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1、 凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 1 页 共 6 页2017 中财金融硕士考研英语阅读理解测试习题Text1In order to “changelives for the better” and reduce “dependency” George Osborne, Chancellor of theExchequer, introduced the “upfront work search” scheme. Only if the joblessarrive at the jobcentre with a CV, register for online job search, and

2、 startlooking for work will they be eligible for benefit and then they should reportweekly rather than fortnightly. What could be more reasonable?Moreapparent reasonableness followed. There will now be a seven-day wait for thejobseekers allowance. “Those first few days should be spent looking for wo

3、rk,not looking to sign on.” he claimed. “Were doing these things becausewe know they help people stay off benefits and help those on benefits get intowork faster.” Help? Really? On first hearing, this was the socially concernedchancellor, trying to change lives for the better, complete with “reforms

4、” toan obviously indulgent system that demands too little effort from the newlyunemployed to find work, and subsidises laziness. What motivated him, we wereto understand, was his zeal for “fundamental fairness” protecting thetaxpayer, controlling spending and ensuring that only the most deserving cl

5、aimantsreceived their benefits.Losinga job is hurting: you dont skip down to the jobcentre with a song in yourheart, delighted at the prospect of doubling your income from the generousstate. It is financially terrifying, psychologically embarrassing and you knowthat support is minimal and extraordin

6、arily hard to get. You are now notwanted; you support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get. You are now notwanted; you are now excluded from the work environment that offers purpose andstructure in your life. Worse, the crucial income to feed yourself and yourfamily and pay the bills has disap

7、peared. Ask anyone newly unemployed what theywant and the answer is always: a job.But in Osborneland, your first instinct is to fall into dependency permanent dependency if you can get it supported by a state only too ready toindulge your falsehood. It is as though 20 years of ever-tougher reforms o

8、f thejob search and benefit administration system never happened. The principle ofBritish welfare is no longer that you can insure yourself against the risk ofunemployment and receive unconditional payments if the disaster happens. Eventhe very phrase “jobseekers allowance” invented in 1996 is about

9、redefining the unemployed as a “jobseeker” who had no mandatory right to abenefit he or she has earned through making national insurance contributions.Instead, the claimant receives a time-limited “allowance,” conditional onactively seeking a job; no entitlement and no insurance, at 71.70 a week, on

10、eof the 凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 2 页 共 6 页least generous in the EU.1. George Osbornes scheme was intended toAprovide the unemployed with easieraccess to benefits.Bencourage jobseekers active engagementin job seeking.Cmotivate the unemployed to reportvoluntarily.Dguarantee jobseekers legitimate rightto ben

11、efits.2. The phrase, “to sign on” (Line 3, Para.2) most probably meansAto check on the availability of jobs atthe jobcentre.Bto accept the governments restrictionson the allowance.Cto register for an allowance from thegovernment.Dto attend a governmental job-trainingprogram.3. What prompted the chan

12、cellor to develophis scheme?AA desire to secure a better life forall.BAn eagerness to protect the unemployed.CAn urge to be generous to the claimants.凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 3 页 共 6 页DA passion to ensure fairness fortaxpayers.4. According to Paragraph 3, beingunemployed makes one feelAuneasyBenraged.Cins

13、ulted.Dguilty.5. To which of the following would theauthor most probably agree?AThe British welfare system indulgesjobseekers laziness.BOsbornes reforms will reduce the riskof unemployment.CThe jobseekers allowance has met theiractual needs.DUnemployment benefits should not be madeconditional.中财金融硕士

14、考研联考逻辑辅导四字诀:信、练、时、技第一是“信”,要树立自信,正视专业背景很多考生向我咨询时提出,“老师,逻辑是什么啊?我大学是文科,从来没有接触过啊?” 、“老师,我大学是理科,也有课程讲过逻辑,但是和考试内容没有任何关系啊?” 事实上,大部分考生在大学里都没接触过逻辑或是没有接受过系统的逻辑训练,所以要正视专业背景,树立自信。即使是在考试的过程中,也要注意这一点,要有“心理优越感”:遇到不会的问题,要想象到大家复习的基础都是从零开始的,我不会的,别人也不会。这种自信也要延凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 4 页 共 6 页续到未来的工作过程中。考试成绩在很大程度上,是受到心态和情绪的

15、影响的。建议大家可以向成功入学的师兄师姐学习,对自己施加积极影响,进行自我肯定,调整自己“我行、我能”的心态。按照计划,扎实推进复习。“考金融,选凯程” !凯程 2014 中财金融硕士保录班录取 8 人,专业课考点全部命中,凯程在金融硕士方面具有独到优势,全日制封闭式高三集训,并且在金融硕士方面有独家讲义独家课程独家师资独家复试资源,确保学生录取.其中 8 人中有 4 人是二本学生,1 人是三本学生,3 人是一本学生,金融硕士只要进行远程+集训,一定可以取得成功.第二是“练”,即强化训练,重视基础学习目前市面上有各种逻辑备考资料,题目众多,良莠不齐,建议大家在复习的时候,以真题为宗,真题是最权

16、威,最标准,最安全的,这样的话,不会因乱做题而误导思路。在练习的过程中,可以先熟悉真题,找感觉;再通过解析,找思路; 最后通过强化,提高分数。一般来说,到 9 月份暑期结束时,要完成逻辑的第一轮复习。复习教材的选择要选择知识点有详细介绍的,试题有精确解析的。这样才能在第一轮的复习中做到掌握每一个知识点。从往年考生复习的情况来看,事实上证明了一点,即如果采取适当的复习方法,逐步摸索出逻辑答题的思路和规律,通过培训和复习战术调整,短时间内提高逻辑成绩,是非常现实的。同时也证明了强化练习的重要性。第三是“技”,即注重技巧,结合常识信息其实无论是管理类联考或经济类联考,逻辑试题都是一个难啃的骨头。在历

17、年各种联考中,逻辑成绩的全国平均分数往往不高。在暑期的第一轮复习中,我经常会遇到一些同学有畏难情绪,其实大可不必:逻辑,说到底是建立在人类理性分析的基础上,是将纷繁复杂的世界,归纳成为一种基本认知规律,进而演绎到我们生活的方方面面。所以,逻辑试题的命题和解答,也是有技巧可循的,只要考试方向把握正确,注重寻找答题技巧,在短期时间内,提高成绩还是十分现实的。第四是“时”,即掌控时间,适应考试节奏逻辑试题的阅读量很大,不仅题干很长,选择项有 5 个基本选项,选择项的文字也很长。同时,命题人为了设计阅读障碍,会故意寻找一些诸如科技、金融等专业性较强的题目,使考生一看到试题,就觉得晦涩、难懂、费解。我曾

18、经做过统计,很多考生往往每道试题要用平均 2 分钟的时间来完成,这样就十分吃亏。在平时训练中,考生一定要切记加强时间控制。很多考试往往花了一个多小时进行逻辑试题的解答,最后却只有 10 几、20 几分的成绩,得不偿失了。所以,考生在暑期及平时的训练中,要学会掌控时间,学会控制阅读速度,有些试题要略读,有些试题则要精读,遭遇实在不能跨越的绊脚石,学会放弃,放弃也是一种人生的美德。如果最后的时间还允许,再回头好好做题。凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 5 页 共 6 页中财金融硕士考研联考综合逻辑一拖三题型分析孔智、孟睿、荀慧、庄聪、墨灵、韩敏等 6 人组成一个代表队参加某次棋类大赛,其中两人

19、参加围棋比赛,两人参加中国象棋比赛,还有两人参加国际象棋比赛。有关他们具体参加比赛项目的情况还需满足以下条件:(1)每位选手只能参加一个比赛项目;(2)孔智参加围棋比赛,当且仅当,庄聪和孟睿都参加中国象棋比赛;(3)如果韩敏不参加国际象棋比赛,那么墨灵参加中国象棋比赛;(4)如果荀慧参加中国象棋比赛,那么庄聪不参加中国象棋比赛;(5)荀慧和墨灵至少有一人不参加中国象棋比赛。“考金融,选凯程” !凯程 2014 中财金融硕士保录班录取 8 人,专业课考点全部命中,凯程在金融硕士方面具有独到优势,全日制封闭式高三集训,并且在金融硕士方面有独家讲义独家课程独家师资独家复试资源,确保学生录取.其中 8

20、 人中有 4 人是二本学生,1 人是三本学生,3 人是一本学生,金融硕士只要进行远程+集训,一定可以取得成功.53.如果荀慧参加中国象棋比赛,那么可以得出以下哪项?(A)庄聪和墨灵都参加围棋比赛。(B)孟睿参加围棋比赛。(C)孟睿参加国际象棋比赛。(D)墨灵参加国际象棋比赛。(E)韩敏参加国际象棋比赛。该题的参考答案是 E。该题说荀慧参加中国象棋比赛,依据题干条件(5)可知,墨灵不参加中国象棋比赛;再依据题干条件 (3)可知,否后就否前,即韩敏参加国际象棋比赛,这即是E。54.如果庄聪和孔智参加相同的比赛项目,且孟睿参加中国象棋比赛,那么可以得出以下哪项?(A)墨灵参加国际象棋比赛。(B)庄聪

21、参加中国象棋比赛。(C)孔智参加围棋比赛。凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 6 页 共 6 页(D)荀慧参加围棋比赛。(E)韩敏参加中国象棋比赛。该题的参考答案是 D。该题说,庄和孔参加相同的项目且孟参加中国象棋比赛,依据题干条件(2)庄和孔既不能参加中国象棋也不能参加围棋比赛,所以可知,两人参加的是国际象棋比赛,韩敏不可能参加国际象棋比赛,依据条件(3)可知,墨灵参加中国象棋,因为孟和墨参加中国象棋比赛,庄和孔参加国际象棋比赛,所以从题干可知:韩敏和荀慧参加围棋比赛,即是正确答案 D。55.根据题干信息,以下哪项可能为真?(A)庄聪和韩敏参加中国象棋比赛。(B)韩敏和荀慧参加中国象棋比赛

22、。(C)孔智和孟睿参加围棋比赛。(D)墨灵和孟睿参加围棋比赛。(E)韩敏和孔智参加围棋比赛。该题的参考答案是 D。该题可用排除法, A 说韩和庄参加中国象棋比赛,依据条件 (3),韩敏参加中国象棋就是没有参加国际象棋比赛,那么墨灵也得参加中国象棋比赛,这就有三个人要参加中国象棋比赛了,不符合题干所说的两个人参加的信息,所以 A 不可能为真。B 说韩和荀参加中国象棋比赛,同样依据题干条件(3)可知韩、荀、墨三人都得参加中国象棋比赛,所以 B 也不可能真。 C 说孔和孟参加围棋比赛,但依据题干条件 (2)可知,孔参加围棋比赛则孟不能参加围棋比赛,所以 C 不可能为真。E 说韩和孔参加围棋比赛,但依据条件(2)庄和孟都参加中国象棋比赛,又依据条件(3)墨灵也参加中国象棋比赛,这样就有三个人得参加中国象棋比赛,不合题干两人参加的信息,所以不可能为真,A、B、C 和 E 都不可能为真,正确答案只能是 D。


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