1、馈赠感谢信篇一:送礼感谢信writing thank you letters and emails 书写感谢信和感谢邮件 its polite to write a thank you letter each time you receive a present. you canalso write emails to thank people, but its still considered more personal to writea short letter by hand.每次收到礼物后写一封感谢信发送出去是很礼貌的。你也可以写邮件来感谢对方,但是亲手写一封简短的感谢信会更礼貌。l
2、ayout and format文章布局和格式thank you letters can be quite short, and fill one or two sides of a5 paper (oneside of a5 paper is half the size of a sheet of a4 or office paper). you can writeyour address in the top left hand corner of the paper, but you dont need to writethe recipients address. you can al
3、so write the date under your address.感谢信可以很短,一面或者两面 a5 纸就行(一面 a5 纸是一般 a4 办公用纸的一半) 。你可以在纸张的左上角方向写下你的地址,但是不需要写收信人的地址。你也可以在你的地址下面写上日期。you normally start the letter dear? followed by the name of the person you arewriting to.通常信件的开头“亲爱的?”放在你要写信的对方的称呼前面。 在第一段(可以很短) ,你应该感谢送礼物的人,再说一些赞美的话:thank you for the b
4、ook tokens. im looking forward to choosing a book with them.“非常感谢这些书券,我正好在找这些东西。 ”thank you for the wall calendar. it will be very useful to me this year! “非常感谢您送的挂历。今年对我很有用!” thank you very much for the beautiful soaps. im looking forward to relaxing ina hot bath!“非常感谢这些好看的肥皂。期待洗澡享受它!”thank you ver
5、y much for the lovely photo frame. it will look very nice on(来自:WwW.CssY 书业 网:馈赠感谢信) my chestof drawers.“非常感谢这个可爱的相框。放抽屉柜上一定很美。 ” thank you very much for the elegant scarf you sent me. its exactly what i needfor special occasions.“非常感谢您送给我的这条优美的围巾。这正好在特殊场合使用上。 ”in the second paragraph, you can give
6、general news about how you spent the holidayperiod (or how you spent your birthday if you have received a birthday present). youcould also show interest in the other persons holiday. 在第二段,你可以写写自己是如何度过假期的,(或者如果你收到生日礼物了,你是怎么过生日的) 。你也可以表现出对他人如何度假感兴趣。we had a very quiet and relaxing christmas at home. t
7、he kids ate too manychocolates as usual, so now were all on a diet! i hope your christmas was as good,and that you were able to relax for a few days.“我们在家庆祝圣诞节,安静又美好。孩子们像平时一样吃了很多巧克力,所以现在我们都在节食!希望你们的圣诞节也一样愉快,你能好好的放松几天。 ” in the third paragraph you can talk about more general family or personal news.在
8、第三段,你可以谈论一些家庭或个人消息。 in the final paragraph, you should thank the person again for their gift, andgive your wishes for the new year if applicable. (see below for useful phrases forending the letter.)在最后一段,你应该再次感谢送礼物的人,送出你对新年的祝福。 (看下面可以用在信件结尾的一些有用的词组)useful phrases有用的词组you should start your letter wit
9、h dear and follow it by the persons first name:信件开头你应该用“亲爱的” ,然后在后面加上收信人的名:dear tom or dear uncle bill“亲爱的汤姆”或“亲爱的比尔叔叔”you can end your letter with any of these phrases: 在信件的结尾可以用下面的这些词组:with love (from), with much love (from), lots of love (from) or love (from)followed by your name on the next line
10、. the from in these phrases is optional. 在名字的下面一行写上“来自于爱你的?” ,断句里的“来自”都是可选的。 you normally endthe letter with repeated thanks and wishes for the new year: 通常在信件的结尾,要再次感谢和祝福新年快乐。 thank you again for my present.“再次感谢您的礼物。 ”thank you again for such a thoughtful gift.“再次感谢您悉心准备的礼物。 ” wishing you a happy
11、new year. “祝您新年快乐。 ”with all my best wishes for a happy new year. “衷心祝愿新年快乐。 ”wishing you all the best in 2015. “祝您 2015 年一切都顺。 ”an example thank you letter 感谢信样板7, london rd伦敦 7 路manchester曼彻斯特31 december, 20142014 年 12 月 31 号dear uncle bill亲爱的比尔叔叔thank you very much for the french cookery book you
12、 gave me. the recipes lookwonderful, and ill certainly enjoy using it.非常感谢您送给我的法式烹饪书。这本烹饪书太棒了,我非常喜欢用它。i hope you and auntie susan had a good christmas. we stayed at home, but had acouple of day trips out nearby. our local theatre put on a production of a christmascarol, which was fun. 祝您和阿姨苏珊圣诞快乐。我们
13、在家里,但是在周边旅游了几天。我们当地剧院上映了“圣诞卡罗尔”这部片子,很好玩。我下周要返回学校了,今年我很努力的学习为期末考试做准备。目前我非常喜欢我的课程,但是不确定一旦拿到学位后该做什么。学校安排了职业面试,但是我真的没有一个清楚的想法,关于我想做什么。希望在课程期间,我的想法能越来越清晰。 thank you again forthe lovely present, and happy new year! 再次感谢您送的礼物,新年快乐! with much love爱您anna安娜更多英语学习方法:企业英语培训篇二:幼儿园致赠送礼物家长的感谢信幼儿园致赠送礼物家长的感谢信幼儿园致赠送礼
14、物家长的感谢信感谢信 1 xx 家长: 感谢您赠送我们班 50 本图画本和一盒橡皮擦,为我们班幼儿学习绘画提供了实质性的帮助,我们的小朋友非常喜欢。同时也祝 xx 小朋友生日快乐!健康成长! 让我们再次感谢家长们的支持和帮助。中一班 x 年 x 月 x 日 感谢信 2 感谢 xx 的家长在孩子生日的时候,不铺张浪费,真正的以孩子的学习为出发点,为我班提供了各种学习用品,捐赠了 10 盒铅笔、10 把剪刀、一盒橡皮擦、2 包复印纸,相信我们的孩子会好好使用这些学习用品,让学习更上一层楼! 我代表我班的孩子对您们表示衷心的感谢! 中一班 xx年 x 月 x 日篇三:感谢信 感谢信尊敬的毓璜顶医院领
15、导:您们好。我于 2011 年在解放军 180 医院检查确诊为双眼白内障,当时为我检查的教授建议,白内障发展到影响生活和工作时应考虑手术治疗。我虽虚度六十载春秋,但老骥伏枥,现仍在计算机前耕耘,因此眼睛对我的工作至关重要。今年下半年,我感到视力明显下降,于是打算做手术。由于我是高度近视白内障,左眼 1350 度,右眼 1100 度,眼底曾经出血,眼球严重变形。因此,对手术医院和主刀医生的选择比较慎重。通过互联网搜索和咨询医界的朋友,了解到贵院李元彬主任医师对高度近视白内障有深入的研究和丰富的临床经验,于是慕名来到贵院挂了李元彬主任的专家号。初诊是 10 月 6 日上午,待我各项检查完成后,已经
16、到了中午下班时间,诊室的医生陆续离开了,我还没有做散瞳。我问李主任,下午检查还是改日?李主任说,你散吧,我等你。短短一句话,使我感动不已。李主任整整等了我一个人20 多分钟,为我做了认真仔细的检查,建议我手术治疗,并为我办理了住院手续。我暗自庆幸自己找对了医院,找对了人。 在贵院住院治疗的短短几天,我深深地感受到贵院医护人员的高尚医德、精湛的手术技巧、一流的医疗水平和优良的护理作风。由于我高度近视和眼底病变,做 a 超 b 超仪器测出的参数不尽准确,于华军主任利用仪器测量和人工测量相结合的方式,提供了参考数据,李元彬主任又利用她丰富的临床经验和我工作用眼性质,计算出人工晶体的参数,制定了白内障
17、超声乳化+人工晶体植入手术方案。通过手术,我的右眼视力恢复十分理想,10 天后我又来医院做了左眼手术,现在已经出院,双眼视力不仅仅看的非常清楚,而且感到十分明亮。李主任以自己崇高的医术和崇尚的医德医治病人、关怀病人、体贴病人,堪称时代的楷模。住院医生陈玲医生,对病人及家属耐心而细致地讲解病情,足以让我们病人和家属在黑暗中寻得一线光芒。还有护士长、马老师,王虹、董梅、刘志爽等全体护士对病人的责任感、对工作的一丝不苟,同样令我们感谢和钦佩,在我的心中她们都获得了“南丁格尔”奖。还要特别感谢的是手术室一位年长的护士,不知道叫什么名字,手术室的人都叫她护士长,我在等候间等候手术时,怕我冻着,找来一床被
19、付出,诠释了医患关系的真谛。 患者:xxx(住院号:xxxxxx)二一四年十月二十七日篇四:如何接受礼物和答谢送礼人如何接受礼物和答谢送礼人 2010 年 10 月 27 日 接受礼物和答谢送礼人是接受礼物者对馈赠者深情厚谊的肯定, 接受 礼物和答谢送礼人可以从另一方面帮助馈赠者完成送礼的任务。 下面 就让我们看一下如何接受礼物和答谢送礼人? 在一般情况下,对于一件得体的礼物,接受礼物者应当郑重其事地收 下。大多数接受礼物者都会接受礼物,但并不是每个人都能礼貌地接 受别人的礼物。 当他人口头宣布有礼相赠时,不管自己在做什么事,都应立即中止, 起身站立,面向对方,以便有所准备,接受礼物。 在对方
20、取出礼物,预备赠送时,不应伸手去抢,开口相问,或者双眼 盯住不放,以求先睹为快。此时此刻,应保持风度去接受礼物。 在赠送者递上礼物时,要尽可能地用双手前去迎接。不要一只手去接 受礼物,特别是不要单用左手去接受礼物。在接受礼物时,勿忘面带 微笑,双目注视对方。接过来的若是对方提供的礼物单,则应立即从 头至尾细读一遍。正式场合下,受礼者应用左手托好礼物(大的礼物 可先放下),抽出右手来与对方握手答谢送礼人。 您可能对礼物赞不绝口,但这是不够的。在双手接受礼物的同时,您 应向对方立即答谢送礼人。 “谢谢您”三个字表明,您谢的不是礼物 本身,而是对方送给您礼物的这一举动。 接受礼物后您还可以找一些动听
21、的话, 或者令人开心的模棱两可的话 来说。您可以答谢送礼人所花费的心血: “您能想到我太好了。 ”您可以答谢送礼人为买到合适的礼物所付出的努力,如: “您竟然还记得 我收集邮票。 ” 接受礼物时要注意礼貌,但不要过于推辞,没完没了地说:“受之有 愧,受之有愧! ”以致伤害送礼者的感情,即使送的礼物不合您意, 也应有礼貌地答谢送礼人。 接受礼物后,欧美人喜欢当着客人的面,小心地打开礼物欣赏,从外 包装夸赞到内包装,看见了礼物,也会好好地夸赞一番,甚至高兴时 还会拥抱您一下,与送礼者共同分享收到礼物的喜悦。欣赏完礼物, 他们会重新将礼物包装好, 对他们而言, 这才是一个完整的受礼礼仪。 而中国人在
22、接受礼物时,一般不会当着送礼者的面把礼物打开,而是 把礼物放在一边留待以后再看。这是为了避免自己万一不喜欢对方所 送礼物时的尴尬,也是为了表示自己看重的是对方送礼的心意,而不 是所送的礼物。还有一点是,如果给不同地位的人赠送不同的礼物, 当场不打开礼物可以避免相互之间的比较。 但今天已不再这么刻板了。接受礼物后,如果现场条件许可,时间充 裕,人数不多,礼物包装考究,那么,在接过他人相赠的礼物 之后, 应当尽可能地当着对方的面,将礼物包装当场拆封。它表示自己看重 对方,同时也很看重获赠的礼物。在启封时,动作要井然有序,舒缓 文明,不要乱扯、乱撕、乱丢包装用品,此时,撕破包装纸被认为是 粗鲁的举止
23、。但请注意,结婚礼物是不可当场打开的。当面拆开包装后,要以适当的动作和语言,表示您对礼物的欣赏,答 谢送礼人。比如,可将他人所送的鲜花捧起来闻闻花香,随后再将其篇二:感谢信高考英语写作专题 2 感谢信写作指导感谢信可分为感谢馈赠、感谢款待、感谢帮助、感谢送行和感谢探病等。 写作格式1. 第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因;2.3.常用词汇、短语和句式第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因;1. I am writing this letter to thank you for 2.第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助;1. It was nice/kind/thoughtful (adj. 考虑周到的?2.
24、Thank you very much for your kind hospitality (n. 好客, 热情招待) and the honor you showed me during my visit3. (强调句型)4. If it for your (help/guidance/ assistance), I(won the prize)(虚拟语气)第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。1. Thanks again for your generous help.2. I appreciate it more than I can say.3. My true gratitude is
25、 beyond the words description.4. Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget.5. Nothing could ever return the favor you gave me.感谢信(1)假设你是李华,因病已住院三周,期间你的许多同学过来照顾、看望你,并给你补课,请你根据以下提示给同学们写一封感谢信,内容如下:1. 对同学的帮助和照顾表示感谢;2. 自己目前的身体状况;3. 希望早日回到同学们中间。注意:1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使
26、行文连贯。Dear classmates,How is everything going? I am writing to express/convey my thanks to you for your help and care. During my stay in hospital(During the time when I am in hospital), not only did you come to visit me but also helped me with my missing lessons. Its very kind of you to do so. It is
27、three weeks since I came to hospital. With the help of doctors and nurses, I am recovering gradually. Besides, thanks to your help, I have gained much courage and confidence to fight against the illness. At present, Im feeling much better now. Therefore, there is no need to worry about me. How I mis
28、s the school days we spent together. I cant wait to return to school, (Im lookingforward to returning to school, ) studying and living with you. All in all, words fail to express my gratitude/appreciation.感谢信(2)假如你是李华,上周在英国参加了你校组织的“中学生文化交流周”活动,并住在 Kelly 家里。请你给在英国期间认识的新朋友 Kelly 写封感谢信,内容包括: 1. 交流活动中的收
29、获; 2. 难忘在 Kelly 家的美好日子; 3. 感谢她送你的英文词典。 注意:1. 词数 100 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数) 。 提示词汇:文化交流周 Cultural Exchange WeekDear Kelly,Im writing to convey my thanks to you for your care and help. During my stay in England I participated in the Cultural Exchange Week. With your help, not on
30、ly did I have a better understanding of the English society, culture and history, but also I made many new friends. Its very kind of you to do so.While staying at your home, I was treated as a family member, which made me feel at home. What impressed me most was that your mother cooked delicious foo
31、d for me. In addition, I am grateful to you for giving me such a wonderful dictionary. I will treasure and make good use of it.How I miss the days we spent together! Welcome to China when its convenient for you.备用结构:1. All in all, words fail to express my gratitude to you.2. Finally, please allow me
32、 to say “thank you” again.3. spare no effort(s) to do sth4. sth be of great benefit / help to sb = sth be beneficial/helpful to sb5. Its about one week since I left England. 我离开英国一周了。6.broaden ones horizons 开拓视野7. help me with my English8. improve my spoken/oral English written English9.an unforgett
33、able experience 一次难忘的经历Summary of highlights:1) Words fail to express my gratitude/appreciation to you.2) I am grateful to you for your help and care.3) I cant thank you more.4) Many thanks to all of you.5) I appreciate your timely help and kindness very much.6) Its kind of you to lend me a hand.感谢信
34、(3)假如你是李华,在外教 Lily 的帮助下,你的成绩取得了很大进步,现在外教已经回国。请根据以下提示写封感谢信,内容包括:1. 过去学英语遇到的困难;2. 老师所提供的帮助;3. 你所取得的进步(举例说明)。 注意:1. 词数 100左右;Dear Lily,I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for your help with my English. I used to have great difficulty in memorizing new words and grammar rules. I was about
35、to give up when you offered me a hand. It was your patience and effective teaching methods that helped me overcome the difficulties and build up my confidence in learning English again.Last Saturday, I took part in the English speech contest and got the first prize! All the progress I have made in E
36、nglish learning is owed to you and Im determined to work harder and make more progress! I really feel lucky to have you as my English teacher.Thanks again and I wish you all the best!Yours Li Hua1. have difficulty (in) doing sth with sth2. make great /much/ rapid progress in English4. speak English
37、fluently6. be grateful to sb for sth7. write -wrote written writing8. if its convenient tofor you9. Neither could I speak English fluently, nor could I write it correctly.10.under your guidance精彩语句:1. Without your help, I couldnt have made such great progress.2. It was you that helped me build up my
38、 confidence.3. There was a time when I had difficulty in learning English.4. Before I met you, I found it difficult to learn English well, which made me so discouraged.5. To be honest, my English was so poor that I lost faith in myself篇三:感谢信Dear Mr. Mrs. White,We are most grateful to you for the enj
39、oyable and interesting evening wespent with you last night. We appreciated your hospitality very much.The dinner and the party left us an unforgettable expression which also helped to understand your culture.We would welcome the opportunity of reciprocating your kind hospitality when you come to Chi
40、na in the near future.Yours,LihuaStructure:Part 1:Part 2:Part 3:感谢信是用于致谢他人的馈赠、款待、帮助、以及对慰问信和祝贺信的回复。信件不适宜过长,只需写明感谢他人的理由,信文要感情真挚,措辞得体。感谢信一般分为三个部分:1. 表达感谢之情并说明原因。2. 提及自己曾受到对方的帮助。3. 再次感谢或表达回报愿望。开头句:I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for.I am writing to express my thanks for.I am writing to show
41、my sincere appreciation for.I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for.I feel deeply indebted to you and I really dont know how to thank you enough for your help. 结尾句:I must thank you again for your generous help.I am most grateful for your selfless donation.My true gratitu
42、de is beyond the words description.I feel most obliged to thank you once more.Please accept my gratitude, now and always.写作模板:Dear ,How about your life/ study/ work? Im writing to thank you for your ./ Thanks for your . 致谢During , you . First, you .Whats more, you . Another thing that I cant forget
43、is that you ./ There is still one thing that I cant forget. That is .原因Thank you/ Thanks a lot for your kindness again.再次致谢Best wishes./ Give my best regard to . 祝愿Yours sincerely 假设你是李华,交换生 Tracy 刚刚结束在你们学校的学习生活,已经返回英国。作为班长,请你根据以下内容用英语写一分感谢信,感谢她一学期以来带给大家的美好回忆:1. 怀念与她相处的快乐时光;2. 感谢她对大家英语学习的帮助;3. 感谢她为班
44、级捐赠的英文书籍;4. 欢迎她有机会再来中国。_Dear Tracy,How about your life back in Britain? Im writing this letter to express our thanks to you on behalf of the class.We enjoyed the great time when you stayed here. During last term, you helped us a lot in our English so we made great progress with English study. Whats more, all our classmates are very thankful to you for donating English books, which are surely very helpful in our study. We miss you and wish you a happy life in the UK.Thank you for your kindness again and we are looking forward to your visiting China again.