1、海 损 担 保 函 (中英文)Average GuaranteeDate:致:To:事由:“AGA”轮, 2005 年 4 月 3 日在大连港搁浅Re: “ARGA”, Grounded off Dalian April 3, 2005鉴于你们将如期向收货人交付下列货物而不要求提交海损保证金,我们,中国人民财产保险股份有限公司 XX 市直属支公司,在此保证向你们支付由适格理算人严格根据运输合同合理,恰当地理算的,应由中国联合石油有限责任公司承担的下属货物应分摊的共同海损和/或救助报酬和/或特别费用。In consideration of your delivery in due course
2、of the goods specified below to the consignees thereof without collection of a deposit, we, PICC Property and Casualty Company LTD. Beijing Capital Sub-ranch, hereby undertake to pay to you any contribution to General Average and/ or salvage and/or Special Charges which may hereafter be ascertained
3、by proper Average Adjuster(s) strictly according to the terms of the contract of affreightment to be reasonably and properly due from the consignees in respect of the said goods.本担保函的提供并不表明对责任的认可,也不影响收货人对本事故应当享有的抗辩和追偿权利。The provision of this Guarantee shall not be deemed to be an admission of liabil
4、ity and shall be without prejudice to Consignees defenses or any rights of recourse in respect of the above incident.本担保函受中华人民共和国法律调整,所产生的争议由中国法院管辖。This Guarantee is subject to Chinese Law and to the exclusive jurisdiction of Dalian Maritime Court.提单启运港卸货港货物2005 年3 月 12 日签发也门RAS ISA中国大连 949,89.00 桶 MARIB 轻质原油B/LPortof LoadingPortof DischargeGoodsDatedMarch 12, 2005Ras Isa,YemenDalian, China949,89.00 barrels net of Marib Light Crude Oil中国人民财产保险股份有限公司 市直属支公司PICC Property and Casualty Company Ltd. XX Capital Sub-branch