1、Twilight,Plot Theme Beautiful sentence Question,Bella Swan Unsociable and eccentric disposition girl/love sunshine Her mind is full of strange ideas,Edward Cullen Distant, stylish Disarmingly handsome senior,Edward came from a special vampire family.Bellas smell liked poison to him.Bella thought Edw
2、ard was an eccentric and beautiful boy.They knew more about each other.,Plot,Edward saved her life many times .Bella found Edward was a Vampire,but she knew he wouldnt hurt her.Another group of vampire wanted to drink Bellas blood.Bella was in danger and Edward saved her life again.,Theme,If there i
3、s love ,nothing is impossible,When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, its not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.,Beautiful sentance,About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was part of him, and I didnt know how p
4、otent that part might be that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.,You have already know how I feel, of course, Im herewhich, roughly translated, means I would rather die than stay away from you. (Bella) And so lion fell in love with the lamb(Edwa
5、rd) What a stupid lamb .(Bella) What a sick, masochistic lion. (Edward),I reached the edge of the pool of light and stepped through the last fringe of ferns into the loveliest place I had ever seen . The meadow was small ,perfectly round ,and filled with wildflowerviolet, yellow, and soft white. The
6、 sun was directly overhead, filling the circle with a haze of butlery sunshine.,但随后,在又走了一百码以后,我确实看见了树林前头的一片光亮, 一片明黄的光辉而非绿色。我加快了脚步,每踏出一步,我的渴望就增长一分。 现在他让我走在前面,无声地跟着我。 我走到了那一片光亮的边缘,踏过最后一片蕨类植物, 走进了我所见过的最可爱的地方。这片草地很小,几乎是圆形的, 开满了野花紫的,黄的,还有柔和的白色。 我能听见不远处,一条奔流不息的溪水欢快的歌声。 太阳正在头顶上直直地照射下来, 用一种薄雾般的奶油色的阳光填满了这一圈空地。,If you have any question ,please Q me!,Thank You!,Team leader:何梦莹 PPT:李琳 Plot: 李媛 Theme:李艳艳 Beautiful sentence:戈婷婷,