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1、考研阅读历年真题长难句荟萃1.The American economic system is organized aroundabasically private-enterprise, market-orientedeconomy in which consumers largelydetermine whatshall be producedby spendingtheir moneyinthemarketplace forthose goods andservices that theywant most.2.Thus, in theAmerican economic system it

2、 is the demand ofindividual consumers, coupledwith thedesireof businessmen to maximize profits andthe desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, thattogether determine what shall beproduced andhowresources are usedto produceit.3.If, onthe other hand,producingmore of acommodity results in reduc

3、ingits cost,this will tendtoincreasethe supplyofferedby seller-producers,which in turn will lower the priceandpermit moreconsumers to buythe product.4.In the Americaneconomy, the concept ofprivate property embraces notonly the ownershipofproductive resources butalso certain rights, including therigh

4、t to determine the price of aproduct or tomake afree contract with another private individual.5.At the same time these computers record whichhours arebusiest andwhich employers are the mostefficient, allowing personnel andstaffing assignments to bemade accordingly. And theyalso identifypreferredcust

5、omers for promotional campaigns.6.Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theatersto magazine publishers, from gas andelectricutilities to milk processors,bring better andmore efficient services to consumers through the useofcomputers.7.Exceptional childrenare different in some significant way f

6、romothers of the same ageFor thesechildrento develop to their full adult potential, their educationmust beadapted to thosedifferences.8.The great interest in exceptional children shownin public education over the pastthree decadesindicatesthe strong feelingin our society that all citizens, whatever

7、their special conditions, deservetheopportunity to fully developtheir capabilities.9.It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price,thereby establishing afirm home market andso making it possible toprovide for export at competitive prices.10.Apart from the fact thattw

8、enty-seven acts of Parliament govern theterms ofadvertising, noregular advertiser darepromote a product that fails to live upto thepromise of his advertisements.11.If its message were confinedmerely to information andthat in itself would bedifficult if not1impossible to achieve,for even a detail suc

9、has the choiceof the color ofa shirt is subtlypersuasive-advertisingwound beso boringthat no onewoundpayanyattention.12.Theworkers who gets apromotion, the studentwhose grades improve, the foreigner wholearns anewlanguage-all these are examples of peoplewhohave measurable results to show for thereef

10、forts.13.As families move awayfrom their stablecommunity, their friends of many years, their extendedfamily relationships, theinformal flow of information is cutoff, and with it theconfidence thatinformationwill beavailable whenneededandwill betrustworthy andreliable.14.Theindividual nowhasmore info

11、rmation available thananygeneration, and thetask of finding thatonepieceof information relevant to hisor her specific problemis complicated, time-consuming, andsometimes even overwhelming.15.Expertise canbe sharedworld wide through teleconferencing, andproblems in disputecanbesettled without the par

12、ticipants leavingtheir homes and/orjobs to travel to a distant conference site.16.Thecurrent passion formaking childrencompete against their classmates or against the clockproducesa two-layer system, in which competitive A-types seem in some waybetter than their B typefellows.17.While talking to you

13、, your could-be employer is decidingwhether your education,your experience,andotherqualifications will payhim to employ you andyour “wares“ andabilities must bedisplayed in anorderly andreasonably connectedmanner.18.TheCorporation will survive as apublicly fundedbroadcasting organization, at least f

14、or the timebeing, butits role, its size andits programs are nowthe subject of anation wide debatein Britain.19.Thedebate was launched bythe Government, whichinvited anyone with an opinionof theBBC-includingordinarylisteners andviewer to saywhat wasgood orbadabout theCorporation,andeven whetherthey t

15、hought it wasworth keeping.20.Thechange met the technical requirements of the new age byengaging alarge professsignalelement andprevented the decline inefficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunesof family firmsinthe secondandthird generation after the energetic founders.21.Such large, impersona

16、l manipulation ofcapital andindustry greatly increasedthe numbers andimportanceof shareholders asa class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealthdetachedfrom the land andthe dutiesof the landowners:and almost equally detachedfrom theresponsiblemanagement ofbusiness.22.Towns lik

17、e Bournemouth andEast bourne sprangupto houselarge “comfortable“ classes whohadretired ontheir incomes, andwho hadnorelation to the rest of the community except that of2drawingdividendsandoccasionally attendinga shareholdersmeeting to dictate their ordersto themanagement.23.The“shareholders“ as such

18、hadno knowledge ofthe lives, thoughts orneedsof the workmenemployedby the companyin which heheld shares,and hisinfluence onthe relations of capital andlaborwas not good.24.Thepaid manager acting for the companywas in more direct relation with the men andtheirdemands,but even hehad seldomthat familia

19、r personal knowledge of the workmen which theemployer hadoften hadunder the more patriarchal system of the old family businessnow passingaway.25.Amongthe many shapingfactors, I would single out the countrys excellent elementary schools: alaborforce that welcomed the new technology; the practiceof gi

20、vingpremiums to inventors; andaboveall theAmerican genius fornonverbal, “spatial“ thinking about things technological.26.As Eugene Ferguson haspointed out,“A technologist thinks about objectsthat cannot be reducedtounambiguous verbal descriptions: they aredealt with in his mindby avisual, nonverbal

21、process.Thedesigner andthe inventor, are ableto assemble andmanipulatein their minds devices that as yet donotexist“.27.Robert Fultononcewrote, “The mechanic shouldsit downamong levers, screws, wedges, wheel,etc,like a poetamong the letters of the alphabet, consideringthem asan exhibition ofhis thou

22、ghts, inwhicha newarrangement transmits anew idea“.28.In thelast threechapters, hetakes off his gloves andgives the creationists agood beating. Hedescribestheir programs and, tactics, and,for thoseunfamiliar with the ways of creationists, theextentoftheir deceptionand distortion may come as anunplea

23、sant surprise.29.On thedust jacket of this fine book, Stephen Jay Gouldsays: “This bookstands for reasonitself.“Andso it does-and all woundbe well were reasonthe only judge in the creationism/evolution debate.30.After six months of arguing andfinal 16 hours of hotparliamentary debates,Australias Nor

24、thernTerritory became the first legal authority in theworld to allow doctors to take thelives of incurablyillpatientswho wish to die.31.Some have breathedsighs ofrelief, others, includingchurches, right-to-life groups andtheAustralian Medical Association, bitterly attacked the bill and thehaste of i

25、ts passage. But the tide isunlikely to turn back.32.In Australia- where anaging population, life-extendingtechnology andchanging communityattitudes have all played their part other states are going to consider making a similar lawto deal witheuthanasia. 333.There are,of course,exceptions. Small-mind

26、ed officials, rudewaiters, andill manneredtaxidrivers are hardlyunknown in the US. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deservescomment.34.We live in a society in whichthe medicinal andsocial useof substances(drugs) is pervasive: anaspirin toquiet a headache,some wine to besociable, c

27、offeeto get going in themorning, a cigarette forthenerves.35.Dependenceis marked first by anincreasedtolerance, with more andmore ofthe substancerequiredto producethe desired effect, andthenby theappearance of unpleasant with drawalsymptoms when thesubstanceis discontinued.36.“Is this what you inten

28、dedto accomplish with your careers?“Senator Robert Dole asked TimeWarnerexecutives last week. “You have sold your souls, butmust you corrupt our nationandthreatenourchildrenas well?“37.“Thetest of anydemocratic society, hewrote in a Wall Street Journalcolumn, “lies notin how wellit cancontrol expres

29、sion but in whetherit gives freedom of thought andexpression the widestpossiblelatitude,however disputableor irritating the results maysometimes be.“38.During thediscussion of rocksinging verses at last months stockholders meeting, Levin assertedthat “music is not the causeof societys ills“ andeven

30、cited his son,a teacherin the Bronx, New York,whouses rapto communicate with students.39.Much ofthe language usedto describemonetary policy, such as “steering the economy to a softlanding“ of“a touchonthe brakes“ , makes it soundlike a precise science.Nothingcould befurtherfromthe truth.40.Economist

31、s have beenparticularly surprised byfavorable inflation figures in Britain andtheUnitedStates, since, conventional measures suggest that botheconomies, andespecially Americas, have littleproductive slack.41.Themost thrilling explanation is, unfortunately, a little defective. Some economists argue th

32、atpowerfulstructural changes in the world have upendedthe old economic models that werebaseduponthe historical link betweengrowth andinflation.42.TheAswan Dam, for example, stopped theNile floodingbut deprived Egypt of thefertile silt thatfloodsleft-all in return for a giant reservoir of disease whi

33、chis nowso full of silt that it barelygenerates electricity. 443.New ways oforganizing theworkplace-all that re-engineering anddownsizing-are onlyonecontributionto the overall productivity of aneconomy, which is driven by many other factors suchasjoint investment in equipment andmachinery, new techn

34、ology, andinvestment in educationandtraining,44.His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied re-engineering in amechanistic fashion, choppingout costs without givingsufficient thought to long-term profitability.45.Defendersof sciencehave also voiced their concerns at me

35、etings suchas “The Flight from ScienceandReason“, heldin New York City in 1995,and“Science in the Age of (Mis) information, whichassembled last Junenear Buffalo.46.A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the antiscience tag hasbeenattachedto many othergroups aswell, from authorities whoadvocat

36、ed the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpoxvirus to Republicans whoadvocated decreasedfunding for basicresearch.47.Thetrue enemies of science,argues Paul Ehrllch of Stanford University, a pioneerofenvironmental studies,are those whoquestion theevidence supporting global warming, the

37、depletionofthe ozone layer andother consequencesof industrial growth.48.This development-and its strong implication for US politics and economy in years ahead-hasenthronedthe South as Americas most denselypopulated region for the first time in the history ofthenations headcounting.49.Often theychoos

38、e-and still are choosing-somewhat colder climates suchas Oregon, IdahoandAlaska in order to escape smog crime andother plagues of urbanization in the GoldenState.50.As a result, Californias growth rate droppedduring the 1970s, to 18.5percent-little moretwo thirds the 1960s growth figure andconsidera

39、blybelow that of otherWestern states. than51.Unlike most of theworlds volcanoes, theyare not always foundat the boundariesof the greatdrifting plates that make upthe earths surface; onthe contrary, manyof them lie deep inthe interior ofaplate.52.Therelative motion of theplates carrying thesecontinen

40、ts hasbeenconstructed indetail, butthemotionof the plates with respect to anothercannot readily betranslated into motion with respectto theearths interior.53.Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reducesyour chanceof deathor serious injuryby more thanhalf.54.While warnings are oftenappropriate andnece

41、ssary-the dangers of druginteractions, forexample-andmanyare required bystate or federal regulations,it isnt clear that theyactually protectthemanufacturers andsellers from liability if acustomer is injured.555.At the same time, theAmerican Law Institute-a group ofjudges, lawyers, and academics whos

42、erecommendationscarry substantial weight-issued new guidelinesfor tort law stating that companiesneednot warn customers ofobvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones.56.In thepast year, however, software companies have developedtools that allow companiesto “push“informationd

43、irectly out to consumers, transmitting marketingmessages directly to targeted customers.57.Theexamples of Virtual Vineyards, A, and otherpioneers showthat a Web site sellingtheright kind of products with the right mix of interactivity, hospitality, andsecurity will attract onlinecustomers.58.An invi

44、sible border divides thosearguing for computers inthe classroom onthe behalf of studentscareerprospectsand thosearguing for computers in the classroom for broaderreasonsof radicaleducationreform.59.Rather, we have acertain conception of theAmerican citizen,a character whois incomplete if hecannot co

45、mpetently accesshow his livelihood andhappiness areaffected bythings outside of himself.60.Besides, this is unlikely to produce theneedednumber of every kindof professional in acountry aslarge as oursand wherethe economy is spreadover somany states andinvolves somanyinternationalcorporations.61.But,

46、fora small group of students, professionaltraining might bethe wayto go since well-developedskills, all other factors beingequal,can bethe differencebetween having a joband not.62.Declaring that hewas opposed tousing this unusual animal husbandrytechniqueto clonehumans,heorderedthat federal fundsnot

47、 beused forsuch anexperiment-although noonehad proposed todoso-and asked anindependent panelof experts chairedbyPrinceton President Harold Shapiro toreportbackto the White Housein 90days with recommendations for a nationalpolicy onhumancloning.63.In adraft preface to therecommendations, discussedat

48、the 17 May meeting, Shapiro suggested thatthepanel hadfounda broadconsensusthat it wouldbe “morally unacceptableto attempt to create ahuman childby adult nuclear cloning“.64.Becausecurrent federallaw alreadyforbids the useof federal fundsto createembryos (the earlieststage of human offspringbefore b

49、irth) for researchor to knowingly endanger anembryos life, NBACwill remain silent onembryo research.65.If experiments areplannedandcarried out accordingto plan asfaithfully as the reportsin thesciencejournals indicate,then it is perfectly logical for management to expect research to produceresults measurable in dollars andcents. 666.It is entirely reasonablefor auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly wherethey aregoing andhowthey will get there should notbe distracted bythe necessityof keeping one eye onthecashregister while the other ey


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