1、 q F ? 周月娥1,李东波2( 1. q 8 l , 100 1 h p H , T 1 S Y ,5% q 1/ 100= 1%b “ f S nQ ,L Q T p1%, p2%, , pn%, * N H p N H q / “ d ( % q (p1%+ p2% + + pn%)/nb ( ) )f E _ “ d , _ “ d L H a , ! Z s ? f ( ( f 6 1 Z _ h p )a aT Y h p 400 , P . d FIFO) H , “ d % q 2. 50%, = s % q 1. 00%bV 1 TCP/ IP Y 4 d Y H _ q
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5、ocols for resourcereservation for multimedia mobile radio network J . ComputerCommunications, 2007( 9) : 1 953- 1 963.Research on Distributed Simulation System Communication MechanismYANG Bing- heng, HUANG Kui, WANG Hai- dong( Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute, Shandong Qingdao, 266041, China
6、)Abstract: Taking an airplane simulation training system as an example, it discusses the communication mechanullnism and the requested in distributional simulation systems, proposes the application of asymmetric communinullcation between the modules to meet the correspondence both sides different ne
7、ed. This can improve the simunulllation accuracy and realtime function of communication system.Keywords:Virtual Simulation; Distributed Simulation; Communication Mechanism; Asymmetric Communication( 74: )Research on TeachingModel of Intelligent SchedulingSystemforAuto Plank ManufactureZHOU Yue- e1,
8、LI Dong- bo2( 1. Zhongshan Vocational College, Jiangsu Nanjing, 210049, China)( 2. Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094, China)Abstract:Based on analysis of the factual production for auto accessories enterprise, it establishes two intellinullgent production scheduli
9、ng models such as flux model composed of the task pipes and process- based three-dimensional body model, proposes the vector representation and optimization strategy, discusses the optimizanulltion object. Finally, it presents the object function of intelligent optimization.Keywords: Intelligent Production Scheduling; Flux Model; Three- dimensional M odel77null nullnull null g null null null Z null s T _ “ d Y