1、四六级翻译 常用词组 微博:哈尔滨新东方李衍葳 1 汉赋 poetry in the Han Dynasty 年画 traditional Chinese Spring Festival paintings 相声 cross-talk 韵味 lingering charm 艺术性 artistry/artistic quality 中国结 Chinese knot 民间工艺 folk art 发扬国粹 carry forward the quintessence of Chinese culture 高雅艺术 refined and elegant art 瑰 丽多彩 colorful pat
2、terns 皇家园林 imperial gardens 京剧票友 amateur performers of Peking Opera 能工巧匠 skilful craftsman 通俗艺术 popular art 提倡多样化 encourage diversity 四合院 courtyard house/ four-section rectangular compound 精巧的雕刻 exquisite carving 艺术创造 artistic creation 四六级翻译 常用词组 微博:哈尔滨新东方李衍葳 2 艺术殿堂 treasure-house 艺术魅力 artistic appe
3、al 艺术水准 aesthetic value of works of art 艺术造诣 artistic attainments 园林景区 garden landscape 中国国粹 Chinese national treasure 中国水墨画 Chinese ink painting 深远的意境 far-reaching prospects 促进艺术交流 promote artistic exchange 中华艺术瑰宝 treasure of Chinese Arts 文学艺术遗产 legacy in literature and art 优秀民间艺术 outstanding folk
4、art 帝王威仪的象征 a symbol of imperial dignity 繁荣发展 prosperity and development 全民及终身的艺术教育 universal and lifelong art education 少数民族 ethnic minorities. 农历 Chinese lunar calendar 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 四六级翻译 常用词组 微博:哈尔滨新东方李衍葳 3 年夜饭 family reunion dinner 文化界 cultural circles 道德修养 moral self-cultivation 出土文
5、物 unearthed relics 风土人情 local conditions and customs 刚柔并济 combination of softness and hardness 厚德载物 great virtue promotes growth 皇城根儿 the foot of the imperial city 精神文明 spiritual civilization 敬老慈幼 respect the old and love the young 孔孟之道 Confucius-Mencius doctrines 孔子学院 Confucius Institute 礼义廉耻 Court
6、esy, Justice, Integrity and Sense of Shame 龙的传人 the generation of dragon 民本思想 populist ideas 民间文化 folk culture 民俗庙会 temple fair of folk custom 民族文化 national culture 四六级翻译 常用词组 微博:哈尔滨新东方李衍葳 4 天人合一 unity of man and nature 文化宝藏 cultural treasures 农耕文化 farming culture 十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac 文化创新 cultural i
7、nnovation 文化摇篮 cradle of culture 文化遗迹 cultural relics 乡土文化 native culture 炎黄子孙 a Chinese descendant/the Chinese nation 中国元素 China s elements 二 十四节气 24 solar terms 民间工艺品 fold arts and crafts 文化多样性 cultural diversification 文化软实力 cultural soft power 世界文化遗产地 world cultural heritage site 弘扬民族优秀文化 advance
8、 and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nation 重大文化产业项目 major cultural industrial projects 四六级翻译 常用词组 微博:哈尔滨新东方李衍葳 5 国家 一类文物保护单位 cultural relics (units) under first-grade state protection 吸收外国文化有益成果 absorb the achievements of foreign cultures 中华民族的传统文化、博大精深,源远流长。 The traditional Chinese cultur
9、e, both extensive and profound, dates back to ancient times. 早在 2000 多年前,中国就产生了以孔孟为代 表的儒家学说,和以老庄为代表的道家学说,以及其他许多在中国思想史上有地位的学说和学派。 More than 2,000 years ago, there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other theories an
10、d doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese thought. 中国有文字可考的历史可以追 溯到 4000 多年前,中国被认为是同古埃及、古巴比伦、古印度齐名的世界四大古代文明之一。 With written records dating back over 4,000 years, China is 四六级翻译 常用词组 微博:哈尔滨新东方李衍葳 6 recognized as one of the four great ancient civilizations of the world, together w
11、ith ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon and ancient India. 文化来自民间,文化属于大众,保护文化遗产、繁荣民族文化,关系到每一个公民 。 Culture stems from the people and belongs to the people. All citizens, therefore, should be involved in the protection of their cultural heritage and the development of their national culture. 中国是一个历史悠久、文化灿烂
12、的多民族国家。 China is a multiethnic country with a long history and a splendid culture. 文化交流不是让外国文化吞没自己的文化,而是为了丰富和充实本民族的文化。 Cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing our own culture to a foreign culture, but one of enriching our nations own culture. 四六级翻译 常用词组 微博:哈尔滨新东方李衍葳 7 我国历史悠久,地域辽阔,人口众多,不
13、同民族、不同职业 、不同年龄、不同经历和不同教育程度的人 们,有多样的生活习俗、文化传统和艺术爱好。 China has a long history, a vast territory, and a huge population. Our people are of many ethnic groups, different professions, ages, experiences and educational levels, and they have varied customs, cultural traditions and preferences for art. 造纸术、
14、印刷术、指南针、火药是中国古代科技的“四大发明”,至宋无时期相继传入世界各地,对世界文明做出了巨大贡献。 During the Song and Yuan period, the “four great inventions” in science and technology by ancient Chinese papermaking, printing, the compass and gunpowder were introduced to other countries, making great contributions to the world civilization. 汉语
15、是世界最为古老的四种语言之一,其他三种分别是古埃及文字、古代苏美尔文字和古巴比伦文字。 四六级翻译 常用词组 微博:哈尔滨新东方李衍葳 8 Chinese is one of the four earliest written languages in the world, the others being ancient Egyptian, ancient Sumerian, and ancient Babylonian. 除夕夜有守岁的习俗,聆听新年钟声,燃放烟花爆竹,有除旧迎新的意味,除夕最深刻地体现春节的最 大主题“团圆”。 The ceremony of staying overni
16、ght to greet the New Year is observed during the eve when people listen to the toll of the New Year bell, setting off fireworks and firecrackers, events that are imbued with the implications of “ringing out the old an d ringing in the new”, when the theme of reunion is highlighted to the full. 中国文明博
17、大精深、源远流长,为人类文明进步做出了巨大贡献。 The Chinese civilization is extensive and profound and has a long history, and it has contributed tremendously to the progress of human civilization. 中文是接触中华文化的钥匙。中华文化包括书法艺术、绘画艺术、陶器艺四六级翻译 常用词组 微博:哈尔滨新东方李衍葳 9 术、古典文学、历史等。 The Chinese language is the key to the Chinese culture,
18、 which includes calligraphy, paintings, ceramics, literary classics, history, etc. 国学的价值主要体现在:振奋民族精神,传承中华美德,提升人文素质,建设精神文明,维护祖国统一,推动世界和平。 Traditional Sinology has great value that finds full expression in elevating the national spirit, carrying forward the fine tradition of the Chinese nation, enhancing our cultural qualities, strengthening our spiritual civilization, maintaining the national unity and promoting world peace. 藏民族文化至今仍然是中华文化和世界文化宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠。 Tibetan culture has all along been a dazzling pearl in the treasure-house of the Chinese culture as well as that of the world as a whole.