1、人人网 校内 - 浏览日志 - 大学生应该脱口而出的 ,背完,你的英语口语绝对不成问题了浜轰汉缃?鏍唴 - 娴忚 鏃織 - 澶 鐢熷簲璇劚鍙屽嚭鐨?锛岃儗瀹岋紝浣犵殑鑻辫 鍙 缁濆 涓嶆垚闂 浜?鏈杩戜娇鐢?鏃織 鐩稿唽 鍒嗕韩 鍏 叡涓婚 杩炴帴缃戠珯 绀肩墿鍟嗗煄 鐘舵? 鐣欒 璁哄潧 鐢熸椿姹? 浜轰汉娲诲姩 绠悊鎴戠殑搴旂敤 娴忚 鏇村 搴旂敤 璧勬枡缂栬緫 闅愮 璁剧疆 搴旂敤璁剧疆 甯愭埛璁剧疆 閭 欢璁槄榛樿 琛儏 闃跨嫺 鍥 洤鐔? 瓒呯骇琛儏瀵逛笉璧凤紝璇姛鑳介渶瑕佺瓑绾?绾 互涓婃垨鑰呭紑閫歏 IP 鎵嶅彲浠娇鐢?鎴?棣栭涓 汉涓婚瑁呮壆濂藉弸搴旂敤娓告垙绔欏唴淇?55)鍗
2、囩骇 VIP鍏呭奸個璇疯 缃 悳绱?鎼滅储 閫鍑?鏃織 宕旀櫠 宕旀櫠鐨勬棩蹇?褰撳墠鏃織 杩斿洖鏃織棣栭禄 杈冩柊涓绡?/ 杈冩棫涓绡?鍒嗕韩 Any day will do 锛熷摢涓澶兘鍙 互锛?銆銆Any messages for me 锛熸湁鎴戠殑鐣欒鍚楋紵 銆銆Are you by yourself 锛熶綘涓涓 汉鏉悧锛?銆銆All right with you 锛熶綘娌湁闂 鍚 紵 銆銆Are you f.澶 鐢熷簲璇劚鍙屽嚭鐨?锛岃儗瀹岋紝浣犵殑鑻辫 鍙 缁濆 涓嶆垚闂 浜?2010-01-28 13:07 | (鍒嗙被:榛樿 鍒嗙被)Any day will do 锛熷摢涓澶兘
3、鍙 互锛?銆銆Any messages for me 锛熸湁鎴戠殑鐣欒鍚楋紵 銆銆Are you by yourself 锛熶綘涓涓 汉鏉悧锛?銆銆All right with you 锛熶綘娌湁闂 鍚 紵 銆銆Are you free tomorrow 锛熸槑澶湁绌哄悧锛?銆銆Are you kidding me 锛熶綘鍦窡鎴戝紑鐜瑧鍚 紵 銆銆As soon as possible 锛佸敖鍙 兘蹇 紒 銆銆Back in a moment 锛侀涓婂洖鏉紒 銆銆Believe it or not 锛佷俊涓嶄俊鐢变綘锛?銆銆Better luck next time 锛佷笅娆細鏇村锛?銆銆Bo
4、y will be boys 鏈 毦绉伙紒 銆銆Come to the point 锛佹湁璇濈洿璇达紒 銆銆Do you accept plastic 锛熸敹涓嶆敹琛岀敤鍗紵 銆銆Does it keep long 锛熷彲浠繚瀛樺悧锛?銆銆Dont be so fussy 锛佸埆鎸戝墧浜嗭紒 銆銆Dont count to me 锛佸埆鎸囨湜鎴戯紒 銆銆Dont fall for it 锛佷笉瑕佷笂褰擄紒 銆銆Dont get me wrong 锛佷綘鎼為敊浜嗭紒 銆銆Dont give me that 锛佸皯鏉繖濂楋紒 銆銆Dont let me down 锛佸埆璁垜澶辨湜锛?銆銆Dont
5、lose your head 锛佸埆涔愭槒浜嗗锛?銆銆Dont over do it 锛佸埆鍋氳繃澶翠簡锛?銆銆Dont sit there daydreaming 锛佸埆闂茬潃鍋氱櫧鏃锛?銆銆Dont stand on ceremony 锛佸埆澶 嫎鏉燂紒 銆銆Drop me a line 锛佽 鍐欎俊缁欐垜锛?銆銆Easy come easy go 锛佹潵寰楀 鏄撳幓寰椾篃蹇 紒 銆銆First come first served 锛佸厛鍒板厛寰楋紒 銆銆Get a move on 锛佸揩鐐瑰惂锛?銆銆Get off my back 锛佷笉瑕佸槻绗戞垜锛?銆銆Give him the wo
6、rks 锛佺粰浠栫偣鏁欒 锛?銆銆Give me a break 锛侀浜嗘垜鍚 紒 銆銆Give me a hand 锛佸府鎴戜竴涓 繖锛?銆銆Great minds think alike 锛佽嫳闆勬墍瑙佺暐鍚岋紒 銆銆Ill treat you to lunch.鍗堥 鎴戣 浣狅紒 銆銆In one ear 锛宱 ut the other ear.涓鑰宠繘锛屼竴鑰冲嚭锛?銆銆Im spaced-out 锛佹垜寮灏忓樊浜嗭紒 銆銆I beg your pardon 锛佽 浣犲啀璇翠竴閬嶏紒 銆銆I cant afford that 锛佹垜浠樹笉璧凤紒 銆銆I cant follow you
7、锛佹垜涓嶆噦浣犺 鐨勶紒 銆銆I cant help it 锛佹垜鎯呬笉鑷 锛?銆銆I couldnt reach him 锛佹垜鑱旂粶涓嶄笂浠栵紒 銆銆I cross my heart 锛佹垜鍙戣獡鏄 湡鐨勶紒 I dont mean it 锛佹垜涓嶆槸鏁呮剰鐨勶紒 銆銆I feel very miserable 锛佹垜濂芥伯涓 紒 銆銆I have no choice 锛佹垜鍒 棤閫夋嫨浜嗭紒 銆銆I watch my money 锛佽 璐 鍛斤紒 銆銆Ill be in touch 锛佷繚鎸佽仈缁滐紒 銆銆Ill check it out 锛佹垜鍘荤湅鐪嬶紒 銆銆Ill show you
8、 around 锛佹垜甯綘鍥涘 閫涢涳紒 銆銆Ill see to it 锛佹垜浼氱暀鎰忕殑锛?銆銆Im crazy for you 锛佹垜涓轰綘鐤 媯锛?銆銆You make me jump 锛佷綘涓嬩簡鎴戜竴璺筹紒 銆銆Make up your mind.浣滀釜鍐冲畾鍚 紒 銆銆Make yourself at home 锛佸氨褰撳湪瀹朵竴鏍凤紒 銆銆My mouth is watering 锛佹垜瑕佹祦鍙按浜嗭紒 銆銆Never heard of it 锛佹病鍚 杩囷紒 銆銆Nice talking to you 锛佸緢楂樺叴鍜屼綘鑱婂锛?銆銆No doubt about it 锛佸嬁搴
9、哥疆鐤戯紒 銆銆No pain no gain 锛佷笉缁忎竴浜嬶紝涓嶉暱涓鏅猴紒 銆銆None of your business 锛佽 浣犵 锛?銆銆There is nothing on your business 锛佽繖娌綘鐨勪簨锛?銆銆Now you are really talking 锛佽 寰楀 锛?銆銆Please dont rush me 锛佽 涓嶈 鍚逛績鎴戯紒 銆銆Please keep me informed 锛佽 涓瀹氳 閫氱煡鎴戯紒 銆銆She looks blue today.濂逛粖澶緢蹇 儊锛?銆銆She is under the weather.濂瑰績鎯呬笉濂斤紒
10、 銆銆So far 锛宻 o good.杩囧緱鍘汇?銆銆Speaking of the devil 锛佷竴璇存浌鎿嶏紝鏇规搷灏卞埌锛?銆銆Stay away from me 锛佺 鎴戣繙涓鐐癸紒 銆銆Stay on the ball 锛侀泦涓 敞鎰忓姏锛?銆銆That makes no difference.涓嶉兘涓鏍峰悧锛?銆銆Thats a touchy issue 锛佽繖鏄 釜杈墜寰楅棶棰橈紒 銆銆Thats always the case 锛佷範浠负甯革紒 銆銆Thats going too far 锛佽繖澶 璋变簡锛?銆銆Thats more like that 锛佽繖鎵嶈薄璇濆槢锛
11、?銆銆The answer is zero 锛佺櫧蹇欎簡锛?銆銆The dice is cast 锛佸凡鎴愬畾灞浜嗭紒 銆銆The same as usual 锛佷竴濡傛棦寰锛?銆銆The walls have ears 锛侀殧澧欐湁鑰筹紒 銆銆There you go again 锛佷綘鍙堟潵浜嗭紒 銆銆Time is running out 锛佹病鏈夋椂闂翠簡锛?銆銆We better get going 锛佹渶濂介涓婂氨璧帮紒 Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 灏忓埆鑳滄柊濠氥?After you 锛?鎮厛銆?Allow me 锛?璁垜鏉?Any
12、day will do 锛?鍝 竴澶兘琛屽 Any messages for me? 鏈夋垜鐨勭暀瑷鍚? Any thing else? 杩樿 鍒 殑鍚? Any urgent thing 锛?鏈夋簨鍚楋紵Are you kidding? 浣犲湪寮鐜瑧鍚? Are you sure? 浣犺偗瀹氬悧? As soon as possible! 瓒婂揩瓒婂! Be careful! 娉剰! Be quiet! 瀹夐潤鐐? Believe it or not! 淇笉淇敱浣? Between us. 浣犵煡锛屾垜鐭?Big mouth! 澶氬槾椹达紒 Blast! *锛?Bless you! 绁濈 浣
13、? Bottle it! 闁夊槾锛?Bottoms up! 骞叉澂锛?Bottoms up! 骞叉澂(瑙佸簳)! Boy! 锛堣绀烘儕濂囷紝鍏村 绛夛級鍝囷紒濂藉 浼欙紒Break the rules. ?#;鍙嶈 鍓囥?Break the rules. 杩濆弽瑙勫垯銆?Can I have this. 鍙 互缁欐垜杩欎釜鍚楋紵Can I help you? 鎴戣兘甯 綘鍚? Can you dig it 锛?浣犳悶鏄庣櫧浜嗗悧锛?Can 锛峝 o. 鑳戒汉銆?Cheap skate! 灏忔皵楝硷紒Cheer up! 鎸 綔璧锋潵! Chin up. 涓嶆皵 锛屾尟浣滀簺銆?Close 锛島
14、p. 鐗瑰 閺牠銆?Clothes make the man 锛?浜鸿 琛 銆?Come on! 蹇 偣锛屾尟浣滆捣鏉紒 Come on, be reasonable. 鍡 紝浣犳庝箞涓嶈 閬撶悊銆?Come on 锛?鏉惂(璧跺揩) Come seat here. 鏉繖杈瑰潗銆?Congratulations! 绁濊春浣? Control yourself! 鍏嬪埗涓涓? Count me on 绠椾笂鎴戙?Daring! 浜茬埍鐨勶紒Dead end. 姝昏儭鍚屻?December heartbeat. 榛勬槒鎭嬨?Did you miss the bus? 浣犻敊杩囧叕鍏辨苯杞簡? Di
15、nner is on me. 鏅氶鎴戣 銆?Do l have to 闈炲仛涓嶅彲鍚? Do me a favor? 甯 釜蹇欙紝濂藉悧? Do you have any money on you 锛?浣犺韩涓婂甫閽变簡鍚楋紵Do you have straw 锛?浣犳湁鍚哥 鍚楋紵Does it serve your purpose 锛?瀵逛綘鏈夌敤鍚楋紵 Doggy bag. 鎵撳寘琚嬨?Dont be so childish. 鍒 繖涔堝 瀛愭皵銆?Dont be so modest 锛?鍒 唉铏氫簡銆?Dont count on me 锛庡埆鎸囨湜鎴戙?Dont fall for it
16、! 鍒 笂褰? Dont flatter me. 杩囧 浜嗐?Dont get high hat. 鍒 憜鏋跺瓙銆?Dont get loaded. 鍒 枬閱変簡銆?Dont get me wrong. 鍒 浼氭垜銆?Dont give me that! 灏戞潵杩欏! Dont let me down 锛?鍒 鎴戝鏈涖?Dont let me down. 鍒 鎴戝鏈涖?Dont lose your head 銆?涓嶈 鎯婃厡澶辨帾銆?Dont make up a story. 涓嶈 鎹忛犱簨瀹炪?Dont mention it. 娌叧绯伙紝鍒 姘斻?Dont move! 涓嶈 鍔? Dont
17、over do it. 鍒 杩囧垎浜嗐?Dont play possum! 鍒 钂滐紒Dont push me. 鍒 兼垜銆?Dont take ill of me. 鍒 敓鎴戞皵銆?Dont trust to chance! 涓嶈 纰拌繍姘斻?Dont worry 锛?鍒 媴蹇冦?Drop it! 鍋滄 锛?Easy come easy go 锛?鏉緱瀹规槗锛屽幓寰楀揩銆?Easy does it. 鎱參鏉?Enjoy yourself! 绁濅綘鐜緱寮蹇? Excuse me 锛孲 ir 锛?鍏堢敓锛屽 涓嶈捣銆?Fasten your seat belt 锛?绯诲浣犵殑瀹夊叏甯?Feel
18、better? 濂界偣浜嗗悧? Follow me 锛?璺熸垜鏉?Follow my nose. 鍑 洿瑙夊仛鏌愪簨銆?Forget it! 浼戞兂! (绠椾簡!) Fresh paint! 娌规紗鏈 共锛?Get an eyeful. 鐪嬩釜澶熴?Get cold feet. 瀹虫曞仛鏌愪簨銆?Get out of here! 婊氬嚭鍘伙紒Gild the lily. 鐢昏泧娣昏冻銆?Give me a hand! 甯 府鎴? Go ahead. 缁 画銆?Go down to business. 瑷褰掓 浼犮?Go to hell 锛?*鍚 紒God works. 涓婂笣鐨勫畨鎺掋?Goo
19、d for you! 濂藉緱寰堬紒Good job! 鍋氬緱濂? Good luck! 绁濆杩? Good luck! 绁濅綘濂借繍锛?Guess what? 鐚滅寽鐪? Hang on! 鎶撶揣锛堝埆鎸傜數璇濓級锛?Have a good of it.鐜殑寰堥珮鍏淬?Have fun! 鐜緱寮蹇? He always talks big 锛?浠栨绘槸鍚圭墰銆?He came by train 锛?浠栦箻鐏 溅鏉?He can hardly speak 锛?浠栧嚑涔庤 涓嶅嚭璇濇潵銆?He cant take a joke 锛?浠栧紑涓嶅緱鐜瑧銆?He has a quick eye. 浠栫殑
20、鐪肩潧寰堥攼鍒?He has an ax to grind. 浠栧彟鏈変紒鍥俱?He is a fast talker. 浠栨槸涓 惞鐗涘鐜嬨?He is a smart boy 锛?浠栨槸涓 皬鏈虹伒楝笺?He is ill in bed 锛?浠栧崸鐥呭湪搴娿?He is just a child 锛?浠栧彧鏄 釜瀛瓙銆?He is my age 锛?浠栧拰鎴戝悓宀併?He is the pain on neck. 浠栫湡璁汉璁帉銆?He lacks courage 锛?浠栫己涔忓媷姘斻?He neither drinks nor smokes. 浠栨棦涓嶅枬閰掍篃涓嶆娊鐑熴?He neit
21、her drinks nor smokes. 浠栨棦涓嶅枬閰掍篃涓嶆娊鐓欍?He owes my uncle $锛庝粬娆犳垜鍙斿彅缇庡厓銆?He pushes his luck. 浠栧璐 績浜嗐?He won an election 锛?浠栧湪閫変妇涓 幏鑳溿?Help me out. 甯 府鎴戙?Help yourself 锛?鍒 姘斻?Here we are! 鎴戜滑鍒颁簡锛?Here ye! 璇村緱瀵癸紒Here you are 锛?缁欎綘銆?High jack! 涓捐捣鎵嬫潵锛堟姠鍔 級锛?Hit the ceiling. 澶 彂闆烽渾銆?Hold on 锛?绛変竴绛夈?Hope so
22、. 甯屾湜濡傛 銆?How about eating out 锛?澶栭潰鍚冮鎬庢牱锛?How are things going? 浜嬫儏杩涘睍寰楁庢牱? How are you recently? 鏈杩戞庝箞鏍? How big of you! 浣犵湡妫掞紒How big of you! 浣犵湡妫掞紒How come 鈥?鎬庝箞鍥炰簨锛屾庝箞鎼炵殑銆?How much? 澶氬皯閽? Hows everything? 涓鍒囪繕濂藉惂? Hows it going? 鎬庝箞鏍? I agree 銆?鎴戝悓鎰忋?I am a football fan 锛?鎴戞槸涓 冻鐞冭糠銆?I am all ea
23、rs. 鎴戞礂鑰虫伃鍚?I am the one wearing pants in the house. 鎴戝綋瀹躲?I beg your pardon 锛?璇蜂綘鍘熻皡銆?I beg your pardon? 璇锋偍鍐嶈 涓閬?鎴戞病鏈夊惉娓?銆?I cant follow you 锛?鎴戜笉鎳備綘璇寸殑銆?I cant make both ends meet. 鎴戜笂涓 湀鎺笉鍒颁笅涓 湀锛岀己閽便?I decline! 鎴戞嫆缁? I dont care. 鎴戜笉鍦箮銆?I dont have anywhere to be. 娌湴鏂瑰彲鍘汇?I dont mean it. 鎴戜笉鏄 晠鎰
24、忕殑銆?I doubt it 鎴戞鐤戙?I felt sort of ill. 鎴戞劅瑙夋湁鐐逛笉閫傘?I have a good idea! 鎴戞湁涓涓 涓绘剰銆?I have no choice 锛?鎴戝埆鏃犻夋嫨銆?I have no idea 锛?鎴戞病鏈夊缁?I have to be late and keep my date waiting. 鎴戜笉鍠滄 杩熷埌鑰岃 鍒 汉涔呯瓑銆?I just made it! 鎴戝仛鍒颁簡! I know all about it 锛?鎴戠煡閬撴湁鍏冲畠鐨勪竴鍒囥?I like ice-cream 锛?鎴戝枩娆悆鍐版穱娣嬨?I lost my
25、way. 鎴戣糠璺 簡銆?I love this game 锛?鎴戦挓鐖辫繖椤硅繍鍔?I love you! 鎴戠埍浣? I might hear a pin drop. 闈炲父瀵傞潤銆?I promise 锛?鎴戜繚璇併?I quit! 鎴戜笉骞蹭簡! I see 锛?鎴戞槑鐧戒簡銆?I stay at home a lot. 鎴戝 鍗婂湪瀹堕噷銆?I swear by the god. 鎴戝 澶彂瑾撱?I think so 锛?鎴戜篃杩欎箞鎯炽?I wonder if you can give me a lift 锛?鑳借 鎴戞惌涓绋嬪悧锛?If only I could fly 锛?瑕佹
26、槸鎴戣兘椋炲氨濂戒簡銆?Ill be back soon 锛?鎴戦涓婂洖鏉?Ill be right there 锛?鎴戦涓婂氨鍒般?Ill be seeing you. 鍐嶈 銆?Ill check it out 锛?鎴戝幓鏌煡鐪嬨?Ill fix you Up 锛?鎴戜細甯 綘鎵撶偣鐨勩?Ill get even with him one day. 鎴戞绘湁涓澶窡浠栨壇骞?Ill kick you *. 鎴戝皢鐐掍綘楸块奔銆?Ill see to it 鎴戜細鐣欐剰鐨勩?Ill see you at six 锛?鎴戝叚鐐归挓瑙佷綘銆?Ill try my best 锛?鎴戝敖鍔涜屼负銆?I
27、m afraid I cant. 鎴戞亹鎬曚笉鑳姐?Im bored to death. 鎴戞棤鑱婃 浜嗐?Im dying to see you. 鎴戝緢鎯宠 浣犮?Im full 锛?鎴戦浜嗐?Im going to go. 鎴戦欏氨鍘汇?Im his fan 銆?鎴戞槸浠栫殑褰辫糠銆?Im home 锛?鎴戝洖鏉簡銆?Im in a hurry! 鎴戝湪璧舵椂闂? Im lost 锛?鎴戣糠璺 簡銆?Im not going. 鎴戜笉鍘讳簡銆?Im not it a good mood. 娌湁蹇冩儏锛堝仛鏌愪簨锛夈?Im on a diet 锛?鎴戝湪鑺傞 銆?Im On your si
28、de 锛?鎴戝叏鍔涙敮鎸佷綘銆?Im single 锛?鎴戞槸鍗曡韩璐垫棌銆?IS it true or false? 杩欐槸瀵圭殑杩樻槸閿欑殑? Is it yours? 杩欐槸浣犵殑鍚? Is that so 锛?鏄 繖鏍峰悧锛?It can be a killer. 杩欐槸涓 激鑴戠瓔鐨勯棶棰樸?It doesnt make any differences. 娌叧绯汇?It doesnt take much of you time. 杩欎笉鑺变綘濂藉 鏃堕棿銆?It doesnt work. 涓嶇 鐢?It is a deal 锛?涓瑷涓哄畾锛?It is a long story. 涓
29、瑷闅惧敖銆?It is a small world! 涓栫晫鐪熸槸灏忥紒It is growing cool 锛?澶皵娓愭笎鍑夌埥璧锋潵銆?It is not a big deal! 娌粈涔堜簡涓嶈捣锛?It is of high quality. 瀹冭川閲忎笂涔樸?It is raining. 瑕佷笅闆簡銆?It is urgent. 鏈夋簨銆?It really takes time 锛?杩欐牱澶 借 鏃堕棿浜嗐?It seems all right 锛?鐪嬫潵杩欐病闂 銆?It sounds great!锛?鍚 捣鏉緢涓嶉敊銆?It was something that happens
30、once in the blue moon. 杩欐槸鍗冭浇闅鹃殑浜嬨?It 鈥檚 a long story 锛?璇存潵璇濋暱銆?It 鈥檚 Sunday today 锛?浠婂鏄 槦鏈熷銆?Its a fine day 銆?浠婂鏄 釜濂藉銆?Its against the law 锛?杩欐槸杩濇硶鐨勩?Its going too far 锛?澶 璋变簡銆?Its her field 锛?杩欐槸濂圭殑鏈 銆?Its up in the air. 灏氭湭纭 畾銆?Its up to you. 鐢变綘鍐冲畾銆?Its up to you 锛?鐢变綘鍐冲畾銆?Just read it for me 锛?
31、灏辫 缁欐垜鍚 浜嗐?Just wait and see! 绛夌潃鐬? Just wonderful! 绠鐩村妫掍簡! Keep in Touch 锛?淇濇寔鑱旂粶銆?Keep it up! 鍧氭寔涓嬪幓! Knowledge is power 锛?鐭瘑灏辨槸鍔涢噺銆?Leave me alone. 鍒 悊鎴戙?Let go! 鏀炬墜! Let me see 锛庤 鎴戞兂鎯炽?Lets bag it. 鍏堟妸瀹冩悂涓杈广?Lets play it by ear. 璁垜浠 殢鍏存墍鑷炽?Long time no see! 濂戒箙涓嶈! Lose head. 涓 鐞嗘櫤銆?Love me 锛宭 o
32、ve my dog 锛?(璋氳) 鐖卞眿鍙婁箤銆?Make it up! 涓嶈 鍓嶅珜锛?Make it. 杈惧埌鐩 殑锛岃幏寰楁垚鍔熴?Make up your mind 锛?鍋氫釜鍐冲畾鍚 ?May I use your pen? 鎴戝彲浠敤浣犵殑绗斿悧? Me too 锛?鎴戜篃鏄?Move out of my way! 璁紑! My girlfriend and I broke up. 鎴戝拰鎴戠殑濂虫湅鍙嬪惞浜嗐?My god! 澶摢! My hands are full right now. 鎴戠幇鍦緢蹇欍?My mouth is watering 锛?鎴戣 娴佸彛姘翠簡銆?My
33、treat 锛?鎴戣 瀹?Never mind. 涓嶈 绶娿?Never mind 锛庝笉瑕佺揣銆?No one knows . 娌湁浜虹煡閬撱?No pain 锛宯 o gain 锛?涓嶅姵鏃犺幏銆?No problem! 娌棶棰? No way! 涓嶅彲鑳斤紒 No way! 涓嶈! None of my business. 涓嶅叧鎴戜簨銆?None of you keyhole. 涓嶅噯鍋风湅銆?Not at all. 鏍规湰灏变笉锛堢敤锛夈?Not bad 锛?杩樹笉閿欍?Not in the long run. 浠庨暱杩滄潵璇翠笉鏄 繖鏍风殑銆?Not precisely! 涓嶈 寰
34、楋紝涓嶄竴瀹氾紒Not so bad. 涓嶉敊銆?Not yet 锛?杩樻病銆?Nothing tricky. 鍒 嶈姳鎷涖?Nuts! 鍛革紱鑳 锛涙贩铔嬶紒Nuts! 鍛革紱鑳 锛涙贩铔?Of course! 褰撶劧浜? Play hooky. 鏃峰伐銆佹椃璇俱?Poor thing! 鐪熷彲鎬滐紒Poor thing! 鐪熷彲鎲愶紒Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling. 鐗环鐩寸嚎涓婂崌锛岃繖鏍峰瓙涓嬪幓锛屾垜浠 攨閲屽彲娌粈涔堜笢瑗跨叜楗?Right
35、 over there. 灏卞湪閭噷銆?Say hello to everybody for me. 鏇挎垜鍚戝瀹堕棶濂姐?See you 锛?鍐嶈 銆?She had a bad cold 锛?濂规偅浜嗛噸鎰熷啋銆?She is still mad at me. 濂硅繕鍦敓鎴戠殑姘斻?She make a mess of things. 濂规妸浜嬫儏鎼炲緱涓濉岀硦娑傘?Shell be along in a few minutes. 浠栭涓婁細杩囨潵銆?Shes got quite a wad. 濂硅韩鎬宸 銆?Shoot the breeze. 闂茶皥銆?Shut up! 闂 槾! Sid
36、e dish. 閰嶈彍銆?Sleeping on both ears. 鐫殑棣欍?Slow down! 鎱偣! So do I 锛?鎴戜篃涓鏍枫?So far 锛孲 o good 锛?鐩 墠杩樹笉閿欍?So long 锛?鍐嶈 銆?Speak louder 锛宲 lease 锛?璇磋瘽璇峰澹扮偣鍎裤?Stay away from him. 鍒?杩戜粬銆?Still up 锛?杩樻病鐫憖锛?Sure thin! 鐣剁劧锛?T cant help it. 鎴戞儏涓嶈嚜绂併?Take a seat! 璇峰潗锛?Take care! 淇濋噸! Take it easy 锛?鍒 揣寮犮?Talk tru
37、ly. 鏈夎瘽鐩磋 銆?Tell me when! 闅忔椂濂夐櫔锛?That is a boy! 澶 浜嗭紝濂芥瀬浜嗭紒That is great! 澶 浜嗭紒That is unfair. 杩欎笉鍏 钩锛?That rings a bell. 鍚 捣鏉崇啛銆?Thats a good idea 锛?杩欎釜涓绘剰鐪熶笉閿欍?Thats all I need 锛?鎴戝氨瑕佽繖浜涖?Thats all! 灏辫繖鏍? Thats neat 锛?杩欏緢濂姐?The answer is zero 锛?鐧藉繖浜嗐?The line is engaged. 鍗犵嚎銆?The view is great 锛?
38、鏅 壊澶氫箞婕備寒! The wall has ears 锛?闅斿 鏈夎炽?There comes a bus 锛?姹借溅鏉簡銆?There is nobody by that name working here. 杩欓噷娌湁杩欎釜浜恒?There is nobody by that name working here.閫欒!娌掓湁閫欏嬩汉銆?They hurt 锛?(浼彛)鐤笺?This boy has no job 锛?杩欎釜鐢峰 娌湁宸綔銆?This house is my own 锛?杩欐墍鎴垮瓙鏄 垜鑷 繁鐨勩?This way 銆?杩欒竟璇枫?Thousand times no!
39、缁濆 鍔炰笉鍒帮紒 Time is money 锛?鏃堕棿灏辨槸閲戦挶銆?Time is running out 锛?娌椂闂翠簡銆?Time is up 锛?鏃堕棿蹇 埌浜嗐?To be careful! 涓瀹氳 灏忓績! Try again 锛?鍐嶈瘯璇曘?Wait and see. 绛夌潃鐬 ?Watch out! 褰撳績銆?Watch you mouth. 娉剰瑷杈炪?We are good friends 锛?鎴戜滑鏄 鏈嬪弸銆?We have no way out. 鎴戜滑娌姙娉曘?Well 锛宨 t depends 鍣 紝杩欏緱鐪嬫儏鍐点?Were all for it 锛?鎴戜滑
40、鍏兘鍚屾剰銆?What a good deal! 鐪熶究瀹? What a pity! 澶 仐鎲句簡! What about you? 浣犲憿? What brought you here 锛?浠涔堥 鎶婁綘鍚规潵浜嗭紵What day is today? 浠婂鏄熸湡鍑? What do you think? 浣犳庝箞璁负锛?What does she like? 濂瑰枩娆 粈涔? What happened to you? 浣犳庝箞浜? What if I go for you 锛?鎴戞浛浣犲幓鎬庝箞鏍凤紵What is the fuss 锛?鍚典粈涔堬紵 What is you major
41、 锛?浣犲 浠涔堜笓涓氾紵What should I do? 鎴戣 鎬庝箞鍔烇紵 What time is it? 鍑犵偣浜? Whats new? 鏈変粈涔堟柊椴滀簨鍚? Whats up? 鏈変粈涔堜簨鍚? Whats your trouble? 浣犲摢鍎夸笉鑸掓湇? When are you leaving 锛?浣犱粈涔堟椂鍊欒蛋锛?Who knows! 澶檽寰楋紒 Who told you that? 璋佸憡璇変綘鐨? Who wants 锛?璋佺缃曪紵Whos calling? 鏄 摢涓浣? Whos kicking off? 鐜板湪鏄 皝鍦紑鐞? Why are you so su
42、re 锛?鎬庝箞杩欐牱鑲 畾锛?Why die she marry a man old enough to be her father 锛?濂逛负浠涔堣 瀚佺粰涓涓 勾榫勪笌濂圭埗浜茬浉褰撶殑鐢蜂汉锛?Why not? 濂藉憖! (涓轰粈涔堜笉鍛?) Why so blue 锛?鎬庝箞鍨傚涓 皵锛?Would you mind making less noise? 鑳戒笉鑳藉皬澹扮偣銆?Yes 锛孖 suppose So 锛?鏄 殑锛屾垜涔熻繖涔堣 涓恒?You are just in time. 浣犳潵寰楁 鏄 椂鍊欍?You are welcome! 鍒 姘旓紒You ask for it
43、! 娲昏 锛?You asked for it! 浣犺嚜璁嫤鍚? You bet! 涓瀹氾紝褰撶劧锛?You can make it! 浣犺兘鍋氬埌! You cant miss it 浣犱竴瀹氳兘鎵惧埌鐨勩?You did fairly well! 浣犲共寰楃浉褰撲笉閿?You did right 锛?浣犲仛寰楀 銆?You dont say so. 鏈 繀鍚 紝涓嶈嚦浜庤繖鏍峰惂銆?You dont say! 鐪熸兂涓嶅埌锛?You dont seem to be quite yourself today. 浣犱粖澶湅璧锋潵涓嶅瀵瑰姴銆?You have my word 锛?鎴戜繚璇併?Y
44、ou might at least apologize. 浣犻澶氶亾涓 瓑灏卞緱浜嗐?You need to workout 锛?浣犻渶瑕佸幓杩愬姩閿荤偧涓涓嬨?You never know. 涓栦簨闅炬枡銆?You owe me one 锛庝綘娆犳垜涓涓 汉鎯呫?You set me up! 浣犲嚭鍗栨垜! You want a bet 锛?浣犳兂鎵撹祵鍚楋紵Your are welcome. 浣犲瀹皵浜嗐?Your hand feels cold 锛?浣犵殑鎵嬫懜璧锋潵寰堝喎銆傘?Youre welcome 锛?涓嶅 姘斻?涔呬话锛両ve heard so much about you.
45、濂戒箙涓嶈 浜嗭紒 Long time no see. 杈涜嫤浜嗭紒 Youve had a long day. Youve had a long flight. 灏婃暚鐨勬湅鍙嬩滑锛丏 istinguished/Honorable/Respected friends 闃佷笅(澶氱敤浜庣 鍛煎浣? Your Excellency 鎴戜唬琛寳浜 競鏀垮簻娆繋鍚勪綅鏈嬪弸璁块棶鍖椾含銆侽n behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have com
46、e to visit Beijing. 瀵规偍鐨勫鍔涘崗鍔紝鎴戣皑浠鍖椾含甯傛斂搴滆绀鸿蹇冪殑鎰熻阿銆侽 n behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. 鍦寳浜 繃寰楁庝箞鏍凤紵 How are you making out in Beijing? 鎴戜竴瀹氬悜浠栬浆杈炬偍鐨勯棶鍊欏拰閭璇枫侷ll surely remember you and your invitation to him. 娆繋缇庡晢鏉寳浜 姇璧勩侫 merican businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing. 娆繋澶氭彁瀹濊吹鎰忚 銆俌 our valuable advice is most welcome. 涓嶈櫄姝! Its a rewarding trip! 鎮殑鏃寰堢揣,鎴戜滑鐨勪細瑙佹槸鍚氨鍒版 涓烘 銆侫s you have a tight schedule, I will not take up mor