1、ALLISON LEE PALMERHISTORICAL DICTIONARY OFHISTORICAL DICTIONARYOFPALMERFor orders and information please contact the publisherSCARECROW PRESS, INC.A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman no. 29)Includes bibliographical references.ISBN-13: 978-0-8108-5821-3 (cloth : alk. paper)ISBN-10: 0-8108-5821-5
2、(cloth : alk. paper)eISBN-13: 978-0-8108-6283-8eISBN-10: 0-8108-6283-21. ArchitectureHistoryDictionaries. I. Title. NA200.P35 2008720.9dc22 008013926The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements ofAmerican National Standard for Information SciencesPermanence of Paperfor Printed L
3、ibrary Materials, ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992. Manufactured in the United States of America.To my father, Melvin Delmar PalmerContentsviiList of Illustrations ixEditors Foreword Jon Woronoff xiPreface xiiiAcknowledgments xvChronology xviiIntroduction xliiiTHE DICTIONARY 1Bibliography 289About the Author 3
4、19IllustrationsixNote: Photographs appear in the center of the book.1. Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, England, c. 31001500 BC (Photo:Nancy Lee Palmer)2. Pyramids at Giza, outside Cairo, Egypt, c. 2500 BC (Photo: DawnSt. Clare)3. Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, 400s BC (Photo: Dawn St. Clare)4. Colosseum
5、, Rome, AD 7280 (Photo: Dawn St. Clare)5. Pantheon, Rome, AD 128 (Photo: Dawn St. Clare)6. Angkor Wat, Angkor, Cambodia, AD 800s1200s (Photo: NancyLee Palmer)7. Anasazi “Great House” foundations, New Mexico, 900s1400s(Photo: Allison Lee Palmer)8. Uxmal Ceremonial Center, Mexico, 800s1200s (Photo: Da
6、wn St.Clare)9. Machu Picchu, Peru, 1450s (Photo: Allison Lee Palmer)10. Forbidden City, Beijing, 13681644 (Photo: Dawn St. Clare)11. Castel del Monte, Puglia, 1240 (Photo: Allison Lee Palmer)12. Notre Dame, Paris, 1200s (Photo: Dawn St. Clare)13. Florence Cathedral, dome by Filippo Brunelleschi, 142
7、0s (Photo:Dawn St. Clare)14. Saint Peters Church, Rome, begun 1505 (Photo: Dawn St. Clare)15. Andrea Palladio, Villa Rotonda, Vicenza, Italy, 1560s (Photo:Dawn St. Clare)16. Louis Le Vau, Versailles Palace, Versailles, 1660s (Photo: NancyLee Palmer)17. Charles Garnier, Opra, Paris, 1860s (Photo: Daw
8、n St. Clare)18. John Barry and Horace Jones, Tower Bridge, London, 18861894(Photo: Allison Lee Palmer)19. Gustav Eiffel, Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1889 (Photo: Dawn St. Clare)20. Anton Gaudi, Parc Gell, Barcelona, 1900s1910s (Photo: Alli-son Lee Palmer)21. Frank Lloyd Wright, Robie House, Chicago, 1909 (
9、Photo: AllisonLee Palmer)22. Gerrit Rietveld, Schroeder House, Utrecht, 1924 (Photo: AllisonLee Palmer)23. Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye, Poissy-sur-Seine, 1929 (Photo: DawnSt. Clare)24. Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon, Empire State Building, New York,1930s (Photo: Dawn St. Clare)25. Le Corbusier, Notre Dame
10、du Haut, Ronchamp, 1955 (Photo:Dawn St. Clare)xILLUSTRATIONSEditors ForewordxiArchitecture is unquestionably one of the arts, and certainly not a lesserone, but dealing with it purely as an art would be very incomplete. For,more than other arts, it depends heavily on technology as concerns ma-terial
11、s used, construction techniques, and new technological possibili-ties in other fields. There is also a commercial aspect, as cost matters inmanyif not quite allcases. Meanwhile, broader trends in societyand politics impinge on just what will be built, while aesthetic currentsand even fads determine
12、what style will be adopted. Thus a multifacetedapproach is essential, one that is applied here and makes this historicaldictionary particularly useful. This being said, it starts at the beginning,with Ancient Egyptian, Near Eastern, Greek and Roman architecture,and others, does not forget the middle
13、 with the Gothic, Renaissance,Baroque, and Rococo, and again others, and goes right up to Post-Modernist and High-Tech architecture and, yet again, others. Whilemuch of the coverage is “western,” other areas are not forgotten, suchas China, India, Japan, or Mesoamerica and, for the last time, others
14、. Soit covers all the historical periods from the oldest to the most recent andall the major regions of the world. This makes the Historical Dictionary of Architecture a welcome ad-dition to the pool of information on the subject even in this age of theInternet when so much can be found on the Web.
15、However, unlike theWeb, this is all written by one person who has gone out of her way tointegrate the material, so that one dictionary entry relates to another, andthere are few gaps and little duplication. This is most obvious from theextensive dictionary section, which covers the periods and style
16、s men-tioned above, and the various regions, and also has entries on notablearchitects, landmark buildings, technical terms, and various buildingmaterials. The progression over time and to some extent geographicallycan be traced in the chronology, which also refers readers to specific en-tries. Mean
17、while, the introduction puts architecture in its broader con-text, and is worthwhile reading in its own right but also as a preliminaryto looking up dictionary entries. The bibliography then directs readersto other sources of literature on the topic and even to some websiteswhere further information
18、 can be found.This book was written by Allison Lee Palmer, who is an associateprofessor of art history at the University of Oklahoma, a place where ar-chitecture is particularly appreciated. There she teaches in the School ofArt, giving courses on Renaissance art through the art of the 18th cen-tury
19、. Obviously she has a specialization, which is Renaissance andBaroque art, on which she has written extensively. This is quite normalfor an academic. What is less so is that she has such a broad view of ar-chitecture that in this book she can cover the whole field competently,a less common achieveme
20、nt in this age of academic specialization.There is no doubt that an awful lot of work went into writing this his-torical dictionary, and there is also no doubt that it fills an important gapin this series on Literature and the Arts. It will serve as an unusuallyhelpful and handy guide to many studen
21、ts, teachers, and the generalpublic with an interest in one of the more unique arts.Jon Woronoff Series Editorxii EDITORS FOREWORDPrefacexiiiThe entries in this encyclopedia include architectural developments,major structures, primary materials, and noted architects. By develop-ments, I mean histori
22、cal eras like the Renaissance, for example, ormovements such as Art Deco. Structures include not only majorachievements such as the Alhambra, but also diverse architectural in-ventions including the arch and the skyscraper. Materials discussedrange from concrete to stone, and glass to wood. Noted ar
23、chitects in-clude theorists from the Ancient Roman engineer Vitruvius to manycurrent architects like Zaha Hadid and Santiago Calatrava. Neverthe-less, this volume is neither a history of architecture nor a comprehen-sive cataloging of movements, architects, and their creations. Like otherencyclopedi
24、as, the organization here is alphabetical. However, unlikeencyclopedias that aim to include more comprehensive but less detailedinformation, I have tried to provide more substantial commentary infewer entries. I have especially aimed to make the historical entries ca-pable of standing alone and, if
25、taken all together, of providing a suffi-cient history of architecture for the general reader. I realize that mymethod overlooks a number of extremely gifted artists and outstandingstructures. In lieu of comprehensiveness, however, I trust that the con-texts provided in this book will enable the rea
26、der not only to identifyand examine those aspects of architecture that lie outside this volumebut also to find a richer appreciation of the basic human urge to buildboth functional and beautiful structures.AcknowledgmentsxvI would like to thank my father, Melvin Delmar Palmer, for his work inediting
27、 my manuscript through several stages of its writing. His carefulreading took most of the summer of 2007, and his personal knowledgeof these sites ensured a careful and critical reading of the architecturaldescriptions presented in this volume. My series editor, Jon Woronoff,also provided excellent
28、suggestions for additional buildings and entriesthat improved my text. In addition, I am very grateful to both my par-ents for giving me the opportunity to travel so extensively throughoutmy childhood. Having seen the majority of these buildings firsthandcertainly influenced my decision to focus my
29、studies on the history ofarchitecture. I would also like to thank my mother, Nancy Lee Palmer,for supplying some of the photographs published in this volume. DawnSt. Clare, who received her M.A. in art history at the University of Ok-lahoma, also provided me with photographs from her collection of i
30、m-ages, and her work in assembling the photographs for this publicationhas been invaluable.ChronologyxviiWhile the dictionary itself provides an alphabetized presentation of en-tries, this chronology gives a framework of architectural developmentsover time. Under each heading, the dictionarys refere
31、nces to architects,buildings, and relevant styles are listed in historical order. The conclud-ing topic, Structures and Materials, lists architects and buildings that il-lustrate the use of common architectural materials. (Bold italic type in-dicates that the item has its own entry in the dictionary
32、.)ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE (EUROPE, NEAR EAST, NORTH AFRICA) (15,000 BCAD 400s)Prehistoric Architecture (Paleolithic and Neolithic)c. 15,000 BC Mammoth-bone house, Mezhirich, Ukraine(Paleolithic)c. 6500 BC atal Hyk, village, Turkey (Neolithic)c. 3100 BC Skara Brae, village, Orkney Islands, Scotland(Neol
33、ithic)c. 31001500 BC Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, Eng-land (Neolithic)c. 30002500 BC Newgrange, tombs, Ireland (Neolithic)Ancient Near Eastern Architecture (Sumerian, Mari, Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian)c. 7200 BC Ain Ghazal, Jordan (Neolithic)c. 7000 BC Jericho, walls of the city (Neolit
34、hic)c. 6500 BC atal Hyk, Turkey (Neolithic)c. 2100 BC Nanna Ziggurat, Ur, Iraq (Sumerian)2000s BC Palace of Zimrilim, Syria (Mari)late 900s BCAD 70 Temple of Solomon, Jerusalem (Jewish)c. 720 BC Citadel of Sargon II, modern-day Khorsabad,Iraq (Assyrian)c. 575 BC Ishtar Gate and throne room (Neo-Baby
35、lonian) c. 518460 BC Palace of Darius at Persepolis, Iran (Persian)Ancient Egyptian Architecturec. 2665 BC King Djosers funerary complex, Saqqarac. 25892503 BC Pyramids of Giza, Egyptc. 2100 BC Model from Tomb of Meketra, Thebes14731458 BC Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahric. 12951186 BC Grea
36、t Temple of Amun, Karnakc. 1279 BC Temple of Amun, Mut and Khonsu, Luxorc. 1279 BC Temple of Rameses II and Temple of Nefertari,Abu SimbelAncient Aegean Architecture (Minoan and Mycenaean)c. 19001400 BC Palace at Knossos, Crete (Minoan)c. 16001200 BC Citadel at Mycenae, Greece (Mycenaean)c. 1300 BC
37、Citadel at Tiryns, Greece (Mycenaean)Ancient Greek Architecturec. 550 BC Temple of Hera I, Paestum, Italy c. 530 BC Treasury of the Siphnians, Delphi500s BC Sanctuary of Apollo, Delphimid-400s BC Acropolis, Athensc. 400 BC Athenian Agora, Athensc. 400 BC Temple of Athena Pronaia, Delphi300s BC Milet
38、os, city plan, modern-day Turkeyc. 200 BC Theater at EpidaurosAD 132 Temple of the Olympian Zeus, Athensxviii CHRONOLOGYEtruscan Architecture480 BC Tomb of the Lioness, Tarquinia200s BC Tomb of the Reliefs, Cerveteric. 100s BC Porta Augusta, PerugiaAncient Roman Architecturelate 100s BC Pont du Gard
39、, Nmes, Francelate 100s BC Temple of Portunus, Rome13 BC Ara Pacis, RomeAD 7280 Colosseum, RomeAD 79 Pompeii, city planAD 81 Arch of Titus, RomeAD 100s Timgad, AlgeriaAD 113 Basilica Ulpia, RomeAD 113 Column of Trajan, Romec. AD 125 Hadrians Villa, TivoliAD 118125 Pantheon, RomeAD 200s Hadrians Wall
40、, Great BritainAD 211 Baths of Caracalla, Rome AD 300s Roman Forum, RomeAD 310 Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine, RomeAD 315 Arch of Constantine, RomeVitruvius Pollio, Marcus (c. 8025 BC)Early Semitic and Christian ArchitectureAD 240s House-Church, Dura-Europos, SyriaAD 320s Saint Peters Church,
41、 RomeAD 350s Santa Costanza, RomeCHRONOLOGY xixAD 420s Santa Sabina, RomeAD 425 Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, RavennaARCHITECTURE OF ASIAIndian Architecture (and Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka)c. 2600 BC Mohenjo-Daro200s BC Ajanta Caves, Deccan200s100s BC Great Stupa, Sanchi100s
42、BC Rock-Cut Hall of Karla c. AD 530 Vishnu Temple at Deogarhc. 1000 Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, Khajuraho,Madhya Pradesh, Indiac. 1000 Rajarajeshvara Temple to Shiva, Thanjavur,Tamil Nadu, India10571287 Bagan, temple complex, Myanmar16321648 Taj Mahal, Agra, Mughal EmpireChinese ArchitectureAD 618907
43、 Changan, Capital of Tang DynastyAD 645 Great Wild Goose Pagoda at Cien Temple,Xian, Shanxi Province, Tang Dynasty (rebuilt700s)AD 782 Nanchan Temple, Wutaishan, Shanxi Province.Tang Dynasty13681644 Forbidden City, Beijing, Ming DynastyFoster, Norman (1935 ): 1986, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, HongKo
44、ngPei, I. M. (1917 ): 1980s, Bank of China, Hong KongSkidmore, Owings 1988, Church onthe Water, Tomamu; 1989, Church of the Light, Ibaraki-shi, OsakaIto, Toyo (1941 ): 1984, Silver Hut, TokyoSoutheast Asian Architecture (Myanmar Burma, Malaysia,Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia,
45、Vietnam, etc.). See Indian Architecture1100s Angkor, Cambodia, begunPRE-COLUMBIAN ARCHITECTURE OF THE AMERICAS (900s BCAD 1500s)Mesoamerican Architecture (Aztec, Inca, Maya, Olmec, Teotihuacan, Zapotec)c. 900600 BC La Venta, Great Pyramid and Ballcourt, Mexico(Olmec)c. 500 BC Teotihuacan, ceremonial
46、 center, MexicoAD 400s700s Tikal ceremonial center, Guatemala (Maya)800s1200s Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico (Maya)1200s1500s Tenochtitlan, Great Pyramid, Mexico City(Aztec)14501530 Machu Picchu, PeruNative American Architecture (North and South America)900s1400s Anasazi “Great Houses,” New Mexico, U
47、tah,Arizona, and Colorado900s1400s Chaco Canyon, New MexicoCHRONOLOGY xxic. 1150 Cahokia, East St. Louis, Missouri1450s Pueblos at Taos, New MexicoMEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE (400s1300s)Byzantine Architecture530s Hagia Sophia, by Anthemius of Tralles andIsidorus of Miletus, IstanbulAD 546 San Vitale, Rave
48、nna, Italyearly 1000s Monastery of Hosios Loukas, near Stiris,Greecec. 1017 Cathedral of Santa Sophia, Kiev, Ukraine1063 Cathedral of San Marco, Venice, ItalyIslamic Architecture (Moorish, Mughal, Ottoman, Seljuk)692 Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, begun740s Mshatta Palace, Jordan, begun785 Great Mosqu
49、e, Cordoba, Spain847 Great Mosque, Samarra1350s Alhambra, Granada, Spain1570s Sinan, Selimiye Mosque, Edirne, Turkey16321648 Taj Mahal, Agra, India (Mughal Empire)1980s King Faisal Mosque, Islamabad, Pakistan19861993 King Hassan II Mosque, Casablanca, MoroccoSinan, Mimar Koca Agha (14891588): 1550s, Sleyman Mosque, IstanbulEarly Medieval Architecture (Carolingian and Ottonian)529 Monastery of Montecassino, Italylate 600s Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vias, Bur-gos, Spain792