1、应用弹性绷带和 IPC 对急性踝扭伤的治疗Elastic Bandages and Intermittent PneumaticCompression for Treatment of Acute Ankle SprainsOlavi Airaksinen, MD, Pertti J. Kolari, MSc, Hannu Miettinen, MDABSTRACT. Airaksinen O, Kolari P J, Miettinen It: Elastic bandages and intermittent pneumatic compression for treatment of a
2、cute ankle sprains. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 71:380-383, 1990. The efficacy of elastic bandage alone and with intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) treatments in the rehabilitation of 44 acute ankle sprains was studied. Lower-leg dysfunction was assessed by measurements of edema, degree of ankle mot
3、ion, pain, and limb dysfunction when the patient was first included in the study, after treatment for one week, and after a four-week follow-up. For all the parameters studied, elastic bandage with IPC treatment resulted in highly significantly (p0.001) faster rehabilitation during the four-week fol
4、low-up than did elastic bandage treatment alone. The limb dysfunction improved significantly (p0.01) during the follow-up on the study group receiving IPC with elastic bandage compared to elastic bandage alone. The results suggest that IPC treatment is effective in acute posttraumatic therapy.KEY WO
5、RDS: Ankle; Edema; PainInversion ankle sprains are among the most common injuries seen in physically active people, and typically occur when the foot is stressed in a plantar-flexed and inverted position.1-3 Early mobilization is recognized as an effective method of treatment for lateral ankle ligam
6、ent tears.4-6 Therapy often includes use of elastic bandages together with early mobilization.Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) has been used to treat lymphatic and vascular disorders for more than 40 years. In previous studies we have found that IPC was effective in reducing chronic posttrau
7、matic edema and in relieving pain after removal of a cast. Starkey successfully used IPC and cold packs to treat acute ankle sprains; however, the efficacy of IPC in such therapy has not been well studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate conservative elastic bandage treatment alone and with IP
8、C therapy for the rehabilitation of acute ankle sprains. A novel pulsatile IPC system was used for therapy? Measurements of lower-leg edema, the degree of ankle motion, subjective assessments of pain, and limb function were used as evaluation criteria.MATERIAL AND METHODSAnkle sprain was defined as
9、a lesion resulting from an inverting injury, with edema and pain at the lateral ankle joint but with no fractures apart from small avulsions. The patients were examined by a surgeon, and x-ray pictures were taken to evaluate for talar tilt and ligament stability. The criteria for acceptance into the
10、 control or study group were (1) injury that had occurred not more than 24 hours earlier; (2) no other acute or chronic immobilizing lesion; (3) no combined clinical adduction instability; (4) age 15 to 50 years; (5) consent to come for the follow-up examination; and (6) no other treatment. All subj
11、ects in our study had a stable ankle sprain involving marked edema and dysfunction.From the Department of PM Kuopio, Finland. This study was sponsored by the Research and Science Foundatopn of Farmos, Turku, Finland.Submitted for publication November11, 1988. Accepted in revised form July 15, 1989.T
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