1、The Project Gutenberg EBook of McGuffeys First Eclectic Reader, RevisedEdition, by William Holmes McGuffeyThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away orre-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License incl
2、udedwith this eBook or online at Title: McGuffeys First Eclectic Reader, Revised EditionAuthor: William Holmes McGuffeyRelease Date: June 29, 2005 EBook #14640Language: EnglishCharacter set encoding: ASCII* START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MCGUFFEYS FIRST READER *Produced by Don KostuchTranscri
3、bers Notes:Welcome to the schoolroom of 1900. The moral tone isplain. “She is kind to the old blind man.“The exercises are still suitable, and perhaps more helpfulthan some contemporary alternatives. Much is left to theteacher. Explanations given in the text are enough to getstarted teaching a child
4、 to read and write. Counting inRoman numerals is included as a bonus in the form oflesson numbers.The “non-ASCI“ text remains as images. The “non-ASCI“ text is approximated in text boxes to right of theimage, as are script images.Don KostuchECLECTIC EDUCATIONAL SERIES.MCGUFFEYSFirstECLECTIC READERRe
5、vised EditionMcGuffey Edition and Colophon are Trademarks ofJOHN WILEY but it is especially adapted to thePhonic Method, the Word Method, or a combination of thetwo.I. Phonic Method.-First teach the elementary sounds and theirrepresentative, the letters marked with diacriticals, as theyoccur in the
6、lessons; then, the formation of words by thecombination of these sounds. For instance, teach the pupil toidentify the characters r, and th, in Lesson I, as therepresentatives of certain elementary sounds; then teach him toform the words at the head of the lesson, then other words, asnag, on, and, et
7、c. Pursue a similar course in teaching thesucceeding lessons. Having read a few lessons in this manner,begin to teach the names of the letters and the spelling ofwords, and require the groups, “a man,“ “the man,“ “a pen,“ tobe read as a good reader would pronounce single words.II. When one of the le
8、tters in the combinations ou or ow, ismarked in the words at the head of the reading exercises, theother is silent. If neither is marked, the two letters represent adiphthong. All other unmarked vowels in the vocabularies,when in combination, are silent letters. In slate or blackboardwork, the silen
9、t letters may be canceled.III. Word Method.-Teach the pupil to identify at sight thewords placed at the head of the reading exercises, and to readthese exercises without hesitation. Having read a few lessons,begin to teach the names of the letters and the spelling ofwords.IV. Word Method and Phonic
10、Method Combined.-Teach thepupil to identify words and read sentences, as above. Havingread a few lessons in this manner, begin to use the PhonicMethod, combining it with the Word Method, by first teachingthe words in each lesson as words; then the elementary sounds,the names of the letters, and spel
11、ling.V. Teach the pupil to use script letters in writing, whenteaching the names of the letters and the spelling of words.Copyright, 1879, by Van Antwerp, Bragg and may also serve as copies in slate work.4. The illustrations have been designed and engravedspecially for the lessons in which they occu
12、r. Many of theengravings will serve admirably as the basis for oral lessons inlanguage.5. The type is large, strong, and distinct.The credit for this revision is almost wholly due to thefriends of McGuffeys Readers,-eminent teachers andscholars, who have contributed suggestions and criticismsgained
13、from their daily work in the schoolroom.Cincinnati, June, 1879.(iii)4 ECLECTIC SERIES.THE ALPHABET.A a N nB b O oC c P pD d Q qE e R rF f S sG g T tH h U uI i V vJ j W wK k X xL l Y yM m Z zFIRST READER. 5Script AlphabetA B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P Q R S Y UV W X Y Za b c d e f g hi j k l m n o p q
14、r s t u v w x y zSCRIPT FIGURES1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 06 ECLECTIC SERIES.FIRST READER 7McGuffeysFIRST READER.LESSON I.The dog.The dog ran.dog the rana o n d g r th8 ECLECTIC SERIES.LESSON II.The cat. The mat.Is the cat on the mat?The cat is on the mat.cat mat is one t i m sFIRST READER. 9LESSON III.The m
15、an. A pen.The man has a pen.Is the pen in his hand?It is in his hand.it his pen handa in has manp h e10 ECLECTIC SERIES.LESSON IV.A fat hen. A big rat.The fat hen is on the box.The rat ran from the box.Can the hen run?henfatrat boxbig run from canf b x uFIRST READER. 11LESSON V.See Rab! See Ann!See!
16、 Rab has the hat.Can Ann catch Rab?Rab Ann hat catch seee ch s12 ECLECTIC SERIES.LESSON VI.Ann can catch Rab.See! She has the hat.Now Ann can pat Rab.Let me pat Rab, too.LESSON VII.she pat too nowlet mesh oo ow lNed eggs black leftfed nest them getFIRST READER. 13Ned has fed the hen.She is a black h
17、en.She has left the nest.See the eggs in the nest!Will the hen let Ned get them?will a black hen the nestw ck14 ECLECTIC SERIESLESSON VIII.Let me get the black hat. Now Nedhas it on his head, and he is a big man.Come, Nat, see the big man with hisblack hat.head he Natcome with andoFIRST READER. 15LE
18、SSON IX. REVIEW.pat catch has lefthat can black eggsRab Ann fed getNed is on the box. He has a pen in hishand. A big rat is in the box. Can the dogcatch the rat?Come with me, Ann, and see the manwith a black hat on his head.The fat hen has left the nest. Run, Nat,and get the eggs.SLATE WORK.The cat
19、ran. Ann ran.The man has a hat.16 ECLECTIC SERIES.LESSON X.Do you see Nell?Yes; she has a pan with some eggs init.Let me have the pan and the eggs, willyou, Nell?Has the black hen left the nest?I will now run to catch Rab. Will yourun, too?Nell somepan himyes doyou haveI toi y v oFIRST READER. 17LES
20、SON XI.O Ben! let me get in, will you?Yes, if you will sit still.Stand still, Jip, and let Ann get in.Now, Ben, hand me the whip.Get up, Jip!1,2.O whip Benup still sitif stand Jipo wh j18 ECLECTIC SERIES.LESSON XII.Kitty has a nice pet. It can sing asweet song.She has just fed it.She will now put it
21、 in the cage, andhang the cage up. Then the cat can notcatch it.Kittynicesweetsingjusthangcagethensong pet put notk g c a y ng uFIRST READER. 19LESSON XIII.Look at Tom and his dog. The doghas a black spot on his back. Do youthink he is a good dog?Tom has a big top, too. It is on thebox with Kittys d
22、oll.Tom top Kittysatbacklookgood doll think spotth n oo20 ECLECTIC SERIES.LESSON XIV.The sun is up. The man has fed the blackhen and the fat duck.Now the duck will swim in the pond.The hen has run to her nest.sun we how pondstop for go swimher us hot ducke oFIRST READER. 21Let us not stop at the pon
23、d now, for it ishot.See how still it is! We will go to seeTom and his top.LESSON XV.O John! the sun has just set. It is not hot,now.Let us run and jump. I think it is fun torun, and skip, and jump.See the duck on the pond! Her nest is upon the bank, under the rock.We must not touch the nest, but we
24、maylook at it.John rock set jumpfun must may underskip bank but touch22 ECLECTIC SERIES.LESSON XVI. REVIEW.The sun has set, and the pond is still.John, Ned, Ben, Tom, and Nell stand onthe bank, and look at the duck.The dog with a black spot on his back, iswith Tom. See! Tom has his hat in hishand. H
25、e has left his big top on the box.Kittys doll is on the rock.Nell has put her pet in the cage. It willsing a sweet song. The duck has her nestunder the rock.It is not hot now. Let us run, and skip,and jump on the bank. Do you not think itis fun?FIRST READER. 23LESSON XVII.SLATE WORKLESSON XVIII.SLAT
26、E WORK.are ink moss this tub up setaThe pen and the ink are onthe stand. Is this a goodpen? The moss is on therock. This duck can swim.Ben upset the tub.nut did shut shall lost foxmen met step into hunt mudWill the dog hunt a fox?Ben lost his hat. Shall Ishut the box? I met himon the step. Did you j
27、umpinto the mud? I have anut. I met the man.2 4 ECLECTIC SERIES.LESSON XIX.O Kate! the old cow is in the pond: seeher drink! Will she not come out to getsome grass?No, John, she likes to be in the pond.See how still she stands!The dear old cow gives us sweet milk todrink.Kate old no grassdear likes
28、be drinkmilk cow out givesaFIRST READER. 25LESSON XX.Papa, will you let me ride with you onPrince? I will sit still in your arms.See, mamma! We are both on Prince.How large he is!Get up, Prince! You are not too fat totrot as far as the barn.mam ma large as pa paarms ride far barnboth Prince trot you
29、r26 ECLECTIC SERIES.LESSON XXI.O Fanny, what a pretty ball!Yes; can you catch it, Ann?Toss it to me, and see. I willnot let it fall.That was well done.of that toss fallwell Fanny ball wallwas pretty(prit-) done whata aFIRST READER. 27Now, Fanny, toss it to the top of thewall, if you can.LESSON XXII.Did you call us, mamma?had went call mightflag near swam swing