1、八大浪费介绍 与浪费开战,Prepared by Fisher Chan Oct.31,2007 Flextronics Manufacturing System (FMS),Over Processing 不必要的过程,Transportation 运输,Motion/Movement 运作,Defects 缺陷,Over Production 过量生产,Inventory 库存,Waiting 等待,7 Types of Waste 七大浪费,运输 : 人员,物料和消息的低效流动 工厂布局差 流程效率低 库存多 产品在运输过程中遭受潜在损害 资源成本增加举例:任何连续作业中断的地方材料储存
2、不符用点的地方丰富的材料处理装置:运输带扣,铲车,码垛车等背离直接的材料流程解决方法:减少不必要的生产步骤-通过适当的直接设计去除复杂流程使用看板拉动系统去除/减少WIP库存区采用蜂窝状生产模式,Transportation 运输,Transportation Inefficient movement of people, materials and information in the organization Poor layout Inefficient “flow” Carrying large inventories Exposes product to potential dama
3、ge/loss during transportation Increases cost to hire resources to ferry,Examples:Anywhere sequential operations are uncoupledWhere material storage is not adjacent to point-of-usageAbundance of material handling equipments: conveyors, forklifts, pallet trucks, etc.Deviation from straight-through mat
4、erial flow processSolutions:“Shrink the footprint” - eliminate spaghetti flows via proper line designUse Kanban pull systemsEliminate or reduce WIP Inventory storage locationsIntroduce Cellular Manufacturing,Inventory 库存,库存 : 所有超出流程的供应 常常是”过量生产”的结果 以防万一逻辑 工作量不平衡 行程安排不平衡 供应商不可靠 习惯举例:成品库存半成品库存物料盘存备料库存
5、解决方法:根据客户订单生产 看板拉动系统去除库存区终止不必要的库存计划,Inventory Any supply in excess of one-piece flow Often the result of “Overproduction” Just in case logic Unbalanced workload Unleveled scheduling Unreliable suppliers Habit,Examples:Finished Good InventoryWork In Process InventorySupplies InventoryStaged or “kitte
6、d” InventorySolutions:Make to Customer Order Kanban Pull SystemEliminate Inventory Storage AreasStop Planning for Unnecessary Inventory,Motion 动作,动作 : 生产过程中不必要的荣誉,工作或机器的移动 工厂布局差 工作场所缺乏组织性 缺乏标准化,工作方法不一致 增加作业员疲劳导致其他浪费,如:缺陷 工效问题对健康的影响,如:重复性动作伤害,等举例:浪费时间寻找物品,等额外动作材料与工作站设计不合理解决方法:5S Workplace Organizatio
7、n Point-of-Usage Storage 工作站设计,Examples:Time spent away from workplace looking for items, etc.Extraordinary movementsMaterials and workstations not designed to appropriate level of reachSolutions:5S Workplace OrganizationPoint-of-Usage Storage (POUS)Workstation Design,Motion Unnecessary movement of
8、people, parts or machines within the process Poor layout Inefficient Workplace Organization Lack of Standardization, inconsistent work methods Increase operator fatigue leading to other wastes e.g. defects Ergonomic issues causing health e.g. repetitive motion injuries, etc.,Waiting Waiting for man,
9、 machine, materials, information, etc. Unbalanced workload Unleveled scheduling Unplanned downtime Increases cycle time Uncouples manufacturing flow Product absorbs more costs while waiting but receive no value,Waiting 等待,等待 : 等待人员,设备,物料,信息等 工作量不平衡 安排不合理 停机时间无计划 增加循环时间 生产流程不连贯 等待时生产成本增加,但价值并无增加举例:寻找
10、工具维护设备等待系统完成信息处理(生产报告)第一件等待整批完成因为缺料造成的人员空闲生产前等待指示无材料流程率解决方法:5S,安装拉动系统,最大化减少批量减少不必要的生产步骤加速生产型号转换,Examples:Looking for tools to repair machinesWait for Information Systems to complete transactions (reporting production)First piece waiting for entire production batch to finishPeople idle at workstation
11、s because of no materials to work onProcess waiting for instructions before proceedingNo material flow velocitySolutions:5S Workplace Organization, Install Pull System, Reduce batch size to 1Shrink the Footprint Employ Quick Changeover,过量生产 : 在下一工序及客户要求之前进行生产 以防万一逻辑 工作量不平衡 安排不合理 为保持原有路线浪费信息系统及人力资源举例
12、:生产计划-设定设备以达到最大量生产长期生产运行-避免频繁转换以提高设备效率批量生产/提高设备利用率-批量生产建立WIP目录-看先前的工作站解决方法:按客户要求生产 速度=TAKT,做一个拿一个 减少安装时间 不同型号序列生产安装一个拉动系统,Overproduction 过量生产,*在TPS中,过量生产是最大的浪费 ,Overproduction* Making more-earlier-faster than the next process or customer needs it. Just in case logic Unbalanced workload Unleveled sch
13、eduling Waste information systems and people resources to keep track,*Overproduction is considered the worst waste in TPS ,Examples: Prod Planning scheduling machines to run maximum capacityLong Prod runs avoiding frequent changeovers to maximize machine efficienciesBatch production/Maximizing Machi
14、ne Utilization Producing in batchesWIP Inventory building up look at preceding workstationSolutions:Make to Customer Order Rate = TAKT, Make 1 Move 1 Reduce Setup Time,Over processing 不必要的过程,不必要的过程 过程超出客户(内部或外部)要求 对产品规格,客户要求不了解 工作方法不一致(非标准化) 沟通无效 批准过多 信息及复印件过多 举例:用手清除产品的灰尘线末100%目使检查重做或修复或调试区域材料等待决定及
15、部署 解决方法: 在源头做好自检错误检查,Over-processing Processing beyond the customers (internal or external) requirements Poor knowledge of specs or customer requirements Inconsistent work methods (non-standardization) Ineffective communication Redundant approvals Excessive information, extra copies,Examples:Manuall
16、y cleaning product because of the dirt introduced in the preceding operations100% visual inspection at end-of-line to catch and prevent “escaping defects”Rework or repair or debug areasMaterials awaiting decision and dispositionSolutions:Properly engineered self-inspection at sourceMistake Proofing
17、(Jidoka, Poka Yoke),Defects 缺陷,缺陷 没有做到第一时间做队 没采取JIDOKA*1或POKA-YOKE *2 缺乏标准化,工作方式-不统一 导致其他浪费:过量生产 额外成本:材料,处理,DL,IDL,外派,杂费,保修,等举例:特殊操作中出现的缺陷检测出并去除有缺陷的次品无法使用的包装必须去除遗漏的缺陷解决方法:在源头做好自检(Jidoka, Poka Yoke)错误检查,*1-也称作”自动操作” *2-也称作”错误检查”,Defects Not doing work Right the First Time Not using Jidoka*1 or Poka-y
18、oke*2 Lack of standardization, inconsistent work methods Lead to other Wastes: Overproduction Extra costs: materials, handling, DL, IDL, expediting, burden, warranty, etc. *1 - also called autonomation *2 - also called error or mistake proofing,Examples:Defects to look out for in specific operations
19、Poor quality parts that have a certain % defective and must be inspected and removedPackaging supplies that cant be used and must be discardedEscaping defects Solutions:Properly engineered self-inspection at sourceMistake Proofing (Jidoka, Poka Yoke),Safety Environment 环境安全,安全 工作环境中缺乏安全意识 缺乏安全意识与知识
20、工作布局差 5S差 操作工疲劳 工作时不注意举例 卡板太高 危险操作叉车 使用工具不当 材料堵塞走道解决方法 适当的看板尺寸 参加叉车培训 -在工作表中提供适当的工具和文件 正确的5S与地面标识,Safety Lack of safety planning and application in the working placeLack of safety awareness & knowledgePoor layout (e.g. ergonomics, narrow isles, )Poor 5S (e.g. stacking too high, cables, .)Fatigue fac
21、tors (e.g. too much burden, .)Distractions (e.g. noise, lights, .)Wrong tool for the job,Consequences: Injuries, lost work days Low morale, careless behavior Defects, sabotage Solutions: Kanban sizing Safety Hazard education, planning Proper tools and cell lay out Safety tips in Operating Procedures
22、 Frequent auditing and assessment of discipline/attitude Management leadership to demonstrate safety consciousness,Secret for NOT Creating Waste 不造成浪费的秘密,操作标准化 工作标准化,POKA YOKE 等承认异常 采用视觉控制,看板等Standard Operations Standard Work, Poka Yoke etc.Recognize Abnormalities Use visual controls, Kanban etc,TIMWOODS Exercise TIMWOODS 练习,TIMWOODS Exercise TIMWOODS 练习,Example 例子,Example 例子,