1、1北京科技大学远程与成人教育学院招生入学考试专升本 试题(A 卷)注意: 本试卷满分为 150 分 , 考试时间为 120 分钟。所有答案均答在机读卡上,用 2B 铅笔将选项涂黑。机读卡上试卷类型、科目、准考证号请务必正确填涂。 卷 一(大学英语)一、 阅读理解 (共 8 小题,每题 2.5 分,共 20 分)阅读下列短文,根据内容从每小题的四个选项中选出最佳的一项。Passage 1 Want ads(招聘广告) are messages in the newspaper where you can find out about many different things. They are
2、 also known as the classified section and you can find out about job openings there. The “Help Wanted” or “Employment” section, you will see other titles under these general titles. They are called subheadings(小标题). For example, you can look under the subheading “Office” or “Clerical” if you have sp
3、ecial skills as a secretary or typist. The jobs are listed in alphabetical order under the subheadings. You can read the want ads to learn general information about available jobs or to learn specific information about a particular job that interests you. Reading the want ads will help you better un
4、derstand the jobs that are available. However, only a small group of people get jobs through the want ads. Often the jobs offered are entry level jobs or beginning jobs. If you have little experience as a worker, Want ads may help you find the job you looking for. 1. Want ads are advertisements in w
5、hich people can find information about _.A. available rentals B. available jobsC. second-hand goods D. fashionable clothes 题号 一 二 三 四 总分得分学习中心名称: 准考证号: 专业: 姓名: (密 封 线 内 答 题 无 效)密 封 线 22. You can find want ads in _ advertising section in newspapers.A. medicine B. walking C. classified D. outdoor 3. I
6、ts easy to find the jobs that you are interested in because job openings are classified under_.A. titles B. names C. positions D. subheadings 4. You can better understand _ when reading a specific want ads.A. what you are required to do B. what you haveC. why you take the job D. how to do the job 5.
7、 Want ads are of more help to those who have _ experience in a job.A. little B. unusual C. enough D. pleasantPassage 2 Atoms(微粒;原子) are all around us. They are the bricks of which everything is made. Many millions of atoms are contained in just one grain of salt, but despite their small size they ar
8、e very important. The way an everyday object behaves depends on what kinds of atoms are in it and how they act. For instance, you know that most solid objects melt if they get hot enough. Why is this? It is the effect of the heat on the objects atoms. All atoms move constantly. When they are hot, th
9、ey move faster. Usually the atoms in an object hold together and give the object its shape. But if the object grows hot, its atoms move so fast that they break the force that usually holds them together. They move out of their usual places so that the object loses its shape. Then we say that the obj
10、ect is melting. 6. One grain of salt contains _.A. a few thousand atoms B. many millions of atoms C. several heated atoms D. one million atoms 7. The way an object behaves depends on the _.A. kinds of atoms in it B. number of atoms in itC. way its atoms behave D. both A and C 8. Heating an object wi
11、ll affect _. A. the movements of its atoms B. the speed of its atoms C. the shape of its atoms D. both A and B 二、单项选择 (共 18 小题,每题 2.5 分,共 45 分) 9. He will _ announce the independence of the country tomorrow morning. A. formally B. officially C. loudly D. justly 310. We have to climb the stairs becau
12、se the elevator doesnt _ well today. A. lift B. raise C. operate D. go 11. We are deeply impressed by his _ room. A. order B. ordered C. ordering D. orderly 12. You have to hurry up, _ youll be late for work again. A. otherwise B. because C. as D. since 13. There exist a lot of mysteries in the _ sp
13、ace. A. out B. outer C. outside D. outward 14. We _ a lot of thanks to the old farmer because he saves our sons life. A. offer B. provide C. give D. owe 15. The crowd got into a _ when the fire started A. hear B. noise C. panic D. mess 16. I _ two bookstores on my way to the school library.A. pass B
14、. past C. pass by D. go through17. She _ $ 45 on that beautiful hat A. gave B. paid C. spent D. offer 18. The children are not permitted _ into the garden before 9 oclock.A. go B. to go C. going D. in going 19. He was persuaded not _ the army by his teacher. A. join B. to join C. joining D. in joini
15、ng 20. A lot of unusual _ have taken place in it after the old man died last month.A. phenomena B. phenomenas C. phenomenon D. phenomenons 21. I felt _ when I finished this hard task on time.A. pleasant B. pleasure C. pleased D. please 22. His classmates always _ tricks on him.A. make B. play C. pla
16、n D. run 23. The young soldier finally gave _ the last hope of escaping the prison A. down B. up C. out D. away 24. The light suddenly went _ when he stood up. A. down B. up C. out D. away 25.The criminal was _ over to the police at last. A. held B. caught C. handed D. played26. I wrote to him twice
17、, but I didnt _ from him at all. 4A. receive B. get C. accept D. hear 三、完型填空 (共 4 小题,每题 2.5 分,共 10 分) Have you ever had to stay in 27_ a long time? About six months ago, I _28_very weak and so I went _29_ a doctor. He looked at me and asked a lot of questions: “Have you been working too _30_ ?” “Hav
18、e you eaten or drunk anything special?” And so on. Finally hetold me that it was not very serious but that I ought not to meet other people. I had to stay in bed for two weeks and take some medicine every day . It wasnt so bad because my friends came and talked to me through the window. Im glad my b
19、edroom is on the ground floor. 27. A the bed for B. the bed since C. bed for D. bed since 28. A. felt B. filled C. fell D. feel 29. A. and see B. to see C. for see D. for to see 30. A. hard B. hardly C. much hard D. much hardly卷 二(高等数学)四、单项选择 (共 10 小题,每题 2.5 分,共 25 分)31.32.533.
20、卷 三(大学语文)五、单项选择 (共 20 小题,每题 2.5 分,共 50 分)41.诗经收集了从西周初年到( )中叶的诗歌 305 篇。A.战国 B.东周 C.秦汉 D.春秋42.( )开创了我国浪漫主义诗歌的创作道路。A.诗经 B.楚辞 C.国语 D.史记43.下列四组词语中,最能体现五代史伶官传序中心旨意的一组是:( )。7A忧劳与逸豫 B盛与衰C天命与人事 D满与谦44张中丞传后叙:“愈贞元中过泗州,船上人犹指以相语”。“指以相语”的是:( )。A于嵩读汉书事 B南霁云抽矢射佛塔事C张巡慷慨就戮事 D南霁云拔刀断指事45柳宗元种树郭橐驼传所表达的根本思想是:( )。A“顺民之天”以治
21、国 B反对辍飧饔以劳吏C种树要“顺木之天” D十年树木,百年树人46前赤壁赋所继承的赋体传统表现手法是:( )。A句句骈偶 B通篇押韵C主客对话 D借景抒情47.八声甘州(对潇潇暮雨洒江天)上片情景交融的方式是:( )。A自然天成 B因情造景C融情入景 D移情于景48.战国策一书的整理编订者是( )。A.郭茂倩 B.刘向 C.司马迁 D.班固49.我国古代最伟大的现实主义诗人是( )。A.屈原 B.白居易 C.杜甫 D.辛弃疾50.诗经秦风蒹葭是一首( )。A.山水诗 B.送别诗 C.悼亡诗 D.爱情诗51.陌上桑写罗敷美貌所运用的主要表现方法是( )。A正面刻画 B侧面烘托 C对比反衬 D类
22、比彰显52.在元曲四大家中,( )是成就最高、最有影响的一家。A.关汉卿 B.白朴 C.马致远 D.郑光祖53.诗经的传统分类是:( ) 。A.南、风、雅 B.风、雅、颂 C.雅、颂、南 D.颂、南、风 54.庄子散文运用的主要手法是( )。A. 重言 B. 卮言 C.寓言 D. 杂言 55.离骚在诗歌形式上所属的体式是( )。A. 四言体 B. 五言体 C. 七言体 D. 杂言体 56.史记的五种体例中,“世家”这种体例是( )。A. 记述历史帝王的兴衰沿革 B. 记述特殊人物或集团的事迹 C. 记述重要人物的家庭兴衰 D. 记述王侯各国的史实和状况57.汉书所属的历史编纂体例是( )。 8A. 编年史 B. 纪传体通史 C. 断代史 D. 国别史 58.李商隐无题诗的特色是:( )。A. 善于描写隐秘难言的爱情心理 B. 政治上的讽谕与抒情相联系 C. 借托史事,寄寓吊古伤今之意 D. 以华美辞藻取胜,抒写艳情 59.先秦诸子中,提出“民贵君轻”思想的是( )。A.孔子 B.孟子 C.老子 D.庄子60.爱尔克的灯光中,引发作者对人生道路进行思索的是:( )。A.故居照壁上“长宜子孙”四个字B.爱尔克的灯光C.姐姐的死讯D.田野里的一线光、一个亮