1、研究生英语学位课统考真题答案: 2000.1 1-10 CADDD, BBACB 11-20 BDCAC, BDCBA 21-30 ACDBA, BDCAA 31-40 CBAAB, AACBD 41-50 DBDAA, CDCBC 51-60 BACDC, ACBBB 61-70 ADBCB, DDBAC 71-80 DDACB, DDDAA 捕捉、处理、传送和使用数字信息已经在我们的经济并有可能在我们的整个文明中具有举足轻重的作用。 多年来,数字计算和网络技术的欣欣向荣已经在并将继 续会改写我们的商务世界。随着这些技术的突飞猛进,信息革命一定会深入并在某些情况下会极大地改变我们生活的方方面
2、面,如工作、闲暇、科学技术的方式等。实际上, 它将会整个地改变记录和传播知识的所有方式,涉及到书籍、报纸、杂志、电影、电视、电话、音乐录音和建筑制图等。 “To learn from history” is not only what ambitious statesmen agree on but also what socially responsible scholars always pursue. Looking back on history, they can learn tangible lessons from the past political upheavals and
3、 social fluctuations in order to reform the society and avoid failures of the old times. 2000.6 1-10 CABBD, CABCD 11-20 CBDDA, ACBCA 21-30 BADBB, DCCAD 31-40 AADDC, BCAAB 41-50 ADCAB, DADDC 51-60 BBACC, BBADD 61-70 ADBAD, BCCCB 71-80 CBCAD, BABAD 成年人对青少年行为所做出的反应并不完全取决于他们的行为本身; 成年人的反应往往从自身需要出发。成年人恪守社
4、会规范,反对青年人怀疑现状、挺身走险、崇尚自由以致威胁到现有的格局。成年人害怕青少年摆脱他们的束缚,担心失去控制会变得一发不可收拾,因此他们通过家庭和社会两方面的章法去约束青年人。当青年人追求并且得到了父母曾 经渴望过,继而又放弃了的东西,他们便触及了成年人格中最薄弱之处 -易受伤害的自尊。难怪父母亲非但不会做到努力用爱心去理解他们,反而会对其行为横加阻拦。 As the highest form of animal and the supreme creature , man, or mankind, is distinct from any lower animals mostly in
5、that he has thought. He is capable of rational thinking, of getting his thoughts across through language and of putting them in practice through action. Among such rational thoughts, the most advantageous on the part of human beings are those of originality, or with intent to make breakthroughs and
6、in never-ending progression. 2001. 1 1-10 CADCB, BCDAA 11-20 CDCDB, DBACD 21-30 CDBAC, CCBCA 31-40 AACCA, CDBAA 41-50 DCBBA, CDCAD 51-60 DDBCC, DADAC 61-70 ACDDD, CBAAD 71-80 DBADA, DBCBC 如果我还是一个孩子的话,当今花哨的电视科学节目一定会让我兴趣索然。这样的节目也可能会使现在的孩子们兴趣全无。因为,像我当年一样,他们对神秘着迷, 更喜欢黑白图表,而不是内容空洞、徒具华丽外表的全色和亮丽的相片图像。作为一个孩
7、子,甚至早在能做最简单的代数题之前,我就朦胧地感觉到它既神奇又崇高,还感觉到数学公式把藏匿在最深处的那些现实本质挖掘了出来。 正是这种力量和敬畏感激发了我学数学的兴趣。 The awarding of the Nobel Prizes to scientists this year reveals that researchers in individual disciplines are so highly advanced that it is extremely difficult to make a significant breakthrough which cross-discip
8、lines, on the other hand, have limitless potentials for further development, which demands cooperation among scientists from different disciplinary areas. 2001.6 1-10 CDBAB, BDCAC 11-20 CDCBD, DBDBB 21-30 DABBA, DBACC 31-40 DBDBC, DCCAB 41-50 DBBAC, BDCDA 51-60 CDDAC, CCDCB 61-70 AABDC, BADAC 71-80
9、CDBCB, DDABB “独自一人 ”与 “依靠自己 ”有着微妙的区别。前者意为一人独处,不与同伴来往,而后者则是个人主义的最高表现形式。它意味着一个人在一个整体中完全独立,并发挥作用,而且有能力调整自己的需求与欲望使之与别人的需求与欲望达到 平衡从而形成某种共同的关系。而“独自一人 ”则意味着你还未完全确立自身的地位,无法与依靠自我者同类。 “独自一人 ”和 “依靠自我 ”的区别是决定我们性格的基本机制,说明我们为什么要如此行事。 We are experiencing a unique and exciting moment in human history. For the first
10、 time the development of science and technology enables us to have the potential to defeat the two greatest enemies of human progress: war and poverty, to meet the basic needs of the people in every corner of the globe, and to build a new world of peace and prosperity. We should cherish all of this.
11、 2002.1 1-10 CDABC, BDACD 11-20 ACBAB, CDABD 21-30 ADACA, BBDAB 31-40 DBCDA,BACBD 41-50 CADBD, DCACB 51-60 CDABA, DADBC 61-70 AADBB, CBDDD 71-80 BADBD, DBBCC 对于一个公司产品的准确预测取决于该公司产品的知名度。对于许多硅谷人来说,这一点令人感到无可奈何。成长呈急剧上升趋势的新兴产业对其产品在最初几年的出色表现几乎总是惊讶不已,随后,当产品需求下降时他们又会感到手足无策。斯坦福大学的一位商业策略教授说 ; “在一个商业活力和变数的市场,人们
12、是会犯错误的。这是由市场的内在本质所决定的。 ” 在硅谷的许多地方,以及其他的地方,不可预测性是无法避免的。解决之道是:不断创新,但同时又要开发出优良的服务项目与产品一道出售。一位公司总裁说, “出色的服务 ”会抹平新产品换代过程中出现的不足。 In the past four years, China has managed to withstand the impact of two global economic recessions, and has enjoyed a rapid and sustainable economic growth. At present, the pro
13、blem China is facing is how to turn its 1.3 billion people into consumers in the true sense, so as to expand its domestic market. 2002.6 1-10 BDCDD CDBCC 11-20 DADDD,CBADA 21-30 CAADA, CBBAC 31-40 CDDCB,BCADC 41-50 BDBAB, ACBDD 51-60 ACDCD, DACBC 61-70 BBCDA, BDBCA 71-80 ACBDC,DACCA 在上海的与会各国都意识到了目前的
14、危机。如果现在不制止恐怖主义,每个文明国家在将来的某个时候都会成为恐怖主义者的袭击目标。我们将通过摧毁任何地方的恐怖主义网络来打败他们。同时, 我们也将通过建立能给世界人民能给世界人民带来更多的机会和更美好的生活的持久繁荣来打败他们。 环太平洋地区的国家自己决定向 世界开放,结果使他们成为当代成功发展的范例之一。与过去仅仅 20 年前相比,该地区人民的生活更加繁荣,身体更加健康,教育水准更高。这样的进步证明了开放的无比威力。 Probably, you feel that those letters from home, lying quietly in your drawers, are n
15、ot so elegantly written and not so modern in taste, but these are exactly what we want. After all, the unaffected passions and the memories of the past are still lingering n our mind, and the never-changed fascination is so intense as to prevail beyond our imagination. 2003.1 1-10 DCCAD, BBCDC 11-20
16、 BADDC / / / / / 21-30 DCCAB CABDC 31-40 CDBDC, BDADC 41-50 BDCAD, BBCAD 51-60 ACBDB,DCBBC 61-70 ADABC, DDCCA 71-80 BCBDC, ADBCD 16. He was three weeks away from 113 years old. 17. He cared for farm animals in the mountains. 18. Drinking a glass of red wine every day. 19. A government birth record,
17、a church record and a statement by a close family member. 20. The ratio is two to one. 去年,在美国电话会议和远程会议的使用率增加了 50%以上。 在派大批员工出差时,越来越多的公司会三思而行。许多中等规模的企业希望员工乘坐经济舱,或者周六在外面住一夜,省得花高价买全额商务舱机票。而且,越来越多的企业加入了 “部分飞机所有权 ”计划。按照该计划,企业购买航空公司飞机的股份,这样可以给公司员工提供一定数 量的包机时间。 Legends rise to dominate mirrors Chinas own tr
18、ansformation. Just as China now struggle with the transition from a developing country to a vital new force in global economic development, Legend is now growing and expanding. It has to face both the pressures and opportunities brought about by success. It also has to prove that it can compete glob
19、ally. 2003.6 1-10 CCDBA, DCBCC 11-15 DABDC 21-30 CBADC, BBDAA 31-40 DACCD, ABDAD 41-50 BCDAB, CDBAD 51-60 CBBDA, CCBDC 61-70 BACDA, ACBAD 71-80 BDCAD, BBACD 16. designer and maker 17. the eye, the hand and the heart. 18. At the American Art Museum. 19. King of Rockers 20 Thousands of dollars. 人类的奇怪之
20、处在于仍未学会以非战争的手段解决冲突。战争不仅给生命造成重大损失,而且加剧紧张局势。尽管大国不愿意销毁大规模杀伤性武器的心理不一定导致冲突,但尖端武器的使用会给人类健康带来灾难。如果 适者生存(或优胜劣汰)这一观念仍使用于国际社会,那么人类的文明就很可能遭到毁灭。我们不禁要问世界需要多少年才能彻底消灭战争。 The application of world-leading technologies will make it possible for China to shake off poverty. Foreign visitors to China are surprised to fi
21、nd that high-rises have sprung up in what used to be dirty and poor. What they see and hear leads them to the conclusion that not only China far from backward, but well on the way to the well-off society. 2004.1 1-10 CDADA,CBCAD 11-15 ADBDC 20-30 DABAA, BCDBC 31-40 BADBD, CACAB 41-50 CADBC, BCADD 51
22、-60 BDDAB, BDBCB 61-70 CDACA, CBADC 71-80 CACBD, ACDAB 16. Lawyer ( A lawyer/He was a lawyer) 17. In Central Park on Fifth (5th) Avenue. 18. To house the museums growing collections. 19. artistic medium 20. (advanced) research (project) / scholars (of archeology and art history) to conduct research.
23、 尽管布什政府承诺让伊拉克人管理自己的政府,但和平和秩序还很遥远。一方面,萨达姆仍下落不明;另一方面,激增的暴力行为,流血事件,自杀性爆炸和人们走向街头抗议使美国陷于尴尬的境地。布什总统最近发表讲话,似乎是回应民主党总统候选人的批评意见。 这些人批评高层决策者未能预料到将来日益增多的困难。人们希望联合国积极参与这个饱经战乱的国家的重建工作并在和平解决伊拉克面临的问题当中发挥更积极的作用。 Those who take the entrance examination for graduate schools spend much (far) more time on English than
24、on other subjects, hoping for (in the hope of getting) the highest possible scores of English. Many people are convinced that the secret to success is to attend training courses and learn many sample writings by heart, only to find that doesnt work. Their effort to improve their English cant pay off
25、 easily. 2004.6. 1-10 DDABC, ACBBA 11-15 BDCDB 16-20 DDCAB, BABCB 21-30 ACACD, BCADC 31-40 ACACD, BCADC 41-50 ACDBA, DBDAC 51-60 CCADA, CBCAC 61-70 BDABD, DACCA 71-80 BCCDD, CADAB 16. The best solar-powered house. 17. Department of Energy. 18. 14 19. $250,000 20 To show Americans that solar energy w
26、orks. 语言学是认知科学的一个分支, 在语言习得和分类方面已得到系统的研究和阐述。谈到 语言学习,西方人公认汉字的拼写特别困难,他们对众多的笔画一筹莫展。 在中国仍有一种错误的认识,认为只要幼儿尽早接触本族语者, 就能取得最佳效果。但是,只有到了大脑的研究十分发达,已揭示了大脑每一区域功能之时,人们才能对语言习得的过程有更深刻的了解。中国的家长们是否应急于让孩子精通英语还值得商榷。 The computer is believed to be the invention that has exerted the greatest influence on human lives in hi
27、story. What is remarkable about it is that it can calculate with better speed and accuracy than man. The computer can finish in seconds what might have taken days decades ago. This is the first time that man has felt that his position (status) as the highest species has been challenged. 2005.1 1-10
28、CDABD,ACCAB, 11-20 DBDAB, DABBD 21-30 CBADB, DCADC 31-40DBBBA,CBCBD 41-50 CCDDB, DADCA 51-60DADAD, CBCAB Translation : 戒严与其说是个人的选择 , 不如说是对自己毅力的考验 , 因为人们普遍认为吸烟是上瘾的 . 尽管专家的建议和药物疗法确实能增加永久戒严的可能性 , 但是避免这种困境的最好的方法就是不 要涉猎吸烟 . 吸烟的负面影响在各个程度上是不同的 , 它与吸烟的数量以及烟龄的长短 , 还有开始吸烟的年龄有关 . 这份报告向以下观点提出了质疑 , 这种观点认为吸烟几年不会产
29、生永久的危害性的后果 . 我们希望阻止这种普遍的但是却是生死攸关的习惯 , 并且提醒大家戒烟的时间越长 , 和吸烟有关的健康问题就会大幅度地减少 . It is increasingly realized that ( There is a growing realization /awareness that ) developing environment-protecting products really count. To fulfill the long-term and substantial development, developed countries should at
30、all costs decrease the emission of greenhouse gases. If the speed of global warming nowadays continues, the probability of disappearance from the earth to such big cities as Tokyo and London will be 10 times as fast as that of 20 years ago. 2005.6 1-10 ACBAD,ABBA 10-15BCDBAD 16. In cinemas, theatres
31、, and concert halls 17. 30 metrers 18. more attractive 19. surrounding streets 20. a six-month prison sentence 21-30 BABCB, ADDBC 31-40 BDDDB, CACBC 41-50 DCABC, ABDCB 51-60 BCDDC, BCBDA 61-70 DCDCA, ADBBA 71-80 DCDCD, ABCBA Translation : 本书是在全国不同学校讲课几十年的结晶 .它基于以下观点 :哲学的确是一门有趣的学科 , 不仅专家和一些有天赋的本科专业学生
32、可以使用哲学 , 人人都可以使用 .不论是否上过哲学课 , 每个人都是哲学家 . 区别在于 : 系统学过哲学的人具有这样的优势 : 他们遇到的论点要比以其它方式遇到的论点更具有说明力 , 种类更多 .该书的特点是 :它使初学者有机会直接接触选自重要哲学著作并有实质内容的读物 ,但并不过分地要求学生必须通读这些很难读懂的书籍 . Everyone has the right to pursue happiness ( to the pursuit of happiness), yet definitions of happiness vary from person to person (are
33、 quite individualistic.) Most people agree that happiness stems from good health, fulfillment of a desire and a successful career. As often happens, (is often the case), many people dont recognize (realize) what happiness really means (the real meaning of happiness) until they are distressed (agoniz
34、ed/ in agony) 2005.12 1-9 DCBAB, DACA 10-15 BABBAD 16. It is difficult for them to feel happy without money. 17. Happiness does not depend on money 18. They like themselves. 19. They are positive thinkers 20. They are outgoing and friendly. 21-30 DBADB, DBDAC 31-40 CABDB, DCDDB 41-50 CABCA, DBACB 51
35、-60 DCDDA, BDDDC, 61-70 BCDCA, AACBB 71-80 ABBBD, BBAAA Translation Section A 聪明的人懂得整个人生布局中的一切事物各归其位。他懂得金钱和财富市手段却不是目的。他知道一时的欢愉有别于持久的满足, 伟大有 别于成名,虔诚有别于迷信, 文学艺术领域乃至整个人生的实力有别于做秀。他知道人生命运躲不过邪恶,人生必有所失, 疾病和死亡必会临到我们。聪明的人以平和的心面对这一切。 Section B A day without hope would be unimaginably pale(dull). There must be
36、 something to look forward to each day to keep it out of shadows. To a person cherishing hopes every morning rises a new sun. deprived of water, soil turns into desert. Deprived of hope, what is left to a man? A small hope sustains you for a day, a great one for a lifetime. 20060618A卷答案: Part One Li
37、stening Comprehension 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 1题:答案为 A。男士回答说他不仅仅是昨天在写语言学学期论文,而是已经写了好 多天了。 2题:答案为 D。女士说在今晚的晚会上她会想念这位男士,即说明男士不能参加晚会。 3题:答案为 B。男士说他必须自己付机票费和其他供应品的费用,并没有得到任何资金。 4题:答案为 D。女士的话说明琼斯夫人代替了史密斯先生,是现任的人事经理。 5题:答案为 C. 情景题,关键词为 “30 cents a pound“( 30分一磅)。 6题:答案为 A。男士说 7月中旬离开纽约
38、, 8月初回来,期间为半个月。 7题:答案为 C。从男士的话里可以得知 “Avenues“为南北走向而 “Streets“为东西走向。 8题:答案为 B。女士说她要先做一些其他的事,然后直接去饭店。 9题:答案为 B。女士回答说如果男士需要,她可以在两点冲洗好胶卷。 10. B 11. B12. C13. D14. D15. A 10. 答案 B 注释 关键信息词句 : You might not remember your dreams, but people usually dream four to six times a night. 注意:在正式听本段独白或对话之前阅读并熟悉所给出的
39、问题和选项答案,并对正确选项作出预测,例如:利用该段独白或对话的语境、常识或已知信息预测可能的正确答案等。本题的关键是将注意力放在听力中出现的次数信息上,听到4 6 次这一信息后马上作出选择。而其他选项信息在听力中没有出现。 11. 答案 B 注释 关键信息词句 : Many psychologists believe that dreams are “night work. They help us look at situations and fears in our daily lives. In our dreams, we face problems and try to solve
40、 them. We look at our fears. We try out different personalities; 注意所给出的问句中关键信息词在录音中出现的地方,正确选项的内容一般紧随其后出现。视力应随着句子的录音向前移动,将注意力特别集中在各选项的内容上。 本题只有 B 项选择的内容与听到的信息完全一样,而其他选项的信息则与听到的内容有一定的差别。 12. 答案 C 注释 关键信息词句 : A king and a queen might represent our parents. Small animals might stand for children. A long
41、 journey might mean we are worried about death or the death of someone in our family. If we are crossing a river, it might mean that we are at an important decision or time in our lives. 本题的关键是紧跟录音判断每一个选项内容是否出现,只有 C 项选择的内容是部分准确,并没有包括原文中全部的信息。其他选项内容都与听力信息完全一致。 13. 答案 D 注释 关键信息词句: This weekend, over 4
42、00 people in the United States are going to die from accidents caused by drunk drivers. Over 4,000 people are going to receive serious injuries, all caused by drunk drivers. 此处的 victim 包括死亡和受伤的人数,所以应将 400 和 4,000相加。 14. 答案 D 注释 关键信息词句: A white car is coming toward him, weaving from left to right . H
43、e asks Joe to walk along the white line. He cant do it At the police station, Joe fails the breath test. 前三项答案信息在录音中都得到确认,所以答案是 D。 15. 答案 A 注释 关键信息词句: Joe is going to receive a $400 fine. The judge is going to suspend his license for six months . Joe knows, too, that his insurance is going to go up
44、an additional $1,000 a year for three years. 后三项答案信息在录音中都得到确认,而 A 项答案在录音中没有明确提及。 16 Solving problems in business/How to solve business problems 17 Listen carefully to your business associate 18 Talk about your side of the problem 19 Find a solution together 20 Write down an agreement PART II VOCABUL
45、ARY (10 minutes, 10 points ) 21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. A 39. D 40. C PART III CLOZE TEST (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each) 41. C follow 42. B painless 43. D take 44. B available 45. D record 46. C experienced 47. D w
46、hether 48. A required 49. C being 50. A put PART IV READING COMPREHENSION (45 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each) 51. C 52. D 53. B 54. B 55. D 56. A 57. B 58. B 59. D 60. A 61. D 62. A 63. D 64. C 65. C 66. A 67. D 68. A 69. A 70. B 71. A 72. A 73. B 74. D 75. D 76. C 77. D 78. A 79. D 80. B PART V T
47、RANSLATION (30 minutes, 20 points) Section A 英译汉: 社会的进步使人们摆脱了繁重的工作,并有时间和余暇发展个性。随着社会的进步,实际上是由于社会的进步,目前中产家庭期望其每一成员发展独特的个性,每一个人也在某种程度上期望发展自己的独特个性。家庭担负的新责任是为发展独特个性创造环境,结果使家人很难达成共识,有时甚至不可能达成共识。对于一个由迥异的个人组成的小群体来说,最棘手的是在同一房檐下十分和谐地生活。此外,家庭还必须要培养青少年的品德,这又增添了当父母的困难。 Section B 汉译英: There are many complaints ab
48、out the inaccessibility of medical care and high tuitions. However, another thing that deserves attention is the difficulty of college graduates in getting employed. Those with masters degrees can no longer find a job as easily as they did ten years ago. Because of the increasingly intense competiti
49、on for a position, academic excellence and proficient expertise will not necessarily be translated into an ideal job. Education authorities have been seeking ways to create more opportunities of employment. 2007.1 1-9 ACBAB, DACA 10-15 BCDCDA 16. The Film-making Process: Six Steps Step 1 (16) Finding a property Step 2 (17): Preparing/Writing the script Step 3 (18): Casting a film. Step 4 (19): Filming the movie Step 5(20) Editing the film Step 6: