job up to my ears necks 特别忙工作量大 9 题 I would skip it give it a miss 不去做 TEST 15 1 题 at ease = be
44、relax = be relief = take it easy 放松下来 2 题 show up = be present = attend = appear= make it = come 出席 参加 4 题 latest style = fashionable = up to date 最新流行 5 题 it would help if you did sth 虚拟 如你做了就会 与事实相反 10 题 he doesnt make promises lightly 不轻做承诺 还是守信的= keep his words TEST 16 3 题 be concentrated on be
45、focused on 集中精力于 4 题 add up 加一起 5 题 I wish I could 希望我能 表事实上不能 8 题 I love fresh air if you dont mind 想开窗 之类 9 题 dress up 打扮 = wear make up 化装 TEST 17 1 题 keep doing 保持做某事 3 题 believe it or not 信不信由你 thats the last thing I would ever want to do 那是最不想做的 6 题 routine mission 日常任务 8 题 go on a diet 节食 tak
46、e off weights = lose weights 减肥 gain weights 增肥 chances are slim 机会渺茫 TEST 18 4 题 run up against 遇到 5 题 point out 指出 there is a very good chance 成功率高 8 题 you are looking a little overwhelmed 疲惫 I have a million things to do 很忙 = up to my ears necks TEST 19 1 题 come up with nothing valuable 没找到任何有价值的
47、东西 3 题 already past its closing time 关门时间 opening time 开门时间 5 题 I have the same fate = we are in the same boat 一样的命运6 题 the credit is earned, not given 学分是赚来的 不是给的 9 题 you remind me of sth 提醒了我某事 TEST 20 1 题 pose like that 摆姿式 crack the shutter = press the shutter 按快门 3 题 I will take it out on my ca
48、rd for both of us 我借出回我们两个人用 4 题 out of the way 不好找的地方 5 题 why even bother to print a schedule 那还印什么时间表 反话 讽刺晚点 8 题 I wonder how I am going to pull through 如何能通过 新托福 听力课 高频场景词全面分类总结1 新托福常考言外之意 弦外之音的小词总结a babe in arms = a babe in the woods 涉世未深的人 big shot = figure = somebody = something 大人物 the man in the street = small fish = a drop