1、高考语文答题公式(1)某句话在文中作用1.文首 开编点题 渲染气氛(散文) 埋下伏笔(记叙类散文) 设置悬念(小说) 为下文做铺垫 总领下文2 文中 承上启下 总领下文 总结上文3 文末 点明中心(散文) 深化主题(记叙) 照应开头(议论,记叙,小说)(2)修辞手法的作用1。句子本身作用 2。结合句子语境1 比喻 拟人 生动形象 生动形象写出了 + 对象+特征2 有气势 加强语气 一气呵成 强调了+对象+特征(3)设问 引起读者思考 引起读者对对象特性的注意和思考 反问:强调,加强语气等; (4)、对比:强调了突出了 (5)、反复:强调了加强语气 一、表达方式:记叙、描写、抒情、说明、议论 二
2、、表现手法:象征、对比、烘托、设置悬念、前后呼应、欲扬先抑、托物言志、借物抒情、联想、想象、衬托(正衬、反衬) 三、修辞手法:比喻、拟人、夸张、排比、对偶、引用、设问、反问、反复、互文、对比、借代、反语 四、记叙文六要素:时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过、结果 五、记叙顺序:顺叙、倒叙、插叙 六、描写角度:正面描写、侧面描写 七、描写人物的方法:语言、动作、神态、心理、外貌 八、描写景物的角度:视觉、听觉、味觉、触觉 九、描写景物的方法:动静结合(以动写静)、概括与具体相结合、由远到近(或由近到远) 十、描写(或抒情)方式:正面(又叫直接)、反面(又叫间接)十一、叙述方式:概括叙述、细节描写
3、 十二、说明顺序:时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序 十三、说明方法:举例子、列数字、打比方、作比较、下定义、分类别、作诠释、摹状貌、引用 十四、小说情节四部分:开端、发展、高潮、结局 十五、小说三要素:人物、情节、环境 十六、环境描写分为:自然环境、社会环境 十七、议论文三要素:论点、论据、论证 十八、论据分类为:事实论据、道理论据 十九、论证方法:举例(或事实)论证、道理论证(有时也叫引用论证)、对比(或正反对比)论证、比喻论证 二十、论证方式:立论、驳论(可反驳论点、论据、论证) 二十一、议论文的文章的结构:总分总、总分、分总;分的部分常常有并列式、递进式。 二十二、引号的作用:引用;强调;特
4、定称谓;否定、讽刺、反语 二十三、破折号用法:提示、注释、总结、递进、话题转换、插说。 (三)句子含义的解答: 这样的题目,句子中往往有一个词语或短语用了比喻、对比、借代、象征等表现方法。答题时,把它们所指的对象揭示出来,再疏通句子,就可以了。 (四)某句话中某个词换成另一个行吗?为什么? 动词:不行。因为该词准确生动具体地写出了 形容词:不行。因为该词生动形象地描写了 副词(如都,大都,非常只有等):不行。因为该词准确地说明了的情况(表程度,表限制,表时间,表范围等),换了后就变成,与事实不符。 (五)一句话中某两三个词的顺序能否调换?为什么? 不能。因为(1)与人们认识事物的(由浅入深、由
5、表入里、由现象到本质)规律不一致(2)该词与上文是一一对应的关系(3)这些词是递进关系,环环相扣,不能互换。 (六)段意的归纳 1记叙文:回答清楚(什么时间、什么地点)什么人做什么事 格式:(时间地点)人事。 2说明文:回答清楚说明对象是什么,它的特点是什么, 格式:说明(介绍)说明对象说明内容(特点) 3议论文:回答清楚议论的问题是什么,作者的观点怎样, 格式:用什么论证方法证明了(论证了)论点一、修辞格与体会文章表达。1、读出佳句在文章中的位置及地位。2、公式: 比喻:采用了比喻的修辞手法,地描写了,表现了作者对的感情,形象生动 。拟人:采用了拟人的修辞手法,将赋与人的情感与性格来写,表现
6、了作者对的感情,十分形象,生动(或栩栩如生,逼真)。 夸张:采用了夸张的修辞手法,描写了,表达了作者的情感,联想奇特,富于形象感。 反问:采用了反问的修辞手法,用反问的句式把作者的感情表达出来,语气更强烈,表达的思想也更强烈。 排比:采用了排比的修辞手法,描写了的情景,集中地表达了作者的感情,节奏明快,增强了语言的气势。 对偶:采用了对偶的修辞手法,描写了,抒发了作者对的感情,节奏明快,富于音乐美。二、插叙的作用。1、读出插叙的语段的位置及和全文的联系。2、公式: 采用了插叙的写法,既对文章的内容加以补充,又突出了文章的的主题(或丰富了主人公的性格)。三、归纳文章的中心。公式: 写人为主:记叙
7、了赞扬了表达了 记事为主:记叙了(批评了)歌颂了表现了 写景状物:采用了手法,借助描写,赞扬了抒发了 游记:描写了表达了感情 议论文:文章论述了阐明了四、记叙的要素的作用。公式: 时间:以的时间为序(或线索)来写,使记叙的过程更清楚。 地点:以的转换为序来写,为人物提供活动环境。 事件:以的事件来写,突出人物形象,使人物有血有肉,丰富鲜明。 人物:以的活动来写,推进故事情节向前发展。五、描写手法的作用。1、读出描写手法在语段中的位置及目的。2、明确描写类型及相关知识: 外貌(肖像)描写的主要作用就是显示人物的性格特征 语言描写的主要作用就是表露人物感情,提示了人物内心世界 动作(细节)描的主要
8、作用就是显示人物的精神面貌和性格特征,可使人物具有活力,栩栩如生 心理(神态)描写的主要作用就是展现人物的精神面貌,尤其是复杂的心理主刻画,更能提示人物的精神世界3、公式:外貌:描写了的样子,表现了语言:的语言,生动、传神地展示了内心,表现了动作:用运的词语,生动、准确地刻画了心理:等词语写出了,表现了六、环境描写的作用。1、找出文段开头或中间及末尾的环境描写语句。2、公式: 的景物描写,写出了的景色(或环境),烘托了人物的性格和品质。 的景物描写,结合人物心理活动,表现人物的性格和精神。3的景物描写,反映了的情景,为全文定下了的感情基调。七、论证方法 的作用。1、在文段中找出相关的论证方法。
9、2、明确知识: 例证法主要是增强说服力,通过一两个典型事例,可以使阐述的道理令人信服。 引证法的主要作用是充实内容,增强说服的权威性,极具力度和信度。 正反对比论证法的主要作用是使论证更为深刻。 比喻论证法的主要作用是深入浅出,通俗易懂,使论证更为具体生动形象。3、公式:例证法:采用了举例的方法,以来说明的观点,列举详实,说服力强。引证法:采用了引证法,以的名言来说理,增强说服的权威性,极具力度和信度。正反对比论证法:采用了正反对比论证法,以来论述,深刻。比喻论证法:采用了比喻论证法,以的比喻形象地阐明了八、仿写句子。公式: 1、数清例句的字数。 弄清例句所采用的修辞手法(没有修辞手法的除外)
10、。 读懂例句与所要仿写的句子在概念和现象上的联系。九、对对联。公式: 名对名,形对形,动对动; 山对川,日对月,天对地;注意上下联语意的相关、相融。十、读图题。公式: 分析画面构成要素。看清上中下或左中右各有什么,画面的主题词或标题是什么,画面中的人物语言有什么。 给漫画写题目的公式:题目+内容+ 启发。 结合画面含义,说自己的看法或得到的启示及提出自己的意见,要分要点来写(写成1、2、3) 给画面定标题,要不能离开画面含义或寓意。 说画面的寓意,也就是看到 A 联想到 B,A、 B 具有共性。十一、探究题。公式: 分析所给的语段从中得出的结论。 分析所给的图表数据变化情况,得出结论。 用一句
11、话来概括你的结论,但最好分1、2、3 来表达。 提出你的看法或建议时,要具体写明 1、2、3点。十二、概括题。公式: 分析所给的语言材料要找出几则材料的共性,然后用一句话表达。 分析所给的语言材料,找出每则材料所讲现象的重点,然后用一句话综合表达。当然也可以写成“我的发现是 1、2、3点”。 分析所给的名著阅读选段内容,然后从中找出关键情节或人物语言,动作,再用一句语言来概括人物的性格。 公式:1、要能写出 1 一 6 册名著导读内容相关章节里的人物特征性的语言。写出人物的性格特点。 写出相关章节的故事情节。 写出主人公姓名及著作名称。 如果要求用精炼的语言从作品内容、主题思想、人物形象、写作
12、手法中选择一个方面对文学名著进行评点,最好考虑人物形象上下手答题。十三、名著阅读。公式:1、要能写出 1 一 6 册名著导读内容相关章节里的人物特征性的语言。写出人物的性格特点。写出相关章节的故事情节。 写出主人公姓名及著作名称。如果要求用精炼的语言从作品内容、主题思想、人物形象、写作手法中选择一个方面对文学名著进行评点,最好考虑人物形象上下手答题。十四、写信。公式: 注意书信格式(开头称谓顶格写,“此致” 、“敬礼”的位置,写信人的署名,写清年月日)。 用简明的文字写明材料的事实。表示祝愿、希望等的内容放在书信内容最后面。十五、编短信。公式: 用“ 沪”一类的字简写地名。 材料事实编写在卷面
13、上也要抓句段主干内容来写。十六、诗文佳句赏欣。公式: 推敲词语运用,注意用 “生动”、“形象” 、“逼真”等词语。格式为:用运的好,描写了(或刻画了),十分形象、生动、传神。 从修辞格来赏欣,见前面修辞格。 从诗文整句的思想性来赏欣,要从诗文所具有的意境(思想境界,包含的哲理)上来写,类似于解释诗句。十七、说明文学家(或文学作品)风格。公式: 写明作者所生活的年代。 写明作者作品的特征。 结合作者具体作品中的“诗文句” 来说明特点。十八、文言句子划分停顿。公式: 1、带有“故 ”、“是以”等标志的句子,在这些词语之后画斜线。 2、名词作状语的,在这个词语之前划。 3、“可以”类实际是两个词语,
14、在“可” 后划。 4、主语和谓语之间划。 5、谓语与宾语之间划。十九、结合语境说加点词语在文中的特殊含义。公式: 1、先解释这个词的本义。 2、描写了(或刻画了) 3、意思是二十、前后照应。公式: 1、在文章开头、中间、结尾找出关键词。 2、与相互照应,表现了“养套杀”吴 莫愁 式快速提分三部曲:养眼,高频考点、答案词,应试技巧及其关联暗示点的串联与并联密码套用,建模套用做题,模拟题与真题整体答题三点式套用法则秒杀,5 秒秒杀答案,无瑕疵迅捷提分(满分)VIP 体系2014 吴军高考英语“ 三天三夜 ”迅捷提分秘术完形填空 DNA 解密艺考生、体考生的救命稻草!突破 130 分,快速提高 30
15、 分的锦囊妙计!速度与激情,2014 年吴军高分英语有重大突破! 甄教案,真高分!完形思路“疯狂”创新范本,“无人牵引解决方案”全面落实! 2011 年的高分密码,2012 年的高频答案词,2013 年的秒杀秘术,完成了迅捷提分的通路,大家通过记住 600-800 个高频单词就完成了 3 天提分的梦想!但有些同学,虽然记住了单词,到完形整篇文章做题时,不会运用,甚至可能遇到 2-3 个高频答案词同时出现,而自己又不会翻译,这时提分的幅度就会大打折扣!今天吴军老师总结了 139 个暗示点(600-800 个单词的语境串联与并联) ,将 20 年内高考真题或模拟题内全部高频词汇进行了汇总,通过语境
16、串联及并联的方式,彻底解决了您“记不住单词” ,尤其是“不会运用”的问题,让各种答题技巧,高频考点,单词记忆法及生硬的高频答案词不再受宠! 以后妈妈再也不用担心你的学习了,so easy! 左手拿着“吴军高分英语”打火机,右手拿着高考真题及模拟题,哪里不会点哪里 ,.! 名师吴军暗示点 1 相同的、类似的 / 不同的(答案解析详见购买的自学教案,此处省略)same similar different / various / separate / alone / apart / notbut / change(able)difference / similarity(betweenand)/ a
17、 variety of / a range of-2013 江苏卷I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us 36 chasing the same thing.One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell 37 . I found myself homeless and alone. I had my truck and $56.36. A. separately B. equally C. violently D. naturally37.
18、 A. off B. apart C. over D. out2013 浙江卷I love how peole 37 seem so different, but end up being so 38 . The most valuabe lesson I gain from studying in France wasnt just to respect the French people 39 to respect all people, for your next best friend could be just a continent away. 38. A. generous B.
19、 independent C. similar D. distant2012 上海卷The degree of _60 between the potential helper and the person in need is also important.For example, people are more likely to help a stranger who is from the same country rather than a foreigner. 60. A. similarity B. friendship C. cooperation D. contact2013
20、 江苏卷They dropped off blankets, candles, and tools, and began 45 around to chat. They started to teach me a belief in a 46 American Dreamnot the one of individual achievement but of 47 .46. A. wild B. real C. different D. remote【2013 新课标 II 卷】 It runs in the 33 .Michaels father always helped the poor
21、 as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the 34 .A pair of gloves may be a 35 thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.34.A.honor B. pain C. same D. cold2013 四川卷But she is so 23 that she never lets anyone put her down. “You shouldnt 24 what people say about what you
22、 look like because were not different from anyone else, Holly,” she 25 me. “And you dont need to wear a scarf because you look great 26 it!” For the first time in my life I could speak to someone whod been through something 27 . So weeks later, at my 13th birthday party, 28 by her bravery, I gave up
23、 my scarf and showed off my scars. It felt amazing not having to 29 away behind my scarf.27. A. similar B. strange C. hard D. important2005 重庆卷Hidden passengers traveling in ships, trams, or even cars can be a terrible trouble especially when they are insects. As for this, there is a great _36_ betw
24、een human beings and insects.36. A. connection B. difference C. communication D. similarity 2000 北京春季卷I can read and write as well as anyone else my age, and I can think better. Thats probably a real big _24_ between the free school and regular school ?the amount of _25_. 24. A. problem B. chance C.
25、 difference D. change名师吴军暗示点 2(答案解析详见购买的自学教案,此处省略)结论性动词: show / suggest / find / prove / decide / see结论性情态动词: can /could结论性时态及从句连接词:完成时, 过去时, how,why 及转折关系 but, though, however。结论性形容词或副词: (1).so / therefore / accordingly / as a result / finally(eventually 最后) / satisfied / proud 看到 can 和 want to 一般要
26、填 because, so 或 if。另 sothat (can)搭配!Im washing a dogs hurt leg. I work carefully, because I want to make sure I dont do anything to hurt him. I wish they could understand that were just trying to help them. They asked if he wanted to go home. But Bozo said no. so the fishermen wished Bozo well and l
27、eft him alone again-just as his father had eighty-four years before. It can also influence the way we behave with our families. so how do we deal with our problems ? There are many ways and here is one of them. (2).Sure(ly) / certain(ly) / of course / indeed / actual(ly) =in fact, really, truly(3).o
28、bvious = clear =apparent 明显的 / obviously =clearly =apparently(4).surprised/amazed/surprising(ly) =amazing(ly), shocked ,astonished 震惊的 Most people on this island are recreational fishers,and obviously,fishing forms an actual part of their leisure time.Im not surprised that he became a writer. Even a
29、s a child he had a clear imagination.-2013 重庆卷Since then, Joe started 45 . Though he never made it to the top, his math teacher was always 46 and curious about the change: Why had that stormy day changed Joe?46.A. worried B. amazed C. friendly D. cautious 2013 安徽卷Learning a new language is never _53
30、_. But with some work and devotion, youll make progress. And youll be _54_ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in _55_ own language. Good luck!54. A. blamed B. amazed C. interrupted D. informed【2013 广东 A 卷】Number sense is not the ability to count. It is the ability
31、to recognize a 1 in number. Human beings are born with this ability. 2 ,experiments show that many animals are, too.For example, many birds have good number sense. If a nest has four eggs and you remove one,the bird will not 3 .However,if you remove two, the bird 4 leaves. This means that the bird k
32、nows the 5 between two and three.Another interesting experiment showed a birds 6 number sense. A man was trying to take a photo of a crow(乌鸦 )that had a nest in a tower, but the crow always left when she saw him coming. The bird did not 7 until the man left the tower. The man had an 8 .He took anoth
33、er man with him to the tower. One man left and the other stayed, but they did not 9 the bird.The crow stayed away until the second man left, too. The experiment was 10 with three men and then with four men. But the crow did not return to the nest until all the men were 11 .It was not until five men
34、went into the tower and only four left that they were 12 able to fool the crow.2.A. Importantly B.Surprisingly C. Disappointedly D. Fortunately6. A.amazing B.annoying C.satisfying D.disturbing12.A. gradually B. luckily C. strangely D. finally2013 浙江卷I left France with many 34 , so when people ask me
35、 what my favorite part of the trip was, they are always 35 to hear me talk about my Brazilian friend Paolo and the scores of weekdays in class, weeknights on the town, and weekends 36 France we enjoyed together. 35. A. surprised B. disturbed C. embarrassed D. concerned2013 山东卷Every time I came into
36、her room, she was so 48 because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never 49 her, so I took her place. She let me 50 that making others feel good make me feel good, too, when she died, I was 51 , but I was very grateful to her. 50. A. explain B. guess C. declare D. see2013 湖南卷I ran to
37、_43_ behind a big tree in our yard at once. After a while, I was _44_ the girls had passed by. I dashed to the front door and banged on it loudly. 44. A. sure B. proud C. eager D. curious2012 湖北卷Happy as a child, I got on the bicycle and headed out onto the streets. After some time, I 37 at the othe
38、r end of the town. I was 38 that this simple vehicle could let me 39 long distances in a fairly short time. But how 40 did I really go?38.A. amazed B. amused C. confused D. concerned2012 北京卷I believe I stayed in a state of pleasant disbelief _43_ I was halfway through rehearsals (排练) on my first day
39、. I never actually _44_ to get the job. After being offered the position, I was completely _45_. I remember shaking with excitement.45.A. motivated B. relaxed C. convinced D. astonished2012 广东卷However, some people argue that rules may be _14_, having observed that rules change all the time, and that
40、 some schools have some regulations and others have different ones so who is to _15_ what is right ?15. A. predict B. explain C. decide D. consider2011 湖北卷Jasmina never got the chance to do it,” says Maja, now 32, “so I 34 that someday Id do it for her.34. A. pretended B. decided C. perfected D. agr
41、eed 2001 全国卷Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was _14_ and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans. But, _15_, no evidence has ever_16_been produced.16. A. rightly B. actually C. normally D. particularly2003 安徽春季卷He went to the clerk to _14_ his ticket. The clerk looked at
42、the ticket with_15_. “Why, sir, but your flight was at nine oclock in the morning, and _16_ it is eight in the evening.”15. A. astonishment B. patience C. respect D. delight 2003 全国卷I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most _1_ and tiring games Ive ever had.
43、When Ed first phoned and _2_ we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an _3_ victory.1. A. encouraging B. hopeless C. surprising D. regular2004 上海卷The law of over learning explains why cramming for an examination, _62_ it may result in a passing grade, is not a _63_way to learn a school course.63. A.
44、 convenient B. demanding C. satisfactory D. swift2002 全国卷He burst out laughing and said, “Why, you fool, he used his _17_ and asked for them. Ive been _18_ that on all my customers today, but I knew _19_ Id catch you.” ”Why is that?” I asked.19. A. for sure B. at once C. in fact D. right now1998 全国卷
45、It seemed that there was _13_ suitable work for him. So he _14_ to join the army. Mrs. Fant was so _15_ about this that she told the _16_ to all her neighbours.14. A. began B. promised C. managed D. decided1997 全国卷Just _18_, Todd saw the headlights coming at him and a car pulled in for _19_. There i
46、t was, a white Ford. He saw the _20_, LJR 1939. “What should I do?” Todd had to make a quick _21_. “Yes, sir?” Todd _22_ while making up his mind for sure. 21. A. decision B. call C. movement D. remark1994 全国卷Now he was _8_ he could do _9_ only a balancing pole. Philippe walked his way across, a _10_ of 131 feet.8. A. sure B. uncertain C. glad D. nervous1992 全国卷In 1964, a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was _14_ and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans. But, _15_, no evidence has ever _16_ been produced.16. A. rightly B. actu