1、江苏技术师范学院毕业设计说明书(论文)踏步滑板车设计摘 要:为了解除踏板车在速度和使用人群上所受到的限制,基于人机工程学的原理和方法,利用人体自身重力作为动力源,采用双脚踩踏的运动方式,设计出结构简单的健身型踏步滑板车。该车的传动装置主要由主轴系和联动轴系组成,通过链传动保证一定的工作行程和传动比,具有足够的强度和稳定性;采用离合器装置使主轴的运动灵活、可靠,避免因传动装置结构而导致的倒车不畅的问题;通过平面连杆机构,实现原地踩踏健身的功能。该车将滑板车和踏步机的性能有利结合,保留了滑板车轻便灵活、休闲娱乐的特点,又拥有踏步机健身的功能。是集健身、休闲、娱乐于一体的新型设计。该车结构简单合理,
2、传动平稳可靠,使用方便,运作灵活。关键词:人机工程学;踏步;滑板车;离合装置;传动装置;平面连杆机构江苏技术师范学院毕业设计说明书(论文)Design of Fitness Step Sliding Plate Vehicle Abstract: To avoid the limitation of sliding plate vehicle in the speed and user crowd, a fitness step sliding plate vehicle with simple structure is designed based on the principle and
3、method of ergonomics. In the designed vehicle, the gravity of human body is taken as the driving force and the treading mode is adopted. The transmission device of the vehicle consists of the main spindle and motion axes units. The application of the chain transmission can ensure the operating strok
4、e and speed as well as sufficient strength and stability. The application of the clutch device can ensure the flexible and reliable operation of the main spindle, and can avoid the unsmooth reverse that made by the structure of the transmission device. The application of the planar linkage can ensur
5、e the fitness function under the static status. The designed vehicle overcomes the disadvantages of the scooter and stepper. It retention the characteristics of the scooter that portable, flexible, leisure and entertainment, and it also can be used in fitness. Its a new design that includes fitness leisure and entertainment. The structure of the vehicle is simple and reasonable; the transmission is stationary and reliable. Its operation is convenient and flexible.Keywords: Ergonomics, Step, Sliding plate vehicle, Clutch device, Transmission device, Planar linkage