1、DRAFT FOR DEVELOPMENT DDENV 1994-1-1:1994 Eurocode4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures Part 1.1: General rules and rules for buildings (together with United Kingdom National Application Document) UDC624.92.016:624.07DDENV1994-1-1:1994 This Draft for Development, having been prepared
2、under thedirection of the Technical Sector Board for Building andCivil Engineering (B/-), waspublished under the authorityof the Standards Boardand comes into effect on 15 May1994 BSI 05-2000 The following BSI reference relates to the work on this Draftfor Development: Committee reference B/525/4 IS
3、BN 0 580 22797 9 Cooperating organizations The European Committee for Standardization (CEN), under whose supervision this European Prestandard was prepared, comprises the national standards organizations of the following countries: Austria Oesterreichisches Normungsinstitut Belgium Institut belge de
4、 normalisation Denmark Dansk Standardiseringsraad Finland Suomen Standardisoimisliito, r.y. France Association franaise de normalisation Germany Deutsches Institut fr Normung e.V. Greece Hellenic Organization for Standardization Iceland Technological Institute of Iceland Ireland National Standards A
5、uthority of Ireland Italy Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione Luxembourg Inspection du Travail et des Mines Netherlands Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut Norway Norges Standardiseringsforbund Portugal Instituto Portugus da Qualidade Spain Asociacin Espaola de Normalizacin y Certificacin Sweden S
6、tandardiseringskommissionen i Sverige Switzerland Association suisse de normalisation United Kingdom British Standards Institution Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsDDENV1994-1-1:1994 BSI 05-2000 i Contents Page Cooperating organizations Inside front cover National foreword i
7、i Text of National Application Document iii Foreword 2 Text of ENV 1994-1-1 9 National annex NA (informative) Committees responsible Inside back coverDDENV1994-1-1:1994 ii BSI 05-2000 National foreword This publication comprises the English language version of ENV1994-1-1:1992 Eurocode4: Design of c
8、omposite steel and concrete structures Part1.1: General rules and rules for buildings, as published by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), plus the National Application Document to be used with the ENV in the design of buildings to be constructed in the UnitedKingdom. ENV1994-1-1:1992
9、results from a programme of work sponsored by the European Commission to make available a common set of rules for the design of building and civil engineering works. An ENV is made available for provisional application, but does not have the status of a European Standard. The aim is to use the exper
10、ience gained to modify the ENV so that it can be adopted as a European Standard. The values for certain parameters in the ENV Eurocodes may be set by CEN members so as to meet the requirements of national regulations. These parameters are designated by P in the ENV. During the ENV period of validity
11、, reference should be made to the supporting documents listed in the National Application Document (NAD). The purpose of the NAD is to provide essential information, particularly in relation to safety, to enable the ENV to be used for buildings constructed in theUK. The NAD takes precedence over cor
12、responding provisions in the ENV. The Building Regulations1991, Approved Document A1992, (published December1991) draws designers attention to the potential use of ENV Eurocodes as an alternative approach to Building Regulation compliance. ENV1994-1-1:1992 has been thoroughly examined over a period
13、of several years and is considered to offer such an alternative approach, when used in conjunction with the NAD. Compliance with ENV1994-1-1:1992 and the NAD does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Users of this document are invited to comment on its technical content, ease of use
14、 and any ambiguities or anomalies. These comments will be taken into account when preparing the UK national response to CEN on the question of whether the ENV can be converted to an EN. Comments should be sent in writing to BSI,2 Park Street, London W1A2BS, quoting the document reference, the releva
15、nt clause and, where possible, a proposed revision, within2 years of the issue of this document. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to xxii, theENV title page, pages2 to134, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see
16、 copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover.DDENV1994-1-1:1994 BSI 05-2000 iii National Application Document for use in the UK with ENV1994-1-1:1992DDENV1994-1-1:1994 iv BSI 05-2000 Contents of National Applicatio
17、n Document Page Introduction v 1 Scope v 2 References v 3 Partial safety factors, combination factors and other values v 4 Loading codes viii 5 Reference standards ix 6 Additional recommendations xiii Annex A (normative) General requirements for structural integrity xvi Annex B (normative) Applicati
18、on rules for composite columns in simple framing xvii Table 1 Partial safety factors ( factors) v Table 2 Combination factors ( factors) for persistent and transient design situations vii Table 3 Combination factors for accidental design situations vii Table 4 Boxed values viii Table 5 References in
19、 EC4 to other codes and standards ix List of references xxDDENV1994-1-1:1994 BSI 05-2000 v Introduction This National Application Document (NAD) has been prepared under the direction of the Civil Engineering and Technical Sector Board for Buildings and Civil Engineering. It has been developed from:
20、a) a textual examination ofENV1994-1-1:1992; b) calibration against UK practice, supporting standards and test data; c) trial calculations. 1 Scope This NAD provides information required to enable ENV1994-1-1:1992 (EC4-1.1) to be used for the design of buildings to be constructed in the UK. 2 Refere
21、nces 2.1 Normative references This National Application Document incorporates, by reference, provisions from specific editions of other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate points in the text and the publications are listed on page xx. Subsequent amendments to, or re
22、visions of, any of these publications apply to this National Application Document only when incorporated in it by updating or revision. 2.2 Informative references This National Application Document refers to other publications that provide information or guidance. Editions of these publications curr
23、ent at the time of issue of this standard are listed on page xx, but reference should be made to the latest editions. 3 Partial safety factors, combination factors and other values a) The values for partial safety factors () should be those given in Table 1 of this NAD. b) The values for combination
24、 factors ( ) should be those given in Table 2 and Table 3 of this NAD. c) The values for the boxed factors should be those given in Table 4 of this NAD. Table 1 Partial safety factors ( factors) Reference in EC4-1.1 Definition Symbol Condition Value Boxed EC4 UK 1) Partial safety factor for
25、accidental actions A Accidental 1.00 1.05 3) Partial safety factor for permanent actions in accidental design situations GA Favourable 1.00 0.90 GA Unfavourable 1.00 1.05 1) Partial safety factors for permanent actions G.inf Favourable 1.00 1.00 G.sup Unfavourable 1.35 1.35 1
26、) Partial safety factors for variable actions Q.inf Favourable 0.00 0.00 Q.sup Unfavourable 1.50 1.50 Q.sup 2 or more combined 1.50 1.50 3) Partial safety factors for permanent actions G.inf Favourable part 1.10 1.10 G.sup Unfavourable part 1.35 1.35 G.inf Favourable and unfavourable parts 1
27、.00 1.00DDENV1994-1-1:1994 vi BSI 05-2000 Table 1 Partial safety factors ( factors) Reference in EC4-1.1 Definition Symbol Condition Value Boxed EC4 UK 1) Partial safety factors for structural steel a Fundamental 1.10 1.05 a Accidental (except earthquakes) 1.00 1.05 1) Partial safety
28、 factors for concrete c Fundamental 1.50 1.50 c Accidental (except earthquakes) 1.30 1.30 1) Partial safety factors for steel reinforcement s Fundamental 1.15 1.15 s Accidental (except earthquakes) 1.00 1.00 1) Partial safety factors for profiled steel sheeting ap Fundamental 1.10 1.
29、05 ap Accidental (except earthquakes) 1.00 1.05 2) Partial safety factors for elastic mechanical properties M General 1.00 1.00 2) Partial safety factors for non-mechanical coefficients M General 1.00 1.00 4.1.1 5) Partial safety factors for the buckling resistance of structural stee
30、l Rd Accidental combinations 1.00 1.05 3) Partial safety factors for steel Rd Resistance of Class4 cross sections 1.10 1.05 4.6.3 1) Partial safety factors for steel Rd Resistance of Class1 or2 cross sections 1.10 1.05 Rd Resistance of Class3 cross sections 1.10 1.05 1) Partial safet
31、y factors for steel Ma For a column length with 1.10 1.05 Ma k 0.2 or N sd /N crk 0.1 otherwise 1.10 1.05 1) Partial safety factors for the elastic flexural stiffness of concrete c 1.35 1.35 Partial safety factors for shear studs v Ultimate limit state 1.25 1.25 6.3.7 Partial safety
32、factors for angle connectors in solid slabs v Ultimate limit state 1.25 1.25 1) Partial safety factors for friction grip bolts v 1.25 1.35 2) Partial safety factors for slabs with mechanical or frictional interlock vs For use in equation7.6 1.25 1.25 10.2.5 1) Partial safety factor f
33、or shear connectors v Test evaluation 1.25 1.25DDENV1994-1-1:1994 BSI 05-2000 vii Table 1 Partial safety factors ( factors) Table 2 Combination factors ( factors) for persistent and transient design situations Table 3 Combination factors for accidental design situations Reference in EC4-1.1 Definiti
34、on Symbol Condition Value Boxed EC4 UK E.2 5) Partial safety factor for shear connection v Shear strength 1.25 1.25 E.4 4) Partial safety factor for shear connection v End anchorage 1.25 1.25 Variable action a 0 1 2 Imposed floor loads Dwellings 0.5 0.4 0.2 Office and stores 0.7 0.6 0.3 Parking 0.7
35、0.7 0.6 Wind loads 0.7 0.2 0 Imposed roof loads b 0.7 0.2 0 Crane loads c Vertical 0.7 0.6 0.3 Horizontal 0.9 (Vertical and Horizontal) a For the purposes of EC4-1.1 these four categories of variable action should be treated as separate and independent variable actions. b Local drifting of snow on r
36、oofs should be treated as an accidental action see6.1.1 c). c The most onerous of the three specified alternatives should be treated as a single variable action. Variable action 1or 2for use inA.3 andA.4 Imposed floor loads Dwellings 0.35 a Offices 0.35 a Stores 1.0 Parking 0.35 a Wind loads b 0.35
37、Imposed roof loads 0.35 Crane loads c Vertical 1.00 Horizontal 0.00 a Where the variable action is of a persistent or quasi-permanent nature, the factor should be taken as1.0. b The full value obtained from CP3 Chapter V-2 should be multiplied by0.35 c The values given in this table assume that the
38、crane is stationary. The vertical load to which the combination factor is applied is the static load value.DDENV1994-1-1:1994 viii BSI 05-2000 Table 4 Boxed values 4 Loading codes The loading codes to be used are: Reference in EC4-1.1 Definition Symbol Condition Value Boxed EC4 UK 3.1.3 2) Long-term
39、 free shrinkage strain from setting of the concrete: dry environments cs Normal-weight concrete 325 10 6 325 10 6 cs Light-weight concrete 500 10 6 500 10 6 3.1.3 2) Long-term free shrinkage strain from setting of the concrete: other environments and in filled members cs Normal-weight concrete 200 1
40、0 6 200 10 6 cs Light-weight concrete 300 10 6 300 10 6 6) % reduction in the partial safety factor for the favourable component N sd 20% 30% 5.3.2 2) Minimum tensile strength of concrete f cte 3 N/mm 2 3 N/mm 2 10.2.5 1) Reduction for the characteristic resistance P Rk 10% 10% 10.2.5 4) Re
41、duction for the characteristic slip capacity 10% 10% 5) Reduction for the characteristic values m andk 10% 10% Design resistance of composite slab a) 0.75 0.75 b) 0.5 0.5 c) 0.75 0.75 E.2 4) Reduction for the characteristic shear strength 10% 10% E.4 3) Reduction for the characteri
42、stic resistance of the end anchorage 10% 10% E.5 4) Lower limit on bending resistance 10% 10% BS648:1964 Schedule of weights of building materials BS6399: Design loading for buildings BS6399-1:1984 Code of practice for dead and imposed loads BS6399-3:1988 Code of practice for imposed roof loads CP3:
43、 Code of basic data for the design of buildings CP3:Chapter V: Loading CP3:Chapter V-2:1972 Wind loads BS5950: Structural use of steelwork in building BS5950-3: Design in composite construction BS5950-3.1:1990 Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite beams Clause2.2 LoadingDDEN
44、V1994-1-1:1994 BSI 05-2000 ix In using the above documents with EC4-1.1 the following modifications should be noted: a) The imposed floor loads of a building should be treated as one variable action to which the reduction factors given in BS6399-1:1984 are applicable. b) The characteristic wind load
45、ing should be taken as90% of the value obtained from CP3:Chapter V-2:1972. 5 Reference standards The supporting standards to be used, including materials specifications and standards for construction are listed in Table 5. Table 5 References in EC4-1.1 to other codes and standards BS5950-4:1993 Code
46、 of practice for design of composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting Clause2.2 Loading BS5975:1982 Code of practice for falsework Section4 Loads applied to falsework Reference in EC4-1.1 Document referred to Document title or subject area Status UK document 1.1.1 3) Eurocode2 Design of concrete s
47、tructures Part1. General rules and rules for buildings ENV1992-1-1 DD ENV1992-1-1 (See note1) Part1A Plain or lightly-reinforced concrete structures Draft BS8110-1, and section 8 of BS8110-2:1985 Part1B Precast concrete structures Draft BS8110-1 Part1C The use of lightweight aggregate concrete Draft
48、 Section 5 of BS8110-2:1985 Part1D The use of unbonded and external prestressing tendons No draft Section 8 of BS8110-1:1985 Part10. Fire resistance of concrete structures Draft BS8110-1 and section 4 of BS8110-2:1985 1.1.1 3) Eurocode3 Design of steel structures Part1.1 General rules and rules for
49、buildings ENV1993-1-1 DD ENV1993-1-1 (See note1) Part1.2 Fire resistance Draft Section 7 of BS5950-4:1993 BS5950-8 Part1.3 Cold formed thin gauge members and sheeting Draft BS5950-4, BS5950-6 (See note6) and BS5950-7 1.1.1 4) Eurocode8 Design of structures for earthquake resistance In preparation 1.1.1 5) Eurocode1 Basis of design and actions on structures In preparation BS6399-1 and BS6399-3 CP3: Chapter V-2 2.2 of BS5