1、Instruction for Fulbright Visiting Research Program for China中国富布赖特访问学者项目网上申请指南美国驻华使馆新闻文化处教育交流中心富布赖特项目起草drafted by the Fulbright Program StaffAmerican Center for Educational ExchangePublic Affairs SectionU.S. Embassy,BeijingCurrent as of April 7, 2011This instruction is to provide guidance for Chine
2、se applicants to correctly use the online application system, to help Chinese applicants understand better the U.S. - China Fulbright program policies and rules. The questions listed below are whose common ones not answered correctly or completely by previous applicants. : Preliminary QuestionsDo yo
3、u have or are you applying for U.S Permanent Residency?如果您选择表明您已经或正在申请美国永久居住权,那么您将不具备申请该项目资格Home Country/Country Applying from:请选择 ChinaProgram: 请选择: Fulbright Visiting Scholar ProgramCategory of Grant :请选择: Research B: Visiting Scholar Application FormPersonal Information: Question1-13请注意第项:Family
4、Name, First, Middle: 请严格按照护照上的姓名拼音填写,并请注意姓名的正确填写顺序:First Name 为名字,Family Name 为姓。注意:中国申请人没有 Middle Name,请勿将名字拆开填写在 Middle栏目中。Academic Credentials:Question 14List up to three completed degrees; enter your highest degree first请注意您需要列出最多三个学历,最高学历填写在首位。Academic Credentials:Question 15Most Significant pr
5、ofessional accomplishments, honors and awards and up to three significant publications (list maximum of five, separated by semicolons; 700 character limit, use Roman characters only)请注意在列举您最重要的学术成、所得荣誉、奖项 和个不超过个最有影响力的出版物时,各项间用分号隔开,陈述内容不得超过个字母并只能使用罗马体字(Times New Roman) ,否则系统将不能正常显示所输内容。Project Detail
6、s:Question 17Project Title (limit 160 characters)请注意填写研究课题时不得超过个字母, 否则系统将不能正常显示所输内容。Project Details:Question 18Brief summary of project statement (Maximum 700 characters, use only Roman characters).请注意研究课题摘要不得超过个字母并只能使用罗马体字(Times New Roman) ,否则系统将不能正常显示所输内容。Project Details:Question 19Number of month
7、s required for project请注意富布赖特项目是一个个月的中美政府交流项目。所以此处请填写个月。按照项目的要求,所有学者不得早于每年的九月或晚于同年十二月开始此项目。关于起始日请根据自己的实际需求来填写。但是对于计划带学龄孩子去美国上学的学者,请学者选择九月作为项目起始日,否则孩子将错过上学报到的日期。您可以在项目开始的前天入境美国办理孩子入学相关手续和安排与生活有关的事务。 Project Details:Question 20Major Academic Discipline请学者务必从下拉菜单里找出并选择自己的学科领域。Professional Information:
8、Question 23Professional travel and/or residence abroad during the last five years (list most recent first; time abroad exceeding 3 months) If you have entered the United States on a J-1 or J-2 visa, please list the J category of sponsorship (professor, research, scholar, student, specialist, short-t
9、erm scholar, etc.) and provide copies of your previous DS-2019列出过去五年超过三个月的海外职业旅行或旅居国外的经历 (将最近的排在最前面,依次排列) 。如果您已经持 J-1 或 J-2 访学签证入境过美国,请列出您的 J 签证赞助的种类 (教授, 研究人员,学者,学生,专家,短期学者等) ,并将您的表的复印件上传至此处。 References推荐信请使用该网络系统左侧的菜单选择 References 以便在网上注册您的推荐人信息。注册成功后您的推荐人将自动收到一个登陆富布赖特网上申请系统的密码,您的推荐人就可开始在网上为您填写推荐信
10、(回答六个问题) 。请注意每个申请人必须上传三封推荐信。推荐人可以是来自您所在学校的同一研究领域的同事,但是三位推荐人必须有一位是来自您所在大学之外的同一研究领域的德高望众的学者。如果推荐信是中文请务必翻译成英文并在额外材料上传处(Additional Documentation)上传至本系统。推荐信应回答以下六个问题: 1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?2. Applicants credentials, potential and record of academic or professional
11、accomplishments.3. Significance of proposal to the field.4. Importance of project to home country. 5. Relevance of applicants previous research and training to proposed project.6. Please address the applicants cross-cultural adaptability and flexibility.English Proficiency英语的熟练程度请注意英语的熟练程度也是评判是否能入选该
12、项目的因素之一。在作自我英语评估时,如您选择了 Fair or Poor, 应考虑等英语水平提高到至少 Good 以上再申请。Preferred Host Institution(s): Question 27If you made arrangements for affiliation with a U.S. host institution, provide the following information and attach your letter of invitation in the document upload section later in the applicati
13、on. If you have not made arrangements for affiliation, identify three preferences in order of priority. Be sure to give detailed reasons for each choice, and confirm that these universities offer programs in your field of interest.建议申请人要慎重填写此项。我们想提醒大家的是富布赖特项目是一个以增加各国间相互了解与扩大中美双方共识为目的的文化交流项目,我们希望各位学者
14、在选择学校时尽量以自己的研究课题为出发点,考虑那些与您的研究背景和兴趣相同的美国学者作为您的接待教授,要尽量避免只考虑那些名气大的长青藤学校。如果在选择学校时只是考虑学校的声誉,而没有充分的理由说服评委,则很有可能对您的申请带来不利的影响。中国的学者既可以自己选择美国的接待学校也可以委托在美国华盛顿的学者国际交流委员会 (Council for International Exchange of Scholars)简称 CIES 来帮助安置美国的接待学校。无论是何种选择方式都不会影响您的申请结果。如果是选择自己来安置学校,您可以在申请阶段就开始联系美国学校,以便早些获得一封美国大学接收函。但是
15、如果您到了提交申请材料的最后期限时还没获得邀请函,也不必紧张。在面试时拿到了邀请信与否,并不影响面试结果。如果是选择 CIES 来帮助安置学校,请务必在申请表中填写三所属意的美国大学,并按优先顺序填写在项内。请务必填写完整大学、院系和相关教授的信息。否则将延误您的学校的安置。同时请不要填写何时期待收到美国学校的邀请函。 Accompanying Dependents/Family Members:Question 31Accompanying Dependents/Family Members该项目允许家属与学者同行或去美国探亲。如果您现在无法确定家属去美国多长时间,请先填写一个大概的时间段,
16、但家属的其它信息必须准确无误。请只填写配偶和岁以下未婚孩子的信息。按照项目管理规定父母不能作为富布赖特家属身份前往美国。如果家属与学者在美国的时间超过个月,学者可以享受每月美元的家属补贴用于支付部分家属购买保险费用。家属的生活费用需自理。Alternate Funding: Question 32Please list all non-Fulbright funding you expect to receive during your grant:如果申请人填写有学术假薪金或其它资金来源,请务必上传资金来源证明。有无额外资金来源并不影响申请结果。Project Statement请认真阅读网
17、上的项目陈述指南。陈述报告必须符合要求的格式,其中要求包括的几方面必须涵盖:Background: Introduce the research topic.Objectives: Clearly define the aims of the project.Methodology: Explain the approach, methods and plan you will use.Significance: Explain the importance of the project for the field, your home country and your own profess
18、ional development.Evaluation and Dissemination: Justification for Residence in the United States for the Proposed Project: Indicate why it is necessary for the accomplishment of the project to conduct research in the U.S.Duration: Explain how the project can be completed within the time period propo
19、sed.English Proficiency: Other: If applicable.Bibliography请上传一份-页的与您的富布赖特研究课题有关的参考书目。如果有中文参考书籍,请务必将书名翻译成英文。Curriculum vitae请上传一份不超过页的简历。您的简历应该包括如下几方面 education (universities attended, degrees earned and dates received) positions held courses taught and other services provided to students and the hom
20、e institution publications (provide full citations and list them starting with the most recent) other professional activities, such as workshops, seminars and consultations membership and activities in professional associations professional honors, awards and fellowships community serviceNote: Copie
21、s of diplomas are not required.Letters of Invitation邀请信必须使用邀请学校的信头纸。美国接待教授必须签字。如果邀请信迟于申请材料提交日到达,请将邀请 信发邮件至 yangchstate.gov 并致电 010-65973242 x 5210 确认是否收到。建议申请人用 , etc 账户与美国使馆富布赖特办公室联系,而不要用 , , 等邮件地址。后者很容易受到拦截,因而无法保证通讯畅通。 English Language Proficiency申请访问学者项目的申请人无须提交托福成绩。 Financial Support/Budget在申请
22、阶段不是必须提交的材料。入选后如果需要资金证明会另行通知Passport 在申请填表阶段不必上传护照的复印件。入选后会另行通知上传护照复印件的时间。 最后,如果我网上提交申请材料后,却发现有错需要改正,或需要补充信息,该怎么办?请发邮件给 yangcjstate.gov,告知您的姓名的拼音。您可以要求将您的申请材料退回申请状态(in progress on Embark system) ,自己修改或补充;也可以将相关修改或补充内容发到上述邮箱,请求帮助修改和补充。祝您申请富布赖特访问学者项目成功!EDX12-13online application2011 Instruction for online application for VRS for China