1、oxford worlds classicsPOLITICAL SPEECHESMarcus Tullius Cicero (10643 bc) was the son of a Romaneques from Arpinum, some 70 miles south-east of Rome. He rose toprominence through his skill in speaking and his exceptional successin the criminal courts, where he usually spoke for the defence.Although f
2、rom a family that had never produced a Roman senator,he secured election to all the major political oces at the earliest agepermitted by law. His consulship fell in a year (63) in which adangerous insurrection occurred, the Catilinarian conspiracy; by hispersuasive oratory and his controversial exec
3、ution of five confessedconspirators, he prevented the conspiracy from breaking out atRome and was hailed as the father of his country. Exiled for theexecutions by his enemy Clodius in 58 but recalled the followingyear, he lost his political independence as a result of the dominationof politics by th
4、e military dynasts Pompey and Caesar. His gover-norship of Cilicia (5150) was exemplary in its honesty and fairness.Always a firm republican, he reluctantly supported Pompey in theCivil War, but was pardoned by Caesar. He was not let into the plotagainst Caesar, but was in a sense its inspiration, b
5、eing seen by nowas a symbol of the republic. After Caesars assassination (44), hesupported the young Octavian (the future emperor Augustus) andled the senate in its operations against Mark Antony. When Octavianand Antony formed the second triumvirate with Lepidus in 43,Cicero was their most prominen
6、t victim; he met his end with greatcourage.Ciceros speeches are models of eloquence and persuasion; andtogether with his letters they form the chief source for the history ofthe late republic. His philosophical treatises, written in periodswhen he was deprived of his political freedom, are the main
7、vehicleby which Hellenistic philosophy was transmitted to the west. Hisprose style raised the Latin language to an elegance and beauty thatwas never surpassed.D. H. Berry is Senior Lecturer in Classics at the University ofLeeds. He has published an edition of and commentary on CicerosPro Sulla (Camb
8、ridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 1996) anda translation Cicero: Defence Speeches (Oxford Worlds Classics,2000), to which this book is a companion volume. He lives in Leedsand the Scottish Borders.oxford worlds classicsFor over 100 years Oxford Worlds Classics have broughtreaders closer to the
9、 worlds great literature. Now with over 700titlesfrom the 4,000-year-old myths of Mesopotamia to thetwentieth centurys greatest novelsthe series makes availablelesser-known as well as celebrated writing.The pocket-sized hardbacks of the early years containedintroductions by Virginia Woolf, T. S. Eli
10、ot, Graham Greene,and other literary figures which enriched the experience of reading.Today the series is recognized for its fine scholarship andreliability in texts that span world literature, drama and poetry,religion, philosophy and politics. Each edition includes perceptivecommentary and essenti
11、al background information to meet thechanging needs of readers.OXFORD WORLDS CLASSICSCICEROPolitical SpeechesTranslated with Introductions and Notes byD. H. BERRY13Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dpOxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.It furthers the Universitys ob
12、jective of excellence in research, scholarship,and education by publishing worldwide inOxford New YorkAuckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong KarachiKuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City NairobiNew Delhi Shanghai Taipei TorontoWith oces inArgentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France G
13、reeceGuatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal SingaporeSouth Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine VietnamOxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Pressin the UK and in certain other countriesPublished in the United Statesby Oxford University Press Inc., New York D. H. Berry 2
14、006The moral rights of the author have been assertedDatabase right Oxford University Press (maker)First published as an Oxford Worlds Classics paperback 2006All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,wi
15、thout the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press,or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriatereprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproductionoutside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department,Oxford University Pr
16、ess, at the address aboveYou must not circulate this book in any other binding or coverand you must impose this same condition on any acquirerBritish Library Cataloguing in Publication DataData availableLibrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataCicero, Marcus Tullius.Speeches. Selections. En
17、glishPolitical speeches/Cicero; translated with introductions and notes by D. H. Berry.p. cm.(Oxford worlds classics)Includes bibliographical references (p. ).1. Cicero, Marcus TulliusTranslations into English. 2. Speeches,addresses, etc., LatinTranslations into English. 3. RomePoliticsand governmen
18、t26530 B.C.Sources. I. Berry, D. H. II. Title.III. Series: Oxford worlds classics (Oxford University Press)PA6307.A4B474 2006 875.01dc22 2005020919Typeset in Ehrhardtby RefineCatch Limited, Bungay, SuolkPrinted in Great Britain byClays Ltd., St. Ives plcISBN 0192832662 97801928326651To my fatherThis
19、 page intentionally left blankCONTENTSAcknowledgements ixAbbreviations xIntroduction xiNote on the Translation xxviNote on the Latin Text xxxiSelect Bibliography xxxivChronology xxxixMaps xliPOLITICAL SPEECHES 1In Verrem (Against Verres) I 3In Verrem (Against Verres) II.530De imperio Cn. Pompei (On
20、the command of GnaeusPompeius) 102In Catilinam (Against Catiline) I 134In Catilinam (Against Catiline) II 170In Catilinam (Against Catiline) III 181In Catilinam (Against Catiline) IV 193Pro Marcello (For Marcellus) 204Philippic II 222Explanatory Notes 271Glossary 340This page intentionally left blan
21、kACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis book has long been overdue to my patient publisher. That Ihave finally had time to write it, and with the care that it required, isdue entirely to the generosity of two bodies: the University of Leeds,which granted me a University Study Leave Award in the Human-ities from Septe
22、mber 2003 to January 2004, and the Arts andHumanities Research Board, which granted me a Research LeaveAward from February to May 2004. I am deeply grateful to both ofthem for eectively giving me the year I needed to bring this projectto completion.I am also grateful to Professor Andrew R. Dyck for
23、letting mesee his list of textual readings and his appendix on the date of InCatilinam I from his forthcoming Cambridge edition of the Catili-narians. It should perhaps be pointed out that I have not seen hisedition and he has not seen this book; readers who use both workstogether will no doubt disc
24、over important dierences of opinionbetween us. On the subject of editions, I should mention that I haveprofited enormously from those of W. K. Lacey, D. R. ShackletonBailey, and, especially, J. T. Ramsey on the Second Philippic. If worksof this quality were available for Ciceros other speeches, my t
25、askwould have been much easierthough also perhaps less necessary.I have often thought while writing this book how lucky I am to beable to read Cicero in Latin, and to have studied Latin continuouslysince the age of 9. It was my father who paid for my education, and itis therefore fitting that I dedi
26、cate this book to him, with love.ABBREVIATIONSAsc. AsconiusCic. Arch. Cicero, Pro ArchiaAtt. Epistulae ad AtticumBrut. BrutusCael. Pro CaelioCat. In CatilinamClu. Pro CluentioDiv. Caec. Divinatio in CaeciliumFam. Epistulae ad familiaresFlac. Pro FlaccoImp. De imperio Cn. Pompei (Pro lege Manilia)Mar
27、c. Pro MarcelloMur. Pro MurenaO. De ociisOrat. OratorPhil. Orationes Philippicae (Philippics)Pis. In PisonemScaur. Pro ScauroS. Rosc. Pro Roscio AmerinoSul. Pro SullaVer. In VerremPlin. Nat. Pliny the Elder, Natural HistoryPlut. Ant. Plutarch, Life of AntonyCaes. Life of CaesarCat. Mi. Life of Cato
28、the YoungerCic. Life of CiceroLuc. Life of LucullusPomp. Life of PompeyQuint. Inst. Quintilian, Institutio oratoriaSal. Cat. Sallust, CatilinaNote: Ver. 56 denotes 56 of In Verrem I (the first actio or hearing);Ver. 2.5.56 denotes 56 of In Verrem II.5 (the fifth speech of thesecond actio).AJP Americ
29、an Journal of PhilologyCJ Classical JournalCP Classical PhilologyCQ Classical QuarterlyJRS Journal of Roman StudiesTAPA Transactions of the American Philological AssociationINTRODUCTIONMarcus Tullius Cicero was the greatest orator of the ancientworld. His dates were 10643 bc: so he lived through the
30、 fall of theRoman republic. This was a period of national instability andunprecedented political competition, and the power of persuadingothers through speech became as important as it has ever been.Cicero rose to prominence not because of his birth (his non-aristocratic, Italian origin was a severe
31、 handicap to him), but becauseof his ability. He could persuade the ordinary citizens of Rome tovote down proposals that were in their interest, and he could (itseems) persuade just about any jury that black was white. In a ges-ture of triumph he published his speeches for his contemporariesand post
32、erity to admire and imitate. Fifty-eight of these still survivetoday in whole or part. They are in every sense classicsworkswhich have been read, enjoyed, quoted from, studied, and imitatedby people in western societies, o and on, for two millennia. And ina world in which mass communication becomes
33、ever more important,they retain their interest, relevance, and vibrancy.Cicero excelled in both of the two main types of oratory, forensic(the oratory of the forum, i.e. of the law courts, also known asjudicial) and deliberative (the oratory of the political assemblies).A third type, epideictic (the
34、 oratory of display, or of praise andblamemore technically, panegyric and invective), was lessimportant at the higher political level in Ciceros time, though fromthe 40s bc it started to take the place vacated by deliberative oratory,as senators freedom of action and expression was progressivelyremo
35、ved. Ciceros Defence Speeches,1to which this book is a com-panion, contains five forensic speeches, all speeches for the defence,and all except one to some degree (like virtually all of Cicerosspeeches, in fact) connected with politics. This volume, on the otherhand, presents a more diverse collecti
36、on: two further forensicspeeches, both speeches for the prosecution, four deliberative ones,and three epideictic ones (counting In Catilinam I, which does not fiteasily into any scheme of classification, as an epideictic speech, and1Oxford Worlds Classics, 2000.In Catilinam IIIV as deliberative spee
37、ches). All these speeches arestrongly political, and the volume has therefore been called PoliticalSpeeches. (Incidentally, the term political is used by some scholarsas a synonym for deliberative, and so it should be pointed out thatthough all the speeches in this volume are political in the normal
38、sense, only a minority would be classed as political in the sense ofdeliberative.) In Verrem (Against Verres) I and II.5 are a prosecu-tion of a corrupt governor of Sicily, and are concerned with Romanprovincial government, and with the question whether senatorsdeserve the exclusive right to sit on
39、juries. De imperio Cn. Pompei(On the command of Gnaeus Pompeius) is a classic deliberativespeech recommending the appointment of Pompey (as Pompeius isknown in English) to an important military command in Asia Minor;it also is concerned with Roman government, while at the same timegiving us a clear
40、view of the way politics worked at Rome, and theway magistrates presented themselves to their electors. In Catilinam(Against Catiline) IIV are a set of speeches originally delivered atfour separate moments during the Catilinarian conspiracy of 63 bc,when Cicero was consul: the first is a denunciatio
41、n of Catiline in thesenate, the second and third are reports to the people on the situ-ation and the action Cicero has taken, and the fourth is Ciceroscontribution to the famous debate in the senate on the punishmentof the conspirators. Pro Marcello (For Marcellus) is an epideicticspeech from the pe
42、riod of Caesars dictatorship: Cicero oers Caesareusive thanks for permitting the return to Rome of his mostimplacable republican enemy. Finally, Philippic II is another epi-deictic speech, but from the period following Caesars assassination:this famous invective is the devastating attack on Mark Ant
43、onywhich was ultimately to cost Cicero his life. All these nine speecheshave been consistently viewed as masterpieces of oratory since theywere first written. At the beginning of the second century ad, Taci-tus (Dialogus 37.6) singled out for special praise the speeches inwhich Cicero defended Milo
44、and attacked Catiline, Verres, andAntonya selection which includes seven of our speeches. But allthe speeches presented here rank among the most celebrated worksof Latin literature; and together they occupy an important place inwestern intellectual culture.IntroductionxiiCiceros Public CareerThanks
45、to his voluminous writings, particularly his letters, we knowmore about Cicero than about any other person in ancient history.He was the elder son of a wealthy eques from Arpinum, a town about70 miles south-east of Rome that had possessed full Roman citizen-ship since as early as 188 bc; his younger
46、 brother Quintus was also topursue a public career with distinction, and share his brothers bru-tal end. Arpinum was notable for being the home town of GaiusMarius, the seven-times consul and in 102 and 101 the saviour ofRome from the northern invaders; Ciceros paternal grandmotherwas in fact a rela
47、tion of Marius by marriage. In c.95 the Cicerosbought a house in Rome so that the two boys should have the besteducation possible, and Cicero studied rhetoric under the two mostfamous orators of the day, Lucius Licinius Crassus (consul in 95)and Marcus Antonius (consul in 99); both men were later re
48、wardedby being given parts in one of Ciceros mature rhetorical works, Deoratore (On the orator, 55 bc). During the Social War, Cicero sawmilitary service: in 89 he served under Pompeys father GnaeusPompeius Strabo, and in 88 he served under Sulla. In 87 Mariusoccupied Rome and murdered his opponents
49、, including Antonius.During the Cinnan regime which followed, Cicero continued hisstudies at Rome, studying rhetoric and, less usually, philosophy. In82 Sulla recaptured the city, had himself appointed dictator, andproscribed his enemies by posting in the forum lists of those to bekilled. It was now (81), at the age of 25, that Cicero undertook hisfirst court case, a civil case for Publius Quinctius afterwards pub-lished as Pro Quinctio (For Quinctius). H