1、2006年4月第19卷null 第2期| 7bB $ B N v 3 ? H , iZB b3/, 9 + b ,: H null y,“ MW,MW; BE ,“ LM( null (null历史nullIV 104)b x , 3 oWnull ,7 5 *“null (null历史nullI V180)b K bV _8M B7V, P8 , VE =v Lb H 8 null B 0,V 0 LY null ( null历史nullI216)b Q, 89 B b , 9 J b ,nullH 3Z TK7 Bb l,9N o E pbnullnull t B, Jnull( null
2、历史nullIV 106)b98 A,H,$ J1 : ah b A , $ nullmnullb H * , T Mdv ,5 B | ,i vfb null Knullb rG xH ,null 3 o 3h H,3 K T ,inull (null历史null II I99)b B h 7$, K Y fbH ,B T H, TB , null D *i M/ ,L T 9 M/ B vE Jnull (null历史nullIV26)b V ,null Nnull : , ), ,+Y $W%: i v L bnull $ BK*C W -, null ,7null BK*( nulln
3、ullL nullbnull 3/7 W $,9L$ x N Wb B$ W $ Bnull 3 ( P29) , B9Vb=3/ s b Issenulldones(H ) , M assagetae( H ) ; Budini( vH ) , Scythians( ) , 7b 1_ 7“b,H V g g?, null H ( Sauromatae) u, u 7 S4 ( M eaotis, Z) *Z,_ Z E? nullbnull Z= u“vH ( Budini) , Z)“ !null(null历史nullI V21)bnull vH , ?W B ubV B _,“ H (
4、 T hyssagetae) , B 7i B, 3b“t iB u“BS: 5G ( Iurcae) Bbt 9 3nullnullV Z_,5 ( Scy thians) Z b B , null(null历史null IV 22)bV 7 Snull5 Y F bV B Y,5 /,t s 3 o “ ?00 v/ Bnull (null历史null IV 23)bnullkh( A rgippaei)Z,5 L “H ( Issedones)null (null历史null I V25)b BH b bnull Nnull - W H NET b 1 -76 W H 3 : Z d Z
5、 M ( A risteas) null “ null( Ar imaspae)1-V ) Mb T null “ null : 4 M, * ,V L= I,5 P by, MH ib , null M B H rnull ( null历史nullIV 13) , , nulltkh Z,Br# H B, b#by ,Bt ; * Vnull (null历史null IV24)b , H( -5 W) ,Hnull null i bZD : f :b7SD5W%: _ 7bnull %?0.nullanull Mnullanulld null5 UT8Cb T,K1 null %?0.nul
6、lbnull %?0.null -3 W HBVS rbT L $!, HW * -3 Wb -10 W H % TBQ jb = s, H ( -8 W)68T bnull “ null , % j LB b T I : M1,L VA NMB b % jV 7 S,_V ,|7_,* u,Kr /bC R null %?0.null : bnull %?0.null:, %V ?, Sb 4, V ?L7b % q 5 B v? ,i| T8 b ,null Nnull94 : B neZ, b , EYVbVM ,7 N1, N1 e b M MZ NE3(?NM, V , -5 W -
7、,ZWX, L:Yb ,H Z 7C HW9 V ?*, :1 , ,7 Ot4 N LQ b null Mnullanull %?0.null % n Y,nulld null nullgnullnull#ZS :,7 Ov NE N V L ip, 9 inb 53 ,null null %?0.null:,id 0,7 Q * Y d uW t Nmnull,7 O, I? !nullD:1Qnullb 4 ( P46)1929 M, IE - =: u6 X -5 W $r v S a # Ynull null3 br ,7 O 9b B v L“ 7 # , * Tf W,mdbN,
8、 u? ! ,r H VC a 5 XaS u 2 b t , 7, Z m Tbnullnull null L:Y+ W, u a ,a9Z ZaF , xZ 3:V null $ Wnull ,; Vi 3V vYB $ Bnull ,null i, P WW uBe u, T, Pnull nullXMYnullb 5 ( P29)T $ B8 P HYZF $ W j W “ B 7Bb + $Z T,6 m ,|Sao bNMBHW , B KLaK1BHYbnull IDnull 1null: M nulls: , 1993null 2 null N M null:S S,1992
9、null 3-vnullS M null : “zK, 1981null 4 nullB $ Bnullnull null 2 N J nullv, 1994, ( 1) null 5u bnull v 7?null null N Jnull a1 S, 2001, ( 2) nullnull3 I nullYYnullSacae and the Opening up of the Steppe Silk RoadWANG Hong- mou( School of Literature and History, Tianshui Normal University; T ianshui 741
10、001)Abstract: Sacae is the joint name of the ancient horde living mainly in the Valley of Yili River, the littoralof Issyk Lake and the large reign in central and Western Asian. Being w idespread Sacae had com plex componullnents, unique life style and w eird customs. Sacaenull s m igration played a very important role in developing theSteppe Silk Road and w as one of the earliest em issaries connecting China and the West.Key words:Sacae; H istory; the Steppe Silk Road; Communication betw een China and the West69